Cookbook | Ingredients | Recipes
Dovga (Dovğа) – is a national meal of Azerbaijani cuisine. It is yogurt milk soup. Dovga can be eaten both cold and warm. Traditionally dovga is made with meatballs which are boiled separately and then added into it. Dovga is famed among ancient Azerbaijan gourmets.
Makes 4 portions
Preparation time is up to 25 minutes. Caloric content of one portion is 150 kcal. Yogurt is poured into pot. But there shouldn’t be any lumps. Then raw rice and raw egg are added into this yogurt and again thoroughly mixed together. It should be mixed continuously and slowly (it is very necessary, because yogurt can turn) until it boils. While they are boiling (rice in dovga should boil), greens should be cut and added into kefir and again boiled for about 5 minutes. Beforehand boiled peas also can be added into dovga. The meal is given in plates or glasses. Salt is added to taste.