133 (number)

133 (one hundred [and] thirty-three) is the natural number following 132 and preceding 134.

132 133 134
Cardinalone hundred thirty-three
(one hundred thirty-third)
Factorization7 × 19
Divisors1, 7, 19, 133
Greek numeralΡΛΓ´
Roman numeralCXXXIII

In mathematics

133 is an n whose divisors (excluding n itself) added up divide φ(n). It is an octagonal number[1] and a happy number.[2]

133 is a Harshad number, because it is divisible by the sum of its digits.

133 is a repdigit in base 11 (111) and base 18 (77), whilst in base 20 it is a cyclic number formed from the reciprocal of the number three.

133 is a semiprime: a product of two prime numbers, namely 7 and 19. Since those prime factors are Gaussian primes, this means that 133 is a Blum integer.

133 is the number of compositions of 13 into distinct parts.[3]

In the military

In transportation

In other fields

133 is also:

See also


  1. "Sloane's A000567 : Octagonal numbers". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-27.
  2. "Sloane's A007770 : Happy numbers". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2016-05-27.
  3. Sloane, N. J. A. (ed.). "Sequence A032020 (Number of compositions (ordered partitions) of n into distinct parts)". The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. OEIS Foundation. Retrieved 2022-05-24.
  4. Porter, Darwin; Danforth Prince (2009). Frommer's Austria. Hoboken, New Jersey: Frommer's. p. 482. ISBN 978-0-470-39897-5.
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