Tangerine (color)

Named after the fruit, the color tangerine is a tone of orange.

About these coordinates     Color coordinates
Hex triplet#F28500
sRGBB (r, g, b)(242, 133, 0)
HSV (h, s, v)(33°, 100%, 95%)
CIELChuv (L, C, h)(66, 110, 34°)
ISCC–NBS descriptorVivid orange
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)

Use in graphic design

Hues of tangerine are sometimes important to graphic designers when constructing identities, brand recognition, and stand-out ads for clients.[2] Because of the brightness of the color variants, they are often employed to make a small but centrally important object stand out, especially when surrounded by the flat colors of earth tones.[3] Tangerine hues may also be selected as complements to other bright hues, and because of their relative rarity of use.

One of the original "fruit-flavored" iMacs released in 1999 was the Tangerine iMac[4][5] (Apple could not call it "Orange" due to the existence of the rival firm Orange Micro).

See also


  1. "Tangerine / #f28500 hex color". ColorHexa. Retrieved 2021-11-27.
  2. Haden, Rebecca (2011-12-19). "Pantone Color for 2012:Tangerine". Haden Interactive. Retrieved 2021-11-28.
  3. "An introductory guide to tangerine color". www.adobe.com. Retrieved 2021-11-28.
  4. "IMac (5 Flavors)"
  5. "Everything about the color Tangerine". Canva. Retrieved 2021-11-27.

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