This archive version of this page in the Chemical_Information_Sources Wikibook gives a snapshot of the text as of March 7, 2015. Note that external links may become obsolete over time
Chemical Information Instructional Materials
For further study
Main Topic | Includes |
Major Tools or Databases | CA/STN, SCI, Beilstein, Gmelin, Landolt-Boernstein, Cambridge Structural Database, PubChem |
How and Where to Start | Guides, Reviews, Current Awareness, Background Reading, Document Delivery |
How and Where to Search: General | Author, Citation, Subject, Chemical Name, Formula, Structure Searching |
How and Where to Search: Specialized | Synthesis, Reactions, Safety, Analytical, Physical, Patent Searching |
Communicating in Chemistry | Publications, Databases, Nomenclature, Writing |
Miscellaneous | History, Directories, Study, Teaching, Cheminformatics Teaching |
Supplemental Resources | CIS, SIRCh, CIIM, Problem Sets, CRSD, CHMINF-L |
Major Tools or Databases
How and Where to Start
How and Where to Search: General
How and Where to Search: Specialized
Communicating in Chemistry
Supplemental Resources
Chemical Information Sources: Lecture notes on the topics listed above.
SIRCh: Selected Internet Resources for Chemistry (Links to Web resources with the same subject outline as the chapters on this page.)
Problem Sets and Exercises: Chemical Information
CRSD: Chemical Reference Sources Database (a searchable database that covers reference books, commercial databases, etc.)
Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergraduates: the Elements of Information Literacy Wikibook, July 2012- ; from the Special Libraries Association, Chemistry Division and the American Chemical Society, Division of Chemical Information
CHMINF-L: Chemical Information Sources Discussion List (a listserv in existence since 1991 with many chemistry librarians, chemists, publishers, and others interested in chemical information; has a searchable archive of all posts since its inception.)