Pomáz (German: Paumasch) is a town in the Danube Bend region. It is on the HÉV (commuter train) line Budapest–Szentendre northwest from Budapest. Its neighbor towns are Budakalász (south), Csobánka (west) and Szentendre (north). A popular place to start trips in the Pilis mountains.
Pomáz is the entrance of the Pilis. The village in the valley of Dera-stream with more than 16,000 inhabitants. The nearby volcanic mountains, the Nagy-Csikóvár and the Kőhegy Mountain, and the Holdvilág-árok (ditch) attract day-trippers.
Get in
By train
From Budapest you can take the HÉV (commuter train) H5 line. The ride takes 32 min from Batthyány Square, 24 min from Szentlélek Square (Árpád Bridge). For the part within Budapest (last stop is Békásmegyer), you need a single ticket or a valid pass for Budapest public transport; for the rest you have to buy a suburban ticket. You should buy the Budapest ticket/pass before boarding the train in all cases; the suburban ticket should be bought advance if there is a working ticket vending machine, an open ticket office or reseller available (as of February 2019, there are TVMs at all suburban stops/stations except for Budakalász, and also almost all urban ones, see map). TVMs accept forint coins and notes, as well as conventional and contactless bank cards. You will pay €1.5-2 in forints. HÉV timetable
By bus
You can take a bus from the Pest end of Árpád híd, but these buses are not coming to Pomáz, they are going on route 11, so you must walk or arrange transport for the rest 2-3 km. The easier way is the HÉV.
By car
By car it is easy to access from the route 11.
Get around
The bus going to Dobogókő stops several times between the HÉV station and the northern end of Pomáz. Also there are private companies running transportation services within Pomáz with vans, but they are more expensive.
Most sights are in the main square, the biggest attraction is the Wattay-Teleki-castle. It has been renovated as a home for a music school. It is open for visitors.
You can take a walk in the forest in Csikóváralja: it's a very popular weekend destination for people of Budapest. A very good restaurant waits for you after the trip.
- 🌍 Calvinist Church (Református templom), Hősök tere 1. (in the center of the town), ☏ +36 26 325297, fax: +36 26 325297, pomaz-csobanka@reformatus.hu. Built between 1814 and 1828 in classicism style. Most of the inside furniture are as old as the church. free.
- 🌍 Orthodox church (Szerb ortodox templom), Szerb utca, ☏ +36 26 325133, pomaz@pomaz.hu. Tu-Su, guide: by appointment. This church was built in the 14th century in Gothic style, and between 1719-1722 rebuilt in baroque style. The iconostasis and the bishop's throne is very important Baroque works.
- 🌍 Teleki-Wattay Castle Hotel (Teleki-Wattay-kastély), Templom tér 3. An eclectic-style, monument hotel. The building has 16 rooms. The other 8 rooms are for exhibitions
- 🌍 Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom és plébánia), Templom tér 8, ☏ +36 26 325 006, pomaziplebania.iroda@gmail.com. The church was built in 1768 in Baroque style.
- Local History Collection (Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény).
- 🌍 State foundation monument (honalapítási emlékmű).
- Hungarian Ethnographic Collection (Néprajzi Gyűjtemény).
- 🌍 Serbian Minority Collection (Szerb Nemzetiségi Gyűjtemény), Kossuth utca 48.
- 🌍 Serbian memorial cross (Szerb emlékkereszt), Ravatalozó utca. Gothic
- 🌍 Monastery ruins (Kolostorrom) (close to Pilisszentkerszt road, northwest about 1.5 km).
- Fáy Mansion (Fáy Kúria), Fáy András u.. A monument built in eclectic style.
- Luppa mausoleum, Radnai villa (Luppa-mauzóleum, Radnai-villa). Monuents
Further afield

- 🌍 Budakalász (German: Kalasch) (Right north of Óbuda). Botanical garden of Herb Institute. The Botanical Garden is an natural protection area with national importance. (Gyógynövény Kutató Intézet Botanikus Kertje, Loc:Budakalász, Lupaszigeti út 4 around the central building of Research Institute for Medicinal Plants with total area 5ha. Phone: +36 26 340533, fax: +36 26 343195, email=info@gynki.hu, open M-F 10:00-15:00, by appointment, only with guide, free of charge. Exploring Szabó József Cave, near to Kevély Peak (Hu:Szabó József-barlang. Loc:east of the elevation point 405m of the Ezüst Mount, overlooking to Budakalasz, in the Nagy- also known as Tölgy-quarry. ).
- 🌍 Pilisszentkereszt (Slovak: Mlynky (lit. small mills)) (Cca. 20km northwest from Budapest, take bus No.860-861 from Pomáz, (half hour, hourly). From Esztergom via through the Pilisszentléleken can be accessed). A small village with just over 2000 people. Part of the settlement Dobogókő, which is a popular tourist and holiday resort and the highest point of the Visegrád Mountains. Sights: Ruins of the "cisztercita" abbey, was the first hungarian "cisztercita" cloister. There were excavations beforehand and the stolls of the grave of the queen Gertrud were found. Built in Romanesque style (Hu: cisztercita Apátság romjai. Loc: Outskirt, Phone: +36 26 347619, plebania.1@drotposta.hu, Admission: free). Glad Özséb viewpoint, in a nature protection aree is a popular excursion place, a new belvedere in the Pilis Mountains. The 17 metre high buildup is located exactly on the top of the 756 metre high Pilis. (Hu: Loc.: Pilis plateau, Phone: +36 26 598000, fax: +36 26 398229, informacio@pprt.hu, Admission: free). Roman Cat. Church built in 1752 (Hu: Római katolikus templom). Hunting Lodge of Kakas Mount (Hu: Kakas-hegyi vadászház). Vas Gate Rock (Hu: Vas-kapu sziklabordája). Rocks around Zsivany Cave (Hu: Zsivány-barlang, Zsivány-sziklák). Shelter hut of Count Eötvös Loránd include the Tourist museum (Hu: Báró Eötvös Loránd menedékház és Turistamúzeum Dobogókő, Loc:Pilisszentkereszt-Dobogókő, Téry Ödön út 26). Makovecz Guesthouse and Snack Bar (Hu: Makovecz Zsindelyes Vendégház. Loc: Eötvös Lóránd sétány 10, very close to 'Skicenter of Dobogókő'. Open: 09.00-19.00, Call Mr. Lőrincz László + 36 30 852 0340). Skicenter of Dobogókő, the oldest one of Hungary (Hu: Dobogókő Síközpont). Dera Creek canyon, take a tour on the educational trail with explaining boards about the local flora and fauna. Part of the National Blue Trail (Hu: Szurdokvölgy. Loc: below the village). Szent well, charming source with a small open air altar. Pilgrimage place (Hu: Szentkút). Slovak Village House (Hu: Szlovák tájház). Lime kilns in the 19th century (Hu: Mészégető kemence). Slovak Minority Primary School (Hu: Szlovák Nemzetiségi Általános Iskola). Caves of Dobogókő: Holy water cave with pool (Hu: Szenteltvízmedencés-barlang), Kilátós Cave (Kilátós-barlang. Loc: Dömös), Maria Cave (Hu: Mária-barlang. Loc: Dömös). Caves in the 'Szer' group (Szer-kövek): Cave-stop (Loc: Dömös), Cold-hole (Hu: Hideg-lyuk, Loc: Dömös), Kőtorony-alatti Cave (Hu: Kőtorony-alatti-barlang, lit:Under Stone Tower Cave), Five Hole Cave (Hu: Ötlyukú-barlang).
The bus to the Pilis Mountains leave from the HÉV station of Pomáz very often. You can go to Dobogókő or other nice places for a day trip or longer (it's not difficult to find a tourist house or any other place to spend the night). For the bus timetable, visit Volánbusz (write Pomáz and Dobogókő).
- 🌍 Hungarian Castle Camp (Magyar Vár Tábor), Majdán 1, ☏ +36 26 505656, fax: +36 26 505644, izenet.magyarvar@gmail.com. Dance, crafts, runic writing, horse riding and archery.
There are a few pubs in Pomáz, but for real evening entertainment you must go to Budapest.
- 🌍 Stefano Pizzeria, Hősök tere 7., ☏ +36 26 326476, fax: +36 26 326476. A funky and modern style of bar with fast food.
- 🌍 Bull Pub, Hév station, ☏ +36 26 326467, fax: +36 26 525069. Beers and fast food.
- 🌍 Rákospince wine cellar Restaurant, Beniczky utca 63., ☏ +36 26 325355, fax: +36 26 525366. Restaurant.
- 🌍 Udvaros Restaurant, Mártírok útja 1-3., ☏ +36 26 323974, fax: +36 26 325876, info@udvaroscsarda.hu.
Also here are a couple of traditional Hungarian restaurants like Kincsem restaurant.
There are a couple accommodation possibilities in Pomáz, for more options try Budapest or Szentendre. There are a few couchsurfers in Pomáz.
- 🌍 Teleki-Wattay Castle Hotel, Templom tér 3., ☏ +36 26 525610, fax: +36 26 525611, info@telekikastelyszallo.hu. single/double rooms from Ft 10 000/12 000.
- 🌍 Csikóváraljai Touristhouse, Dobogókői út, ☏ +36 26 325180, fax: +36 26 325180.
- 🌍 Pension Tutti, Budakalászi utca 14, ☏ +36 26 325888, fax: +36 26 325888, tuttipanzio@gmail.com.
- 🌍 Kara Hotel, Beniczky utca 63., ☏ +36 26 325355, fax: +36 26 525366, karahotel@gmail.com.
Go next
- Dunakeszi – town 17 km west
- Esztergom – town 31 km northwest
- Leányfalu – village 13 km northeast
- Pilisvörösvár – town 12 km southwest
- Szentendre — historic town 6 km northeast
- Vác – town 22 km northeast