Ocotepeque is in Ocotepeque department, Honduras.
This article is mostly about Nueva Ocotepeque. Antigua Ocotepeque was flooded in 1934 and most city moved but Antigua is still inhabited.
Ocotepeque is a border city near El Salvador and Guatemala.
Get in
- From Tegucigalpa, the bus takes 8-10 hours, L300 with Nueva Sulta or Congolon. Expect to changes buses at San Pedro Sula
- From El Salvador
- From Guatemala
Get around
This city is fully walkable.

Balneario Gualjoco, Ocotepeque
- Hiking around: but no indications. have to find your way yourself.
- Volunteering: mylittleredhouse, on 2a Av SE / 4a C. SE, near parque / bus shops zone, http://mylittleredhouse.weebly.com/
There are ATM, Moneygram and Western Union office on Cl1
- Supermercado el sol, 4 Ave. 2 Calle NE, Barrio San Josa
- Mercado (fruits/vegetables, clothes) near main street at the beginning of town
IT/Computer: only basic shops
- Tecni-net, Cl1/principal, www.facebook.com/TECNINET, (504)98139178
- Hellado Sarita, Cl1 or ?down mercado
- Crooners, Cl1
- Pupuseria Shalon, Cl1
There is no backpacker/budget accommodation here as it's mostly a transit town and not touristy.
- Hotel Maya Chortiz, near Mercado del Sol, single/double L400/L580, no dorm, Wifi/breakfast/towel/no kitchen/restaurant (breakfast L50-80, main dish L100-150)
- Hotel Ocotepeque, main street/Cl 1, opposite Olimpia trade center, single/double with fan L275/L280, single with AC L300, towel/hot or cold water/Wifi, no breakfast included or kitchen.
- Hotel Sandoval, near Mercado del Sol, no dorm, single/double w/o breakfast L360/500 or with L510/670, Wifi/towel/restaurant/no kitchen/TV/fan
- Post office Honducor near Parque/Iglesia/Partido nacional office
Go next
- in Honduras: Santa Rosa de Copan, Copan Ruinas via La Entrada (L120 +3h30-4h to La Entrada ~1/1-2/h), San Pedro Sula (+4-5h San Pedro ~1/1-2h) or Tegucigalpa
- Guatemala border via Agua Caliente, Santa Fe: on main street/Cl1 near market, yellow bus (US school type) L25 +40min ~1/30min 6am-6pm
- in Guatemala, Esquipulas, ~45min by bus, from there +5h to Guatemala city
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