VH1 ILL-ustrated
VH1 ILL-ustrated is an adult animated sketch comedy television series that aired on VH1 and was conceived by animation producer Bob Cesca that parodied pop culture and politics. This is the only project that Cesca's Camp Chaos Productions produced, besides Napster Bad and an unreleased Sopranos parody miniseries. Recurring characters include satirical caricatures of Axl Rose (who works at a McDonald's restaurant, and screams people's orders), Michael Jackson (who leaves Earth in search of a place that will accept him and his monkey, Bubbles), among others.
VH1 ILL-ustrated | |
Genre | Adult animation Satire Sketch comedy |
Developed by | Camp Chaos Productions |
Starring | Various |
Voices of | Various |
Country of origin | United States |
Original languages | English Spanish (SAP) |
No. of seasons | 2 |
No. of episodes | 13 |
Production | |
Running time | 30 minutes |
Release | |
Original network | VH1 VTV MTV2 (2006) SBS (2007) |
Original release | October 17, 2003 – June 25, 2004 |
The animated series were later aired on MTV2 (2006) and SBS (2007).[1]
Season 1 (2003)
- Episode 1 October 17, 2003
- Episode 2 October 17, 2003
- Episode 3 October 17, 2003
Season 2 (2004)
- Episode 4 May 17, 2004
- Episode 5 May 18, 2004
- Episode 6 May 19, 2004
- Episode 7 May 20, 2004
- Episode 8 May 21, 2004
- Episode 9 May 28, 2004
- Episode 10 April 6, 2004
- Episode 11 May 6, 2004
- Episode 12 June 18, 2004
- Episode 13 June 25, 2004
The majority of sketches are a satirical view of world issues. An example includes SpongeBong HempPants, a parody of SpongeBob SquarePants, in which "SpongeBong" is a green-colored marijuana addict, while "Hashbrick" is a brick of hash.[2] Another recurring parody is of the Hanna-Barbera cartoon Yogi Bear featuring Al Gore as the ranger, and George W. Bush and Dick Cheney as the meddling bears who cause problems for Jellystone National Park; such mischief includes drilling for oil in the middle of a lake, when explicitly told not to by Ranger Gore.
Other segments are general satires of popular culture, such as Popeye in Anime, a parody of Popeye the Sailor Man as if it was drawn in an anime style, and a segment in which the rock band Guns N' Roses is working in a McDonald's and take orders to the tune of their song "Welcome to the Jungle".
They also frequently poked-fun at their home station's (VH1) new series of shows having nothing to do with music, such as a segment called VH1's I Love 5 Seconds Ago, in which famous actors, actresses and singers would tell the best thing about five seconds ago. An example of this would be "I was wearing a total hipster shirt five seconds ago, and I still wear it now. Cool never goes out of style."
- "Ill-ustrated On MTV2 This Week". Camp Chaos. August 22, 2006. Retrieved June 15, 2008.
- "MEMBERS ONLY: The Death and Rebirth of a Cartoon About Pot and SpongeBob". February 17, 2016.