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Chapter 3: | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 |
Revision: | 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 |
Assessment: | 1 • 2 |
This is a revision of some adverbs. They are small words, but often with big meanings and hence save a lot of time in latin conversation. IN PROGRESS.
- alternatim alternately
- ana in equal quantities
- bis twice; in two places
- circa about; around
- circiter about; around
- coram in the presence of; before
- divisim separately
- ergo therefore; hence
- gradatim step by step
- gratis without charge; for free
- gregatim in flocks
- guttatim drop by drop
- ibidem in the same place
- idem the same word as mentioned before
- imprimis in the first place
- infra below; later in a text
- interim meanwhile
- item likewise; also
- iterum again; afresh; anew
- jure by law
- literatim letter for letter
- pace contrary to the opinion of; in respectful disagreement with
- partim in part
- passim everywhere; dispersedly
- per = through; according to; by means or agency of
- primo = in the first place
- pro = in favour of; for
- proximo = of next month
- punctatim = point for point
- qua = in the capacity of
- quasi = as if; seemingly; in a manner
- quatenus = in the capacity of; in so far as
- quoad = with respect to; as regards
- quondam = former; sometime; formerly
- scilicet = to wit; namely
- secundum = according to
- secus = otherwise
- semper = always
- seriatim = in succession; one after another
- sic = thus
- similiter = in a similar manner
- sine = without
- singillatim = singly
- solus = alone
- Sparsim = here and there
- statim = immediately; at once
- stillatim = drop by drop
- subito = at once; immediately
- supra above; earlier in a text
- syllabatim = syllable by syllable
- tanti = worthwhile
- tempore = in the time of
- ubique = everywhere
- ultimo of last month
- variorum = including the notes of earlier scholars or editors
- Verbatim = word for word (literally)
- versus = against; in contrast to
- vice in place of; rather than
- videlicet to wit; namely
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