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Non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Main Page | Randomized
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma (CLL/SLL)
- CLL is the most common leukemia among adults in Western world
- It is characterized by accumulation of mature B-cells
- CLL molecular phenotype: CD5+, CD23+, surface Ig weak, CD79b weak/absent, FMC7 neg.
- Diagnosis: lymphocytosis (often >5 x 10^9 / L, but not an absolute cutoff)
- Risk factors are male sex, advanced age, white race, and family history of CLL or lymphoproliferative disorders
- Cause and pathogenesis are largely unknown
- Peripheral blood of some healthy adults shows circulating B-cell clones with surface phenotypes similar to CLL
- Monocloncal B-cell lymphomatosis (MBL) indicates presence of such B-cells in blood at <5000 per cubic millimeter
- Prevalence of MBL may be 3-5% in general population over 50 years of age
- It appears that these circulating B-cell clones may be present in blood of for years prior to development of CLL, and that the light chain re-arrangement is the same
- Thus, it may be reasonable to consider MBL a precursor state to CLL, in a similar fashion as MGUS is a precursor state to multiple myeloma
- CLL and SLL are histologically and immunophenotypically identical
- By definition, CLL has more marked peripheral blood involvement
- CLL: absolute lymphocyte count >=5 x109/L
- SLL: absolute lymphocyte count <5 x109/L
- Clinical course varies widely, but frequently characterized by indolent behavior
- Treatment commonly deferred while patients asymptomatic
- No consensus on best treatment, but nucleoside analogues and Rituxan have led to improved outcomes
Rai Staging
Rai Stage | Criteria | Survival (yr) |
0 | lymphocytosis only. no other abnormality | > 13 |
I | lymphocytosis and lymph node enlargement. no other abnormality | 8 |
II | lymphocytosis and spleen or liver enlargement (w/ or w/o lymph node enlargement). no other abnormality | 5 |
III | lymphocytosis and anemia (Hgb < 11 g/dL); w/ or w/o spleen / liver / lymph node enlargement. no platelet abnormality | 2 |
IV | lymphocytosis and thrombocytopenia (plts < 100,000 /µL) | 1 |
Binet Staging
Binet Stage | Criteria | Survival (yr) |
A | <3 lymph node areas; no anemia or thrombocytopenia | 12 |
B | 3 or more lymph node areas; no anemia or thrombocytopenia | 5 |
C | Anemia (Hgb < 11) or thrombocytopenia (< 100,000 /µL) | 2 |
- MD Anderson; 2007 (1985-2005) PMID 17925562 -- "Assessment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and small lymphocytic lymphoma by absolute lymphocyte counts in 2,126 patients: 20 years of experience at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center." (Tsimberidou AM, J Clin Oncol. 2007 Oct 10;25(29):4648-56.)
- Retrospective. 2126 consecutive CLL/SLL patients
- Outcome: rates of response, OS, and FFS not different among different groups
- Predictive factors: deletion of 17p or 6q, age >60, b2-microglobulin >2, albumin <3.5, creatinine >1.6
- Conclusion: Patients with CLL or SLL can be treated similarly
Richter's transformation
- Named for Maurice N. Richter who described it in 1928
- Development of high grade NHL (typically diffuse large B-cell lymphoma) in the setting of CLL
- May be triggered by viral infections (e.g. EBV) or by genetic defects acquired by the malignant clone
- Occurs in ~4% of CLL patients
- Response rates to chemotherapy are low, up to ~40%; median OS is ~8 months
- 1993 PMID 7693038, 1993 — "Common clonal origin of chronic lymphocytic leukemia and high-grade lymphoma of Richter's syndrome." Cherepakhin V et al. Blood. 1993 Nov 15;82(10):3141-7.
- 1975 PMID 1096589, 1975 — "Richter's syndrome. A terminal complication of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with distinct clinicopathologic features." Long JC et al. Am J Clin Pathol. 1975 Jun;63(6):786-95.
- Original description; 1928 PMID 19969796, 1928 — "Generalized reticular cell sarcoma of lymph nodes associated with lymphatic leukemia." Richter MN et al. Am J Pathol. 1928; 4:285.
Radiation Therapy
- Please see spleen irradiation
- 2006 PMID 16983131 -- "Narrative review: initial management of newly diagnosed, early-stage chronic lymphocytic leukemia." (Shanafelt TD, Ann Intern Med. 2006 Sep 19;145(6):435-47.)
- 2006 PMID 16901035 -- "Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: diagnosis and treatment." (Yee KW, Mayo Clin Proc. 2006 Aug;81(8):1105-29.)
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