Language summary attributes
The concept of attributes is pretty unique to Ada. Attributes allow you to get —and sometimes set— information about objects or other language entities such as types. A good example is the Size attribute. It describes the size of an object or a type in bits.
A : Natural := Integer'Size; -- A is now 32 (with the GNAT compiler for the x86 architecture)
However, unlike the sizeof operator from C/C++ the Size attribute can also be set:
-128 .. 127; -- The range fits into 8 bits but the -- compiler is still free to choose.for
8; -- Now we force the compiler to use 8 bits.
Of course not all attributes can be set. An attribute starts with a tick ' and is followed by its name. The compiler determines by context if the tick is the beginning of an attribute, a character literal or a quantified expression.
A : Character := Character'Val (32) -- A is now a space B : Character := ' '; -- B is also a space
List of language defined attributes
- Ada 2005
- This is a new Ada 2005 attribute.
- Ada 2012
- This is a new Ada 2012 attribute.
- Obsolescent
- This is a deprecated attribute and should not be used in new code.
A – B
- 'Access
- 'Address
- 'Adjacent
- 'Aft
- 'Alignment
- 'Base
- 'Bit_Order
- 'Body_Version
- 'Callable
- 'Caller
- 'Ceiling
- 'Class
- 'Component_Size
- 'Compose
- 'Constrained
- 'Copy_Sign
- 'Count
D – F
G – L
- 'Machine
- 'Machine_Emax
- 'Machine_Emin
- 'Machine_Mantissa
- 'Machine_Overflows
- 'Machine_Radix
- 'Machine_Rounding (Ada 2005)
- 'Machine_Rounds
- 'Mantissa (Obsolescent)
- 'Max
- 'Max_Alignment_For_Allocation (Ada 2012)
- 'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements
- 'Min
- 'Mod (Ada 2005)
- 'Model
- 'Model_Emin
- 'Model_Epsilon
- 'Model_Mantissa
- 'Model_Small
- 'Modulus
O – R
T – V
- 'Tag
- 'Terminated
- 'Truncation
- 'Unbiased_Rounding
- 'Unchecked_Access
- 'Val
- 'Valid
- 'Value
- 'Version
W – Z
- 'Wide_Image
- 'Wide_Value
- 'Wide_Wide_Image (Ada 2005)
- 'Wide_Wide_Value (Ada 2005)
- 'Wide_Wide_Width (Ada 2005)
- 'Wide_Width
- 'Width
- 'Write
List of implementation defined attributes
The following attributes are not available in all Ada compilers, only in those that had implemented them.
Currently, there are only listed the implementation-defined attributes of a few compilers. You can help Wikibooks adding specific attributes of other compilers:
- Implementation-defined attribute of the GNAT compiler from AdaCore/FSF.
- HP Ada
- Implementation-defined attribute of the HP Ada compiler (formerly known as "DEC Ada").
- Implementation-defined attribute[1] of the Irvine ICC compiler.
- PowerAda
- Implementation-defined attribute of OC Systems' PowerAda.
- SPARCompiler
- Implementation-defined attribute of Sun's SPARCompiler Ada.
A – D
- 'Abort_Signal (GNAT)
- 'Address_Size (GNAT)
- 'Architecture (ICC)
- 'Asm_Input (GNAT)
- 'Asm_Output (GNAT)
- 'AST_Entry (GNAT, HP Ada)
- 'Bit (GNAT, HP Ada)
- 'Bit_Position (GNAT)
- 'CG_Mode (ICC)
- 'Code_Address (GNAT)
- 'Compiler_Key (SPARCompiler)
- 'Compiler_Version (SPARCompiler)
- 'Declared (ICC)
- 'Default_Bit_Order (GNAT)
- 'Dope_Address (SPARCompiler)
- 'Dope_Size (SPARCompiler)
E – H
- 'Elaborated (GNAT)
- 'Elab_Body (GNAT)
- 'Elab_Spec (GNAT)
- 'Emax (GNAT)
- 'Enabled (GNAT)
- 'Entry_Number (SPARCompiler)
- 'Enum_Rep (GNAT)
- 'Enum_Val (GNAT)
- 'Epsilon (GNAT)
- 'Exception_Address (ICC)
- 'Extended_Aft (PowerAda)
- 'Extended_Base (PowerAda)
- 'Extended_Digits (PowerAda)
- 'Extended_Fore (PowerAda)
- 'Extended_Image (PowerAda)
- 'Extended_Value (PowerAda)
- 'Extended_Width (PowerAda)
- 'Extended_Wide_Image (PowerAda)
- 'Extended_Wide_Value (PowerAda)
- 'Extended_Wide_Width (PowerAda)
- 'Fixed_Value (GNAT)
- 'Has_Access_Values (GNAT)
- 'Has_Discriminants (GNAT)
- 'High_Word (ICC)
- 'Homogeneous (SPARCompiler)
I – N
- 'Img (GNAT)
- 'Integer_Value (GNAT)
- 'Invalid_Value (GNAT)
- 'Linear_Address (ICC)
- 'Low_Word (ICC)
- 'Machine_Size (GNAT, HP Ada)
- 'Max_Interrupt_Priority (GNAT)
- 'Max_Priority (GNAT)
- 'Maximum_Alignment (GNAT)
- 'Mechanism_Code (GNAT)
- 'Null_Parameter (GNAT, HP Ada)
O – T
- 'Object_Size (GNAT)
- 'Old (GNAT)
- 'Passed_By_Reference (GNAT)
- 'Pool_Address (GNAT)
- 'Range_Length (GNAT)
- 'Ref (SPARCompiler)
- 'Storage_Unit (GNAT)
- 'Stub_Type (GNAT)
- 'Target (ICC)
- 'Target_Name (GNAT)
- 'Task_ID (SPARCompiler)
- 'Tick (GNAT)
- 'To_Address (GNAT)
- 'Type_Class (GNAT, HP Ada)
- 'Type_Key (SPARCompiler)
U – Z
- 'UET_Address (GNAT)
- 'Unconstrained_Array (GNAT)
- 'Universal_Literal_String (GNAT)
- 'Unrestricted_Access (GNAT, ICC)
- 'VADS_Size (GNAT)
- 'Value_Size (GNAT)
- 'Wchar_T_Size (GNAT)
- 'Word_Size (GNAT)
See also
Ada Reference Manual
Ada 83
Ada 95
Ada 2005
Ada 2012
- ↑ "4.2 ICC-Defined Attributes", ICC Ada Implementation Reference — ICC Ada Version 8.2.5 for i960MC Targets, document version 2.11.4