Timeline of Sudanese history

This is a timeline of Sudanese history, comprising important legal and territorial changes and political events in Sudan and its predecessor states. To read about the background to these events, see History of Sudan. See that the [[list of governors of pre-independence list of heads of state of Sudan.

19th century

1881Mahdist War: A war began against the United Kingdom and Egypt
1898 Sudan fell under the rule of an Anglo-Egyptian condominium.

20th century

1955First Sudanese Civil War begins
1956The country becomes independent as the Republic of the Sudan
1983Second Sudanese Civil War begins

21st century

2001FebruaryAl-Turabi was arrested for signing a memorandum with the SPLA.
MarchThe United Nations (UN) World Food Programme struggled to feed millions facing starvation.
AprilThe SPLA threatened to attack foreign oil workers.
JunePeace talks in Nairobi broke down.
JulyEgypt and Libya proposed a peace plan for Sudan.
SeptemberThe UN lifted sanctions against Sudan.
OctoberUnited States Senator John Danforth was appointed Special Envoy to Sudan.
NovemberThe United States imposed sanctions on Sudan.
2002JanuaryA ceasefire was agreed between the government and the SPLA.
20 JulySecond Sudanese Civil War: The Machakos Protocol ended the nineteen-year civil war.
2003FebruaryWar in Darfur: The war began.
2004JanuaryThe army moved into Darfur to quell the rebellion, prompting hundreds of thousands of refugees to flee into neighbouring Chad.
MarchA UN official accused pro-government Janjaweed militias of carrying out systematic killings in Darfur.
SeptemberUnited States Secretary of State Colin Powell described the Darfur killings as genocide.
20059 JanuaryThe Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed between the SPLA and the government.
MarchThe United Nations Security Council authorised sanctions against any violators of the Darfur ceasefire.
JuneAl-Turabi was freed.
JulyJohn Garang was sworn in as vice-president.
1 AugustGarang died in a plane crash and was succeeded by Salva Kiir Mayardit.
SeptemberA power-sharing government was established.
OctoberAn autonomous government was formed in southern Sudan.
2006MayThe government signed a peace accord with a Darfur rebel group, the Sudan Liberation Movement.
OctoberJan Pronk, head of the United Nations Mission in Sudan, was expelled from the country.
NovemberAfrican Union peacekeepers extended their stay in Darfur for a further six months.
2007MayThe United States placed fresh sanctions on Sudan.
31 JulyUnited Nations Security Council Resolution 1769 authorised twenty-six thousand peacekeepers for Darfur.
August2007 Sudan floods: Floods began.
September2007 Sudan floods: The floods ended.
NovemberSudanese teddy bear blasphemy case: A British teacher was imprisoned for naming a teddy bear Muhammad.

On 11 and 15 April 2010, Southern Sudan Regional Elections: A South Sudanese There was a regional elections in Southern Sudan in which Salva Kiir Mayardit won by 93% of the votes.

See also


  • "Timeline: Sudan, BBC News". 15 December 2009. Retrieved 10 October 2017.


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