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^ Indonesian ^ | << Lesson 6: Particles | Lesson 7: Introducing Yourself | Lesson 8: My Family >>
Dialog Pertama (1st Dialog)
Dialog (Dialogue)
KERRY: Hai! Nama saya KERRY. Siapa namamu?
AUDRIE: Hai KERRY! Nama saya AUDRIE. Salam kenal.
KERRY: Salam kenal juga.
AUDRIE: Apa kabar KERRY?
KERRY: Baik-baik, Anda?
AUDRIE: Baik-baik juga.
KERRY: Anda tinggal di mana?
KERRY: Saya juga!
AUDRIE: Permisi, saya harus pulang ke rumah.
KERRY: Baik, baik, hati-hati AUDRIE!
AUDRIE: Haha terima kasih KERRY.
KERRY: Selamat tinggal!
AUDRIE: Selamat tinggal!
Terjemahannya (translation):
KERRY: Hi! My name is KERRY. What's your name?
AUDRIE: Hi, KERRY! My name is AUDRIE. Nice to meet you.
KERRY: Nice to meet you too.
AUDRIE: How are you KERRY?
KERRY: Good, and you?
AUDRIE: Also Good.
KERRY: Where do you live?
KERRY: Me too!
AUDRIE: Sorry, I've got to go home.
KERRY: "Okay", be careful AUDRIE!
AUDRIE: Haha thank you KERRY.
KERRY: Goodbye!
AUDRIE: Goodbye!
Catatan (Note)
This dialogue illustrates typical informal introductions. Note here that the dialog use "nama saya" to mean to "my name" and "namamu" to mean to "your name". You can use the phrase "namaku" as well to mean "my name".
To refresh our memory, note that the informal possessive pronouns are -ku, -mu, and -nya, for first, second, and third singular person. For more review, you can click here. The noun "nama" is the root of "namaku" and "namamu"; and the suffixes -ku and -mu adding the possessive information.
Certainly, you can substitute "namamu" with "nama Anda" for more formal situations.
The phrase "salam kenal" roughly means "nice to meet you". Note that unlike English, normally Indonesians don't say anything after the introduction and then carry on with the conversation. So, this phrase is not often used in introductions. It's up to you.
The word "juga" means too.
The word "pergi" and "pulang" both can be translated as "to go" in English. Only "pulang" is strongly associated with home. "pulang" means "to go home". "pergi" has always been used to point out where would you go to, anywhere else but your own house.
Dialog Kedua (2nd Dialogue)
Dialog (Dialogue)
KERRY: Selamat pagi, Pak! Perkenalkan, nama saya KERRY.
Pak WAKI: Oh! Selamat pagi, KERRY! Nama saya WAKI. Apa kabar?
KERRY: Baik-baik. Terima kasih.
Terjemahannya (translation):
KERRY: Good morning, Sir! Let me introduce myself, my name is KERRY.
Mr. WAKI: Oh! Good morning, KERRY! My name is WAKI. How are you?
KERRY: Good. Thank you.
Catatan (Note)
This is a formal introduction, in casual situation.
The word "kenal" means "to know someone". In this dialog, we use the inflected form "perkenalkan", which in this dialog context means "let me introduce myself". It is actually the command form of "memperkenalkan", which means "to introduce". Don't worry about how the words are composed. This time, you can just consider it as a single word.
The phrase "apa kabar" means "how are you". As we've already read from lesson 1, it literally means "what news".
The phrase "terima kasih" means "thank you". Actually, it literally means "receive love".
Dialog Ketiga (3rd Dialogue)
Dialog (Dialogue)
KERRY: AUDRIE, perkenalkan, ini Pak WAKI.
AUDRIE: Pak WAKI, nama saya AUDRIE.
Pak WAKI: Halo, AUDRIE! Salam kenal.
Terjemahannya (translation):
KERRY: AUDRIE, let me introduce you, this is Mr. WAKI.
AUDRIE: Mr. WAKI, my name is AUDRIE.
Mr. WAKI: Hello, AUDRIE! Nice to meet you.
Catatan (Note)
This dialogue is to introduce someone to someone else. You should introduce the older person to the younger one as a rule of courtesy, as demonstrated in the dialogue. The dialogue assumes that Mr. Waki is older than Audrie. The younger person must then respond by addressing the older one also for courtesy. You can follow it by stating your name again, like the example above. Or, you can just say "Hai, Pak Waki!" instead.
If both people are roughly of the same age, you can choose either one.
Note the usage of the word "perkenalkan". It is appropriate for both introducing yourself and introducing someone else.
^ Indonesian ^ | << Lesson 6: Particles | Lesson 7: Introducing Yourself | Lesson 8: My Family >>
Level One Lessons 1.01 This and That |
Information • Introductory • Print Versions • Q&A • Planning
Basic: Learning Indonesian • The Alphabet • Greetings • This and that • Pronouns • Simple Sentences • Numbers • Rainbow • Prepositions
Beginner: Introducing Yourself • My Body • My Family • My Home • At School • At Work • To the Market • What Time is it? • Happy Birthday! • Going to Bali
Expert: Me and you • Slang language • Money • Transportation
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