< Orthopaedic Surgery
Orthopaedic Surgery

1.Basic Sciences · 2.Upper Limb · 3.Foot and Ankle · 4.Spine · 5.Hand and Microsurgery · 6.Paediatric Orthopaedics · 7.Adult Reconstruction · 8.Sports Medicine · 9.Musculoskeletal Tumours · 10.Injury · 11.Surgical Procedures · 12.Rehabilitation · 13.Practice

Note To Authors
<<Acknowledgements Basic Sciences>>

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  • Verifiability. Articles that cite a reputable source are encouraged and should be the order of the day for a medical textbook.
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Read Jimbo Wales' principles to be clear about who is the last authority on all matters!!

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Our Principles

There are few issues to consider before you move ahead. Lets not call them rules ...but guidelines, so that even if we are not moving together, we are at least making progress in the same direction and towards one destination.


  1. To develop a Textbook of Orthopaedic Surgery.
  2. To continuously improvise on the contents and structure of this textbook.
  3. To make it readable and presentable to the intended audience.


  1. To start with all pages, new or old, must follow the new Naming policy of wikibooks. They must be in the format - Orthopaedic Surgery/New Page. Please avoid using The format Orthopaedic Surgery/Chapter Name/Page Name for two reasons. One it makes the Page name long and the other is because we have common topics in Orthopaedic Surgery. The former naming format allows us to list the same topic under numerous headings without any repeatations.
  2. Find a topic to write on. There is already a chapter layout and many topics listed. See if your topic fits into one of them. Don't worry if it does not! You can always create a new page and add it to the appropriate chapter.
  3. As far as possible cite references for your article. That will make it more authentic. Don't worry if you can't. Someone in the community will do it for you.
  4. Do not copy articles verbatim from elsewhere. Derive material from them if necessary. Explain issues in your own words. Don't worry if it doesn't sound too good. We will help you in improvising on the article.
  5. The top of every page carries two navigation headings. One carries links to the chapters and the other maintians the continuity between the pages on the book. Please do not remove them. If you create a new page please add them to the top by typing and note that you have to replace Chapter Name with the name of the chapter to which the page belongs:

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