This article was co-authored by Jesse Gaynor. Jesse Gaynor is a Fitness and Health Trainer and the Owner of Jesse Gaynor Fitness & Wellness, which is based in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. With over 15 years of experience, he specializes in personal training, nutrition, and pain and injury recovery. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science and an Associate’s degree in Psychology from The University of Southern California.
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Are you in the 62 per cent of adults who do not meet the recommended physical activity guidelines?[1] The 7 Minute Workout has been developed by world leading scientists and has been proven to be more effective than longer more difficult workouts.[2] It consists of 12 different exercises, meant to be done for 30 seconds each, with a 10 second rest interval between each one.
1Perform jumping jacks. Also known as the side-straddle hop, this is a jumping exercise where you swing your arms and legs outwards. It is great for releasing endorphins.
2Hold a wall sit. This exercise is performed by leaning on a wall in a sitting down position. You should have two right angles––at your hips and at your knees. Also known as the Roman Chair, this exercise benefits your quadriceps muscles.Advertisement
3Do push ups. Formally known as press ups, this is an exercise where you lie on the floor with a straight back and raise your body up and down. It is great for benefitting your shoulder and chest muscles.
4Execute abdominal crunches. Referred to most often as sit ups, the crunch is the most common form of exercise for increasing your abs. Do this one by lying on the floor with knees bent and lifting up your back.
5Perform step-ups onto a chair. This involves the single complete movement of lifting one foot and putting it down on the spot. It is great for keeping or developing lean legs; increase the elevation as you improve.
6Carry through squats. Crouch or sit with your knees bent. This exercise is great for having the perfect butt.
7Pull off triceps dips on a chair. Officially known as bench dips, start by positioning your hands shoulder width apart on a bench. Put your feet as far out as possible and lower your body up and down off the floor. Keep your shoulders tucked in.
8Clench in the plank position. Referred to as a front hold, hover or abdominal bridge, this exercise is great for your core muscles. Hold a push up position, only exerting your weight on the forearms, elbows and toes. Maintain a straight back while doing the exercise.
9Do high-knee running in place. Jog rapidly on the spot lifting your feet as high as you can. Running is special for the aerial phase when both feet are in the air at the same time. This exercise is great for toning your legs.
10Perform lunges. Position yourself forward with one foot in front, with knees bent and the other foot back. Keep your feet flat on the floor. Alternate feet patterns. This exercise is popular among athletes.
11Do both push ups and side rotations. Hold your body in a push up position and perform one. Then lift your right arm up and point it to the ceiling and return it to the mat. Alternate different arms.
12Engage in the side plank. Begin by lying on your right side and supporting yourself with your right forearm, with your elbow planted at the side. Raise your hips so that they are in a straight line with your head. Alternate different sides.
- Although interval training has its benefits, mainly getting more done in less time, there can be some drawbacks due to the intensity.⧼thumbs_response⧽
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