Tattva vision

Tattva vision is a technique developed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn to aid with the development of the faculty of astral clairvoyance.[1] They were derived from the elements or tattvas of Hindu philosophy and the Vedantic doctrine of pancikarana, as interpreted by the Golden Dawn.

Tattvas in isolation and combination

Tattva symbols

The astral forms of the tattvas and equivalent in Western elements:[2]

Tattva (Mahābhūta)Equivalent elementSymbolAlternative symbolDescription
AkashaSpiritAkasha TattvaAkasha Tattva - Alternateblack or indigo vesica piscis
or egg
TejasFireTejas Tattva-red equilateral triangle
VayuAirVayu Tattva-blue circle
ApasWaterApas TattvaApas Tattva - Alternatepurple half circle
or silver crescent
PrithviEarthPrithivi Tattva-yellow square

Constructing tattva cards

Tattva cards can be constructed by cutting the tattva symbols out of coloured paper or card, and pasting on to small cards of about 6 inches by 6 inches in size. Alternatively the tattva symbols may be painted onto the cards, or a commercial set of cards may be obtained.

See also


  1. The Golden Dawn: A Complete Course in Practical Ceremonial Magic as revealed to Israel Regardie with further revision, expansion, and additional notes by Israel Regardie, Chris Monnastre, and others, under the editorship of Carl Llewellyn Weschke (6th edition, (Llewellyn, 1989) ISBN 0-87542-663-8, Volume IV, book 7, "Clairvoyance, talismans, sigils, tattwas", p. 456
  2. The Golden Dawn: A Complete Course in Practical Ceremonial Magic as revealed to Israel Regardie with further revision, expansion, and additional notes by Israel Regardie, Chris Monnastre, and others, under the editorship of Carl Llewellyn Weschke (6th edition, (Llewellyn, 1989) ISBN 0-87542-663-8, Volume IV, book 7, "Clairvoyance, talismans, sigils, tattwas", p. 457


  • Fletcher, Ella A., Law of the Rhythmic Breath: Teaching the Generation, Conservation, and Control of Vital Force (Kessinger, 1997) ISBN 1-56459-839-X
  • Mumford, John, Magical Tattwa Cards (Llewellyn, 1997) ISBN 1-56718-472-3
  • Prasad, Rama, Nature's Finer Forces: The Science of Breath and the Philosophy of the Tattvas (Kessinger, 1997) ISBN 1-56459-803-9
  • Ramacharaka Yogi, Science of Breath (Kessinger, 1997) ISBN 1-56459-744-X
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