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Assessing Industrial Refrigeration Efficiency
This guide serves as an aid for assessing industrial refrigeration efficiency. Included is a method for estimating cost savings from reducing the work done by compressors, fans, and pumps in a refrigeration system. This guide is organized into the following sections.
Technology Primer
This is a short overview on identifying refrigeration systems and quipment. Read this section before reviewing a refrigeration system as a reminder of what to look for and why.
Walkthrough Checklist
Use this checklist in the initial review to identify potential opportunities for refrigeration efficiency increases. Seven common opportunities are covered in greater detail in Section 5; recommendations.
Data Collection
Collecting the right data is key to an effective assessment. This section describes tools and data specific to refrigeration system. Data sheets are included that you can use to collect the needed information.
Data Sheet
Data sheets are included that you can use to collect the necessary data.
Power & Energy
This section presents analysis tools and techniques that will be used later in analyzing different recommendations. Section 6 of this guide: " Recommendations", outlines the required procedures and concepts. These equations and calculations are referred to in analyzing the different recommendations.
This section presents seven common energy saving opportunities in a vapor-compression refrigeration system. Each recommendation includes a list of data to collect and a method to estimate savings. Assessments are important since decisions to implement system improvements generally depend on economics. Examine each recommendation and note which data you will need to collect.
The appendix includes more detail of refrigeration systems and common recommendation. Topics include: refrigerants and their properties, simple and complex system information, dynamics and control, and further information on each of the recommendations.