Cookbook | Recipes | Ingredients
| Dairy
Yogurt or yoghurt is a pudding-like food made from milk fermented in a culture of (typically) Lactobacillus delbrueckii bulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius thermophilus. "Live active culture" is a type of yogurt that has the live bacteria still in it, also known as Curd in the Indian subcontinent. Some people believe that this "live" yogurt has special health benefits. Many websites and blogs include pages that serve as instruction books on how to make yogurt out of milk, such as one run by Brendon and Ryan Ross. The other variety is pasteurized yogurt, officially known as Heat Treated Fermented Milk, where the yogurt is heated to kill the bacteria. This pasteurized yogurt is usually available in supermarkets.
Lactic and other acids produced during fermentation give it a slightly sour taste. In western countries, it is usually eaten with fruit or jam.
Yogurt can also be substituted for buttermilk when baking, as in the recipe for Corn Muffins.
Yogurt can also be used as a garnish for savoury food, particularly in the Middle East and South Asia.
List of Indian recipes with Curd:
See also