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  • "VFDs and Motors: Making the right match", CSE Mag, 7-1-08

Example ARs/EEMs

  • none yet uploaded


The Spreadsheet is called "MM+ Motor". Now, let's go through this workbook sheet-by-sheet and cell by cell so nothing is missed or misunderstood. As a beginning note, any columns and fields formatted with blue text require that you enter data manually into them (i.e. they do not retrieve or calculate the data using formula).

Codes Sheet

Here is where some basic information placed to reference for other sheets. Theses will be used periodically in the next few sheets.

Motor Use Summary (Table A.4.)

  • Use: This field will be straight numbers (i.e. 1-10) from the Codes sheet "End Use Categories" to describe what each motor is used for and the subsystem (Example: for a Hydraulic pump that operates intermittently - the "End Use Categories" is 4.5). This column is copied to the 'Motor Data' sheet.
  • However, as long as the Use column in the "Summary" sheet and the Use Column in the "Motor Data" sheet are the same, it does not matter.
  • Area: This is a brief description of the area the motor is in (i.e. "PF Production") and the area field of the "Motor Data" sheet will be filled out from this page.
  • Hours: This is the number of yearly operating hours that nay particular area is in use. For example, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is 8760 hours a years.
  • Quantity(QTY): This is filled out from the "Motor Data" sheet. It is a summation of the number of motors in each Use category.
  • Horsepower(Hp): This is filled out from the "Motor Data" sheet. It is a summation of the Horsepower of motors in each Use category.
  • Kilowatts(kW): This is filled out from the "Motor Data" sheet. It is a summation of the Energy motors in each Use category.
  • Kilowatt hours(kWh): This is filled out from the "Motor Data" sheet. It is a summation of the Yearly Energy used by of motors in each Use category.
  • Kilowatt hours percentage(kWh%): This is a combination of the energy used as compared to the whole.
  • Summary (description) is used for motors that are shared in a description or location
  • Summary (process) is used for motors that are similar in operation or process

Delete the unnecessary rows beofore placing in to the appendix. Include the Code Table below Table A.4. for this type of summary.

A.5. Economics

The information for this table may be obtained from the utility rate schedule - ask whoever is doing bills for the plant to help you find and interpret this.

A.6. Diversity Factor

These can be obtained from the utility bills and whoever is doing the lighting AR for the plant (respectively). The Total Motor Demand and Diversity Factor are both formulated and need no manipulation.

After entering all data, copy the area titles and corresponding kWh values to the "End Use Table" in the excel utility sheet. Make sure other electrical users such as lights and ovens are included. If you get a negative number for "Miscellaneous", then redo the LF's and UF's for the motors and repeat. Fill out the Department column and the Total Hours each department is operational.

Motor Data Sheet

This is where almost all information is entered that the rest of the sheet uses, so make sure it is accurate and correct before you get too far.

  • Data#: Number this colmun from 1- (max number of motors). Do not use an equation: just fill series the column... This assigns a number to each motor and is used to keep track of the motors throughout the workbook. In other words, the number a motor is assigned should never change throughout.
  • Use: This is assigned from the "Summary" sheet.
  • Description: This is a small description of the motor, usually just something about what the motor pumps or powers (i.e. Air Compressor or Methanol Pumps).
  • Area: This is the area of the plant that the motor is in (i.e. Pump Room or Cooling Tower).
  • Manufactorer: This is gathered off of the nameplate of the motor and is entered as it reads.
  • Hp: This is the horsepower of the motor as gathered off of the nameplate during the assessment.
  • Enclosure Type: This is either a "1" or a "0" depending on what the enclosure type is. "1" is a TEFC and "0" is an ODP. The program is not set up to use Explosion Proof motors or other enclosure codes; you will have to adjust the math in the cell equation to get a correct response for those other types of motors.
  • Volts: This is what the motor is wired for according to the nameplate (typically 230 or 460).
  • Amps: If there is an amps nameplate value, enter it here and overwrite the formula. If you did not gather nameplate amps or there was no value, leave it blank, it will be looked up in the tables.
  • RPM: As measured or read off of the nameplate.
  • Type+: This is how efficient the motor is. A "1" corresponds to a standard efficiency motor, while a "2" corresponds to a high efficiency motor (also defined in the "Codes" Sheet).
  • Qty: The number of motors there are of this exact type, in the area.
  • Measure Volts: This is measured volts that are measured with an instrument-this is not the nameplate Voltage value.
  • Measured Amps: This is the measured amps. Measured volts are useless without measured amps and vice versa.
  • UF: Use Factor or a measure of how much the motor is in actual use. For example, an air compressor might be on constantly 24 hours a day 7 days a week, but maybe it's only actually compressing air for half of that time, the rest of the time it is sitting idle. In this case, its use factor would be 50% (just enter the number, the % sign is formatted).
  • LF*: Load Factor, or a measure of how much the motor is loaded when it is operating. Continuing with the Air Compressor example, maybe the compressor isn't operating at full capacity when it is compressing, maybe it's only operating at 70% capacity, and then the Load Factor would be 70%.
  • EFF% and PF%: are formulated cells that do not require data to be entered.
  • DRV(Drive): This is the type of drive that the motor has. See the "Codes" sheet for a list of types. This field is not required, unless you want to replace belts with notched v-belts or high torque drives.
  • PFC(Power Factor Correction): If the motor has correction capacitors build into it then put a C in the box.

The rest of the fields in this sheet are calculated formulas and require no manipulation.

Notes on Motor Data: If you find that your sheets such as "Applications" and "MM+ Export" are returning a weird cell title for your Company (like "PLANT NAME HERE") check cell "G1" in Motor Data because that is where those cells reference to for the plant name. Make sure the columns "V" through "AI" are calculated correctly. There may be some zeros if the motor runs at a nonstandard RPM. The kW and kWh columns must match the AirMaster values for Air Compressor Motors. UF's and LF's may be adjusted as needed.

Inventory (Table A.2.) All of the cells in this sheet are calculated and require no manipulation.

Applications (Table A.3.) All of the cells in this sheet are calculated and require no manipulation.

Motor Performance (Table A.6.) All of the cells in this sheet are static and require no manipulation.

Power Factor (Table A.7.) All of the cells in this sheet are static and require no manipulation. The graph gets copied to the appendix.

MM+ Export All of the Cells in this sheet are calculated and require no manipulation. This will be the sheet manipulated for inputs into the MotorMaster+ program.


  • All the ones not mentioned below are copied from the "Motor Data" sheet and require no manipulation.
  • New Cost: This is to be entered from the Motor Master Batch Analysis query of the motors, which will be explained later in the "Finishing Up" Section of this manual.
  • Discount: We typically use a conservative estimate of 35%, which should be entered as the default already. The discount is how much the manufacturer discounts off a new motor price. Used by the MotorMaster+, it is located here for information purposes only.
  • Rewind Cost: This is looked up from the "Rewind Costs" sheet and therefore does not require manipulation.
  • Cost Premium: Calculated and requires no manipulation.
  • Energy Savings (kWh): This is entered from the Motor Master Batch Analysis printout.
  • Demand Savings (kWh): This is also entered from the Motor Master Batch Analysis printout.

Premium Word (Appendix: Table A.10)(Premium Efficiency Motor AR: Table 1)

All of the cells in this sheet are calculated and require no manipulation. This table is used in both the Appendix and Premium Efficiency AR. Delete un-necessary rows before inputting into the document.

Motor AR

These are the basic calculations needed for a Premium Motors AR. Copy and paste as needed. (Needs Work)


(Needs Work) Torque calculates the savings and implementation cost of installing a high torque drive. It will be optional to you whether you include on the actual table and sheet by inserting yes into the show column.

Torque Word

(Needs work)

Torque AR

(Needs work) These are the basic calculations needed for a high torque motor AR. Copy and paste as needed. Currently you have to fill in the data from the other sheets, but eventually this will be filled out for you.


(Needs Work) It is the same as torque but uses notched V-belts instead of high torque drives.

V-belts Word

(Needs Work)

Motor Look-up

All Cells in this sheet are used as reference and require no manipulation.

Rewind Costs

All of the cells in this sheet are used as reference and require no manipulation.

Exporting Data from Excel and Importing Data into Motor Master

Preparations After entering all motor data, delete the excess rows of the Premium sheet, this will save you some headaches later.

Save with anotherfiler name (fileA.xls for example).

Then click the "SORT DATA" button at the top of the motor spreadsheet. Sort Data does several things. The first is that it sorts the motors by Hp, and then sorts each Hp range by alpha then numeric. The next part of the macro removes the motors over ~90% efficiency and places all this info into the "MM+ Export" Sheet for export.

Exporting The only sheet out of the entire workbook that ever gets exported is the "MM+ Export" sheet. This contains all data that Motor Master uses for analysis and has it in the correct order for import. To export the data do the following simple steps:

 1) With the "MM+ Export" sheet selected and in view, go to "Save As..." Use whatever name you like and save it to whatever directory you wish, because this file will only be temporary. Just make sure you remember where you saved it and what you named it so you can access it.
 2) Under the "Save as Type:" drop-down menu (very bottom of "Save As..." dialog box) select "CSV (Comma delimited)" as the file format (it's 7th one down the list).
 3) Click "Yes" to the dialog box that warns you about some stupid formatting stuff. If you saved your workbook previous to doing this you can also click "No" to the dialog box that appears when you go to close the workbook (if you save the changes the MM+ Export sheet is now a comma delimited file located somewhere else and not part of the workbook).

Now that you've exported from Excel, we have to import into Motor Master. In order to do this, we have to get it into the correct format. You can do either of 2 things to get the file into the correct format. If there are not that many motors, it is probably faster for you to fix the formatting by hand.

Manual Method

 1)Open the Comma Delimited file using Notepad. Each comma represents a separator between 2 columns. At the top of the document you will find all of the headers that exported from Excel with data. Delete all of these until you find the repeating sequence of data.

At the end of each line (At the end of each line (in Notepad there will be one solid line, in here it breaks it up due to page width restrictions) you will find commas. Delete the commas (and only the ending commas, do not delete the returns between each line) that appear like this these!). Also, at the end of every document there appears a series of commas that need to be deleted:

Because what you are doing is importing an ASCII file into Motor Master, you need to discriminate between data strings and numbers. This is done by putting double quotation marks around all facility, process, department and description names. Go to the "Search" menu and click replace. Enter replace all """(3 parenthesis in a row) with "(parenthesis) and hit the replace all button. It should look like this when you are done.


There is a series in which you must enter data into Motor Master. The first step is to setup the company and processes that you are going to import your motor data into.

File:Motor Master1.JPG

2) Now just enter data. There is one important part to all of this, and that is the "ID" field. If you just enter the company name in the "Name" field and do not enter anything in the "ID" field, Motor Master will not import any dat because it doesn't match the input data to the "Name" field, it matches it to the "ID" field. Be sure to enter all data that is the spreadsheet that will be imported (i.e. Company name, Processes, and Departments) exactly as it appears into the "ID" fields. It should look something like this:

File:Company New.JPG

3) Next, click on the "Facilities" menu. This will open a new window, where you will need to create another new document using that white black sheet button. Again, be careful to keep your names in the "ID" field consistent. When you click to save, it will warn you about not entering a Utility Schedule, but we'll do that later so go ahead and save it. It doesn't let you enter a new schedule here so its kind of pointless, unless the one you're going to use is already entered, then you should go ahead and select it using the "Utility Service" tab. It should look something like this:

File:Facilities New.JPG

4) Now you have to enter a new Department. You can do this by going to the "Options" menu and selecting "Departments." There will be many Departments, and typically the Department name is the same as the Process name. Make a new Department and it should look like this:

File:Departments New.JPG

5) After you save the new Department the "Processes" menu will be available to select. Enter the schedule for the process. Typically the name of the Department and the process that goes along with it is the same, but check to see how your export worksheet in Excel is setup. Enter a new process:

File:Processes New.JPG


The next thing that needs to be done is the utility schedule that was mentioned earlier.

1) Go back to Motor Master's Main screen and select "Utilities". A screen will pop up, and you can enter a new utility company and schedule into it:

File:Utilites View.JPG

2) Click on "Rate Schedules", either the button or in the menu. Make a new schedule and enter all the data from the utility company:

File:Utility Rate Schedule View.JPG

3) Any rebates offered by the utility company can be entered under Rebate Programs.

Importing the File

If there aren't any errors, this is an incredibly straight-forward process that should only take a few moments.

1) Go to the Motor Master main screen again and go to the "Options" menu and select "Import Inventory":

File:Import Inventory Data.JPG

2) Now click on the "..." button next to the "Filename" field to select the file you wish to import. This is when you find that text file you made after you deleted all the extraneous commas and headers:

(I have discovered that I have to type in the file name- this file search engine is really weak...)

File:Select ASCII file to import.JPG

3) After you have selected your file and opened it, click on the "Review" button in the Import Inventory Data window. If you're lucky, you won't get any errors like the ones listed(these are the common ones). If you get a "Too many (or few) columns in the record" error, that means that there is a comma problem so check your data in the file and put commas where they need to go; this most commonly happens when you forget to delete the extra line breaks before running the Word macro to delete the commas for you. You shouldn't get the "Motor Record Already Exists" error unless you've already imported the file.

4) What you may need to do if you are having inexplicable troubles is go into the Import Inventory Data Setup. Once there you will find a window with heading IMPORT FILE FIELDS. The list of data should be. !1 Facility user ID, !2 Department user ID, !3 Process user ID, !4 Motor user ID, 5 Motor description, 6 Synchronous spped (RPM), 7 SIZE(horsepower), 8 Enclosure type, 9 Voltage (wired), 10 Total yearly operating hours, 11 Full load amps, 12 Motor type, 13 Voltage rating, 14 measured power draw(kW), 15 Manufacturer, 16 Measured power factor%, 17 Frame Size. If it doesn't say that the information will not be properly imported into Motor Master.

Error Correction Suggestions:

 - Ensure the ID's for Company, Dept, and Process are all the Exact spelling as in the *.csv document.
 - Check for numbers within/exceeding range (will show in the error log). 
 - Number of columns match number of fields.

File:Import Error.JPG

5) Once you get it to the point that you no longer get errors, it is safe to import the data. You can do this by clicking on the "Import" button. You can delete the error log it makes (called "MMIMPORT.ERR") because there are no errors. Now you're finally done importing!

Batch Analysis

Now that you are done importing, it is time to analyze the data and make it useful. You do this be running a "Batch Analysis" which compares the motors to new ones to see how cost effective the current motors are.

1) Go to the Motor Master main screen and select "Batch Analysis". This window will pop up, and make all the drop down menus look like this (after you change all the drop down menus click on the "Search" button to update the field):

File:Motor Inventory Query - BATCH ANALYSIS.JPG

Note: Leave the Facility menu on "All Facilities". This will prevent the company name from appearing in the report.

After you're done with that, click on the "Run Batch" button and enter the data as shown. Make sure you have "Rewind" selected and that the discount for the manufacturers is at 35%:

File:Batch Analysis Setup.JPG

2) Click on the "Batch Run" button and organize the data as shown: Title 1: B.11. Inventory Query - Batch Analysis Title 2: Leave blank Prepared for: LEAVE BLANK! Confidentiality issues arise if not! Prepared by: your center's name

File:Print Batch Analysis Reprot.JPG

3) Click on "Print" and let it go. It won't actually print, that's what you do at this screen. This new screen pops up, go ahead and hit the print icon to make it print out a hard copy of the results. To make a picture that can be inserted into the Motor Appendix, change your default printer to Adobe Acrobat (under your 'Start' button, 'Setting', 'Printers and Faxes'- make Adobe PDF the default): and now you can print to Adobe files. This will open up an Adobe 'save as' screen; save with a convenient title (XXX B10 or XXX B11 your choice) Then while to Adobe screen is open, Export to a Jpg file (for ease of word importing...) Save with same name- it will be labeled with a __. jpg.

File:Print Preview.JPG

Finishing up

Now you've done about everything there is to do, all that is left is to enter the Motor Master data back into the "AR Summary" sheet in the motor workbook. 1) The only things you need out of the Motor Master printout are the "Price", "kWh" under "Energy", and "kW" under "Demand" values:

File:Print Preview2.JPG

Note: Make sure to subtract the rebate column from the price column when entering the motor price. This can be done in the motor sheet by adding the percent discount to the discount column on the premium page.

2) Now go back to the "Premium" sheet in Excel and find a column(Under the "Per Motor" section, NOT the "Total" section!):

3) Take the top most value from the price column in the Motor Master printout and enter that into the "Price" cell for that particular motor. Take the same top-most value from the "kWh" column and put it in the "Energy Savings (kWh)" for the particular motor. The last and final thing you need to enter is the "kW" information from the Motor Master printout in the "Demand Savings (kW)" column. Discount, Rewind Cost, and Cost Premium are all calculated and require no manipulation. Do this for every motor and you are done!

4) Make sure "Yes" is entered for motors you want to show in the AR ("Premium Word" tab).

5) Make sure that all lines in "Premium Word" reference the correct cells from "Premium".

6)All cells with "Immediate" should be replaced with "0.0"

7) Sort the "Premium Word" sheet by payback in ascending order.

8) Check that the sums reference the correct cells and are consistent with the values shown in the "Motor AR" tab.

9) Copy the appropriate numbers and table from the "Motor AR" tab into the motor AR. Insert as Paste Special - Unformatted text for individual lines or as an Excel spreadsheet for the tables.

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