< Spanish < Exercises
Welcome to the exercises related to lesson 3 of ¡Aprovéchalo!
- 1.- Translate the following from Spanish into English:
Unas niñas Some girls Los hombres The men Un niño A boy |
Unos hombres Some men Las niñas The girls La mujer The woman |
El niño The boy Una mujer A woman Los niños The boys |
- 2.- Translate the following from English to Spanish:
The women Las mujeres Some men Unos hombres The boy El niño |
The girls Las niñas Some girls Unas niñas A man Un hombre |
Some boys Unos niños A girl Una niña The man El hombre |
- 3.- Are the following nouns masculine or feminine?
Los balones Masculine Unas casas Feminine El gato Masculine |
La manzana Feminine Los dedos Masculine Un perro Masculine |
Las mesas Feminine Unas cosas Feminine Unos coches Masculine |
Regular verbs
- 1.- The following are conjugated verb forms; what person are they?
Lloro I (1st singular.) Cocináis You all (2nd pl.) Tenemos We (1st pl.) Escribe He / She / It (3rd sing.) or You (formal sing.) |
Hablan They (3rd pl.) or You all (formal pl.) Compro I (1st sing.) Abrazas You (2nd sing.) Leéis You all (2nd pl.) |
Llevo I (1st sing.) Vivimos We (1st pl.) Parte He / She / It (3rd Sing.) or You (formal sing.) Comen They (3rd pl.) or You all (formal pl.) |
- 2.- Conjugate the following verbs for the person indicated.
Cocinar - They (3rd pl.) (Ellos/Ellas) Cocinan Comer - She (3rd sing.) (Ella) Come Amar - We (1st pl.) (Nosotros) Amamos Leer - I (1st sing.) (Yo) Leo |
Hablar - You (2nd sing.) (Tú) Hablas Temer - I (1st sing.) (Yo) Temo Comer - You all (2nd pl.) (Vosotros) Coméis Vivir - He (3rd sing.) (Él) Vive |
Besar - You (formal sing.) (Usted) Besa Comprender - You (2nd sing.) (Tú) Comprendes Sentir - You all (2nd pl.) (Vosotros) Sentís Decidir - You all (formal pl.) (Ustedes) Deciden |
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