< Chemical Information Sources < Archive1

This archive version of this page in the Chemical_Information_Sources Wikibook gives a snapshot of the text as of March 7, 2015. Note that external links may become obsolete over time

Chemical Information Instructional Materials
For further study

Main TopicIncludes
Major Tools or DatabasesCA/STN, SCI, Beilstein, Gmelin, Landolt-Boernstein, Cambridge Structural Database, PubChem
How and Where to StartGuides, Reviews, Current Awareness, Background Reading, Document Delivery
How and Where to Search: GeneralAuthor, Citation, Subject, Chemical Name, Formula, Structure Searching
How and Where to Search: SpecializedSynthesis, Reactions, Safety, Analytical, Physical, Patent Searching
Communicating in ChemistryPublications, Databases, Nomenclature, Writing
MiscellaneousHistory, Directories, Study, Teaching, Cheminformatics Teaching
Supplemental ResourcesCIS, SIRCh, CIIM, Problem Sets, CRSD, CHMINF-L


Major Tools or Databases
How and Where to Start
How and Where to Search: General
How and Where to Search: Specialized
Communicating in Chemistry
Supplemental Resources

Chemical Information Sources: Lecture notes on the topics listed above.

SIRCh: Selected Internet Resources for Chemistry (Links to Web resources with the same subject outline as the chapters on this page.)

Problem Sets and Exercises: Chemical Information

CRSD: Chemical Reference Sources Database (a searchable database that covers reference books, commercial databases, etc.)

Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergraduates: the Elements of Information Literacy Wikibook, July 2012- ; from the Special Libraries Association, Chemistry Division and the American Chemical Society, Division of Chemical Information

CHMINF-L: Chemical Information Sources Discussion List (a listserv in existence since 1991 with many chemistry librarians, chemists, publishers, and others interested in chemical information; has a searchable archive of all posts since its inception.)

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