This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Dan Hickey. Dan Hickey is a Writer and Humorist based in Chicago, Illinois. He has published pieces on a variety of online satire sites and has been a member of the wikiHow team since 2022. A former teaching artist at a community music school, Dan enjoys helping people learn new skills they never thought they could master. He graduated with a BM in Clarinet Performance from DePauw University in 2015 and an MM from DePaul University in 2017.
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Whoever said “A picture’s worth a thousand words” must’ve been talking about sexting emojis—these little images can mean a lot of dirty things! Whether you’re trying to interpret a late night Tinder message or looking to spice up your own texts, we’ve put together a complete list of what emojis mean sex. Read on to have your mind blown 🤯.
Masculine Emojis
Any long, phallic-shaped emoji can be used to represent a penis. Almost all of them are some kind of food, with the 🍆 (eggplant) emoji being the most recognizable euphemism.[1] X Research source Try some of these next time you want to reference someone’s you-know-what:
- 🍆 (eggplant)
- 🌭 (hot dog)
- 🍌 (banana)
- 🥖 (baguette)
- 🥕 (carrot)
- 🌽 (ear of corn)
- 🐍 (snake)
- 🐓 (rooster)
Feminine Emojis
A wide range of emojis can symbolize female genitalia. Some are symbolic (like the 🌷 (tulip) emoji) while some are more literal (like the ✌️ (peace sign) emoji). Whatever your preference, experiment with some of these emojis to make your sexts steamy:
- 🌷 (tulip)
- ✌️ (peace sign)
- 🌮 (taco)
- 🍯 (honey pot)
- 🍣 (sushi)
- 🥠 (fortune cookie)
- 🐈 (cat) or 🐱 (cat face)
Rear End Emojis
Bosom Buddy Emojis
Anything round that comes in pairs can be a stand in for breasts. 🍒 (cherries) is the most popular choice and is pretty universally understood. There aren’t as many options than for other body parts, but experiment with these emojis:
- 🍒 (cherries)
- 🍈🍈 (a pair of melons)
- 🐫 (camel humps)
Emojis that Play Ball
Any pair of round emojis can symbolize the family jewels. 🍒 (cherries) is the most common and takes just a little interpretation. Any sports ball, like soccer balls or basketballs, can get the point across more literally.[2] X Research source Play around with some of these options:
- 🍒 (cherries)
- 🍈🍈 (a pair of melons)
- ⚽️⚽️ (soccer balls) or 🏀🏀 (basketballs)
Emojis for the Grand Finale
When it comes to climaxes, think explosive emojis. There are a variety of kabooms to choose from for a figurative orgasm, plus some that are more literal. Use a bombastic emoji by itself, or put it at the end of a string of dirty emojis. Try:
- 🎇 or 🎆 (fireworks)
- 💥 (explosion)
- 💣 (bomb)
- 🚀 (rocket ship)
- 🍾 (popping champagne bottle)
- 🤯 (“mind blown” face)
- 💦 (water droplets)
- 🥜 (peanut or nut)
Sex Combos
There are a lot of creative emoji combos when it comes to depicting sex. Essentially, any emojis that look like they “fit together” are universally understood. Here are some combos that get straight to the point—feel free to experiment with creating your own!
- 👉👌 (hand gesture meaning sex)[3] X Research source
- 🍌🍩 (sex)
- 🥖🍯 (sex)
- 🍆🌮 (sex)
- 🐍🌷 (figurative symbols for sex)
Oral Presentations
Any emoji related to licking, lips, or the mouth can symbolize oral sex. Use one emoji by itself, like the 👅 (tongue) emoji, to get your point across. Mix it up by stringing a few sexy emojis together to illustrate what you’d like to do if you were in-person:[4] X Research source
- 👅 (tongue, lick, licking)
- 😛 (face with tongue out)
- 🍭 (lollipop)
- 👄 (lips)
- 💋 (lipstick print)
- 😮 (gasping face)
- 👅🍑🤯 (promising “mind blowing” oral)
- 😛🍆💥 (eager to have oral sex)
Emojis that Point in the Right Direction
Emojis for fingering are pretty self-explanatory. Any extended or pointing finger will do! Try pairing it with another emoji, like 👌 (OK) or 🌮 (taco) to be more descriptive. For example:
- 👉 or 👈 (pointing)
- 👆 or ☝️ (pointing up)
- 👇 (pointing down)
- 👉👌 (classic fingering gesture)
- 👆🌮 (fingering female genitalia)
Emojis for Other Sex Acts
Pretty much any bedroom act can be described with an emoji or two. Some take a little interpreting (like a 🐪 (camel) meaning “humping”) while others are fairly straightforward (👋 (open hand) plus 🍑 (peach) can’t mean anything but “spanking”). Here are the most common combinations:
- 👋🍑 (spanking)
- 💃🏻👀 (strip tease)
- 🐪 (humping)
- ✂️ (scissoring)
- 🚿🍆🍑 (shower sex)
- ♋ (reciprocal oral sex)
Sex Slang Emojis
Some emojis mean “let’s have sex” all by themselves. These might not be widely understood right away, but they make sense when you think about them. For a humorous and succinct booty call, try sending one of these:
- 🦴 (“let’s bone”)
- 🔨 (“nail me”)
- 🛌 (“let’s go to bed”)
Emojis That Crank up the Heat
Where’s the fun in emoji sexting without a little spice? Throw in an emoji to show how hot or spicy you want to get. Use these fiery emojis by themselves to say “that’s hot” or pair them with another sexy emoji, like:
- 🌶 (spicy pepper)
- 🔥 (fire or flame)
- ⚡️ (lightning bolt)
- 🥵 (hot panting face)
- 🍑🥵 (turned on by a behind)
- 👀🍆🔥 (staring at their penis)
Sexy Face Emojis
Bedroom eyes aren’t just for the bedroom—you can sext them! Those cheeky smiling faces on your keyboard aren’t as innocent as they look. Here are some of the flirtiest and dirtiest face emojis:
- 🤤 (drooling face)
- 😉 or 😜 (winking faces)
- 😈 (smiling devil)
- 🤯 (exploding head or “mind blown” face)
- 🙈 (see-no-evil monkey)
- 😏 (smirking face)
- 🤫 (shushing face)
- 😛 or 😝 (tongue out or licking faces)
- 🥺 (submissive or pleading face)
Emojis That Say “I’m Horny”
There are a few face emojis that clearly mean “I’m in the mood.” These include the 😏 (smirking face) or semi-innocent 😜 (tongue out and winking face) emojis. A pretty literal one is the 🦏 (rhino) emoji (since, you, know, it has a horn).[5] X Research source
- 😏 (smirking face)
- 😜 (tongue out and winking face)
- 😈 (smiling devil)
- 🦏 (rhino)
- 🦄 (unicorn)
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat kind of emoji shows your in love?EmmaGrace5Community AnswerA good emoji to say you are in love is a heart emoji. There is also a drooling face emoji.
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