This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman. Janice is a professional and creative writer who has worked at wikiHow since 2019. With both a B.A. and M.A. in English from East Stroudsburg University, she has a passion for writing a wide variety of content for anyone and everyone. In her free time, you can find her working on a new crochet pattern, listening to true crime podcasts, or tackling a new creative writing project.
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You don’t need a telescope to notice the constellation of star emojis twinkling on the web. But what exactly do these celestial symbols mean when they pop up in your texts and on your social media feed? Not to worry—we’ve done some in-depth emoji stargazing to give you an inside look at each of these starry symbols. We’ll even show you how to use and reply to them in your own texts and posts! Read on to become a verified emoji astronomer.
What do the star emojis mean?
1The ⭐ (star) emoji represents stars, star power, and appreciation. The traditional ⭐ emoji is pretty broad, and can mean different things depending on the context of the conversation. Some people use ⭐ to represent literal stars, while other people use them to represent talent and star power. In some cases, the ⭐ emoji can be used to emphasize someone’s thanks or gratitude.[1] X Research source
- “You can see so many stars tonight! ⭐⭐”
- “You got a 32 on the ACT?? You’re seriously a genius ⭐”
- “Thanks so much for stopping in and saying hi ⭐”
2The 🌟 (glowing star) emoji symbolizes brightness and illumination. Nearly identical to the ⭐ emoji, the 🌟 emoji’s unique twinkles of light give it a slightly different meaning. While the ⭐ emoji represents basic stars, the 🌟 emoji stands for brightness, shininess, and luminescence.[2] X Research source
- “You’re practically glowing!! 🌟”
- “Check out the sequins on this dress 🌟”
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3The ✨ (sparkles) emoji stands for beauty, positivity, and preciousness. This emoji is very versatile—some people use it to emphasize how beautiful someone or something is, while others drop a ✨ to show how positive or happy they are about something. Some emoji users even use ✨✨ to show how important and precious something or someone is to them.[3] X Research source
- “Wow, your PFP literally took my breath away ✨”
- “It’s gonna be a good day!! ✨”
- “Check out my sweet kitty ✨”
4The 💫 (dizzy) emoji embodies dizziness, intoxication, beauty, and magic. Believe it or not, the 💫 emoji isn’t actually a shooting star—its official emoji definition is the “dizzy symbol.” Some like to use this emoji to show that they’re dizzy, drunk, or high. Others take a more metaphorical approach and use the whimsical emote to emphasize something beautiful or magical.[4] X Research source
- “I think I had too many spiked ice teas LOL 💫”
- “Wow, that looks incredible! 💫”
5The 🌠 (shooting star) emoji represents shooting stars and wishes. A lot of emoji users like using the 🌠 to signify a literal shooting star, while others use it to represent the idea of wishing on a star.[5] X Research source
- “Anyone catch the meteor shower tonight? 🌠”
- “Shooting star!! Make a wish everyone 🌠”
- In rare cases, people might use the 🌠 emoji to represent the catchphrase “the more you know.” This slogan was used on a public broadcasting program back in the 90s, and was accompanied by an animated shooting star.
6The 🤩 (star eye) emoji symbolizes feeling star-struck, surprised, impressed, or excited. Think of the 🤩 emoji as a more excited, energetic alternative of the 😍 emoji. A lot of people use 🤩 when they’re amazed or in awe, though some people use it to show how impressed, surprised, or excited they are about something.
- “I can’t believe he liked my tweet!! 🤩”
- “Got front row seats to the music festival next month 🤩”
- “Great pictures!! Italy is so beautiful 🤩”
How to Use Star Emojis
1Use the ⭐ emoji to compliment or thank someone for doing a stellar job. Sure, the ⭐ can represent an actual star, but you’re more likely to use it in a friendly and affectionate sort of way. Let someone know that they did a fantastic job on something, or remind your friend that you appreciate them in a quick text. The sky’s the limit!
- “Saw you in the school play this weekend! You were such a ⭐”
- “You’re so talented!! ⭐⭐”
- “Thanks so much for covering my shift. You’re a real one! ⭐”
2Emphasize how shiny or brilliant someone is with the 🌟 emoji. Take a more literal approach with this emoji by commenting on how shiny someone looks—clothes, earrings, and accessories are all fair game. You can also use the 🌟 emoji to compliment someone on being such an MVP.[6] X Research source
- “You’re so gorgeous!! You’re literally blinding me 🌟🌟😎”
- “Thanks so much for speaking up at the meeting. You’re honestly my hero 🌟”
- “Check out my new earrings!! 🌟🌟”
3Add a touch of glitz and sparkle to your usual messages with the ✨ emoji. Complimenting your friend on their gorgeous Insta selfie? Drop a few ✨✨ into your text to let them know how beautiful and sparkling they are. Showing off pics of your new puppy? Caption them with ✨ so everyone knows how ✨precious✨ your cute pooch is.[7] X Research source
- “Look at my beautiful best friend!!! 😍🥰✨”
- “✨Feeling pretty good today✨”
- “Look at how ✨cute✨ my GF is 🥺”
4Drop a 💫 emoji to let your friends know that you’re a little buzzed. Is your world spinning a bit? Shoot off a text explaining the situation with a few 💫💫 emojis attached. Your friends should get the idea!
- “I may have had a little too much to drink… 💫💫”
- The 💫 emoji can also be used figuratively. Some people like to add a mystical touch to their texts and posts with the 💫 emoji, while other people use it purely for aesthetics.
- Some people even shoot over the 💫 emoji when they’re feeling anxious or uncomfortable.[8] X Research source
5Send a 🌠 emoji to chat about things you’d like to wish for. Maybe you’re sharing your new year’s wish, or you and your friends are just talking about your hopes and dreams. In either case, the 🌠 emoji is a great way to set a wistful, hopeful mood. You can also use the 🌠 emoji when expressing well wishes for someone else.
- “Anyone else see that shooting star? 🌠 What are y’all wishing for?”
- “If you had 3 wishes, what you do with them? 🌠”
- “Happy anniversary!! Wishing you and Tony the very best 🌠💕”
- You can always use 🌠 in a literal sense, too! Let your friends know about a beautiful meteor shower you saw with a few 🌠🌠🌠 emojis.
6Use the 🤩 emoji to share how totally amazed and in awe you are. Just receive some amazing news? Drop a 🤩 emoji in the chat to let your friends know how absolutely over the moon you are. The 🤩 works well for just about anything that’s shocking, impressive, and pleasantly surprising.
- “I think I passed Alicia Keys in the airport 🤩🤩”
- “So I just got a raise?!?! 🤩🤩”
What do the religious star emojis mean?
1The ✡️ (Star of David) emoji represents the Star of David. The ✡️ symbol is often associated with Judaism, and is also connected to other Abrahamic religions. Someone using the ✡️ emoji is likely showcasing their Jewish faith.[9] X Research source
2The ☪️ (star and crescent) emoji signifies the religion of Islam. The pairing of a large crescent moon and a small star is a core symbol within Islam. Chances are, someone is using the ☪️ emoji to represent their Muslim faith.[10] X Research source
3The 🔯 (dotted six-pointed star) emoji likely stands for rangoli, a Hindu style of art. Officially, the 🔯 emoji is known as the “six-pointed star.” If not for the dot in the middle, it would be easy to mistake with the ✡️ emoji. Some people believe that the 🔯 emoji is an iteration of rangoli, which is a type of art commonly seen around Diwali. Rangoli art involves a circular, symmetrical design that revolves around a point, which isn’t too far off from the 🔯 emoji.[11] X Research source
4The ✴️ (eight-pointed star) emoji represents the Star of Ishtar. Also known as the Star of Venus, this star signifies the Sumerian goddess Inanna. In this context, it stands for femininity.[12] X Research source
What does the ⭐ (star) emoji mean on Snapchat?
Someone replayed that user’s Snapchats in the past day. Your Snapchat friend must have posted something super juicy—apparently, people can’t get enough of it! The ⭐ emoji signifies that at least 1 person used the “replay” feature on that user’s Snaps.[13] X Research source
- If you replayed a Snapchat from your friend, that friend would get a ⭐ next to their name.
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