Women in the Western Australian Legislative Assembly

There have been 66 women in the Western Australian Legislative Assembly since its establishment in 1890. Women have had the right to vote since 1899 and the right to stand as candidates since 1920.

The first successful female candidate for the Legislative Assembly was Edith Cowan, who was elected as the member for West Perth in 1921 representing the Nationalist Party of Australia. This was the first time a woman had won election anywhere in Australia. Cowan was defeated in 1924 but in 1925 May Holman was elected to the seat of Forrest in a by-election, becoming the first successful Labor woman in Australia. Holman was joined by Florence Cardell-Oliver of the Nationalist Party in 1936, who would become the first female cabinet minister. Cardell-Oliver's retirement in 1956 led to a period of absence for women, until June Craig of the Liberal Party was elected in 1974, since which time women have been continuously represented in the Assembly.

Hilda Turnbull was the first National Party woman elected to the Assembly in 1989, and only two women Liz Constable (19912013) and Janet Woollard (20012013) have been elected as independents. Adele Carles became the first Greens member of the Assembly in 2009, although she later quit the party. Carol Martin was the first Indigenous woman elected to the Assembly in 2001.

List of women in the Western Australian Legislative Assembly

Names in bold indicate women who have been appointed as Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries during their time in Parliament. Names in italics indicate women who were first elected at a by-election. An asterisk (*) indicates that the member also served in the Legislative Council.

# Name Party Electoral Division Period of service
1 Edith Cowan Nationalist West Perth 12 March 1921 22 March 1924 (defeated)
2 May Holman Labor Forrest 3 April 1925 18 March 1939 (died)
3 Florence Cardell-Oliver Nationalist/Liberal Subiaco 15 February 1936 7 April 1956 (retired)
4 June Craig Liberal Wellington 30 March 1974 19 February 1983 (defeated)
5 Pam Beggs Labor Whitford 19 February 1983 6 February 1993 (defeated)
Pam Buchanan Labor/Independent Pilbara
19 February 1983 4 February 1989
4 February 1989 3 March 1992
Yvonne Henderson Labor Gosnells
19 February 1983 4 February 1989
4 February 1989 14 December 1996 (retired)
Jackie Watkins Labor Joondalup
19 February 1983 4 February 1989
4 February 1989 6 February 1993 (defeated)
9 Carmen Lawrence Labor Subiaco
8 February 1986 4 February 1989
4 February 1989 14 February 1994 (resigned to contest HoR)
Judyth Watson Labor Canning
8 February 1986 4 February 1989
4 February 1989 14 December 1996 (defeated)
11 Cheryl Edwardes Liberal Kingsley 4 February 1989 26 February 2005 (retired)
Hilda Turnbull National Collie 4 February 1989 10 February 2001 (defeated)
13 Judy Edwards Labor Maylands 26 May 1990 6 September 2008 (retired)
14 Liz Constable Independent Floreat
20 July 1991 14 December 1996
14 December 1996 9 March 2013 (retired)
15 Kay Hallahan* Labor Armadale 6 February 1993 14 December 1996 (retired)
June van de Klashorst Liberal Swan Hills 6 February 1993 10 February 2001 (defeated)
Diana Warnock Labor Perth 6 February 1993 10 February 2001 (retired)
18 Michelle Roberts Labor Glendalough
19 March 1994 14 December 1996
14 December 1996
19 Rhonda Parker Liberal Helena
10 September 1994 14 December 1996
14 December 1996 10 February 2001 (defeated)
20 Megan Anwyl Labor Kalgoorlie 14 December 1996 10 February 2001 (defeated)
Katie Hodson-Thomas Liberal Carine 14 December 1996 6 September 2008 (retired)
Monica Holmes Liberal Southern River 14 December 1996 10 February 2001 (defeated)
Alannah MacTiernan* Labor Armadale 14 December 1996 19 July 2010 (resigned to contest HoR)
Sheila McHale Labor Thornlie 14 December 1996 6 September 2008 (retired)
25 Dianne Guise Labor Wanneroo 10 February 2001 6 September 2008 (defeated)
Carol Martin Labor Kimberley 10 February 2001 9 March 2013 (retired)
Margaret Quirk Labor Girrawheen
10 February 2001 13 March 2021
13 March 2021
Jaye Radisich Labor Swan Hills 10 February 2001 6 September 2008 (retired)
Sue Walker Liberal/Independent Nedlands 10 February 2001 6 September 2008 (defeated)
Janet Woollard Independent Alfred Cove 10 February 2001 9 March 2013 (defeated)
31 Judy Hughes Labor Kingsley 26 February 2005 6 September 2008 (defeated)
32 Lisa Baker Labor Maylands 6 September 2008
Janine Freeman Labor Nollamara 6 September 2008 29 January 2021 (retired)
Liza Harvey Liberal Scarborough 6 September 2008 13 March 2021 (defeated)
Andrea Mitchell Liberal Kingsley 6 September 2008 11 March 2017 (defeated)
Rita Saffioti Labor West Swan 6 September 2008
37 Adele Carles Greens/Independent Fremantle 16 May 2009 9 March 2013 (defeated)
38 Mia Davies* National Central Wheatbelt 9 March 2013
Wendy Duncan* National Kalgoorlie 9 March 2013 11 March 2017 (retired)
Eleni Evangel Liberal Perth 9 March 2013 11 March 2017 (defeated)
Josie Farrer Labor Kimberley 9 March 2013 29 January 2021 (retired)
Glenys Godfrey Liberal Belmont 9 March 2013 11 March 2017 (defeated)
Simone McGurk Labor Fremantle 9 March 2013
44 Libby Mettam Liberal Vasse 18 October 2014
45 Robyn Clarke Labor Murray-Wellington 11 March 2017
Emily Hamilton Labor Joondalup 11 March 2017
Lisa O'Malley Labor Bicton 11 March 2017
Cassie Rowe Labor Belmont 11 March 2017
Amber-Jade Sanderson* Labor Morley 11 March 2017
Jessica Shaw Labor Swan Hills 11 March 2017
Jessica Stojkovski Labor Kingsley 11 March 2017
Sabine Winton Labor Wanneroo 11 March 2017
53 Alyssa Hayden* Liberal Darling Range 23 June 2018 13 March 2021 (defeated)
54 Hannah Beazley Labor Victoria Park 13 March 2021
Caitlin Collins Labor Hillarys 13 March 2021
Lara Dalton Labor Geraldton 13 March 2021
Divina D'Anna Labor Kimberley 13 March 2021
Kim Giddens Labor Bateman 13 March 2021
Meredith Hammat Labor Mirrabooka 13 March 2021
Jodie Hanns Labor Collie-Preston 13 March 2021
Jane Kelsbie Labor Warren-Blackwood 13 March 2021
Ali Kent Labor Kalgoorlie 13 March 2021
Lisa Munday Labor Dawesville 13 March 2021
Rebecca Stephens Labor Albany 13 March 2021
Katrina Stratton Labor Nedlands 13 March 2021
Christine Tonkin Labor Churchlands 13 March 2021
67 Merome Beard National North West Central 17 September 2022


Christine TonkinKatrina StrattonRebecca Stephens (politician)Lisa MundayAli KentJane KelsbieJodie HannsMeredith HammatKim GiddensDivina D'AnnaLara DaltonCaitlin CollinsHannah BeazleyAlyssa HaydenSabine WintonJessica StojkovskiJessica ShawAmber-Jade SandersonCassie RoweLisa O'MalleyEmily Hamilton (politician)Robyn ClarkeLibby MettamSimone McGurkGlenys GodfreyJosie FarrerEleni EvangelWendy DuncanMia DaviesAdele CarlesRita SaffiotiAndrea Mitchell (politician)Liza HarveyJanine FreemanLisa Baker (Australian politician)Judy HughesJanet WoollardSue Walker (politician)Jaye RadisichMargaret QuirkCarol Martin (politician)Dianne GuiseSheila McHaleAlannah MacTiernanMonica HolmesKatie Hodson-ThomasMegan AnwylRhonda ParkerMichelle RobertsDiana WarnockJune van der KlashorstKay HallahanLiz ConstableJudy EdwardsHilda TurnbullCheryl EdwardesJudyth WatsonCarmen LawrenceJackie WatkinsYvonne HendersonPam BuchananPam BeggsJune CraigFlorence Cardell-OliverMay HolmanEdith Cowan

Proportion of women in the Assembly

Numbers and proportions are as they were directly after the relevant election and do not take into account by-elections, defections or other changes in membership. The Liberal column also includes that party's predecessors, the Nationalist and United parties and the Liberal and Country League. The National column includes the various National Party splinter groups in the 1920s and 1980s.

Term Labor Liberal National Others Total
Women Total % Women Total % Women Total % Women Total % Women Total %
1921–1924 0170.0% 11010.0% 0160.0% 070.0% 1502.0%
1924–1927 0270.0% 090.0% 0130.0% 010.0% 0500.0%
1927–1930 1273.7% 0160.0% 070.0% 000.0% 1502.0%
1930–1933 1234.3% 0160.0% 0100.0% 010.0% 1502.0%
1933–1936 1303.3% 080.0% 0110.0% 010.0% 1502.0%
1936–1939 1263.8% 1812.5% 0130.0% 030.0% 2504.0%
1939–1943 1273.7% 1714.2% 0120.0% 040.0% 2504.0%
1943–1947 0300.0% 1714.2% 0100.0% 030.0% 1502.0%
1947–1950 0230.0% 1137.7% 0120.0% 010.0% 1502.0%
1950–1953 0230.0% 1156.7% 090.0% 030.0% 1502.0%
1953–1956 0260.0% 1156.7% 090.0% 000.0% 1502.0%
1956–1959 0290.0% 0110.0% 080.0% 020.0% 0500.0%
1959–1962 0230.0% 0170.0% 080.0% 020.0% 0500.0%
1962–1965 0240.0% 0180.0% 080.0% 000.0% 0500.0%
1965–1968 0210.0% 0210.0% 080.0% 000.0% 0500.0%
1968–1971 0230.0% 0190.0% 090.0% 000.0% 0510.0%
1971–1974 0260.0% 0170.0% 080.0% 000.0% 0510.0%
1974–1977 0220.0% 1234.3% 060.0% 000.0% 1512.0%
1977–1980 0220.0% 1273.7% 060.0% 000.0% 1551.8%
1980–1983 0230.0% 1263.8% 060.0% 000.0% 1551.8%
1983–1986 43212.5% 0200.0% 050.0% 000.0% 4577.0%
1986–1989 63218.8% 0190.0% 060.0% 000.0% 65710.5%
1989–1993 63119.4% 1205.0% 1616.7% 000.0% 85714.0%
1993–1996 62425.0% 2267.7% 1616.7% 11100.0% 105717.5%
1996–2001 61931.6% 52917.2% 1616.7% 1333.3% 135722.8%
2001–2005 83225.0% 31618.8% 050.0% 2450.0% 135722.8%
2005–2008 93228.1% 21811.1% 050.0% 22100.0% 135722.8%
2008–2013 72825.0% 2248.3% 040.0% 2366.7% 115918.6%
2013–2017 72133.3% 43112.9% 2728.6% 000.0% 135922.0%
2017–2021 154136.6% 21315.4% 1520.0% 000.0% 185930.5%
2021 265349.0% 1250.0% 1425.0% 000.0% 285947.4%

See also

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