North Buda is in Budapest. This article describes District II.
It is the northwestern part of Buda. In northeast the III. district called Óbuda (Old Buda), in the east the Danube river by XIII. and V. district, Belváros Downtown or "Inner city". To the southeast is the I. district called Víziváros. To the south is the XII. district Hegyvidék. The neighboring communities are Budakeszi, Remeteszőlős and Solymár.
Get in

The major transport hubs: Szell Kalman Square (former Moszkva Square) and
- 🌍 Hűvösvölgy Transport Hub, II. Hűvösvölgyi út ~213 (
: Széll Kálmán tér further take tram 61 to end stop). Tram 61, bus 29, 57, 63, 64, 64A, 157, 157A, 164, 257, 264, 956, 963, 964 terminated here. Also a hundred metres away is the end station of the Széchenyi Hill Children's Railways
One station is located here:
: Széll Kálmán tér
The district is the most important tram is No.61 between Hűvösvölgy and Móricz Square, the former is a transport hub for the northern part of district, to transport hub to New Buda (Újbuda). You can catch it at
: Szell Kalman tér or
: Deli Pályaudvar
Other transport modes
- 🌍 Children's Railway (Gyermekvasút), Hűvösvölgy (
: Széll Kálmán tér further tram: 61 to stop Hűvösvölgy 5 min walk to Lower Terminal. To Upper station (Széchenyi-hegyi állomás) take Cogwheel tram (see above) to the Upper station and 200 m walk), ☏ +36 1 397 5392, fax: +36 1 397 5396, May-Sep all day, other only Tu-Su. Using in the Buda Hills is a great escape from the city. If you feel like doing it, take the Children's Railway through the hills to Hüvösvölgy and take tram 61 back down to Széll Kálmán tér. The cogwheel tram accepts local travelcards, but the Gyermekvasút does not, and fares can be found here. Also if you have an old map, you're supposed to find Pioneers' Railway (Úttörővasút) instead of Children's Railway in it, which is the former name of the railway from the soviet era. More info: Budapest#Get around One-way Ft700, return Ft1400, student half price.

- 🌍 Adyliget St. Stephen's Church (Adyligeti Szent István templom), II. Feketerigó u. 28. (From Huvosvolgy take bus 63 to stop Ady lepcso). Masses Tu 18:00, F 18:00, Sa 18:00, Su 08:00.
- 🌍 Béla Bartók Memorial House (Bartók Béla Emlékház), Csalán út 29 (5-minute walk on the Csévi street, coming from the bus terminal (no. 5), at Pasaréti square, 1st bus 5 take at
: Széll Kálmán tér), ☏ +36 1 394-4472, Tu-Sa 10:00-17:00. The final home of one of the greatest Hungarian composers. Located at a very beautiful place and has a big garden. - Bartók's sheet music, books, CDs, DVDs, postcards are available in the Museum Music Shop. Evening concerts: at 18:00. extraphone=+36 1 394-2100 Adult €4, student €2.
- 🌍 Tomb of Gül Baba and Rosegarden (Gül Baba Türbe és rózsakert), II. Mecset utca 14. (entrance: Türbe tér 1.) (tram: 17 from Margit híd, Buda side to Szent Lukács Gyógyfürdő stop), ☏ +36 1 237-4400, 10:00-18:00. Built around 1548 by the Turkish occupants of the city. It is the northernmost place of Muslim pilgrimage. The beautiful view and the peacefulness of the place makes a visit worth. Free.

- 🌍 Millenaris Park (Millennium Park, Millenáris Park), II. Kis Rókus u. 16–20 (
: Széll Kálmán tér further walk 500 m or take tram: 4, 6 one stop), ☏ +36 1 336 4000, fax: +36 1 336 4012, This is a cultural center for showing the Hungarian capital and Europe significant cultural and lifestyle values. It is developed from an iron foundry, what founded Abraham Ganz in the 'Field of Pest roller mill' (Pesti Hengermalom) company area. There is the House of the Future exhibition hall (Jövő Háza kiállítás) with themes as genome research, spacecraft (include the Hungarian Mars rover), astronomy or the lives of people with disabilities durable presentation 'Ability Park'. Located in the Great Hall (Building B), this is a huge multi-level building. The Pixel Gallery (Building C) has a similar spiral arrangement as the New York's Guggenheim Museum, used for media arts and visual art exhibitions. Theater (Teátrum) is a nearly 0.7ha of assembly hall converted building, a kind of studio. Used for TV studio, theaters and concert halls. The Host or Building G (Fogadó) was built in 1930s, former machine repair, plating plant. Used for concerts, child and family programs, studio theater performances, Chamber of Commerce exhibitions. The Worm Gallery (Csiga Galéria) is a separate gallery space for contemporary art exhibitions. The Loft (Padlás), a theater space, with mobile auditorium for 150 to 200 people. And also the park, a big green area (3.5 ha). Vary.
- 🌍 Foundry Museum (Öntődei Múzeum), II. Bem József u. 20 (TTram 4, 6 to 'Mechwart liget', 2nd stop From
: 'Szell Kalman square'). Th Sa 10:00-16:00, F 10:00-14:00. This is the one-time factory of Abraham Ganz, where the foundry existed since the 1960s. Ft800.
- 🌍 Foundry Museum (Magyar Műszaki és Közlekedési Múzeum - Öntödei Múzeum), Bem József utca 20 (
: 'Batthyány tér', bus 11 or 111 to 'Horvát utca'), ☏ +36 1 201-4370, Just for groups?. A foundry from the 18th century in the very heart of the city, preserved as a museum. This museum part of the Hungarian Museum of Science, Technology and Transport Adult €3.5, student €1.5, guided tour €22/group.

- 🌍 Ruins of Pauline Monastery (Pálos kolostor romjai), Budaszentlőrinc, over 'Szépjuhászné' (By Children's Railway to train stop 'Szépjuhászné' or From
: 'Szell Kalman square' take bus 22 to stop 'Szépjuhászné, Gyermekvasút'). Built in the 13th-14th centuries.

- 🌍 Újlak Visitation of Our Lady Parish (Újlak Sarlós Boldogasszony plébánia), III. Bécsi út 32. (Bus 9, 29, 65, 65A, 109, 111, 165, tram: 17, 19, 41,
: Szépvölgyi út.), ☏ +36 1 335-3573, Masses M-Sa 6:30 and 18:00, Su 9:00, 10:30 and 18:00. St. Stephen's Chapel Masses Weekdays 17:30, Su 9:00 & 11:00. Above the main entrance of the church in Latin inscription (1705 Creature Creator) marks the year of founding of the parish. For builders, mostly German-speaking Újlaki (Neustift) little more than fifty yearsfaithful took to build and furnish this church. The building Christopher Hamon Nepauer Matthew was raised in 1746-1766. The main altar was designed by Christopher Hickisch in 1799. The tower formed hard: The first, which began to build above the center of the front facade had to be demolished before its have fallen. Place it on the south side of the connector tower can still be seen. Instead made on the south side another tower, this can still be seen nowadays. Top of the tower, "helmet" part, due to natural disasters, should be renewed twice. Present form of the tower was completed according to the plans of Ybl Miklós in 1877.The "Water level" indicator plaque located in the little church, a memory for 1875 rainstorm that causes serious damage. The frescoes made in 1920s.
Natural sights

- 🌍 Apathy Rock (Apáthy-szikla), II.distr. (Near to the Devil's Ditch (Ördög árok), Take tram: 61 to stop 'Nagyhíd'). 24/7. This is a dolomite rock. The boundaries of the Nagybányai road, Madár street, Páfrányliget street and Görgényi road. Since 1977 nature reserve , almost 6 ha. Free.
- 🌍 Balogh Adam rock (Balogh Ádám szikla), II., Balogh Ádám street and Endrődi Sándor street (From
: 'Széll Kálmán tér' tram 61 to Kelemen László utca further take bus 29 to stop Vöröstorony utca). 24/7. approx. 1 hectare nature reserve . Triassic dolomite protrusion with thermal water solution. Iron and manganese infiltration. In cavities calcite, barite and iron oxide hydroxide minerals. Free.

- 🌍 Fazekas Hill's quarry (Fazekas-hegyi kőfejtő), II. (Bounded by Uzsoki - Ördögárok - Bátori László - Villám streets, from
: 'Széll Kálmán tér' take tram 61 to Hűvösvölgy further take bus 63 to Villám utca, easiest access from Nagyrét street and turn to Torda street). A protected natural monument. It was one of the richest deposits of fossils of the capital. It is temporarily closed. Numerous protected plants and animal (mostly birds and lizards) live here.
- 🌍 Ferenc-hegy natural monument, II. Törökvészi út and Ferenchegyi út intersection (between Törökvészi Road - Őzgida Street - Zuhany Street, north and south from Ferenchegyi Road. The easiest way to see from Törökvészi út and Ferenchegyi út intersection. From
: 'Batthyány tér' take bus 11 to stop Móricz Zsigmond Gimnázium). 24/7. The extent of the area: 8.6 ha. Located in Vérhalom neighborhood. Under the surface is the more than 5 km long, highly protected Francis Mountain Cave (Ferenchegyi-barlang). This area forms a protective zone from surface. Zoological and botanical values of the area: large oak forest, protected and specially protected plant species (circa a dozen types), protected and strictly protected animal species (birds around a dozen types plus different lizards, butterflies, European squirrels). Free.
- 🌍 The linden of the Gazda utca (A Gazda utcai hársfa védett természeti emlék), II. Pesthidegkút-Ófalu (300 m from Hidegkúti road, From Hűvösvölgy transport hub take bus 64, 64A, 164, 264 to stop Községház utca than go ahead (north) two streets, turn right cross the Creek (Paprika patak) further turn at Nóra street left). 24/7. A natural monument. Protected since 1980. Free.

- 🌍 Mechwart grove (Mechwart liget), II.distr., (Margit Boulevard and Keleti Károly Street intersection, tram: 4,6 from
: 'Széll Kálmán tér'). 24/7. 1.8ha landscaped square. Free.
- 🌍 Király Baths (Király fűrdő), I. Fő utca 84 (
: 'Batthyány tér' take bus 109 or tram 19, 41), ☏ +36 1 202-3688, Old, authentic and pretty small; personnel speak limited English. The baths used to alternate between male- and female-only days, but now every day is mixed for both men and women. Király Baths have been known for some years as a meeting place for gay men. Following an expose on Hungarian TV, the management introduced a rule that swimwear has to be worn in the baths. Some gay activity may be visible, but you can enjoy this unique place without any problem if you are not gay. The baths have a main pool with adjoining very small pools, steam room and dry sauna. The emphasis is more on relaxing and enjoying the waters rather than swimming. It's possible to get a massage here as well. Ask the attendants in the changing room or massage room area. Thermal morning ticket Ft 2 ,500. Combined daily admission (day ticket and 15-minute massage) Ft 5,800. Thermal day ticket, Ft 2,800 cabin.
- 🌍 Thermal bath Szent Lukács (Szent Lukács Gyógyfürdő), II. Frankel Leó utca 25-29. (Suburban rail to stop Margit híd, budai hídfő and five mins walk). A monument building

- 🌍 Ferenc hill Birdwatching Area (Ferenc-hegy), II.distr. Ferenchegyi út, Zuhany utca (Between Törökvész road and Pusztaszeri road, take bus 11 from
: 'Batthyány tér' to stop 'Baba utca'). 24/7. On the mountain top and north slope can be see a karst scrub forests. The mountain is great for bird watching: blackbird, blue tit, chaffinch, greenfinch, great fiery-headed woodpecker and goldcrests. In the south-western end of Ferenc hill is Ferenc-Mountain Cave, (visit only for researchers). Free.
Cave tours
- 🌍 Mátyás-hegyi Cave (Mátyás-hegyi-barlang), II. Szépvölgyi út 162 (From Kolosy square (tér) bus 65, to 'Pál-völgyi-cseppkőbarlang' stop.), ☏ +36 20 928-4969, Tours 2½-3hours, entrance at Pálvölgyi Cave. In the cave, there is no established route, the trip should be on all fours or sliding like to travel more than once, but the participation in any pre-qualification is not required, just a sporty attitude. The necessary equipment - overalls, helmets and head lamps - are provided. €15, discounted €12.
- 🌍 Molnár János cave (Molnár János barlang), II. Frankel Leó út? (
: 'Batthyany tér' and bus 86, to Császár-Komjádi uszoda (Swimming Pool), walk 5min across Elvis Presley square). are still active and filled up with thermal water, contains the largest known water filled cavity in Europe and feeds the nearby spa "Lukács". This caves in Buda has special origin, it's not formed by cold waters from the outside, but formed by warm springs. The thermal karst area of Rózsadomb neighborhood is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List

- 🌍 Szemlő Hill Cave (Szemlő-hegyi-barlang), II. Pusztaszeri út, 35 (From
: 'Árpád-híd' tram 1 to 'Szentlélek square' + bus 29 to 'Szemlő-hegyi-barlang' stop, 100 m downhill to the entrance.), ☏ +36 1 325-6001, W-M 10:00-16:00, The tours: 35-40 minutes. Start at every hour. Take another cave tour in the 'Underground flower garden of Buda Hills'. Some of the guides do not speak any English, but they give a free English pamphlet for the tour. There is a joint ticket for the standard tourist areas of the Pál-völgyi and the Szemlőhegyi caves. The caves are walking distance to each other - ask for a map from either cave ticket office. These areas are easily accessible and well-lit making them better for the slightly claustrophobic among us, though to enjoy the true beauty of the caves you must go on the longer more strenuous tours. Due to the times that the tours start, you're better of starting at Szemlőhegyi then taking the 15-minute walk to Pál-völgyi. This way it is possible to not have a very long wait between your caves, and the outdoor area at Pál-völgyi is far more pleasant in nice weather than the Szemlőhegyi cave museum. €3.3.
- 🌍 Palvolgy Cave (Pálvölgyi Barlang), II. Szépvölgyi út, 162 (From Kolosy square (tér) bus 65, to Pál-völgyi-cseppkőbarlang stop. - 500m from Szemlő-hegyi Cave), ☏ +36 1 325 5722, +36 1 325-9505, Tu-Su 10:00-16:00, Tours: 60 minutes (basic) or 25 minutes. Short guided tours start at 15 minutes past every hour.. A cave walking in the Buda Hills. Another way of passing a few hours is to visit the Caves on the Buda hills. The cave has special kinds of formations rarely seen in other places. There is a free English pamphlet for the tour. Basic tour €4.3, discount €3.3. Combined: with Szemlohegy Cave is valid €6.3, discount €4.3, Short tour €2.3..
- 🌍 Palace Mammut (Mammut Bevásárló- és Szórakoztatóközpont), II. Lövőház utca 2-6 (in Mammut Center) (
: 'Széll Kálmán tér', tram: 4, tram: 6 stop Széna tér). Multiplex. Subtitled films. HUF1100-2200.

- 🌍 Csaszar-Komjadi Sports Swimming Pool (Császár-Komjádi Béla Sportuszoda), II. Árpád fejedelem útja 8 (There stop near the H5 suburban railway, bus 6, 86 and tram: 17.), ☏ +36 1 3261478, Daily 06:00-19:00. Császár spa was established in 1806. There are three outdoor pools. Adult/student Ft1800/1100.
- 🌍 Kleby Student Sports Association (Klébi Diáksport Egyesület), II. Szabadság u. 23 (bus 64, 64A, 164, 257, 264 to stop Községház utca), ☏ +36 1 397-4784, fax: +36 1 3768-344. Badminton Tu 19:00-22:00, W 19:00-20:00, Th 19:00-22:00, Su 16:00-19:00; climbing Tu 18:00-22:00, W 18:00-20:00, Th 18:00-22:00, Su 16:00-19:00.
- 🌍 City Squash Club (Fallabda Club), II. Marczibányi tér 13 (
: 'Széll Kálmán tér'), ☏ +36 1 336-0408, fax: +36 1 336-0409, Squash: M-F 7:00-23:00, Sa Su 08:00-22:00; Fitness M-F 7:00-22:00, Sa Su 08:00-20:00. Squash and fitness.
- 🌍 Off Road Art Sport Association (Art Off Road Sportegyesület), II. Trombitás u. 26. (
: 'Széll Kálmán tér' further tram: 59, 61 to stop 'Városmajor'), ☏ +36 1 3553-176, Terrain Rally

- 🌍 Millenáris, II. Fény utca 20-22 (
: 'Széll Kálmán tér', tram: 4, tram: 6 stop Széna tér). This huge cultural centre has been built around former factory buildings. The complex includes a park, a small artificial lake, two playgrounds, some cafés and a theatre which hosts music, theatre and sometimes great contemporary opera performances. You can book your ticket at their home page, which is available in Hungarian and English. The area is frequently used as a venue for various fairs and exhibitions as well. (The interactive museum called Csodák Palotája (Palace of Wonders) which used to reside in the Millenáris moved to the Campona shopping centre in Southern Buda.) Tickets: Ft1,000-6,000.
- 🌍 Fény Street Market (Fény utcai Piac), Fény utca (
: Széll Kálmán tér). M-Sa. Fresh vegetable and fruit. A part of it is a farmers' market.
Shopping malls
- 🌍 Budagyöngye Shopping Centre (Budagyöngye Bevásárlóközpont), II. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 121 (tram: 61 from
: Széll Kálmán tér), ☏ +36 1 2750855, fax: +36 1 2750855, M-F 07:00-21:00, Sa 07:00-20:00, Su 08:00-18:00. Pet Food, food, restaurant, café, shoes and leather goods, bags, fashion, health care, photo, optics, perfume and beauty, games for children, books, newspapers, stationery, homewares, electronics, computer science, sports, flowers, Gifts shops
- 🌍 Mammut Shopping and Entertainment Centre (Mammut Bevásárló- és Szórakoztató Központ), II. Lövőház St, 2 (
: Széll Kálmán tér), ☏ +36 1 345 8000, Shops: M-Sa 10:00-21:00, Su 10:00-18:00, Restaurants: M-Su 10:00-22:00, Pharmacy: daiy 9:00-21:00. In two buildings, which are connected by two-storey bridge. It is the biggest of this category in Buda. Almost everything. Supermarket, banks, antiques, Household appliances and electronics, Goods for children, household textile, books, shoe shops, clothes, parfumes and houshold chemicals, décor and gift, sport shops, jewelry shops, telecommunication shops. Cinema. Restaurants. Pubs. Bowling. Fitness. Wi-Fi. IT Services.
- 🌍 Rozsadomb Center (Rózsadomb Center), II. Törökvész út 87-91. (From
: Batthyány Square bus 11 to stop Verecke lépcső, - From Kolossy square bus 29 to stop Verecke lépcső), ☏ +36 1 345-8400, fax: +36 1 345-8492, - Spar supermarket. Fashion shops, squash club, milk bar, cafes, Club Korona Fitness, Klub Korona Aerobic.
- 🌍 STOP.SHOP Center. Budapest Hűvösvölgyi, II. Hűvösvölgyi út 138 (in Hüvösvölgyi ut und Nagykovácsi ut is connected stop Heinrich Istvan utca tram 61). SPAR supermarket, dm Kft. drogerie, Deichmann shoes, Subway fast food, Libri boks, CIB BANK, Takko Fashion, Printinta , Fressnapf pet food, Skiny, Excklusive Change, TUI Travel Center, Spa Beauty salon, Diego shoes, OTP Bank, Diamond Optics, Star Health, Pharmacy, Erste Bank, Paper & decoration, Mediterranean Cafe
- 🌍 CBA supermarket (CBA Élelmiszer-Hűvösvölgy), II. Hűvösvölgyi út.135 (Bus 29 to Lipótmezei út, or from
: Széll Kálmán take tram 61 to stop Vadaskerti utca), ☏ +36 1 3927087. M 07.00-18.00, Tu-F 06.30-19.30, Sa 06.30-14.00, Su closed. + units in district 2.: Budenz utca 24., Lövőház utca 12-14., Margit körút. 50 - 52., Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 13., Törökvész út 1., Vend utca 14., Pusztaszeri út 57., Házmán utca 2, Pasaréti út 98. Margit körút. 1., Hidegkúti út 167.
- 🌍 Coop supermarket (Coop szupermarket), II. Frankel Leó u. 43. (Next to Császár-Komjádi swimming pool), ☏ +36 1 3261489, + unit in district 2: Horváth u. 1-3.
- 🌍 G'Roby supermarket, II. Margit krt. 48.. (tram 4, 6 to stop Mechwart liget), ☏ +36 1 225-1633, +36 1 225-1634, Daily.
- 🌍 Spar supermarket (Spar szupermarket), II. Gábor Áron utca 74-78 (In Rózsakert Shopping Center), ☏ +36 20 823 7262, M-F 07.00-21.00, Sa 08.00-18.00, Su 08.00-17.00. Supermarket chain. More units in district 2: Lövőház utca 2-6., (M-Sa 06.30-22.00, Su 08.00-19.00), Törökvész út 87-91., (M-F 07.00-21.00, Sa 07.30-18.00, Su 07.30-16.00), Hűvösvölgyi út 138., (M-F 07.00-21.00, Sa 07.00-18.00, Su 08.00-17.00), Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 63, (M-F 07.00-20.00, Sa 07.00-18.00, Su 08.00-18.00), Tölgyfa utca 1-3., (Open:24/7 !)
Other stores
- 🌍 Media Markt electronics stores (Media Markt műszakiáruház), II. Lövőház utca 2-4. (Mammut shopping center) (
: Széll Kálmán 200 m), fax: +36 1 3363201, M-Sa 10:00-21:00, Su 10:00-20:00. Electronics store chain. Computers & offices goods, TV & audio, household appliance, photos, videos & optics, mobile phone & navigation, game & software, movies, music disc, home & garden electronic equipment.
- 🌍 dm drogeriemarkt, II. Pázsit u. 2. (Budagyöngye Shopping Center), ☏ +36 1 3766061, M-F 09:00-19:00, Sa 09:00-15:00. Austrian beauty/household store chain. Beauty, wellness health products. Baby care and household goods. Photo corner. More units in district 2: II. Törökvész út, 87-91, Rózsadomb Shopping Center Tel.:+36 1 346-0352, - II. Gábor Áron utca 74-78/A, Rózsakert Shopping Center, Tel:+36 1 3980617. - II. Lövőház utca 1-5, Mamut II. Shopping Center, Tel:+36 1 3458341. - II. Margit körút 50-52, Tel:+36 1 2258497.

This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under €5 |
Mid-range | €5-15 |
Splurge | Above €15 |
- 🌍 Daubner Confectionery (Daubner Cukrászda), III. Szépvölgyi út 50., Budapest, 2nd district (bus 60 at
: Batthyány tér metro and get off at Kolosy tér, or From
: Batthyány tér take
to Kolosy tér. From Kolosy tér take buses 29, 65 or 165 to ‘Ürömi út’), ☏ +36 1 335-2253. Tu-Su 09:00–19:00. Delicious cakes, strudels, pies, confectionery poetry and salty snacks

- 🌍 Náncsi Néni restaurant (Náncsi Néni Vendéglője, Aunt Nancy’s Inn), II. Ördögárok utca 80 (
: Széll Kálmán tér further tram: 59 or bus 56 to Huvösvölgy terminal and take bus no. 63 or 157. to Széchenyi utca). 11.30-23.00. This place is famous for its traditional Hungarian dishes, including túrógombóc (sweet curd dumplings), but also serves international dishes, such as seafood and French cuisine. - From spring to autumn, food is served on a woody outdoor terrace. The restaurant itself was initially an old farmhouse, and it’s now decorated in a rustic manner, with wood panels and paintings. Náncsi Néni frequently features live traditional music, especially accordion Soups €4-5, mains €9-11.
- 🌍 Margaret Garden Restaurant (Margitkert Vendéglő), II. Margit utca 15 (From
: Nyugati tér take tram: 4, 6 to Margit bridge, Buda), ☏ +36 1 326 0860, fax: +36 1 326 0861, 12.00-24.00. Cold Appetizers Ft1180-2890, Soups Ft540-820, Warm Appetizers Ft620-1680, Fish Ft 1260-2560, Foie Gras Ft2450-4790, Poultry Ft1850-3080, Pork Ft1790-2130, Veal and Beef Ft2150-4780, Lamb, Mutton and Game Ft2320-2540, Cheese Ft1270-2810, Dessert Ft650-1100.
- 🌍 Új-Budavár-Lak Restaurant (Új-Budavár-Lak Vendéglő), II, Lajos utca 33 (Kolosy tér 19 / Szépvölgyi út H5 ), ☏ +36 70 214-7089, M–Th 11:30–18:30, F 11:30–17:30, Sa Su 12:00–15:30. Restaurant with daily menus. Daily menu: 1400–1500 Ft.
- 🌍 Szent Jupát Söröző & Étterem restaurant, II. Retek utca 16 (From
: Szél Kálmán tér walk), ☏ +36 1 212-2923. A well-known restaurant serving tasty and authentic Hungarian food, but the service leaves a little to be desired.
- 🌍 Lugas, II. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 77 (From
: Szél Kálmán tér take tram: 61 two stops), ☏ +36 1 225-3690. A nice, small, comfortable restaurant. Main course + glass of beer: Ft2250.
- 🌍 Menta Terrace (Menta Terasz), II. Margit krt. 14. (From
: Nyugati ter take Bus 91/tram: 4, 6 to stop Margit híd, budai hídfő), ☏ +36 1 3361250, fax: +36 1 3361251, M-Th 12:00-22:00, F Sa 12:00-24:00, Su 12:00-22:00. - (Ft) Starters 1000-2200, Soups 800-1600, Salads 700-1700, Pastas 1600, Burgers 1900-2400, Chicken, duck, goose dishes 1600-3500, Pork dishes 1600-2300, Menta Platter (3 different meat types: breaded pork tanderlion, roasted piglet belly, grilled chicken breast), served with a fresh, salad mix and potato wedges with roquefort and chives sauce 2380, Beef dishes 1780-2480, Fish dishes 2680 -3280 , Vegetarian dishes 1000-1700, Side dishes 400-700, Pickles 500-600, Desserts 900.
- 🌍 Remiz restaurant (Remíz Kávéház és Söröző), II.Budakeszi út 5. (From
: Szél Kálmán tér take tram: 61 or bus 22), ☏ +36 1 2751396, fax: +36 1 2003843, Daily 12:00-23:00. Starters Ft1500-3400. Soups Ft800-1900. Salads Ft600-2600. Main dishes Ft2300-4000. Fish dishes Ft3500. Mostly Hungarian wines and champagnes.
- 🌍 Uzbekistan Bukhara Bar Restaurant (Bukhara Bár Üzbég Étterem), II. Ördögárok Road 174 (From
: Szél Kálmán tér take tram: 61 to the end stop 'Hűvösvölgy' further Bus 157 to stop 'Arany János utca' from Hűvösvölgy), ☏ +36 1 274-6142, 12:00-23:00. Wi-Fi. Inside 46 places, outside 32 places.
- 🌍 Indigo Étterem - Buda (Flavours of India), Fény utca 16, ☏ +36 1 397-7077, 12:00 - 23:00. Has excellent Indian food, with great options for vegetarians. Soups €2-3. Appetizers €3-6. Tandoori delights €6-15. Vegetarian dishes €4-6. Chicken dishes €7-8. Lamb dishes €10. Seafood dishes €10-11. Rice dishes €2-10. Indian bread €1.5-2. Salads and raita €2-3. Desserts €2. Soft drinks €1.3..
- 🌍 Varosfal restaurant (Városfal Vendéglő, Café & Restaurant), II. Bakfark Bálint u 2. (From
: 'Széll Kálmán tér' take tram: 4, 6), ☏ +36 70 311-3000, Daily 11:00-23:00. Soups Ft 700-1,400, Main dishes Ft 2,000-3,500, dessert Ft 1,300. Daily lunch menu (until 15:00): Ft 1,000-1,200, Beers (0.5 l) Ft 500-700. Brandies (2 cl, 4 cl) Ft 450-550, 900-1,100. Cocktails Ft1,000-1,400. Soft drinks: Small bottles (0.25 l) Ft 320. Juice 1 dl Ft150. Mineral water 0.33 l Ft 300. Coffees Ft 350-900, tea Ft 600.
- 🌍 Marxim Pub & Pizzeria (Marxim Pizzéria és Söröző), II. Kisrókus utca 23 (15 minutes walk from
: Széll Kálmán tér. Follow the tram: 4/6 tracks and find Kisrókus utca on the left after a big ugly office building. Look for the Red Star.), ☏ +36 1 316-0231. F-Sa 12:00-02:00, Su: 18:00-01:00, M-Th: 12:00-01:00. An athmospheric pub-like restaurant. It is rather smoky and usually packed with local youths, but the post-communist interior is a must. You can have pizzas like "Usonka" or "Lenin's favourite" (around Ft1000).
- 🌍 JAM Pub, II. (Inside Mammut II Shopping Mall, 1.floor). Su-We 8:00-04:00, Th-Sa 08:00-06:00. - Classic pub character, mood elegance. Cuisine type: international. Specials: Cocktails, Speciality Coffee. Simple dishes, salads Ft800-1600, Scrambled eggs, omelets Ft600-1000, breakfast beverages Ft600, "Jam" Tatar variations (steaks, fishes) Ft1500-2500, soups Ft900-1200, main courses Ft1500-4000, desserts Ft700-800.
- 🌍 Grand Hostel Budapest, II. Hüvösvölgyi út 69 (3 km NW of centre, from Széll Kálmán tér take tram 61 to Kelemen László utca), ☏ +36 1 274 1111, Dorms & private rooms available. 4-bed dorms from €15, sgl €30-50.
- 🌍 Gárdonyi guesthouse (Gárdonyi Vendégház), II. Bimbó út 25/B (500 m W of Margit bridge. From Batthyany ter take bus 11 or 111 to Füge utca), ☏ +36 1 326 7742, fax: +36 1 326 8895, 2-star. Season prices sgl/dbl/tpl €35/45/55.
- 🌍 Budapest Hotel, II. Szilágyi Erzsebet fasor 47. (1.5 km W of Elisabeth bridge. From Széll Kálmán tér take tram 61 or bus 22, 56), ☏ +36 1 889 4200, Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 12:00. 4-star, has 280 air-con rooms and 9 suites in modern circular tower. sgl/dbl €50-70/62-86, suites from €110.
- 🌍 Császár Hotel, II. Frankel Leó u. 35 (On W bank 400 m N of Margit bridge & metro), ☏ +36 1 336 2640, fax: +36 1 336 2644, 3-star with three outdoor pools. Online Price: sgl./dbl/quad €39/49-59/79 (2014).
- 🌍 Petneházy Club Hotel, II. Feketefej u. 2-4. (15 km NW of centre. From Hűvösvölgy take bus 63 to Adyliget, walk 500 m S along Feketefej ut), ☏ +36 1 391 8010, fax: +36 1 376 5738, 3-star with indoor pool, massage services, tennis courts, bicycles to rent. Dbl. Studio Ft24,000-26,000, cottage for 4 persons Ft32,000-34,000.
- 🌍 Novotel Budapest Danube, II. Bem Rakpart 33-34 (From
: 'Batthyány tér' walk 200 m north), ☏ +36 1 458 4900, fax: +36 1 4584909, 4 star, 175 rooms. Double €82-100, suites €120-170.
Post Offices
- 🌍 Post Office (Budapest 25 Posta), II. Gábor Áron utca 74–78/a (Rózsakert Bevásárlóközpont), ☏ +36 1 235-2807. M-F 08:00-19:00, Sa 08:00-14:00.
- 🌍 Post Office (Budapest 27 POSTA), II. Hüvösvölgyi út 137 (tram: 61), ☏ +36 1 394-3448. M-F 08:00-19:00.
- 🌍 Post Office (Budapest 114 - MAMMUT POSTA), II. Lövőház utca 1-5 (Mammut II., -tram: 4, 6), ☏ +36 1 235-2831. M-F 08:00-20:00, Sa Su 09:00-14:00.
- 🌍 Post Office (Budapest BUDAGYÖNGYE 125 POSTA), II. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 121 (Budagyöngye Bevásárlóközpont), ☏ +36 1 200-6153. M-F 09:00-19:00, Sa 08:00-13:00.
- 🌍 Post Office (Budapest 23 POSTA), II. Török utca 2. (Bus 91 to stop Margit bridge, buda from M3 Nyugati, or tram: 4, 6 Margit bridge, buda), ☏ +36 1 212-4170. M-F 08:00-19:00.
- 🌍 Post Office (Budapest RÓZSADOMB CENTER POSTA), II. Törökvész út 87–91 (Rózsadomb Center.), ☏ +36 1 235-2819. M-F 08:00-19:00, Sa Su 09:00-14:00.