< Spanish < Lessons
Lesson 3 Introducción a la gramática
Aconcagua mountain in the Argentinian Andes.


As in many languages, Spanish gives each noun a gender: masculine or feminine, both for singular things and plural ones.

Spanish, like English, has two articles: the definite article ("the") and the indefinite article ("a" or "an"). However, there are 4 forms, depending on the number and gender of the noun. The plural indefinite article is "some" in English.

  • If the noun ends in a vowel, to make it plural, add s (gato - "cat"; gatos - "cats").
  • If the noun ends in a consonant, to make it plural, add es (papel - "paper"; papeles - "papers").

Happily, the gender of Spanish nouns is usually pretty easy to work out. Some very simple rules-of-thumb:

  • If it ends in a, d, z or ión: it's likely to be feminine.
  • If it ends in o, or a consonant: it's likely to be masculine.

Definite articles

Spanish Grammar • Introducción a la gramática
The definite article El artículo definido

masculinesingularelel hombrethe man
pluralloslos niñosthe boys
femininesingularlala mujerthe woman
plurallaslas niñasthe girls

Indefinite articles

Spanish Grammar • Introducción a la gramática
The indefinite article El artículo indefinido

masculinesingularunun hombrea man
pluralunosunos niñossome boys
femininesingularunauna mujera woman
pluralunasunas niñassome girls

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Regular Verbs

We have already seen the present tense conjugations of two Spanish verbs, llamarse and tener. However, tener (to have) is an irregular verb. Luckily, many verbs follow an easy to understand conjugation scheme.

In Spanish, the conjugation of a regular verb depends on the ending of its infinitive. (The infinitive is the basic form of the verb that you find in the dictionary; for example, English infinitives are always written with to, like the verbs to run or to speak.) All Spanish infinitives end in the letter r, and the three regular conjugation patterns are classified into -ar, -er, and -ir verbs.

Unlike English, Spanish verbs conjugate depending on the person; that is, they change depending on who is being talked about. This occurs in the English verb to be (e.g. I am, you are, he is, etc.) but in Spanish this occurs for all persons in all verbs. As a result, pronouns are usually omitted because they can be inferred from the conjugation.

The pronouns
Person in English Person in Spanish
SingularPlural SingularPlural
First IWe YoNosotros
Second YouYou all Vosotros
Third He / She / ItThey Él / Ella
Ellos / Ellas

Spanish distinguishes between the singular you (informal , formal usted) and the plural you (informal vosotros, formal ustedes). Both and vosotros have their own conjugation patterns; usted follows the same pattern as él/ella and ustedes follows the same pattern as ellos.

In Latin America, vosotros is almost unheard of, and ustedes is exclusively used instead.

Nosotros (we) has a feminine nosotras that is used when the entire group is composed of females. Likewise, vosotros and ellos have feminine forms vosotras and ellas.

The Present Tense in English
Present Tense (en)
Singular Plural
First I play We play
Second You play You all play
Third He / She / It plays They play
The Present Tense in Spanish
Regular -ar Verbs
Singular Plural
First -o -amos
Second -as -áis
Third -a -an
Example: Cant-ar (To sing)
Singular Plural
First Cant-o Cant-amos
Second Cant-as Cant-áis
Third Cant-a Cant-an
Regular -er Verbs
Singular Plural
First -o -emos
Second -es -éis
Third -e -en
Example: Beb-er (To drink)
Singular Plural
First Beb-o Beb-emos
Second Beb-es Beb-éis
Third Beb-e Beb-en
Regular -ir Verbs
Singular Plural
First -o -imos
Second -es -ís
Third -e -en
Example: Part-ir (To split)
Singular Plural
First Part-o Part-imos
Second Part-es Part-ís
Third Part-e Part-en
More examples
  • Llorar ("to cry"): lloro, lloras, llora, lloramos, lloráis, lloran
  • Cocinar ("to cook"): cocino, cocinas, cocina, cocinamos, cocináis, cocinan
  • Beber ("to drink"): bebo, bebes, bebe, bebemos, bebéis, beben
  • Comer ("to eat"): como, comes, come, comemos, coméis, comen
  • Deber ("to ought to do, to owe"): debo, debes, debe, debemos, debéis, deben
  • Leer ("to read"): leo, lees, lee, leemos, leéis, leen
  • Asistir ("to attend"): asisto, asistes, asiste, asistimos, asistís, asisten
  • Cubrir ("to cover"): cubro, cubres, cubre, cubrimos, cubrís, cubren
  • Escribir ("to write"): escribo, escribes, escribe, escribimos, escribís, escriben
  • Vivir ("to live"): vivo, vives, vive, vivimos, vivís, viven

  • There are many more "-ar" verbs than "-er" or "-ir". Make sure you are most familiar with these endings.
  • The second person plural is highlighted because that tense is only used in the variety of Spanish used in Spain. In other Spanish dialects the third person plural form is used instead.
  • When reading texts, you will need to know the person of the verb at a glance. Notice the pattern:
    1. "O" denotes I
    2. "S" denotes You
    3. A vowel that is not "O" denotes He/She/It
    4. "MOS" denotes We
    5. "IS" denotes You All
    6. "N" denotes They

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Questions and Exclamations

In previous lessons, you will have noticed that we use the funny upside-down question mark "¿". In Spanish, questions always start with that, and finish with the regular question mark. It is the same for exclamations; the funny upside-down exclamation mark "¡" precedes exclamations.

This happens because Spanish does not reverse the word order to ask a question. While English says You are here / Are you here?, Spanish keeps the same order: Tú estás aquí / ¿Tú estás aquí? Whereas the English word order alerts you from the beginning that what you are going to read is a question, Spanish offers no such initial warning. To compensate for this, Spanish adds the initial question mark, so that you'll always be able to tell a declarative statement from a question from the moment you begin reading it.

Questions in Spanish are mainly done by intonation (raising the voice at the end of the question), since questions are often identical to statements. Te llamas Richard means "Your name is Richard", and ¿Te llamas Richard? means "Is your name Richard?".

You can also use questions words, as indicated below.

Spanish Vocabulary • Introducción a la gramática
Questions Preguntas

Español Inglés
¿Dónde? Where?
¿Quién? Who?
¿Qué? What?
¿Cuál? Which?
¿Cómo? How? (as in How does it work?)
¿Cuán? How? (as in How long is it?)
¿Por qué? Why?
¿Cuándo? When?
¿Cuánto? How much?
¿Cuántos? How many?
¿De quién? Whose?
¿A quién? Whom?
¿De dónde? Whence?
¿Adónde? Whither?
¿Para qué? Wherefore?
  • ¿Con quién?
    With whom?
  • ¿Dónde está el banco?
    Where is the bank?
  • ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
    When's your birthday?
  • ¿Qué fecha es hoy?
    What is the date today?
  • If you refer to a group of people, you can use the plural quiénes.
  • Cuánto and cuántos have feminine forms cuánta and cuántas.
  • The archaic cúyo was used in place of de quién. You may still find it in books from the early 20th century. Outside of questions, the corresponding pronoun cuyo is still used to mean whose in declarative statements. (Feminine cuya; plural cuyos; feminine plural cuyas; this pronoun's number and gender agree with that which is possessed, not the possessor.)
  • Cuán is gradually becoming archaic and being replaced by qué tan.

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Learn the Spanish language
Contents Introduction
Lesson one Lesson two Lesson three
Lesson four Lesson five Lesson six
Lesson seven Lesson eight Lesson nine
Pronunciation Contributors

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