March 15 square, the main square of Vác
Vác is a town in the Danube Bend region. It is located on the eastern bank of the Danube near the magnificent Danube bend. Though not visited nearly as much as either Szentendre or Visegrád it can be a pleasant and enjoyable stopover between the two.
Get in

Vác train station
By train
- 🌍 Train Station (MÁV állomás pályaudvar), Széchenyi István utca, 39 (a 10-minute or less walk along Széchenyi u. to Március 15. tér.). Vác is well served by MÁV commuter trains from Budapest Nyugati station, forming the northern terminus of two lines. One is the Budapest - Göd - Vác route, which has 2 trains/hour, takes 42 min to Vác, and costs Ft 640 (Ft 550 with a Budapest travelcard). The other one is the Budapest - Fót - Vác route, which has 1 train/hr, takes 85 min and costs Ft 915 (Ft 735 with a Budapest travelcard). You should thus only take a train going to Vác via Göd and ignore those running via Fót. -The Budapest - Vác - Szob semi-fast and semi-express trains also depart from Budapest Nyugati station. The ticket prices are the same as the local trains (Ft 640), but the length of the journey is much shorter (20-30 min). International trains lines (Euro City and Euro Night) which depart from Budapest Keleti station heading towards Warsaw, Prague, Brno, Berlin and Hamburg also stops at Vác.
By bus
- 🌍 Vác Bus Station (Vác Autóbusz-állomás), Szent István tér 4 (From Train Station two blocks toward City Center), ☏ +36 27 304554. Cashdesk 04:30-22:30, Waiting room 04:30-22:30, Buffet 05:00-17:45, Newsstand 05:00-15:00. Buses to/from Budapest, Balassagyarmat and to all Danube Bend (east bank) settlement.Vác and its area bus lines network map. (PDF)
By boat
MAHART Ship that departs from Budapest Vigadó tér stops at Vác. }
By car
From Budapest take road #2 or 2/A (E77).
Get around
The train station is a 10-minute or less walk along Széchenyi u. to Március 15. tér. From there you can reach all of the main attractions without any need for public transportation, though if you need here can be found Citybus lines network map. (PDF)
- 🌍 Tourist Information Center (Tourinform), Március 15. tér 17 (Close to the City Hall), ☏ +36 27 316160, fax: +36 27 316-464, vac@tourinform.hu. Services: Information • Free brochures about Hungary • English and German guided tours (also in other languages on request) • Help to find accommodation • Organising events • Arranging short travels (1-2 days), visiting theatre in Budapest, trips. Internet: free using of EU-information point (tender information, workplaces in EU). - Sales: Guidebooks • CDs • maps • phone cards • travel tickets for the public transports in Budapest • online sale of tickets to the theatre, concert and sport events in the whole Hungary • view cards, stamps.
Around Március 15 Square

The Cathedral of Vác
- Március 15 tér. Visit the nicest Square of Hungary, all houses of its are national level protected monuments. The main square of Vác is a blend of Rococo and Baroque mansions, but you'll also note the archaeological diggings that dominate the area. The Dominican Church is the baroque cathedral dominating the south side of the square.
- 🌍 Cathedral (Váci székesegyház), Konstantin tér, 11 (Center), info@vac-alsovaros.hu. Vác's cathedral on is the building that defines the town. It was begun in baroque style but completed in Neoclassical. It can only be visited during mass or by prior arrangement for tourists, so you may just have to stand outside, admiring its massive columns and statues.
- 🌍 White church and monastery (Fehérek temploma és rendház), Március 15 tér, 22, ☏ +36 27 311275. One of the nicest buildings of the square is the White Friars' Church, which had been built in the 18th century in baroque-rococo style. There are different, wonderful decorations in the front of the church, Ion-offsets, spiral ornaments, vases and statues. Despite of the simple outlook the inside is very rich decorated. The colors are bright, the statues are white, and the altar-pieces are genial. The sensation of the year 1995 was the finds in a secret crypt of the church. 200 years along was the entrance of the crypt walled up. During the renovation of the church the entrance had been demolished and several mummies had been found here. See more down at Memento Mori.
- 🌍 Merciful hospital and Greek Catholic Chapel (Irgalmas rendi kórház és Görög Katolikus Kápolna), Március 15 tér, 7-9..
- 🌍 Town hall (Városháza,Polgármesteri Hivatal Vác), Március 15 tér, 11, ☏ +36 27 513400.
- National Institute for the Deaf and Dumb (Siketnémák Országos Intézete), Március 15 tér.
- 🌍 The former High Provost Palace (Nagypréposti Palota), Március 15 tér, 4. A significant Baroque architectural monument of the diocese. Built in 13th century, the label also bears witness to this over the balcony. Until the mid-20th century, it was the residence for the High Provost.
- Kuria (Kúria), Március 15 tér, 20.. Here was the Bishop's Advisory Board. This was the seat of the Chapter, as evidenced by the arched gate keystone is. A document certifying that also functioned as a hotel since 1770.
Around Konstantin Square
- Apor Vilmos Catholic College building, former seminary (Apor Vilmos Katolikus Főiskola épülete, korábban szeminárium), Konstantin tér (Center).
- Bishop's Palace (Püspöki palota), Konstantin tér #6 (Center). This is a historic building, built between 1768 and 1775. The garden of the palace is a preserved botanical garden of national importance.
- Papsarok buildings (Papsarok épületei), Konstantin tér (Center).
- Diocesan Library (Váci Egyházmegyei Könyvtár), Konstantin tér.
- Bishop's and Collegiate's Archives of Vác (Váci Püspöki és Káptalani Levéltár), Konstantin tér.
- Small Provost's palace (Kispréposti palota), Konstantin tér.
- 🌍 Piarists High School building complex (Piarista Gimnázium épületegyüttese), Konstantin tér ,Köztársasági út 1., ☏ +36 27 313596.
- State music school (Állami zeneiskola modern épülete), Konstantin tér. A modern building.

Town Prison

Triumphal Arch of Vác
Other areas
- Town Prison (Börtön), Köztársaság út 62-64.. The building of the Prison was built for the convict of the noble youth. It was named "Theresianum" for the honour of the queen. It is still a functioning prison. It gained notoriety during communism and the Horthy regime for being one of the cruelest prisons in the area and there are several famous escape stories. Today you can get eerily close to the building and see the guard towers, as well as a memorial for those who were imprisoned and died there.
- Round Tower (Kerek Torony) (on the northern end of the waterfront.). It is the only remaining part of the former town fortifications. Today it is built into a far more modern house.
- Triumphal Arch (Diadalív, Kőkapu), Köztársaság u. (on just north of Március 15 square). 24/7. Also sometimes called the Stone Gate, it was built in 1764 at what was then the town boundary to welcome Empress Maria Theresa. It is notably smaller than most other similar arches (only one lane of traffic can go under it and there are no stairs to the top), still it is nonetheless a beautiful structure in the city. This is only one of this kind in all Hungary. Free.
- 🌍 Franciscan church and monastery (Ferences templom és rendház, Barátok temploma), Géza király tér, 12, ☏ +36 27 303803. The oldest church of Vác belonged to the Franciscans. It stood on the place of the old fortress destroyed during the siege of the Turks in 1685. Also known as the Temple of friends; King Géza I buried here.
- Reformed Church and Parsonage (Református templom és lelkészlak).
- 🌍 Lutheran church and community center (Evangélikus templom és közösségi ház), Szent István tér ~2.
- 🌍 Hétkápolna (Seven Chapel), Derecske dűlő 2. (South 1 km), ☏ +36 27 313413, stanco.attila@vaciegyhazmegye.hu. National level pilgrimage site
- Deákvári R.C. parish (Deákvári R. k. plébániatemplom), Vörösmarty tér 1., ☏ +36 27-312010.
- Gombás Chapel (Gombás-kápolna).
- Calvary (Kálvária), Argenti Döme tér.
- 🌍 St. Roch chapel (Szent Rókus kápolna), Szent István tér, ☏ +36 20 3860242.
- 🌍 Synagogue (Zsinagóga), Eötvös utca 3, vzsh@invitel.hu.
- 🌍 Pointed Tower and the Roman wall remains (Hegyes torony és római kori falmaradványok), Liszt Ferenc sétány 12.
- 🌍 Kőszentes bridge (Kőszentes híd), Diadal tér, ~18. Baroque bridge over Gombás stream with six sacred statues, built in 1753-1757. It is a nationally unique historic edifice. Besides, it is the only Baroque bridge in Hungary today.
- 🌍 The Red House (Vörösház), Doktor Csányi László körút 52. This was built in 1733 in Baroque style and it is recognised as a listed building. Through more than two centuries it was the rural building of the bishopcy. Its striking colour was the result of the bricklayers from Naples working here.
- 🌍 Honvéd Monument (Honvéd-emlékmű), Liget (Hwy 2) (South one km). Military Monument. Built in 1868, the year after the Reconciliation (Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867). This Treaty re-established partially the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Hungary, separate from and no longer subject to the Austrian Empire.
- 🌍 Railway station building (Vasútállomás épülete). Protected Monument
- Felsővárosi Roman Catholic Church (Felsővárosi Római Katolikus templom), Káptalan u. 4, ☏ +36 27 311-275.
- The Column of the Holy Trinity (Szentháromság Oszlop), Szentháromság tér. The Column of the Holy Trinity is a historic monument. The column, standing in this square which hosted the fish market, is one of the most beautiful edifices. It was built using sandstone and was commissioned by Bishop Althann between 1750 and 1755.
- Tragor Ignác Museum (Tragor Ignác Múzeum), Zrínyi u. 41/a. The town's only real museum, though it has several branches.
- Diocesan Museum (Váci Székesegyház Kincstár és Egyházmegyei gyűjtemény), Március 15 tér, 4. A collection of church arts and relics. The frescoed palace has a permanent art exhibition and a millennial history of the Diocese's exhibition. Since 2006, the concerts are also held in the building.
- 🌍 Memento Mori, Március 15 tér, 19. This exhibition is a unique in all Europe in the Dominican church crypt you can see naturally mummified corpses in coffins. The former Dominican church crypt was found during the renovations. A special climate of the crypt ensured the very good conditions of 262 coffins and the bodies as well. Here can bee seen the mummies with the rich decorated palls, and the painted coffins. These founds are unique in Central Europe. In front of the church there is the statue of St. Joseph with the little Jesus. The collection includes a few mummies, coffins, costumes and funeral props.
- 🌍 Greek Church Exhibition Space, Március 15 tér, 19 (Center). History, art, and culture from the once thriving but now nearly non-existent Greek Church in Vác.
- 🌍 The Medieval Cellar Exhibition Space (Középkori Pince Kiállítóhely, Tragor Ignác Múzeum), Széchenyi utca 3-5 (Center). There is an exhibition in the crypt under the big glass roof. Leads visitors down into a cellar built by King Matthias and displays archeaological findings, from Árpád-age to the modern age. In a 14th-century cellar.
- 🌍 The Gyula Hincz Collection (Hincz Gyula Gyűjtemény), Káptalan utca 16 (Center). An exhibit on the history of the town (though it is all written in Hungarian) and a loft featuring artwork for local painter Gyula Hincz.
- Wine Museum (Bormúzeum - Váci Curia Borház & Borgyűjteménytár). Vaci Curia Winehouse & Wine Collection: History of Wine exhibition, a place where visitors can sample wine rarities.
- Főtér gallery (Főtér galéria), Március 15 tér.
- Göncöl House (Göncöl Ház- Földanya Ékességei Geológiai Kiállítás). Geological exhibition. The more than 600 pieces collection of geological be known with guided tour
- Modern Art Collection (Modern Művészeti Gyűjtemény). A collection of the most famous works of the past forty years, Matuska Szilveszter, Salvador Dali.
- Sports History Exhibition (Sporttörténeti Kiállítás).
- St. Michael's Crypt (Szent Mihály Altemplom).
- Tower Gallery (Torony Galéria).
- Depository of Vac Collection (Váci Értéktár - Közérdekű Muzeális Gyűjtemény).
- Sajdik Ferenc Collection (Váci Mosolyalbum- Sajdik Ferenc gyűjtemény), Március 15 tér. Lifetime Achievement Collection
- Art Collections of Vac, Pannonia House (Váci Művészeti Gyűjtemények, Pannónia Ház). cast iron exhibition, book binding works collection and works of sugar monumental buildings of Bela Haraszti.
Further afield
- 🌍 Vácrátót. there is an arboretum, the Manor of the Vigyázó Castle
- Caves of Naszály Mountain (Naszály hegy barlangjai).
- Nature Trail of flood basin (Ártéri tanösvény).
- Primary waterside promenade (Duna-korzó), József Attila sétány, Liszt Ferenc sétány and Ady Endre sétány. A walk along it is probably the most worthwhile thing to do in Vác. Besides the Danube and scenery this is an excellent place for people watching and enjoying leisure time with the locals.
- Post park (Posta park) (Behind Madách Imre Culture Center).
- Rose garden (Rózsakert).
- Music Pavilon (Zenepavilon) (At Duna-korzó).
- 🌍 Bath and Swimming Pool (Váci Strandfürdő és Uszoda).
- 'Váci Tavaszi Fesztivál'
- 'Váci Humor- és Karikatúra Fesztivál'
- 'V4 Visegrádi Négyek Fesztivál és Színházi Találkozó'
- 'Váci Lecsófesztivál'
- 'Szüreti Felvonulás'
- 'Váci Óévbúcsúztató Forraltbor-főző Verseny'
- 'Váci világi vigalom'
- 'Európa fesztivál' - early May
- 'Mária napi búcsú'
- 'Gyalogtúrázók Országos Találkozója'
- 'Őszi Művészeti Hetek'
- 🌍 OTP Bank Vác, Széchenyi István utca 3 (Next to The Medieval Cellar Exhibition Space), ☏ +36 1 366 6388. M-Th 07:45-17:00, F 07:45-16:00. ATM 0-24. Mobile phone charging by ATM. Traded currencies: USD, EUR. Free WiFi
- 🌍 Raiffeisen Bank, Széchenyi utca 28-32 (Center), ☏ +36 40 484848, fax: +36 1 484-4444. M 08:00-17:30, Tu-Sa 08:00-16:00, Fr 08:00-15:30. 24-hr ATM.
- 🌍 Naszály DiY Store (Naszály Áruház), Naszály út 1, ☏ +36 30 6885718. Home Lighting, electrical, household appliances, household equipment, curtain rods, garden tools, garden equipment, home appliances, bicycles, water, gas and heating fixtures and appliances.
- Desszert Szalon, Köztársaság út 21. (short walk from the main square), ☏ +36 20 3903367. 09:00-20:00. This tiny cafe has probably the tastiest, most creative and simply beautiful desserts in Hungary. This place is a reason in itself to make the 30-minute trip from Budapest to Vác. Outstanding. €2.
- Choco Cafe Váci Csokizó, Március 15. tér 20. (main square), ☏ +36 27 305-839. Unique Chocolaterie on main square. Hot chocolates made of real chocolate (worth to try!), coffee specialties, wide tea selection. Classic equipment, friendly atmosphere.
- 🌍 Csillag Panzió, Vác, Balassagyarmati út 8. (northwest from city center, approx. 2 km), ☏ +36 27 316-421, fax: +36 27 503-845, csillagpanzio@vnet.hu. €25-35/night.
- Camelot Club Hotel és Étterem, Between Vác and Verőce at the 2nd km of road #12. (7 km northwest from Vác), ☏ +36 27 308-310, camelot@dunaweb.hu. €35-85/night.
- 🌍 Post Office#1 (Magyar Posta), Posta park 2, ☏ +36 27 315 011, ugyfelszolgalat@posta.hu. M-F 08:00-19:00, Sa 08:00-12:00.
Go next
- Börzsöny and the Danube-Ipoly National Park (north from Vác) Börzsöny has a large number of hiking routes which goes through beautiful landscapes. During the winter months the ski resort of Nagy-Hideg hill awaits its guests.
- Budapest (By bus, boat or train) capital of Hungary
- Esztergom (Take a ferry, further a bus) home of the biggest basilica of Central Europe
- Fót home of a major cathedral
- Visegrád (Take a ferry, further a bus) a former royal city featuring a castle and citadel on the Danube Bend.
- Vácrátót home of one of the best botanical gardens in the country
Routes through Vác |
END ← | N ![]() |
→ Budapest |
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