This article was co-authored by Joshua Pompey and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Criglow. Joshua Pompey is a Relationship Expert with over 10 years of helping people navigate the online dating world. Joshua has run his own relationship consulting business since 2009 at a success rate of over 99%. His work has been featured in CNBC, Good Morning America, Wired, and Refinery29 and he has been referred to as the best online dater in the world.
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Falling for a Pisces man is easy. They're sensitive, empathetic people who only reveal who they really are to those closest to them. How could you not want to be one of those lucky few? If you've got your eye on a Pisces man and want him to miss you like crazy, you'll have to embrace your dreamy, sensitive side. Read on for some tips on how to make this Pisces man long for you when you're away.
Make a move if you haven't already.
A Pisces man might be a little shy. He'll need some confirmation that you like him before he can miss you. If you're still getting to know him, try asking him out on a fun date or telling him you enjoy his company. A subtle nudge like this is really all that you need to get him to realize your feelings for him. A Pisces is intuitive and highly sentimental. He's sure to miss you like crazy as soon as he knows that you like him.[1] X Research source
- You might text him, "I had such a good time talking in class today. Would you want to go to the art walk together this weekend?"
- To tell him you like him, try, "You're such a fun person to be around. I really like talking to you 😊 "
- If you don't text him after awhile, he might assume that you're not interested.[2]
Expert Source
Joshua Pompey
Relationship Expert Expert Interview. 27 November 2019.
Adopt an air of mystery when you talk to him.
This will leave him wanting more. A Pisces man is pretty mysterious himself, so he'll be super intrigued if he sees you as his perfect match. To do that, only reveal a little bit about yourself each time you interact. You can also try being the one to end a conversation sometimes, even if it's going great. Both methods will leave him with tons of questions about you, and he'll be stuck thinking about all the things he wants to learn about you when you talk again.[3] X Research source
- If you've traveled the world for work, for example, avoid listing everywhere you've been. Instead, say something like, "I've gotten to travel a lot for my job. It's led to some great experiences." He'll want to know all about it and will likely ask questions.
- Maybe you've been texting all day and have been really hitting it off. Right when things are heating up, text him something like, "Well I've got plans with a friend tonight, so I'm going to have to go. Talk to you soon 😉 " He'll wonder what those plans were and will be stuck thinking of you all night.
Send him flirty text messages.
Let him know that you're thinking of him when you're away. Send him reminders that he's on your mind, text cute selfies to help him remember how cute you are, and don't be afraid to flirt a little. A Pisces is won over pretty easily by sweet gestures like this, and he'll long to see you in person as soon as possible.[4] X Research source
- Text him something like, "Thinking of your smile. How is your day so far?"
- Throw on an outfit that makes you feel incredible and take some selfies. Send one his way with the caption, "Thought you might like my new shirt. How's your day?"
Compliment him often.
A Pisces man sometimes struggles to maintain high self-esteem. With such an intelligent, insular mind, he may fall into doubting himself. Be the person that builds him up and he'll want you by his side 100% of the time. Compliment his strengths, talents, and unique attributes (this is another fun opportunity to be a little flirty, too).[5] X Research source
- You might text him, "Hope you've been having a good day at work. You're the most talented chef I know (and the cutest)."
- If he's ever feeling down, compliment his strengths to boost him back up again. You might say, "I know your classes are tough this semester, but you've gotta know how smart you are. If anyone can ace Philosophy 101, you can!"
Talk about your memories together.
Tug at your Pisces' man's heartstrings by walking down memory lane. Think back to moments like your first kiss, the first time you hung out together, or even that fateful day you locked eyes in class. Then, send him a random text or call him to talk about your favorite memories. A Pisces loves to reminisce and be lost in dreams, so this will be right up his alley. He'll miss those times and will want to make new memories with you ASAP.[6] X Research source
- You might text him, "Been thinking of our first date. Remember how bad we both were at mini-golf? We probably won't be allowed back at that place."
- Call him on your lunch break and say something like, "I can't get the first time we met off my mind. We've got to see each other soon."
- You can even text him a picture of the two of you from earlier in your relationship. This is sure to make him swoon and want to be with you again in no time.
Express your dreams about the future together.
The sign Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams. If you're wanting a Pisces man to dream of you when you're away, encourage him to think of all the cool things you'll do together in the future. Come up with magical scenarios and don't be afraid to get a little idealistic. A Pisces will be swept up by these fantasies and will want to be by your side to make them a reality.[7] X Research source
- Talk about all of the places you want to visit together. You might say, "Been thinking of all the cool places we're going to go someday. I'd love to explore the Olympic National Forest. Where would you want to go together?"
- Dream up some new experiences you'd like to try as a couple. Text him something like, "I'm so excited about all of the stuff we still haven't done yet. What if we shot a short film together and submitted it to a film festival. We could get famous!"
Embrace your romantic side.
A Pisces is the romantic of the Zodiac. To make him miss you like crazy, appeal to this side of him and up the romance in your relationship. You'll steal his heart with your affectionate gestures, and he'll be counting down the days until he can see you again. Here are some ideas you can try:[8] X Research source
- Give him classic gifts like flowers and chocolate.
- Write him love letters.
- Make him sweet and sentimental playlists full of songs that express your feelings.
Plan dates that feel like adventures.
A Pisces man wants a great love that feels like a movie. He'll surely miss you if you can show him that kind of excitement and magic in real life. Anytime you're planning a date, opt for the unexpected choice instead of a usual pick like dinner. Some date options include:[9] X Research source
- Going to a midnight movie
- Attending a music festival or a local parade
- Taking a day trip to a ghost town close to your city
Engage in deep conversations.
Have long talks that will leave a lasting impression on him. Bring up subjects like philosophy, art, politics, and psychology. If you skip the small talk and jump into meaningful subjects, he'll see you as a like-minded person and will long to talk to you when you're away.[10] X Research source
- Visit local sights and shops that inspire deep discussions. Try going to a bookstore, a museum, or even a local music store (A Pisces that's a music fan will want to talk about their favorite bands for hours).
- Watch thought-provoking films or listen to podcasts together that inspire deep thoughts and discussions.
- Ask him about his opinion when you come across an intriguing headline or news story.
Listen when he talks about his feelings.
A Pisces has a world of emotions inside them. They need to be with someone that can handle that. Anytime this Pisces man opens up to you, listen attentively and ask him questions to show that you genuinely care. He'll start to rely on your listening ear and will miss it like crazy when you're gone.[11] X Research source
- If he hints at being upset, say something like, "I'm always here if you want to talk about it" or "You can trust me if you ever want to vent."
- When he opens up to you, validate his feelings. Say something like, "I completely understand why you would feel that way" or "That makes total sense. I would totally have a similar reaction."
- Avoid getting distracted by your phone or other people when he talks to you. This could hurt his feelings and make him feel like you're not interested.
- A Pisces spends a lot of their time listening to people talk about their feelings and helping them out. If you do this for your Pisces man, he'll really appreciate it and want you around all of the time.
Give him time and space.
A Pisces needs alone time to figure out how they feel. If you haven't heard from him in a bit or are waiting for a text back, give him some time and be patient. Avoid sending a double-text or putting pressure on him to hang out more. Use the time to focus on yourself and he'll reach out soon enough.[12] X Research source
- To distract yourself while you wait, fill up your time with things that make you happy. Hang out with your friends and family, work towards your goals, and keep up with your hobbies. It'll make you seem more appealing to this Pisces and it'll liven up your life!
- Avoid completely ignoring a Pisces. That might make him think you're not interested at all![13]
Expert Source
Joshua Pompey
Relationship Expert Expert Interview. 27 November 2019. If he does reach out, respond and be friendly.
Have fun and be spontaneous in life.
Pisces men engage with the world with an eye toward magic and fantasy. Try adopting a similar lifestyle by getting creative and refusing to let your life become predictable. Plan solo adventures out of the city or explore new places where you live. Your Pisces man will take notice and will want to spend more time with a like-minded soul.[14] X Research source
- Plan fun solo trips or get out of town with your friends. If you can't travel, explore your city. Even taking a new route to work or school can open the door to new experiences.
- Change up your plans when they start to feel a little monotonous. For example, if you've got plans to go to the art museum but aren't in the mood to be indoors, make new plans. Go to a carnival or try out a new hiking trail instead.
Be genuine.
A Pisces wants to know the real you. Be honest about your thoughts and opinions, embrace your unique quirks, and avoid pretending to be someone else to get his attention. A Pisces is drawn to someone that is comfortable with themselves, as it helps them feel more at ease with themselves, too. He'll think highly of your earnest nature and will want you even more because of it.[15] X Research source
- Speak your thoughts freely. A Pisces is super intuitive (some describe them as nearly psychic), so you won't get very far hiding them anyway.
- Be honest about your life experiences. Instead of hiding the fact that you were an award winning debater growing up, tell him funny stories about all the fun trips you took with the debate team.
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