< Fractals < Mathematics

The doubling map

How to find the period of angle under doubling map

  • visual
  • numerical
    • read period from denominator of decimal fraction ( reduced rational fraction m/n )
    • find period/preperiod in the binary expansion ( binary sequence)
    • read it from the itinerary of angle under doubling map

Period of binary expansion of reduced rational fraction m/n is equal to the multiplicative order of 2 modulo n:

C version

double precision: forward and inverse doubling map


doubling map 

2*t mod 1 

how to invert doubling map  

Inverse of doubling map is multivalued function: 2 preimages
t/2 and  (t+1)/2
to choose proper preimage one needs extra information from forward iteration = itinerary

itinerary : list of symbols 
for  coding the orbits of a given dynamical system 
by partitioning the space X and forming an itinerary 


see also how to convert proper decimal fraction to binary fraction


---------- git -------------------- 
cd existing_folder
git init
git remote add origin git@gitlab.com:adammajewski/doubling_map.git
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master

#include <stdio.h> // printf
#include <math.h> // fabs

#define iMax  8 //

int main(){

	double t0 ;
	double t ;
	double ti; // final t after iMax iterations
	double tr; //
	double dt;
	int itinerary[iMax]= {0};
	int i;
	t0 = (double) 1/7;
	t = t0;
	// check the input : it should be   0.0 <= t < 1.0
	if (t>1.0) {printf("t is > 1.0\n"); return 1;}
	if (t<0.0) {printf("t is < 0.0\n"); return 1;}
	printf("forward iteration of doubling map\n");
	for(i=0; i<iMax; i++){
	        printf("t%d = %f", i, t);
	        // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyadic_transformation
		t = t*2.0; // doubling 
		if (t>1.0) {	
			itinerary[i]= 1;
			t = t - 1.0; 
			printf(" wrap\n");} // modulo 1 
			else printf("\n");
	printf("t%d = %f\n", i, t);	
	ti = t;	
	printf("\nbackward iteration of doubling map = halving map \n");
	for(i=iMax; i>0; i--){ // reverse counting
	        printf("t%d = %f", i, t);
	        if (itinerary[i-1]==1) { // i-1 !!! 
	        	t = t + 1.0; 
	        	printf(" unwrap\n");} // modulo 1 
			else printf("\n");
	        t = t/2.0; // halving 
	printf("t%d = %f\n", i, t);	
         tr = t;		
	printf("\n\nresults \n");
	printf("t0 = %f\n", t0);	
	printf("t%d = %f\n", iMax, ti);
	dt = fabs(t0- tr);
	printf("tr = %f\n", tr);
	printf("dt = fabs(t0- tr) = %f\n", dt );
	for(i=0; i<iMax; i++) printf("itinerary[%d] = %d \n", i, itinerary[i]);
	printf("\ndecimal %f has binary expansion = 0.", t0);
	for(i=0; i<iMax; i++) printf("%d", itinerary[i]);
	if (dt < 0.0000000001) printf("program works good !\n");
		else printf("program fails !\n");

	return 0;}

arbitrary precision

// gcc d.c -lgmp -Wall

#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>

//  a multiple precision integer, as defined by the GMP library. The C data type for such integers is mpz_t

int print_z(mpz_t  z, int base, char *s){
  printf("%s= ", s);
  mpz_out_str (stdout, 10, z);
  printf (" for base = %d\n", base);
  return 0;

// rop = (2*op) mod 1
// wikipedia : dyadic_transformation or doubling map
void mpq_doubling(mpq_t rop, const mpq_t op)
  mpz_t n; // numerator
  mpz_t d; // denominator
  mpz_inits(n, d, NULL);

  mpq_get_num (n, op); // 
  mpq_get_den (d, op); 
  // n = (n * 2 ) % d
  mpz_mul_ui(n, n, 2); 
  mpz_mod( n, n, d);
  // output
  mpq_set_num(rop, n);
  mpq_set_den(rop, d);
  mpz_clears(n, d, NULL);


int main ()

        int i;
        unsigned long int e = 89; // exponent is also a period of doubling map 
        unsigned long int b = 2;
        // arbitrary precision variables from GMP library
        mpz_t  n ; // numerator of q
        mpz_t  d ; // denominator of q
        mpq_t q;   // rational number q = n/d

        // init and set variables 
        mpz_init_set_ui(n, 1);

        // d = (2^e) -1 
        // http://fraktal.republika.pl/mset_external_ray.html
        mpz_ui_pow_ui(d, b, e) ;  // d = b^e
        mpz_sub_ui(d, d, 1);   // d = d-1

        //   q = n/d
        mpq_init (q); //
        mpq_canonicalize (q); // It is the responsibility of the user to canonicalize the assigned variable before any arithmetic operations are performed on that variable.

        // print 
        //print_z(d, 10, "d ");
        //print_z(n, 10, "n ");
        gmp_printf ("q = %Qd\n",q); //  
        for (i=0; i<(1+2*e) ; i++){  
          mpq_doubling(q, q);
          gmp_printf ("q = %Qd\n",q); // 
        // clear memory
        mpq_clear (q);
        mpz_clears(n, d, NULL);
        return 0;

C++ version

based on : 
   mndcombi.cpp  by Wolf Jung (C) 2010. 
   which is the part of Mandel 5.5 
   multiplatform C++ GUI program using QT 
   on the same licence as above

 "The function is computing the preperiod and period (of n/d under doubling map)
 and setting the denominator to  2^preperiod*(2^period - 1) if possible.
 So 1/5 becomes 3/15 and 2/10 becomes 3/15 as well.
 The period is returned as the value of the function, 
 n and d are changed ( Arguments passed to function by reference)
 and the preperiod is returned in k." (Wolf Jung)
 Question : if result is >=0 why do not use unsigneg char or unsigned int for type of result ???

int normalize(unsigned long long int &n, unsigned long long int &d, int &k)
{  if (!d) return 0; // d==0 error
   n %= d; 
   while (!(n & 1) && !(d & 1)) { n >>= 1; d >>= 1; }
   int p; 
   unsigned long long int n0, n1 = n, d1 = d, np;
   k = 0; 
   while (!(d1 & 1)) { k++; d1 >>= 1; if (n1 >= d1) n1 -= d1; }
   n0 = n1;
   for (p = 1; p <= 65 - k; p++) 
	{ twice(n1, d1); 
	  if (n1 == n0) break; }
   if (k + p > 64) return 0; // more then max unsigned long long int
   np = 1LL; 
   np <<= (p - 1); 
   np--; np <<= 1; 
   np++; //2^p - 1 for p <= 64
   n0 = np; 
   d >>= k; n1 = d; 
   if (n1 > n0) { n1 = n0; n0 = d; }
   while (1) { d1 = n0 % n1; if (!d1) break; 
   n0 = n1; n1 = d1; } //gcd n1
   n /= d/n1; 
   n *= np/n1; 
   d = np << k;
   return p;

Lisp version

(defun give-period (ratio-angle)
	"gives period of angle in turns (ratio) under doubling map"
	(let* ((n (numerator ratio-angle))
	       (d (denominator ratio-angle))
	       (temp n)) ; temporary numerator
	  (loop for p from 1 to 100 do 
		(setq temp  (mod (* temp 2) d)) ; (2 x n) modulo d = doubling)
		when ( or (= temp n) (= temp 0)) return p )))

Maxima CAS version


Tests : 
GivePeriod (1/7)
GivePeriod (1/14) 
GivePeriod (1/32767)
GivePeriod (65533/65535)

Gives 0 if :
* not periodic ( preperiodic )
* period >pMax

GivePeriod (r):=
block([rNew, rOld, period, pMax, p],
      while ((p<pMax) and notequal(rNew,r)) do
      if equal(rNew,r) then period:p,

Haskell version

Haskell version[2]

Conversion from an integer type (Int or Integer) to anything else is done by "fromIntegral". The target type is inferred automatically

-- by Claude Heiland-Allen
-- import Data.List (findIndex, groupBy)
-- type N = Integer
-- type Q = Rational
 period :: Q -> N
 period p =
  let Just i = (p ==) `findIndex` drop 1 (iterate double p)
  in  fromIntegral i + 1

Real quadratic map

Complex quadratic map

  • "Critically preperiodic polynomials are typically parameterized by the angle θ of the external ray landing at the critical value rather than by the critical value." MARY WILKERSON[3]

checking the period using position of parameter = periodicity checking

Finding period of the orbit

/* mndynamo.cpp  by Wolf Jung (C) 2007-2015.  Defines classes:
   mndynamics, mndsiegel, mndcubesiegel, mndquartsiegel, mndexposiegel,
   mndtrigosiegel, mndexpo, mndtrigo, mndmatesiegel, mndmating, mndsingpert,
   mndherman, mndnewtonsiegel, mndnewton, mndcubicnewton, mndquarticnewton

   These classes are part of Mandel 5.13, which is free software; you can
   redistribute and / or modify them under the terms of the GNU General
   Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 3, or (at your option) any later version. In short: there is
   no warranty of any kind; you must redistribute the source code as well.
uint mndynamics::period(double &a, double &b, int cycle) // = 0
{  //determine the period, if cycle then set a, b to periodic point.
   uint j; double x, y, x0, y0; critical(a, b, x, y);
   for (j = 1; j <= 1000; j++)
   { if (x*x + y*y <= bailout) f(a, b, x, y); else return 0; }
   x0 = x; y0 = y;
   for (j = 1; j <= 1024; j++)
   {  if (x*x + y*y <= bailout) f(a, b, x, y); else return 0;
      if ( (x - x0)*(x - x0) + (y - y0)*(y - y0) < 1e-16)
      {  if (cycle) { a = x; b = y; }
         return j;
   return 10000;

Methods :

  • direct period detection from iterations
  • the spider algorithm
  • "methods based on interval arithmetic when implemented properly are capable of finding all period-n cycles for considerable large n." (ZBIGNIEW GALIAS )[4]
  • Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm [5]

Finding period is used to :

Period of critical orbit

Finding period of critical orbit using forward iteration of critical point :

Maxima CAS

 b batch file for maxima


/* =================== functions ============ */

complex quadratic polynomial


/* iterated map */

fn(p, z, c) :=
  if p=0 then z
  elseif p=1 then f(z,c)
  else f(fn(p-1, z, c),c);


period of c under complex quadratic polynomial f

[z: 0.0,
 k2Max:200, /* to big values couse bind stack overflow */
 dMax:0.0003, /* if too low then gives smaller period then */
 period:0 /* no period found = (period > k2Max) or ..... ????  */


/* to remove non periodic points , iterate and do not use it */
for k1:1 thru k1Max  do 
  (z: f(z,c),
   if  (cabs(z)>ER) then  (period : -1, /* escaping */ 

/* after k1Max iterations z SHOULD BE inside periodic orbit   */   

for k2:1 thru k2Max  do  
 ( z: f(z,c), 
   if  (cabs(z)>ER) then  (period : -1,  go(exit)), /* escaping */
   if  (cabs(zOld-z)<dMax) then  (period : k2,  go(exit)) /* periodic */





Tests :

G(-0.155+0.75*%i)    period = 3
G(-1.7577+0.0138*%i)     period = 9
G(-0.615341000000000  +0.423900000000000*%i);    period = 7
G(-1.121550281113895  +0.265176187855967*%i);    period = 18)

Tuning : 
0 period ( when true period > k2Max
G(-1.119816337988403  +0.264371090395906*%i); 
gives 0 when k2Max =100
gives 108 when dMax = 0.003
but  true period = 162  ( set k2Max = 200 and dMax= 0.0003

gives 0



/* -------- input value ------ */

c : 0.25  +0.5 * %i$

/* ============== compute ===============  */


Comparison of 2 functions for finding a period :

gcc p.c -Wall -lm 
time ./a.out
numerical approximation of period of limit cycle 
Adam Majewski

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

long double ER2 = 4.0L;
unsigned int jMax = 1000; // iteration max = Max period

// mndynamics::period(double &a, double &b, int cycle)
// mndynamo.cpp  by Wolf Jung (C) 2007-2014
// part of Mandel 5.10 which is free software; you can
//   redistribute and / or modify them under the terms of the GNU General
//   Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//   version 3, or (at your option) any later version. In short: there is
//   no warranty of any kind; you must redistribute the source code as well.

void mndlbrot::f(double a, double b, double &x, double &y) const
{ double u = x*x - y*y + a; y = 2*x*y + b; x = u; }
unsigned int GivePeriodJung(long double cx, long double cy, long double ER2, unsigned int jMax, long double precision2, long double Zp[2]) 
{  //determine the period, then set Zp to periodic point.
   // bailout = ER2 = (EscapeRadius)^2
   unsigned int j;
  // unsigned int jMax = 500000; 
   long double x=0.0L;
   long double y=0.0L; // z 
   long double x0, y0; // z0 inside periodic orbit
   long double t; // temp
   //long double precision = 1e-16;
   // iterate until z fall into periodic cycle ( = limit cycle) 
   for (j = 1; j <= jMax; j++)
     if (x*x + y*y <= ER2) 
       {t = x*x - y*y + cx; 
        y = 2*x*y + cy; 
        x = t;}
       else return 0; //escaping = definitely not periodic 
   // after jMax iterations z SHOULD BE inside periodic orbit 
   x0 = x; y0 = y; // z = z0

   // find a period 
   for (j = 1; j <= jMax; j++)
      if (x*x + y*y <= ER2) 
        {t = x*x - y*y + cx; 
        y = 2*x*y + cy; 
        x = t;}
        else return 0; // escaping = definitely not periodic
     if ( (x - x0)*(x - x0) + (y - y0)*(y - y0) < precision2) // periodic 
      {   Zp[0] = x; 
          Zp[1] = y; 
         return j;  // period = j 
   return (2*jMax+3); // (not escaping after 2*jMax = maybe periodic but period > jMax) or  
    // (maybe escaping but slow dynamics, so need more iterations then 2*jMax) 

int SameComplexValue(long double Z1x,long double Z1y,long double Z2x,long double Z2y, long double precision)
    if (fabsl(Z1x-Z2x)<precision && fabs(Z1y-Z2y)<precision) 
       return 1; /* true */
       else return 0; /* false */
// this function is based on program:
// Program MANCHAOS.BAS  
// http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/chaos/manchaos.bas
// (c) 1997 by J. C. Sprott 
unsigned int GivePeriodS(long double Cx,long double Cy, unsigned int iMax, long double precision, long double Zp[2])
  long double Zx2, Zy2, /* Zx2=Zx*Zx;  Zy2=Zy*Zy  */
     unsigned int i; 
     unsigned int  period = iMax+3; // not periodic or period > iMax

     /* dynamic 1D arrays for  x, y of z points   */
    long double *OrbitX; // zx
    long double *OrbitY;  // zy 
     int iLength = iMax; // length of arrays ;  array elements are numbered from 0 to iMax-1 
  //  creates dynamic arrays and checks if it was done properly
  OrbitX = malloc( iLength * sizeof(long double) );
  OrbitY = malloc( iLength * sizeof(long double) );
  if (OrbitX == NULL || OrbitY ==NULL)
      printf("Could not allocate memory \n");
      return 1; // error

  Zp[0] = 0.0;
  Zp[1] = 0.0;

  /* starting point is critical point  */
   OrbitX[0] =0.0;
   OrbitY[0] =0.0;  

   /* iterate and save points to the array */
   for (i=0;i<iMax ;i++)
            ZNextY=2*ZPrevieousX*ZPrevieousY + Cy;
            ZNextX=Zx2-Zy2 +Cx;
            if ((Zx2+Zy2)>ER2) return 0; /* basin of atraction to infinity */
            //if (SameComplexValue(ZPrevieousX,ZPrevieousY,ZNextX,ZNextY,precision))
            //   return 1; /* fixed point , period =1 */
            /* */
            OrbitX[i] = ZNextX;
            OrbitY[i] = ZNextY;   
    /* find   */    
      if (SameComplexValue(OrbitX[iMax-1],OrbitY[iMax-1],OrbitX[i],OrbitY[i],precision))
          Zp[0] = OrbitX[i];
          Zp[1] = OrbitY[i]; 
          period = iMax-i-1; // compute period 
          break; // the loop 
  // free memmory

  return period ; 

unsigned int GivePeriodReal(long double Cx,long double Cy)
 // check
  if ( -0.75L<Cx && Cx<0.25L ) return 1;
  if ( -1.25L<Cx && Cx<-0.75L ) return 2;
  if ( -1.368089448988708L<Cx && Cx<-1.25L ) return 4; // numerical approximation = maybe wrong
  if ( -1.394040000725660L<Cx && Cx<-1.368089448988708L ) return 8; // numerical approximation = maybe wrong
 return 0; // -1.36809742955000002314


int main()

long double CxMin = -1.4011551890L; // The Feigenbaum Point = the limit of the period doubling cascade of bifurcations 
long double CxMax = -0.74L;  
long double Cx;
long double Cy = 0.0L;
long double PixelWidth = (CxMax-CxMin)/10000.0L;
long double precisionS = PixelWidth / 100.0L;
long double precisionJ = 1e-16; 
unsigned int periodS, periodJ, periodR;
long double Zp[2]; // periodic z points on dynamic plane
unsigned int iMax = 1000000; // iteration max = Max period 
// text file 
FILE * fp;  // result is saved to text file 
fp = fopen("data2p10pz.txt","w"); // create new file,give it a name and open it in binary mode  
fprintf(fp," periods of attracting orbits ( c points ) on real axis of parameter plane = real slice of the Mandelbrot set  \n");
fprintf(fp," from Cmin = %.20Lf to Cmax = %.20Lf \n", CxMin, CxMax);
fprintf(fp," dC = CxMax-CxMin = %.20Lf \n", CxMax- CxMin);
fprintf(fp," PixelWidth       = %.20Lf \n", PixelWidth);
fprintf(fp," precisionS        = %.20Lf ; precisionJ =  %.20Lf\n", precisionS, sqrtl(precisionJ));
fprintf(fp," iMaxS = %u ; iMaxJ = %u\n", iMax, 2*jMax);
fprintf(fp," \n\n\n");

// go along real axis from CxMin to CxMax using linear scale 
Cx = CxMin;
while (Cx<CxMax)
  // compute 
  periodR = GivePeriodReal(Cx,Cy);
  periodS = GivePeriodS(Cx, Cy, iMax, precisionS, Zp);
  periodJ = GivePeriodJung(Cx, Cy, ER2, jMax, precisionJ, Zp);
  // check and save 
  if (periodR>0)
      if (periodJ==periodS && periodS==periodR ) // all periods are the same and real period is known 
         fprintf(fp," c = %.20Lf ; period = %u ; \n", Cx, periodS );
         else fprintf(fp," c = %.20Lf ; period = %u ; periodS = %u ; periodJ = %u ; difference !!! \n", Cx, periodR, periodS, periodJ );
    else // PeriodR==00
       if (periodJ==0 && periodS==0 ) 
         fprintf(fp," c = %.20Lf ; period = %u ; \n", Cx, periodS );// all periods are the same and real period is known 
         else { if (periodS==periodJ)
                fprintf(fp," c = %.20Lf ; periodJ = periodS = %u ; \n", Cx, periodS );
                else fprintf(fp," c = %.20Lf ; periodS = %u ; periodJ = %u ; difference !!! \n", Cx, periodS, periodJ );
  // info message
  printf("c = %.20Lf \n",Cx);
  // next c point 
  Cx += PixelWidth;

 printf(" result is saved to text file \n");
return 0;

Non-linear scale shows bigger periods ( along real slice of Mandelbrot set ) :


gcc p.c -Wall -lm 
time ./a.out

numerical approximation  of limit cycle's period  
along real slice of Mandelbrot set

Adam Majewski


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

// part of THE REAL SLICE OF THE MANDELBROT SET where period doubling cascade is  
long double CxMin = -1.4011552; // 1890L; // > The Feigenbaum Point = the limit of the period doubling cascade of bifurcations 
long double CxMax = 0.26L;  
long double Cx;
long double Cy = 0.0L; // constant value 
long double PixelWidth ; // = (CxMax-CxMin)/10000.0L;
//long double precisionS ; //precisionS = PixelWidth / 100.0L;//= PixelWidth / 100.0L;
long double f= 4.669201609102990671853203820466L; // The Feigenbaum delta constant 
long double precisionJ = 1e-20; 
unsigned int periodJ, periodR;
long double Zp[2]; // periodic z points on dynamic plane

long double ER2 = 4.0L;
unsigned int jMax = 5000000; // iteration max = Max period 
unsigned int iNoPeriod;
//unsigned int iMax ; //= 2*jMax; // 1000000; // iteration max = Max period

// mndynamics::period(double &a, double &b, int cycle)
// mndynamo.cpp  by Wolf Jung (C) 2007-2014
// part of Mandel 5.10 which is free software; you can
//   redistribute and / or modify them under the terms of the GNU General
//   Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//   version 3, or (at your option) any later version. In short: there is
//   no warranty of any kind; you must redistribute the source code as well.

void mndlbrot::f(double a, double b, double &x, double &y) const
{ double u = x*x - y*y + a; y = 2*x*y + b; x = u; }

code with small changes

unsigned int GivePeriodJung(long double cx, long double cy, long double ER2, unsigned int jMax, long double precision2, long double Zp[2]) 
{  //determine the period, then set Zp to periodic point.
   // bailout = ER2 = (EscapeRadius)^2
   unsigned int j;
  // unsigned int jMax = 500000; 
   long double x=0.0L;
   long double y=0.0L; // z 
   long double x0, y0; // z0 inside periodic orbit
   long double t; // temp
   //long double precision = 1e-16;
   // iterate until z fall into periodic cycle ( = limit cycle) 
   for (j = 1; j <= jMax; j++)
     if (x*x + y*y <= ER2) 
       {t = x*x - y*y + cx; 
        y = 2*x*y + cy; 
        x = t;}
       else return 0; //escaping = definitely not periodic 
   // after jMax iterations z SHOULD BE inside periodic orbit 
   x0 = x; y0 = y; // z = z0

   // find a period 
   for (j = 1; j <= jMax; j++)
      if (x*x + y*y <= ER2) 
        {t = x*x - y*y + cx; 
        y = 2*x*y + cy; 
        x = t;}
        else return 0; // escaping = definitely not periodic
     if ( (x - x0)*(x - x0) + (y - y0)*(y - y0) < precision2) // periodic 
      {   Zp[0] = x; 
          Zp[1] = y; 
         return j;  // period = j 
   return (iNoPeriod); // (not escaping after 2*jMax = maybe periodic but period > jMax) or  
    // (maybe escaping but slow dynamics, so need more iterations then 2*jMax) 

// http://classes.yale.edu/Fractals/MandelSet/MandelScalings/CompDiam/CompDiam.html
unsigned int GivePeriodReal(long double Cx,long double Cy)
 long double Cx0= 0.25L; 
 long double Cx1= -0.75L; 
 long double Cx2= -1.25L; 
 long double Cx3= -1.368089448988708L; // numerical approximation = maybe wrong
 long double Cx4= -1.394040000725660L; // numerical approximation = maybe wrong
  if ( Cx1<Cx && Cx<Cx0 ) return 1;
  if ( Cx2<Cx && Cx<Cx1 ) return 2;
  if ( Cx3<Cx && Cx<Cx2 ) return 4; // numerical approximation = maybe wrong
  if ( Cx4<Cx && Cx<Cx3 ) return 8; // numerical approximation = maybe wrong
 return 0; // -1.36809742955000002314


// try to have the same number of the pixels = n
// inside each hyperbolic component of Mandelbrot set along real axis
// width of components

long double GivePixelWidth(unsigned int period, unsigned int n)

  long double w ;
  unsigned int k;

 switch ( period )
   case      0 : w=(CxMax-CxMin)/n;      break;
   case      1 : w=1.000000000000L/n;    break; // exact value
   case      2 : w=0.310700264133L/n;    break; // numerical approximation , maybe wrong 
   case      4 : w=0.070844843095L/n;    break; // w(2*p) = w(p)/f  ; f =  Feigenbaum constant
   case      8 : w=0.015397875272L/n;    break;
   case     16 : w=0.003307721510L/n;    break;
   case     32 : w=0.000708881730L/n;    break;
   case     64 : w=0.000151841994935L/n; break;
   case    128 : w=0.000032520887170L/n; break;
   case    256 : w=0.00000696502297L/n;  break;
   case    512 : w=0.000001491696694L/n; break;
   case   1024 : w=0.000000319475846L/n; break;
   case   2048 : w=0.000000068421948L/n; break;
   case   4096 : w=0.000000015L/n;       break;
   case   8192 : w=0.000000004L/n;       break;
   case  16384 : w=0.000000001L/n;       break;
   default : if (period == 2*jMax+3)  w=(CxMax-CxMin)/10.0L; // period not found or period > jMax
                else { k=period/16384; w = 0.000000001L; while (k>2) { w /=f; k /=2;};  w /=n;} // feigenbaum scaling  

 return w;

int main()


PixelWidth = (CxMax-CxMin)/1000.0L;
precisionJ = PixelWidth/10000000.0L;
iNoPeriod = 2*jMax+3;
// text file 
FILE * fp;  // result is saved to text file 
fp = fopen("data64_50ff.txt","w"); // create new file,give it a name and open it in binary mode  
fprintf(fp," periods of attracting orbits ( c points ) on real axis of parameter plane = real slice of the Mandelbrot set  \n");
fprintf(fp," from  Cmax = %.20Lf to Cmin = %.20Lf \n", CxMax, CxMin);
fprintf(fp," dC = CxMax-CxMin = %.20Lf \n", CxMax- CxMin);
fprintf(fp," non-inear scale with varied step = PixelWidth       \n");
fprintf(fp," precisionJ =  %.20Lf\n", sqrtl(precisionJ));
fprintf(fp,"  jMax = %u\n",  2*jMax);
fprintf(fp," \n\n\n");

// go along real axis from CxMin to CxMax using linear scale 
Cx = CxMax;
while (Cx>CxMin)
  // compute 
  //periodR = GivePeriodReal(Cx,Cy);
  periodJ = GivePeriodJung(Cx, Cy, ER2, jMax, PixelWidth/10000000.0L, Zp);
  // check and save 
   if (periodJ == iNoPeriod) 
      fprintf(fp," c = %.20Lf ; periodJ = %u ; PixelWidth = %.20LF Period not found : error !!! \n", Cx, periodJ, PixelWidth );
      else fprintf(fp," c = %.20Lf ; periodJ = %u ; PixelWidth = %.20LF \n", Cx, periodJ, PixelWidth );
  printf("c = %.20Lf ; period = %u \n",Cx, periodJ);  // info message
  // next c point 
  PixelWidth =GivePixelWidth( periodJ, 50);
  Cx -= PixelWidth;

 printf(" result is saved to text file \n");

return 0;


  1. math stackexchange question: period-of-a-finite-binary-sequence
  2. lavaurs' algorithm in Haskell with SVG output by Claude Heiland-Allen
  3. Subdivision rule constructions on critically preperiodic quadratic matings by Mary Wilkerson
  4. Rigorous Investigations Of Periodic Orbits In An Electronic Circuit By Means Of Interval Methods by Zbigniew Galias
  5. Mandelbrot set drawing by Milan

See also

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