This article was co-authored by Jennifer McVey, Cht and by wikiHow staff writer, Hunter Rising. Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
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Do you wish you could just think about the person of your dreams and they'd magically appear in your life? Or is there someone you already know that you wish would fall for you? Even though it might sound too good to be true, manifesting a specific person to fall in love with you is possible if you're open-minded and set your mind to it. Keep reading for everything you need to know about what manifestation is and how you can use it to meet someone special!
What is manifestation?
Manifesting is willing what you want into reality with your thoughts and intentions. When you manifest something, you focus your energy and your thoughts on what you want in your life until it happens. If you keep believing that you can do something and taking actions towards getting what you want, then there’s a good chance the law of attraction will make it come into your life![1] X Research source
- You can manifest anything, from a new relationship to a new job.
- We are all manifesting things already—everything that you have, that you see, that is in your life, you have already manifested.
Can you manifest someone to fall in love?
1You can manifest someone into your life, but can’t force them to fall in love. Even though manifesting a person will bring them closer to you, they need to be open to the possibility of falling for you. They might be the person of your dreams, but you won’t be able to manifest a relationship with them unless they want it too.
- Being on the same vibrational alignment helps you connect with the person you’re manifesting. If you put out the energy that you want from someone, they’re bound to find you.
2You should only manifest someone physically and emotionally available. If the person that you’re into is already happy in a relationship or isn’t open to dating, manifesting them won’t work. The universe won’t push anyone in a direction that would hurt them, and sometimes it’s just not meant to be if you have to force it.[2] X Research source
- Remember that everything happens for a reason. If you don’t end up with the person you want to manifest, the universe has something waiting for you later down the road.
Manifesting Love
1Make a list of the qualities you want in a significant other. You can be general or specific about the qualities that you’re looking for in your relationship. Think about what personality traits you want them to have, what qualities and values they hold, and how you want them to look. You can keep these in a mental list or write them down on a piece of paper so you can remember them.[3] X Research source
- Qualities could be as simple as “loving,” “funny,” “artistic,” “goal-oriented,” or anything else you want from a partner.
- You could even create a dream or mood board with words and pictures of what you want from a partner. Pictures could represent how you want them to look or the type of energy you want them to have.
2Visualize the positive emotions you want to feel in a relationship. Take a few seconds to close your eyes and imagine that you’re already with the person you’re manifesting. Think about how it would make you feel spending time with them, holding hands, and bonding emotionally. Try to picture what you want a few times during the day to lock it in with the universe.
- Stick to happy thoughts when you’re visualizing to help you radiate positivity and draw in the people you want to attract.
3Tell yourself what you want and deserve with daily affirmations. By repeating what you want to yourself, you drill it into your mind and send a strong signal to the universe. You can either write your affirmations down or say them out loud to help you meet the person of your dreams. Some affirmations you can try are:[4] X Research source
- “The universe will bring me someone who is perfect for me.”
- “I will meet my crush very soon.”
- “You deserve someone who thinks you’re the best person.”
- “You’re deserving of love.”
- “I am happy and grateful for everything in my life.”
- Write down your manifestation with clear, concise, and positive wording. Don't forget to date each entry!
4Focus on the traits you want the person to have throughout the day. A lot of times, people think of what they don’t want in a relationship and end up attracting someone with those qualities anyway. Instead, think about everything you do want from your relationship and you’re bound to find someone with those qualities.
- You might focus on qualities like being a good communicator or having a great sense of humor.
5Take positive actions towards finding love. Manifesting someone into your life means taking the opportunities that life gives you. Putting yourself in situations where you can meet and talk to the person of your dreams will only make you more successful.
- If you want to meet someone who likes to cook and you learn about a new cooking class, sign up for it.
- If you want to fall in love with a person who likes to spend time outdoors, go out on hikes and find hobby groups in your area.
6Break out of old negative habits. The person you’re manifesting will have an easier time finding you if you become the best person you can be. Try to act like how you want your crush to treat you and how you would behave in a relationship so whoever you’re manifesting is more likely to notice you. If you recognize any bad habits getting in the way, take the steps you need to overcome them.[5] X Research source
- Manifesting a new relationship won’t work if you’re still hung up or checking in on an ex.
7Get rid of any limiting beliefs. It might feel a little scary trying to manifest a specific person because they may not live up to your expectations, but the universe knows what’s best for you. Let go of the idea that someone is too good for you or that they’re not everything you want. Fully embrace the people the universe sends your way and you may realize that one of them is perfect for you.
8Keep yourself open to different possibilities in your love life. Even if you have your sights set on a specific person, you can’t always control how they’re feeling or if they’re your soulmate. The universe may have a different plan than you expect.
- You may date a few other people before you end up with the person who’s right for you.
9Wait patiently for what the universe brings you. Manifesting someone to fall in love with doesn’t guarantee that it will happen right away. The law of attraction works on its own time and you may not meet the person you’re supposed to be with for a little while. Stay focused on what you want and keep visualizing the person of your dreams and trust that they’ll find their way to you.
Expert Q&A
QuestionWhat do you say when manifesting?Jennifer McVey, ChtJennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
Spiritual DirectorSay what you want specifically and in the present tense. The more specific you are, the better—that way, the universe knows exactly what you want.
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