Spider-Man (pinball)

Spider-Man is a pinball machine designed by Steve Ritchie and manufactured by Stern Pinball that was first released in June 2007. The table encompasses all three films in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, which in turn were based on the prior comics and television series.

ManufacturerStern Pinball / Steve Ritchie Productions
Release dateJune 2007
SystemStern S.A.M. System
DesignSteve Ritchie
ProgrammingLyman F. Sheats Jr.
ArtworkKevin O'Connor, Mark Galvez, Margaret Hudson, Marc Schoenberg
MechanicsJohn Rotharmel, Mike Redoble, Rob Blakeman
MusicDave Thiel
SoundDave Thiel

In 2016, the game was remanufactured as part of its "Vault" series of re-releases, this time with all the movie elements of the machine replaced with an Ultimate Spider-Man-based theme.[1]

Game details

The goal of the table[2] is to defeat the villains from all three movies: Green Goblin from Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus from Spider-Man 2, Sandman and Venom from Spider-Man 3. Once the player defeats all four villains, they'll have a chances to experience Battle Royale.


There are detailed, vibrant toys of each of the four villains on the playfield[3][4][5][6] with an associated shot:

  • Doctor Octopus' magnet that simulates a "Fusion Malfunction" by holding the ball.
  • Green Goblin hovering on his glider above Pumpkin Bomb targets.
  • Venom's ramp that quickly feeds the ball back to the left flipper.
  • Sandman's whirlwind of targets and a motor three-bank at the center of the playfield; and much amazing multi-ball action.

J. K. Simmons, the actor who played J. Jonah Jameson in the Spider-Man films, also recorded additional lines of custom speech appropriate for the pinball game, such as "Extra ball", "Jackpot", and "Way to go, kid, you won a free game."


This machine is designed by Steve Ritchie[7] and programmed by Lyman Sheats.


  • Shooting all flashing white arrows lights a mode (started at either orbit), and also lights a shot multiplier - whatever major shot you hit next will be doubled for the rest of the ball.
  • The best shots to multiply are the left orbit/spinner, side ramp, and Doc Ock. They’re all good regardless of what else you have going on.
  • Finishing a mode lights a shot tripler which should be put on whatever of those three isn’t already doubled.
  • Four villains are around the table. Hit them a bunch to start “villain modes,” where you just wail on them for solid points. You can start villain modes anytime, which are worth considerable value.
  • Black Suit multiball has locks lit by hitting the “Light Lock” target next to the spinner, with locks collected on the loops. Black Suit is not worth very much; shoot for villains instead.
  • Doc Ock’s villain modes are all multiballs. Shoot him a bunch to start a multiball, which is likely more valuable than Black Suit.
  • Multiball prevents you from lighting modes/multipliers. Try to light those before you start a multiball since having a multiplied shot is more important than playing any multiball. Keep in mind what shots you’re missing - be careful you don’t accidentally force yourself into a multiball when you just want to light a mode.
  • Beating every villain twice lights Battle Royale, a lucrative multiball where you need to hit the villains for points and collect a super jackpot at the right ramp. Make sure you have the right ramp multiplied if you’re close!

Learn more about how to play the game with this Spider-Man tutorial on Kineticist.

Boxed dimensions

H: 56"; W: 31"; D: 31"; 275 lb (125 kg).

Unboxed dimensions

H: 75.5"; W: 27"; D: 55"; 250 lb (110 kg).


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