< Latin < Spoken
Standard Pleasantries
Latin | English | Spanish |
Salve! | Hello! | ¡Hola! |
Salvete! | Hello! (to more than one person) | ¡Hola, ustedes! |
Vale! | Goodbye! | ¡Adios!/¡Hasta Luego! |
Valete! | Goodbye all | |
Quid agis? | How are you? | ¿Que tal? |
Valeo. | I am well. | Estoy bien. |
Et tū? | And you? | ¿Y tu? |
Gratias <tibi> ago | Thank you (singular) | |
Gratias <vobis> ago | Thank you (plural) |
Getting Acquainted
Latin | English |
Quod nōmen tibi est? | What is your name? |
Nōmen mihi Iulius est. | My name is Julius. |
Unde venīs/vēnistī? | Where did you come from? |
Ubi habitās? | Where do you live? |
Habitō in domiciliō/casā. | I live in a house. |
Tūne Paula es? | Aren't you Paula? |
Nōn Paula, sed Paulae filia, Maria sum. | Not Paula, but I am Paula's daughter, Maria. |
Et tū, quis es? | And you, who are you? |
Sum Paulus. | I am Paul. |
Esne (tū) marītus an caelebs? | Are (you) married or single? |
Marītus (ego) sum. Habeō uxōrem. | (I) am (a) married (man). I have a wife. |
Quod nōmen est uxōrī? | What is the name of the wife? |
Nōmen uxorī est Sophia. | The name of the wife is Sophia. |
Latin | English |
Quot annos habēs? | How old are you? |
Ubi vīvis? | Where do you live? |
Quot habēs frātrēs et sorōrēs? | How many brothers and sisters do you have? |
Sīc/Ita/Ita vērō. | Yes |
Nōn ita/Minimē. | No. |
Fortasse. | Maybe. |
Quid agis hodiē? | How are you today? |
Bene, gratiās. | Fine, thank you. |
Nonne Paula es? | Aren't you Paula? |
Nōn Paula, sed Paulae filia, Maria sum. | Not Paula, but I am Paula's daughter, Maria. |
Et tū, quis es? | And you, who are you? |
Ubi est valētūdinārium/nosocomīum? | Where is the hospital? |
Admodum bene, haud ita multum valeō. | [oxymoronic] |
Ubi sunt loca sēcrēta? | Where is the bathroom? |
Vidi mulierem exeuntem e statione ferroviaria. | I saw the girl leaving the station. |
Puella defessa in agro sedet. | The tired girl is sitting in the field. |
Ibit crastine. | He will go tomorrow. |
Eum sapientem esse credo. | I believe him to be wise. |
Ubi sumus? | Where are we? |
Esne Maria? | Are you Maria? |
Non Maria, sed filia Mariae, Iulia sum. | I am not Maria but Maria's daughter, Julia. |
Cur in terra iaces? | Why are you lying on the ground? |
Ex equo cecidi. | I fell off my horse. |
Vini avidus sum. | I am thirsty for wine. |
Fortasse, velis venire mecum? | Maybe you would like to come with me? |
Crastine, ibit ad oppidum. | Tomorrow, he will go to town. |
Domina/Domine, potesne mihi succurrere? | Ma'am/Sir, can you help me? |
Quis crimina in eum intulit? | Who brought charges against him? |
Latrocinium modo factum est. | A robbery just took place. |
Tunc modo volebat edere. | At that time, he just wanted to eat. |
Bonam natalitiam. | Happy birthday. |
Lupus non est. | It's not lupus. |
Lupus nunquam est. | It's never lupus. |
- Ita, Recte, Sic = Sí
- Non, Minime, Immo = No
- Gratias = Gracias
- Gratias multas = Muchas gracias
- Salutatio = De nada
- Sis, Quaeso = Por favor
- Me excusa , Ignosce mihi = Discúlpeme
- Salve, Salvete, Ave = Hola
- Vale, Valete = Adiós
- Ave = Hasta luego
- Salve = Buenos días
- Salve = Buenas tardes
- Salve = Buenas noches
- Bonam natalitiam = Feliz cumpleaños
- Non intellego. = No entiendo
- Quomodo [Hispanice] hoc dicitur? = ¿Cómo se dice esto en [Español]?
- Quid [Hispanice]hoc significat? = ¿Que significa esto en [Español]?
- Loquerisne ... = Habla usted ...
- Iaponice =japonés
- Anglice = inglés
- Francogallice = francés
- Germanice = alemán
- Hispanice = español
- Siniace = chino
- Ego = Yo
- Nos = Nosotros
- Tu = Tú, Usted
- Vos = Ustedes, Vosotros
- Ei, Eae = Ellos, Ellas
- Quid nomen tibi est? = ¿Cómo se llama usted? ¿Cuál es su nombre?
- Suave est tibi occurere. Suave te cognoscere est. = Encantado de conocerle.
- Quid agis? Quomodo vales? Quomodo te habes? = ¿Cómo estás? ¿Qué pasa?
- Cura et optime valeas = Cuidate y que te vaya muy bien
- Bene = Bien
- Male = Mal
- Admodum bene, Haud ita multum valeo = Más o menos, Así así
- Uxor = la esposa, la mujer
- Maritus = el esposo, el marido
- Filia = la hija
- Filius = el hijo
- Mater = la madre
- Pater = el padre
- Amicus, Amica = el amigo, la amiga
- Ubi sunt loca secreta? Ubi est conclave necessarium? = ¿Dónde está el baño?
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