< Indonesian < Lessons

Dialog (Dialogue)

  • Hani : Halo, Riska. Apa kabar?
  • Rizka : Halo, Hani. Saya baik. Bagaimana denganmu?
  • Hani : Saya juga baik. Kau mau pergi ke mana?
  • Rizka : Ibu menyuruh saya pergi ke swalayan. Kami butuh banyak persiapan untuk berakhir pekan.
  • Hani : Menyenangkan sekali! Kalian mau pergi ke mana?
  • Rizka : Kami mau pergi berkemah.
  • Hani : Kalian pasti butuh banyak perbekalan.
  • Rizka : Karena itu Ibu memintaku membeli susu, roti, minuman kaleng, dan mie instan.
  • Hani : Baiklah, semoga perjalanan kalian menyenangkan.
  • Rizka : Terima kasih. Sampai jumpa.
  • Hani : Sampai jumpa.

Terjemahan (Translation)

  • Hani : Hello, Riska. How are you?
  • Rizka : Hello, Hani. I'm good. How about you?
  • Hani : I'm too. Where will you go?
  • Rizka : Mom asked me to go to supermarket. We need many preparations for weekend.
  • Hani : It sound nice! Where you want to go?
  • Rizka : We want to go for camping.
  • Hani : You must be need many supply.
  • Rizka : That's why Mom asked me to buy milk, bread, soft drink, and instant noodle.
  • Hani : Ok, have a nice trip.
  • Rizka : Thank you. Goodbye.
  • Hani : Goodbye.


  • Supermarket: Swalayan
  • Meat : Daging
  • Market : Pasar
  • Chocolate : Cokelat
  • Price : Harga
  • Candy : Permen
  • Milk : Susu'
  • Mushroom : Jamur
  • Roti : Bread * Spaghetti : Spageti
  • Noodle : Mie
  • Jam : Selai
  • Ice cream : Es krim * Cashier : Kasir
  • Cereal : Sereal * Money : Uang
  • Vegetables : Sayuran/Sayur-mayur
  • Cheap : Murah
  • Fruit : Buah-buahan * Expensive : Mahal

Notice to the dialogue that no difference between second person male/female. In Indonesian, genders are not distinguished except in some professions such as steward/stewardess (pramugara(m)/pramugari(f)), employee (karyawan(m)/karyawati(f)), actor/actress (aktor(m)/aktris(f)), and some titles such as king/queen (raja(m)/ratu(f)). In Indonesian, pronouns are fixed whatever the genders. Pronouns in Indonesian can be seen below.

First Person I = - Saya (formal)

                - Aku (informal)

We = - Kami (both formal and informal)

                - Kita (both formal and informal, to indicate first and second person together in one condition)

Second Person You = - Anda (formal)

                - Kamu (informal)
                - Kau (very informal)
                - Engkau (polite but informal, used sparingly. Commonly used for literary arts like song, poem)

You (plural) = Kalian (both formal and informal)

Third Person He/She/It = - Beliau (polite, formal)

                - Dia (formal)
                - Ia (informal, to simplify the pronunciation)

They = Mereka (both formal and informal)

From the classification above, we can conclude that Indonesian has no gender differences in pronouns. But it has many rules about the situation when we want to use pronouns. Commonly, the polite one is used when we are talking to the person who is older than us, person who has higher authority than us AND/OR to the one whom we are respected. "Beliau" is also can be used when we are talking about someone who had passed away (in condition he/she was older than us AND/OR he/she is being respected by societies).

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