This archive version of the Chemical_Information_Sources Wikibook gives a snapshot of the text as of March 7, 2015. Note that external links may become obsolete over time
Main Topic | Includes |
How and Where to Start | Publications, Guides, Computer Searching, Current Awareness, Reviews, Document Delivery, Background Reading |
How and Where to Search: General | Authors, Citations, Subjects, Chemical Name, Formula, Structure Searching |
How and Where to Search: Specialized | Synthesis, Reactions, Safety, Analytical, Physical, Patents |
Communicating in Chemistry | Newsgroups, Listserves, Blogs, Visualization, Writing |
Miscellaneous | History, Directories, Study, Teaching, Careers, Cheminformatics |
Supplemental Resources | SIRCh, CIIM, Problem Sets, CRSD, CHMINF-L |
How and Where to Start
Chapter 1 The Publication Process: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Sources
Chapter 2 Guides to Chemical Information Sources and Databases
Chapter 3 General Search Strategies for Online Chemical Information
Chapter 4 Keeping Up and Looking Back: Current Awareness, Reviews, and Document Delivery
Chapter 5 Deep Background Reading: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Treatises, Monographs, and Other Books
How and Where to Search: General
Chapter 6 Author and Citation Searches
Chapter 7 Subject Searches
Chapter 8 Chemical Name and Formula Searches
Chapter 9 Structure Searches
How and Where to Search: Specialized
Chapter 10 Synthesis and Reaction Searches
Chapter 11 Chemical Safety and Toxicology Searches
Chapter 12 Analytical Chemistry Searches
Chapter 13 Physical Property Searches
Chapter 14 Patent Searches
Communicating in Chemistry
Chapter 15 Blogs, Social Networks, and Mailing Lists
Chapter 16 Molecular Visualization Tools and Sites
Chapter 17 Science Writing Aids
Chapter 18 Chemical History, Biography, Directories, and Industry Sources
Chapter 19 Teaching and Studying Chemistry
Chapter 20 Careers in Chemistry
Chapter 21 Cheminformatics
Supplemental Resources
SIRCh: Selected Internet Resources for Chemistry (Links to Web resources with the same subject outline as the chapters on this page.)
CIIM: Chemical Information Instructional Materials (Web resources for more in-depth training on the topics discussed in the chapters.)
CRSD: Chemical Reference Sources Database (a searchable database that covers reference books, commercial databases, etc.)
Information Competencies for Chemistry Undergraduates: the Elements of Information Literacy Wikibook, July 2012- ; from the Special Libraries Association, Chemistry Division and the American Chemical Society, Division of Chemical Information
CHMINF-L: Chemical Information Sources Discussion List (a listserv in existence since 1991 with many chemistry librarians, chemists, publishers, and others interested in chemical information; has a searchable archive of all posts since its inception.)
As a general rule, vendor training material should be consulted for the most up-to-date information for all the resources described anywhere in this wikibook. It simply is not feasible to go into great detail on the mechanics of searching each of the sources described herein and even if this was done, it would quickly go out of date due to the frequency of changes and new features added to these search systems and databases.