Hegyvidék is a green, hilly suburban area of Budapest. It is the most exclusive area, with villas, embassies and foreign residences. Because a significant part of the district is covered by forest, the area is very popular for local hikers.

Hegyvidék (the Mount area) comprises all of the 12th district. This is the 'greenest' part of the city. Here is the city highest hill János hegy (527 m above sea level).
It is the only district in Buda which does not have a connection to the river Danube. Hegyvidék is said to be the lung of Budapest, as it gives place to many of the untouched green forests of the city and it also houses the highest hill of the entire urban area, János-hegy (527 m above sea level).
Get in

The major transport hub is Szell Kalman Square.
Two stations are located here:
: Széll Kálmán tér
: Déli pályaudvar (South Railway Station)
Bus 16, 16A and 116 go to Buda castle from
: Széll Kálmán tér.
Bus 21 very useful exploring Jan Mountain or Secheni Mountain (János-hegy or Széchenyi-hegy), these are part of the Buda Protected Landscape Area.
The district is the most important tram is No.61 between Hűvösvölgy and Móricz Square, the former is a transport hub for the northern part of district, to transport hub to New Buda (Újbuda). You can catch it at
: Szell Kalman tér or
: Deli Pályaudvar
Other transport modes

- Cogwheel tram (Fogaskerekű). Using in the Buda Hills is a great escape from the city. The cogwheel tram, which is tram 61, leaves from Varosmajor, accessible by tram: 59 or 61 from Szell Kalman Square. It climbs through the wooded Buda Hills and at the top.
- 🌍 Children's Railway (Gyermekvasút), Hűvösvölgy (
: Széll Kálmán tér further tram: 61 to stop Hűvösvölgy 5 min walk to Lower Terminal. To Upper station (Széchenyi-hegyi állomás) take Cogwheel tram (see above) to the Upper station and 200 m walk), ☏ +36 1 397 5392, fax: +36 1 397 5396, info@gyermekvasut.hu. May-Sep all day, other only Tu-Su. Using in the Buda Hills is a great escape from the city. If you feel like doing it, take the Children's Railway through the hills to Hüvösvölgy and take tram 61 back down to Széll Kálmán tér. The cogwheel tram accepts local travelcards, but the Gyermekvasút does not, and fares can be found here. Also if you have an old map, you're supposed to find Pioneers' Railway (Úttörővasút) instead of Children's Railway in it, which is the former name of the railway from the Soviet era. More info: Budapest#Get around One-way Ft700, return Ft1400, student half price.
- 🌍 Zugliget Chair-lift (Libegő), XII. Zugligeti út, 97 (Lower station) (
: 'Széll Kálmán' take a bus), ☏ +36 1 3255-255, +36 1 394 3764, bkk@bkk.hu. Daily 10:00-18:00. This is a chair lift what taking you from "Zugliget" to Jan Mountain ("János hegy"). Ft900. BKK tickets and passes are not valid..
- 🌍 Elizabeth Lookout (Erzsébet kilátó), Janos-hill (János-hegy) (Take the chair lift.Budapest#Get around'Libegő' or From
: 'Szell Kalman square' take bus 90A to stop Normafa and strolling in wood 15 min, or take Children's Railway to stop Janos-hill or Virágvolgy station and short woodland walk to lookout). Daily 08:00-20:00. It is Budapest's highest peak at 527 m.
- 🌍 Bajor Gizi Actors’ Museum (Bajor Gizi Színészmúzeum), Stromfeld Aurél út, 16 (From
: 'Deák tér' take Bus 105 to Németvölgyi út stop), ☏ +36 1 225 3161, bgm@ella.hu. W-Su 14:00-18:00. The museum covers decisive participants and events of almost 200 years of Hungarian theatre, from the strolling players of the 1820s up to the present moment. Placed in a neo-baroque, early 20th century villa and its compelling garden and park.
- 🌍 Hegyvidék Region History Collection (Hegyvidéki Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény), Beethoven utca 1/b (tram: 59 from
: Déli p.u.), ☏ +36 1 457-0501, fax: +36 1 457-0500, hegyvideki.budapest@museum.hu. Tu Th F 10:00-18:00.
- 🌍 Hegyvidék Region Contemporary Art Gallery, Barabás Villa (Hegyvidéki Kortárs Galéria, Barabás Villa Galéria), Városmajor u. 16 & 44 (
: Déli p.u.), ☏ +36 1 201-6607, info@hegyvidekgaleria.hu. M-F 10:00-18:00, Sa 10:00-12:00. In two buildings
- 🌍 Farkasret Cemetery (Farkasréti temető), Németvölgyi út 99 (
: Széll Kálmán tér further tram: 59), ☏ +36 1 248 3520, farkasretitemeto@btirt.hu. This is the largest and most beautiful located cemetery in Buda. Opened 1894. At the west side of Denevér street is the Jewish Cemetery section. Car entry fee Ft280.
- 🌍 Jokai Club (Jókai Klub), XII. Hollós út 5. (From
: Széll Kálmán take tram: 61 to 'Városmajor' further "red 60" (Cog Wheel train) to stop 'Svábhegy' to Svábhegy), ☏ +36 70 334 4468, fax: +36 1 395 8284, jokaiklub@jokaiklub.hu. Built in 1883.
- 🌍 MOM Cultural Center (MOM Kulturális Központ), XII. Csörsz u. 18. (
: Széll Kálmán tér or Déli Pályaudvar further tram: 61 to 'Csörsz utca'), ☏ +36 1 319-9854, fax: +36 1 248-1756, info@momkult.hu.
- 🌍 Virányos Community Center, XII. Szarvas Gábor út 8/c (
: Széll Kálmán further Bus 156 or tram: 61 to stop 'Budagyöngye'), ☏ +36 70 33 44472, fax: +36 1 200 8713, viranyosikh@gmail.com. Built in 1989. This is a family house type, three-storey building.
- 🌍 Ybl Villa, XII. Budakeszi út 36/B (
: Széll Kálmán tér + bus 22, 22A, 222 to 'Labanc út'), ☏ +36 1 354 3833, info@yblvilla.hu. One of the most beautiful villas of Buda built in the 1850s.
- 🌍 'Városmajori' Heart of Jesus Parish (Városmajori Jézus Szíve Plébánia), XII. Csaba u. 5. (
: 'Széll Kálmán tér' and walk), ☏ +36 1 212-4656. Roman Catholic.
- 🌍 (Felső-krisztinavárosi Keresztelő Szent János Plébánia), XII. Apor Vilmos tér 9-11. (
: Széll Kálmán or Déli Pályaudvar further tram: 59 to 'Zólyomi lépcső'), ☏ +36 1 356-0089. Roman Catholic. Krisztinaváros means Kristinatown.
- 🌍 Holy Family Parish of Zugligeti (Zugligeti Szent Család Plébánia), XII. Zalai út 1/C. (Zugliget quarter
: Széll Kálmán further bus 222, 229 to 'Zalai út'), ☏ +36 20-823-4598, zugligetiszentcsalad@gmail.com. Roman Catholic
- 🌍 All Saints Church of Farkasrét (Farkasréti Mindenszentek Plébánia), XII. Hegyalja út 139. (Farkasrét quarter, -
: Széll Kálmán or Déli Pályaudvar further tram: 59 to 'Farkasréti temető' - or -
: Ferenciek tere further bus 8 to stop 'Farkasréti temető'), ☏ +36 1 319-3105, fax: +36 1 319-3104, farkasreti.plebania@axelero.hu. Roman Catholic
- 🌍 St. Ladislaus Parish of Istenhegy (Istenhegyi Szent László Plébánia), XII. Diana u. 15/A. (Istenhegy quarter,
: 'Széll Kálmán tér' take tram: 61 to 'Városmajor' further "red 60" (Cog Wheel train) to stop 'Városkút'), ☏ +36 1 398-1591, fax: +36 1 395-8343, sztlaszlo@t-online.hu. Roman Catholic. Built in 1975-78.
- 🌍 Mary's Chapel of Atonement of Kútvölgyi (Kútvölgyi Mária Engesztelő Kápolna), XII. Galgóczy u. 49 (Kútvölgyi quarter. -
: 'Széll Kálmán tér' + bus 128 to last stop 'Városkúti út'). Roman Catholic. In 1990, next to the original 18th-century chapel built a larger chapel named Mary's Chapel of Atonement. In 1998, extended with "Camp Hill" pilgrim house. Next to the chapel stand the Mary Fountain with a small cloister
- 🌍 Greek Catholic University Church (Szinaxis Diákotthon és Budapesti Görögkatolikus Egyetemi Lelkészség), XII. Hegyalja út 113. (
: Ferenciek tere further bus 8 to 'Korompai utca'). Greek Catholic.
- 🌍 Reformed Church of Buda Mountain (Budahegyvidéki Református Egyházközség), XII. Böszörményi út 28 (
: 'Széll Kálmán tér' or Déli Pályaudvar further tram: 59 or bus 102 to stop 'Királyhágó tér'), ☏ +36 1 355 4482 101, ref.bhv@t-online.hu.
- 🌍 Reformed Mission Church of Svábhegy, XII., Felhő u. 10 (
: 'Széll Kálmán tér' take tram: 61 to 'Városmajor' further "red 60" (Cog Wheel train) to stop 'Svábhegy'), bertadorogi@citromail.hu.
- 🌍 Lutheran Church of Buda Mountain (Budahegyvidéki Evangélikus Egyházközség), XII. Kékgolyó u. 17. (
: 'Déli Pályaudvar' further tram: and 10min walk uphill), ☏ +36 1 224-0640, pal.keczko@lutheran.hu. Lutheran church.

- 🌍 Former Post Palace, Krisztina körút, 8 (
: 'Széll Kálmán tér'). Protected Monument Building. A landmark of Szell Kalman square hilly side.
- 🌍 Villas on Bela Kiraly street (Villák a), Bela Kiraly street, 27, 29, 33, 34 (multiple) (Cog wheel or bus 21, 21A to stop 'Adonis utca' take the rail underpass at 'Költő' street and there start the Bela Kiraly street). Just outside. Strolling between buildings that are a hundred or more years old. Frivaldszky–villa, Mauthner–villa, Pálffy-villa.
Natural sights
- 🌍 Black pine (Feketefenyő, Lat.:Pinus nigra,), XII. Hangya utca ~37 (bus 112 to end stop Thomán István utca and walk on Csorna utca 200 m). Protected natural monument. The height of it is over 20 m, age of its estimated to be at least 70 years.
- 🌍 Fácános Garden (Fácános kert), XII. Béla király út 61 (From
: 'Széll Kálmán tér' take bus 155 to Zugligeti út). 24/7. Around of the nature reserve is a mostly forested land. The size of it is nearly 10 ha. The protected flora and fauna is very rich. Birds and squirrels are the biggest animals.
- 🌍 Giant sequoia (Felhő utcai hegyi mamutfenyő), XII. Felhő utca, in the Garden area of the Istenhegy (Mount of God) (take bus 21 or 90 to stop Költő utca). Only from outside of garden. . The top of the Giant can be see from Felhő utca and Cédrus utca corner. The Cloud Street's sequoia is one of the oldest and most burly tree in the Capital. Data: height: about 25 m, estimated age: 100 years, trunk circumference: approx. 2.5 m.
- 🌍 Protected Grassland patches (Denevér úti védett gyepfolt), XII. Denevér út (North of the Farkasrét Cemetery between the upper part of the Denevér road and the Fodor street,
: Újbuda-központ bus 53 to Mindszenty József bíboros tér). Protected natural monument. A lookout point at the southern end of the small grassland with great panorama. Almost the entire city can be seen from here. Dozens types of protected flora, different butterflies, lizard and birds (blackbirds, robins, blackcaps, nightingales, lesser whitethroats, chiffchaffs) live here.
- 🌍 Sessile oak (Védett kocsánytalan tölgy), XII. Eötvös út ~1 (
: Széll Kálmán tér further take bus 21, 90 to stop Ordas út walk down a half block look the yellow house around the Özike road corner). A protected natural monument. Located in a suburban part of the Svábhegy (the Swabian mount) neighborhood. This is probably one of the last messenger of the former, large rural Buda's forest. This was one of the most widely spread species of oak in the mid Mountains in and around Budapest. This tree is about hundred years old. Over the decades, the crown of its had to repeatedly truncated, so it not formed upon to the characteristic dimensions of this species.
- 🌍 Palace MOM PARK Cinema Complex, XII. Alkotás utca (tram: 61 from
: 'Déli p.u.' or bus 8, 40, 112 from
: 'Ferenciek tere'). Which is the "Original language movie" in Budapest, so you can watch all the foreign movies here with subtitles too. Check Palace’s web site for programme and booking. Ft1250, for student Ft990, on cheap days Ft800.

- 🌍 Városmajor (lit. City Farm), XII. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor, Maros utca, and Csaba utca (Tram 59, 61 to stop Nyúl utca). 24/7. Points of interest: Városmajori Heart of Jesus Parish Church (Városmajori Jézus Szíve Plébánia) by Aladár Arkay in 1920s.mMemorial of the Warrior Unit of Hungarian Hunters in World War I (Magyar Tábori Vadászok emlékműve) a work of Kisfaludi Strobl Zsigmond. Statue of Beethoven (work of János Horvay). Statue of Tom Thumb (Hüvelyk Matyi) made by Ede Telcs. Statue of Espejo D'Eugenio statue (Espejo D' Eugenio szobor) by A. Negrete. Aladár Arkaymemorial column. The total area: 10 hectares. Half of the area covered with lawn also there is some flowered area, circa 1300 trees then one an d half hectare is covered with shrubs. History: This area was a flood plain of the Devil's Ditch (Ördög-árok). It was used for meadow a long time, then it was a military-owned land. A city's commander, Count Daun, horticulture and farm established in 1700s. In 1785 a regulation of Joseph II (Habsburg Emperor) established a public park here. In 1787 more than three thousand trees were planted, brought from the forests of Budakeszi and Dunabogdány settlements. József Tallherr state architect and Antal Kock urban gardener made the plans inspired by the French gardens. In early 1800s an amusement park called Budai vurstli was moved here. This led to the deterioration of the neighborhood. In 1920 the Devil's Ditch was covered, and after some reconstruction the park was revived. Also here is the BSE sports hall with tennis courts, Városmajori Outdoor Theatre, Városmajori High School and the terminus for the cogwheel railway (on maps signed as tram#60). Free.
- 🌍 Recreation Sports Center (Szabadidősport Központ), XII. Városmajor u. 29. (M2 Széll Kálmán), ☏ +36 1 202-1041, fax: +36 1 319-92-92, +36 1 319-34-39, titkarsag@hegyvideksport.hu. M-F 06:00-7:30 and 16:45-21:30, Sa Su 8:00-19:00. extraphone=+36 1 212-2945. Services:Swimming, aqua fitness, sauna, fitness, massage, solarium, indoor soccer, basketball, handball, floorball. - Gym rental (XII. Városmajor u. 29. Contact:+36 70 442-2130.) Adult ticket Ft1,300, Youth and senior tickets Ft900, Big Family ticket Ft900, Youth and Senior Pass Ft8,000, Adult Pass Ft11,000.
- 🌍 MOM Sports Swimming Pool and Sports Centre (MOM Sport Uszoda és Sportközpont), XII. Csörsz u. 14-16 (From
: Széll Kálmán or Déli take Tram 61 to 'Csörsz utca'), ☏ +36 1 248-2260, fax: +36 1 248-2262, info@momsport.hu. Daily 06:00-22:00. Rentals: Sports hall (size: 1.600m²), ballet room (110m²), Artificial grass football field (40m x 20m). email about rental=peter.horvath@momsport.hu Pools: Spa pools for wellness great relaxation for the 16-person hot tub, two Finnish saunas and steam rooms. Indoor competition pool: Size: 25m x 21m, 8 lane. Water depth: 2.1m. Water: 24-26°C. Other: stand with 250 seats, digital scoreboard. Indoor training pool: (15m x 8.5m, depth: 1.2m, water: 28-30°C. Adventure pool for max. 16 people, witth whirlpool, various massaging water jets (Water: 1m (depth), 30-32°C). Saunas (2) max.capacity 10 person, temperature: 90-105°C. Steam Room max.capacity 6 people, temperature: 40-50°C
- 🌍 Budapest Congress Center (Budapest Kongresszusi Központ), XII. Jagelló út 1-3 (To BAH-csomópont by tram: 61 from
: Déli p.u., bus 8, 112 from Ferenciek tere (M3), bus 40 from
: Móricz Zs tér), ☏ +36 1 372-5425, bcwtc@accor.com. The largest, most modern congress and meeting place in Hungary. Exhibits, festivals, concerts
Walking tours

- 🌍 Buda Protected Landscape Area (Budai Tájvédelmi körzet), XII. district (North-west of Buda, some parts inside of city limit, Take tram: 61 to Hűvősvölgy terminus from
: 'Széll Kálmán tér', after bus 65 to terminus Nagykovácsi (all is 55-65 min.), than followed Z+ tourist path. 'Z' means green.). 24/7. Walking tours, from minutes until days long, on 10,528 hectares. Main part are: Budaörs wasteland; Excursion zona (include János-hegy, the forest range of Budakeszi and the environs of Hárshegy); the Hármashatár-hegy (hill) and the Hidegkút basin; a highly protected hill the Remete-hegy with the Remete Gorge; the Szénás-hills or the European Diploma Holding Area; The area of Vöröspocsolyás-hát (Vöröspocsolyás-backbone), Nagykopasz (559m, the highest point in the Buda hills) and Meszes-hegy. Maps Free.

Shopping malls
- 🌍 Hegyvidek Shopping Center (Hegyvidék Üzletközpont), XII. Németvölgy (Bus 105 from
: Deak Square), ☏ +36 1 951 0578, info@hegyvidekkozpont.hu. M-Sa 07.00–22.00, Su 10.00–16.00. A sizeable supermarket (M-Sa 7.00 –20.00, Su 10.00–16.00) on the basement. Game food store. Grocery. Szamos Chocolate Designer Shop. Bookshop. Boutiques. Restaurant. Cafe. OTP Bank. Post Office (M-F 10.00–18.00, Sa 10.00–16.00, Su closed)

- 🌍 MOM Park Shopping Centre (MOM Park Bevásárlóközpont), XII. Alkotás utca 53 (from
: Ferenciek tere Metro station take bus 8 or 112 to BAH-csomópont), ☏ +36 1 487 5500. M-Su 7:00–24:00, Supermarket: M-Sa 07:30–22:00, Su 08:00–20:00; Restaurants: M-Su 10:00-22:00; Pharmacy: M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 10:00-18:00; Cinema City M-Su 12.30-22.45. Shops on three level. Restaurants, pubs, cinema, insurance. Supermarket (almost 1000 m²), banks, post office, pharmacy, Wi-Fi, all three cell phone providers.
- 🌍 CBA supermarket (CBA szupermarket), XII. Eötvös út 38/b. (Széchenyi Hill Children's Railways: Normafa station, -
: Széll Kálmán tér or
: Déli pályaudvar further bus 21 to stop Fülemile út), ☏ +36 1 3987776. M-F 07.00-20.00, Sa 07.00-18.00, Su closed. +Ten units in district 12: Szarvas Gábor út. 8., Zugligeti út 58., Eötvös út 6., Ráth György u. 3., Krisztina krt. 7. fszt.1-2., Csörsz u. 23 - 25., Apor Vilmos tér 11., Nógrádi u.39., Zalai u. 2, Királyhágó tér 1., Márvány u. 33.
- 🌍 Coop supermarket (Coop abc), XII. Nagyenyed u. 2. (
: Déli pályaudvar and walk or tram 61 to Nagyenyed utca), ☏ +36 1 225-3278, uzletlanc@coop.hu. 24/7 (?). + unit in district 12: Coop mini: Nárcisz u. 5.
- 🌍 Spar supermarket (Spar szupermarket), XII. Szent Orbán tér 7 (Bus 21, 21A, 102, 212 to stop Szent Orbán tér), ☏ +36 20 823 8785, info@spar.hu. M-F 07.00-22.00, Sa-Su 09.00-21.00. Supermarket chain. More units in district 12: Alkotás utca 53., (M-Sa 07.30-22.00, Su 08.00-20.00), Böszörményi út 38/b, (M-F 06.30-21.00, Sa 07.30-19.30, Su 08.00-19.00)
Other stores
- 🌍 dm drogeriemarkt, XII. Apor Vilmos tér 11. (Hegyvidéki Shopping Center), ☏ +36 1 2240416, info@dm-drogeriemarkt.hu. M-Sa 09:00-20:00, Su 09:00-16:00. Austrian beauty/household store chain. Beauty, wellness health products. Baby care and household goods. Photo corner. More units in district 12:: XII. Nagy Jenő utca 12, MOM Park, Tel: +36 1 4875490, - XII. Böszörményi út 36/a, Tel:+36 1 2240130.
This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under €5 |
Mid-range | €5-15 |
Splurge | Above €15 |
- 🌍 Auguszt Pavilon Confectionery (Auguszt Pavilon), XII. Sasadi út 190 (
: Széll Kálmán tér or Déli further tram: 59 to 'Farkasrét, Márton Áron tér'), ☏ +36 1 2490134, pavilon@auguszt.hu. W-Su 10:00-18:00. Pastries, pies, salty pastries, seasonal products, cakes, wedding cakes, form-cakes, parfaits, ice-cream, Lunch menu
- 🌍 Barabás Villa Cafe (Barabás Villa Kávézó), XII. Városmajor utca 44. (From
: Széll Kálmán walk), ☏ +36 70 380 5553, fax: +36 1 225 1388, info@barabasvilla.eu. Tu-Sa 10.00-18.00. Mineral water Ft260, carbonated soft drinks Ft280, juices Ft300, iced teas, refreshments Ft280, refreshments with alcohol Ft700, bottled beer Ft460, coffees Ft280-470, iced coffee (with ice cream) Ft620, hot cocoa Ft350, sandwiches Ft350, cakes Ft180, pies (cherry, cottage cheese, poppy seed) Ft290, Homemade pies (apple, peach, vanilla, chocolate) Ft320 10% discount with card.
- 🌍 Bodrogi Cafe & Restaurant (étterem, kávézó), XII. Fürj u. 2. (From
: Ferenciek + Bus 8, 112 to 'BAH-csomópont (Jagelló út)'), ☏ +36 1 784 3014. 40 seats. Starters Ft1100-1600, soups Ft1 200-2 300, main courses Ft1800-3900, desserts Ft900-1100.
- 🌍 La Praline confectionery (La Praline Cukrászda, Kávézó), XII. Apor Vilmos tér 11-12. (Hegyvidék Központ) (From
: Deák + bus 105 or From
: Déli take bus 102 to 'Apor Vilmos tér '), ☏ +36 20 508 0664, hegyvidek@lapraline.hu. South Provencal-style confectionery, based on authentic recipes hand-made French pastries, macaron, la praline products, creams, sandwiches.
- 🌍 Lala & Zsolt (Lala & Zsolt Cukrászda), Kiss János altábornagy utca 26 (From
: Déli take Tram 61 to Márvány'), ☏ +36 30 959 6522. Salty, sweet biscuits, cakes, homemade cakes and ice creams. Cakes (slice) Ft250-500.
- 🌍 Major (Major Cukrászda), XII.Maros utca 14 (From
: Déli walk 300m), ☏ +36 20 406 0075, majorcukraszda@gmail.com. M-F 09.00-18.00, Sa 10.00-16.00. Salty, sweet biscuits, cakes, homemade cakes and ice creams.
- 🌍 Paulaner Restaurant-Pub. (Paulaner Sörház - MOM Park), XII. Alkotás u. 53. (From
: Déli + tram: 61 to 'Csörsz utca'), ☏ +36 70 377 1000, paulanermompark@gmail.com. Daily 11.30-24.00.
- 🌍 Svabhegyi Tavern (Svábhegyi Vendéglő), XII. Költő utca 30. (Cogwheel to 'Svábhegy' 350m), ☏ +36 1 391 7356, info@svabhegyivendeglo.hu. Family events, weddings, business and wine dinners, barbecue parties, gluten-free food, home delivery.
- 🌍 Szamos Chocolate, Budai Confectioner's (Szamos Csokoládé), XII. Böszörményi út 44-46. (From
: Déli take tram: 59 to 'Kiss János altábornagy utca'), ☏ +36 1 224 0052, fax: +36 1 224 0052. Daily 09.00-20.00. Gift boxes, pralines, marzipan figurines, packaged desserts, delicatessen products. Restaurants and delivery food.
- 🌍 Hotel Molnar - Restaurant Molnar (Hotel Molnár - Molnár Étterem), XII. Fodor utca 143 (From
: Déli take tram: 59 to 'Farkasrét, Márton Áron tér' + Bus 53 to 'Mindszenty József bíboros tér'), ☏ +36 1 395 1872, fax: +36 1 395 1875, info@hotel-molnar.hu.
- 🌍 Budai Sport Tavern (Budai Sport Vendéglő), XII. Bán u. 6-8. (From
: Déli + tram: 61 to Csörsz utca 200m), ☏ +36 70 624 1218, budaisportvendeglo@gmail.com. Starters Ft1 100-1 300, Soups Ft400-800, Main Courses Ft1 300-1900, Desserts Ft300-500, Salads Ft300-600, Pastas Ft700-900
- 🌍 Cafe Diva - MOM Park (Díva kávézó), XII. Alkotás u. 53. (From
: Déli + tram: 61 to Csörsz utca), ☏ +36 1 487 5454, fax: +36 1 487 5454. M-Th 09:30-22:00, F Sa 09:30-23:00, Su 09:30-22:00. Weekdays menus: omelet with ham, baguette with avocado, breaded chicken breast with cheese, beef medallions with cognac wild mushroom casserole, quasadillas, gnocchi with sheep cheese etc.
- 🌍 Café Lounge (Lounge kávézó), XII. Alkotás utca 63-67 (From
: Déli + tram: 61 to Csörsz utca), ☏ +36 1 3725700, fax: +36 1 4665636, h0511-fb@accor.com. Daily 06:00-24:00.
- 🌍 Café La Terra (Caffe La Terra), XII.Böszörményi út 44-46. (From
: Déli take tram: 59 to 'Kiss János altábornagy utca'), ☏ +36 1 355 06 05, fax: +36 1 355 06 05, info@caffelaterra.hu. M-Sa 11:00-23:00. Daily menus Two courses: Ft1200; three courses Ft1500. (weekdays 12:00-17:00)- Soups Ft800-1000, Appetizers Ft1700-2100.
- 🌍 Bajai fishrestaurant (Bajai halászcsárda, Fogas Pizzéria), XII. Hollós út 2. (Cogwheel tram to 'Svábhegy' or
: Széll Kálmán tér further bus 21 to 'Svábhegy'), ☏ +36 1 275 5245, fax: +36 1 275 5246, bajaihalaszcsarda@gmail.com. M–Sa 11:30–22:00, Su 11:30–20:00. Beer garden - Parking - Air conditioned room - WiFi Internet - Weekly Menu - Home Delivery
- 🌍 Maros (Maros Söröző Étterem), XII. Maros utca 16. (From
: Déli walk 350m), ☏ +36 1 783 6470, fax: +36 1 783 6514, marossorozo@marossorozo.hu. M-Sa 12:00-22:00, Su 12:00-17:00. Garden restaurant offering low-priced, home-cooked meals. Dog friendly. Free wi-fi, playground, fiber oven. Daily menu (2 courses) Ft1000 - or à la carte appetizer Ft1500-1800, soups Ft1000, main course Ft1700-3600, fish Ft1300-2600, salads Ft600-1300, Snacks Ft600-1400, pasta Ft1000-2000, desserts Ft600.
- 🌍 Jagello (Jagello étterem, hotel), XII. Jagelló út 38 (From
: Ferenciek take Bus 8, 112 to 'BAH-csomópont (Jagelló út)'), ☏ +36 1 2482780, fax: +36 1 3190274, sales@jagellobusinesshotel.hu. 26 a/c, dbl room with free Wi-Fi, hair-dryer, sound-proof windows sgl/dbl/tpl €50/65/85 (April-October 2014), discounts for off season time.
- 🌍 Larus (LARUS étterem), XII. Csörsz u. 18.b (From
: Ferenciek tere take Bus 112 to 'Sirály utca' 100m), ☏ +36 1 7992480, fax: +36 1 7992481, info@larusevent.hu. M-Sa 11:00-23:30. Weekly dinner menu every weekday between 12.00-15.00 Appetizer Ft1500-2600, main dishes Ft2600-5500, Dessert Ft1400, Cheese choice Ft2300.
- 🌍 Mongolian Barbecue, XII district; Marvany utca 19/a (From
: Szél Kálmán tér take tram: 61 to stop Marvany utca), ☏ +36 1 212-1859, fax: +36 1 212-3743. All-you-can-eat format. Fantastic restaurant which is not far from the Déli Train Station; unlimited beer and wine included. Ft5,000.
- 🌍 Mughal Shahi restaurant (Pakisztáni Étterem Mughal Shahi), 12.dist. Városmajor utca 57 (
: Széll Kálmán tér further bus 128, 129 to stop 'Temes utca'), ☏ +36 1 202-4488. Pakistan food.
- 🌍 Normakert Tavern (Normakert Vendéglő), XII. Eötvős út 59. (From
: Déli take Bus 21, 21A to 'Normafa'), ☏ +36 30 861 2199, info@normakert.hu. Tu-F 11:00-23:00, Sa-Su 10:00-23:00. With a cozy atmosphere, home-cooked meals, a wide range of beer and brandy. appetizer Ft700-1700, soups Ft700-1000, main course Ft2300-3900, salads Ft600, kid's meal Ft600, desserts Ft900, sparkling, still water (2.5 dl) Ft300, a glass soft drink Ft350, Juices 2 dl Ft400, beers 5 dl Ft500, Hungarian spirits eight types 0.4 dl Ft800-1500, other spirits, vodkas (dozen) Ft700-1200, coffees (eight) Ft400-900.
- 🌍 Mughal Shahi restaurant (Pakisztáni Étterem Mughal Shahi), XII. Városmajor utca 57 (
: Széll Kálmán tér further bus 128, 129 to stop 'Temes utca'), ☏ +36 1 202-4488. Pakistani food.
- 🌍 Gombi Beercellar (Gombi Serpince), Nagyenyed u. 13 (
: 'Déli' 300 m), ☏ +36 1 212-3919. M-Sa 14.00–24.00. homely pub, sports on flatscreen, electronic Darts, card playing cheap beers and snacks.
- 🌍 Vadaspark restaurant and Beergarden (Vadaspark Étterem), XII. Szanatórium u. 2. (A couple meters from city limit - Bus 222 to last stop 'Budakeszi, Honfoglalás sétány' from
: 'Széll Kálmán tér'), ☏ +36 1 275-2436, +36 30 2416637, fax: +36 1 700 2957, vadaspark@vadasparkrest.com. Th-M 12.00-22.00 (Mar-Oct all days open!!). Three rooms: Furnace room, Hunter Hall and The Barn
- 🌍 Drink Island Buffet and Whiskey Bar (Drink Island Büfé és Whisky Bár), Alkotás utca 17 (
: 'Déli'), ☏ +36 1 2018765, +36 20-938-1679, info@drinkisland.hu. Wi-Fi. A/Con, multimedia system. More than a hundred kinds of whiskey purchase. 2 cl whiskey (100+ types) Ft400-1200.
- 🌍 Makk Hetes Tavern (http://makkhetesvendeglo.hu/), XII. Kiss János altábornagy u. 59. (Bus 102 from
: 'Déli' or Bus 112 from Ferenciek, 105 from M1,2,3 'Deák tér' to 'Németvölgyi út', or tram 59 to 'Kiss János altábornagy utca' and walk 200 m uphill), ☏ +36 1 3557330. Daily 11:00-22:00. Friendly, welcoming restaurant with a history of several decades. Located in quiet, intimate environment. In the summer season also a cozy garden is open. This is an ideal place for family events friendly gatherings, business meetings, as well as group and corporate events. M-F 11:00-15:00 two-course menu Ft1,290! Local pirits (4 cl/2 cl): Fluffy double brandies (black cherry, plum, quince, apricot, William) Ft900/540; Shingle (honey peaches, plums and honey, cinnamon and honey apple, cherry honey almond) Ft900/540, Kecskemét apricot 'palinka' Ft800/480, William pear Ft800/480, Kosher plum Ft900/540, Unicum liqueur Ft800/480 - Local wines all part of Hungary (dozens). A couple of them: Budai Don Olivér 2010 (bottle 0.75 l) Ft2500, Pécsi Savignon Blanc Ft2900, Szőlőskislaki Chardonnay Ft3200, Pécsi Portugieser Ft2900.
- 🌍 Majorka pub (Majorka söröző), XII. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 16 (Near to Cog-Wheel Lower Terminal), ☏ +36 1 2240055, majorka@majorka.hu. Su-W 12:00-24:00 Th-Sa 12:00-02:00. Wines, beers and cocktails, soft melange, whiskey. Broad range of hamburgers. In summer thera are many types of ice creams. The winter special, the Austrian Alps hits, is the steamed dumplings with poppy seeds and vanilla sauce.

- 🌍 Sport hostel (Semmelweis Egyetem Testnevelési ésSporttudományi Kar kollégiuma), XII. Kiss János altábornagy utca 2 (300 m S of Déli rwy stn), ☏ +36 20 212 9180, info@tf.hu. This is student accommodation within the Univ of Physical Education / Testnevelesi Egyetem, which may be available in summer as a Hostel.
- 🌍 Bobbio Hotel, XII. Béla király út 47 (5 km W of centre, take Bus 155 to 'Béla király út'), ☏ +36 1 274 4000, fax: +36 1 395-8377, info@bobbio.hu. 3-star sgl/dbl/tpl Ft12500/15000/16500.
- 🌍 Budai Hotel and Tavern (Budai Hotel és Vendéglő), XII. Rácz Aladár út 45 (W edge of town, 6 km from centre. Nearest bus 53 to Cardinal Mindszenty sq), ☏ +36 30 444 5685, fax: +36 1 249 0275. 3 star with twelve rooms. Wi-fi, Sat TV, safe. Closed garage €4/day/ vehicle. Bicycle rental free. Tennis lessons available. sgl/dbl/tpl/quad €30/40/45/50.
- 🌍 Buda Villa Panzió, II. Kiss Áron u. 6 (3 km W of centre. Take Tram 61 from Széll Kálmán tér), ☏ +36 1 275 0091, budavillapansio@gmail.com. Quiet surroundings, guaranteed rest. Located in a residential area. sgl €45-55, dbl. €48-69.
- 🌍 Hotel Molnár, XII. Fodor utca 143 (Edge of town 5 km W of centre. Take Bus 53 from Ujbuda-kozpont Metro to Cardinal Mindszenty József tér), ☏ +36 1 395 1872, fax: +36 1 395 1875. Check-in: 16.00, check-out: 11.00. Three star hotel with restaurant, gym & sauna. Jun-Sept EUR 64/69/79/89.
- 🌍 Walzer Hotel, XII. Németvölgyi út 110. (3 km W of Elisabeth bridge. From Déli station take tram 59 to Liptó utca), ☏ +36 1 319 1212, fax: +36 1 248 0450, walzer@walzerhotel.hu. 3-star, edge of town. Jun-Sept €45/55/65.
- 🌍 Novotel Budapest City, XII. Alkotás u. 63-67 (1 km W of Elisabeth bridge. Take bus 8 or 112 to Hegyalja ut), ☏ +36 1 372 5400, fax: +36 1 466 5636. 4 star, near Budapest Congress & World Trade Centre. High-rise with 319 rooms. Dbl. €82-100.