Traditional Malaysian musical instruments

Traditional Malaysian instruments are the musical instruments used in the traditional and classical music of Malaysia. They comprise a wide range of wind, string, and percussion instruments, used by both the Malay majority as well as the nation's ethnic minorities.[1]

Percussion Instruments

String Instruments

A Sape player performing in traditional costume.
  • Biola - used in classical Malay music of Malay Ghazal and traditional performances such as Dondang Sayang.
  • Kreb - used in traditional performances by Orang Asli.
  • Gambus - used in classical Malay music of Malay Ghazal and traditional performances such as Zapin and Hamdolok.
  • Gitar - used in classical Malay music of Malay Ghazal.
  • Rebab - used in traditional performances such as Wayang Kulit Melayu, Mak Yong and Main Puteri.
  • Sape - used in traditional performances in Sarawak.
  • Sundatang - used in traditional performances in Sabah.
  • Tongkungon - used in traditional performances in Sabah.

Wind Instruments

A Murut Sompoton.

See also


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