Tattoos is a piece of body art that is possibly the most lasting kind of souvenir one could get. Unfortunately, while they may be a lasting souvenir, some places have restrictions on what you are and aren't allowed to ink on your body.

Tattoo parlours

When you are going to a tattoo parlour, make sure you're going to a certified one, one that is well known and has a good reputation. If a tattoo parlour charges a low price, think carefully before you patronize it. Remember that this will be on your body for the rest of your lifetime (unless you get it removed), so you would want to get them done properly, even if it means paying a few more dollars.


In some countries, having certain designs of tattoos is illegal. Even in places where there isn't any legal restriction, some places may not be willing to let you in, or be very hesitant or cautious. As tattoos are permanent, you usually have the three options of either covering them up, just not go to that place, or do the very painful process of removing that tattoo.


In Australia, it's similar to the #United States, and tattoos generally do not cause a big issue with the exception of the military. However, some older people associate tattoos with gangsters. Meanwhile, face and or neck tattoos will certainly draw a lot of unwanted attention, not just with the older generations, but for most. In some states or territories, you may be denied entry into certain venues.


Ever since 2015, Iran has banned along with other fashion statements like spiky hair and artificial tans in fear of Westernisation.


As tattoos are generally associated with gangsters in Japan, people with tattoos are usually not allowed into hot springs or public baths.

Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan police will arrest and may deport people having tattoos of Buddha or any other tattoos which can be interpreted as having religious significance.

South Korea

In South Korea, it is generally considered that people with tattoos are anti-social individuals who violate social norms and are criminals, gangsters, or juvenile delinquents. Nevertheless, Korean law allows even professional doctors to open tattoo parlours and it is not illegal to have a tattoo unless you are in the South Korean Army. Avoid getting a tattoo with the term Munsin (문신), though, as it's often connected to violence and punitive actions.


In Singapore, tattoos are generally associated with gangsters. Although not illegal, having large tattoos could potentially draw unwanted attention to yourself. That said, things are changing among the younger generation, many of whom choose to get small tattoos on their limbs.

United States

There isn't any federal law regulating the practice of tattooing but all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia have statutory laws requiring a person receiving a tattoo be at least 18 years old. Nevertheless, most states permit a person under the age of 18 to receive a tattoo with permission of a parent or guardian, but some states prohibit tattooing under a certain age regardless of permission, with the exception of medical reasons.

Health and safety

As tattooing breaks the skin, tattooing carries large health risks which can include infection and allergic reactions to tattoo inks. These problems can often be avoided if the tattoo artist follows rules of cleanliness, uses certain tools for just one person, and sterilises their equipment after every use. Also, tattooing is a painful process, although the amount of pain varies by the individual and location of the tattoo. At times, the pain can cause the recipient to feel faint.

In many places, tattooers are required to have training on blood-borne diseases (diseases which can be spread through the blood, like HIV and hepatitis) and as of 2009, in the United States, there haven't been any reported cases of a person getting HIV from a professional tattoo artist.

In amateur tattooing, there is a much higher risk of infection, as unsterilised tattoo equipment or contaminated ink could spread infections on the surface of the skin, fungal infections, some forms of hepatitis, herpes simplex virus, HIV, staph, tetanus, and tuberculosis.

There have been some cases of allergic reactions to tattoo inks, especially to certain colours. Sometimes this happens because the ink includes nickel, which sets off a common metal allergy. However, most people are not allergic to tattoo inks, so this is generally not a huge concern.

Sometimes, if tattooing pierces a blood vessel, a bruise might also appear.

See also

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