< Radiation Oncology < NHL
Front Page: Radiation Oncology | RTOG Trials | Randomized Trials | |
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Main Page | Randomized
- Can present either as Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) or as lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL)
- Lymphoblastic lymphoma seen more commonly in children and adolescents -- account for 1/2 of pediatric lymphomas.
- May spread to gonads or CNS "sanctuary sites.
- Can be either T-cell precursor or B-cell precursor:
- Precursor B-cell
- Most commonly presents as ALL, rarely as LBL
- Commonly bone marrow failure; clinical signs pallor, fatigue, bleeding, fever, infection; labs cytopenias
- Extranodal sites commonly involved (hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, CNS disease, testicular enlargement, cutaneous infiltration)
- Adverse features: very high WBC, symptomatic CNS disease, unfavorable cytogenic abnormalities (eg t(9;22))
- Precursor T-cell:
- Commonly high WBC counts, mediastinal mass, lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly
- Can present with bone marrow failure, although typically less severe than precursor B-cell ALL/LBL
- Common presentation is young men with mediastinal mass/pleural effusions
- CNS involvement common
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