< Ada Programming

Ada. Time-tested, safe and secure.
This language feature is only available in Ada 2012.
Aspect specifications have the form
Name [ => Aspect_Definition] {,
Name [ => Aspect_Definition] } ;
where the aspect definition is optional in some cases when the value is 'True', like No_Return.
List of language defined aspects
Some aspects are specially marked:
- Ada 2012
- This is a new Ada 2012 aspect (new functionality not available in previous Ada versions as pragmas or attribute definition clauses)
- Pragma
- This aspect is also available as a pragma.
- Attribute
- This aspect is also available as a attribute definition clause.
A – D
- Address
- Alignment
- All_Calls_Remote
- Asynchronous
- Atomic
- Atomic_Components
- Attach_Handler
- Bit_Order
- Component_Size
- Convention
- Constant_Indexing (Ada 2012)
- CPU (Ada 2012)
- Default_Component_Value (Ada 2012)
- Default_Iterator (Ada 2012)
- Default_Storage_Pool (Ada 2012)
- Default_Value (Ada 2012)
- Dispatching_Domain (Ada 2012)
- Dynamic_Predicate (Ada 2012)
E – O
- Elaborate_Body
- Export
- External_Name
- External_Tag
- Implicit_Dereference (Ada 2012)
- Import
- Independent (Ada 2012)
- Independent_Components (Ada 2012)
- Inline
- Input
- Iterator_Element (Ada 2012)
- Interrupt_Handler
- Interrupt_Priority
- Link_Name
- Machine_Radix
- No_Return
- Output
P – Z
- Pack
- Post (Ada 2012)
- Pre (Ada 2012)
- Preelaborate
- Priority
- Pure
- Read
- Relative_Deadline
- Remote_Call_Interface
- Remote_Types
- Size
- Shared_Passive
- Small
- Static_Predicate (Ada 2012)
- Storage_Size
- Storage_Pool
- Stream_Size
- Synchronization (Ada 2012)
- Type_Invariant (Ada 2012)
- Unchecked_Union
- Variable_Indexing (Ada 2012)
- Volatile
- Volatile_Components
- Write
List of implementation defined aspects
The following pragmas are not available in all Ada compilers, only in those that had implemented them.
Currently, there are only listed the implementation-defined pragmas of a few compilers. You can help Wikibooks adding specific aspects of other compilers:
- Implementation defined aspect of the GNAT compiler from AdaCore and FSF.
- Ada_2005 (GNAT)
- Ada_2012 (GNAT)
- Favor_Top_Level (GNAT)
- Inline_Always (GNAT)
- Object_Size (GNAT)
- Persistent_BSS (GNAT)
- Pure_Function (GNAT)
- Remote_Access_Type (GNAT)
- Shared (GNAT)
- Suppress_Debug_Info (GNAT)
- Test_Case (GNAT)
- Universal_Aliasing (GNAT)
- Unmodified (GNAT)
- Unreferenced (GNAT)
- Unreferenced_Objects (GNAT)
- Value_Size (GNAT)
- Warnings (GNAT)
See also
Ada Reference Manual
Ada 2012
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