Snooker world ranking points 2016/2017

The official 2016/2017 snooker world ranking points for the professional snooker players on the World Snooker Main Tour in the 2016–17 season are based on performances in ranking and minor-ranking tournaments over a two-year rolling period. The rankings at the start of 2016/2017 season are determined by prize money earned in the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 seasons; starting with this season, the players are re-ranked at the beginning of the current season after removing players relegated at the end of the previous season from the ranking list. As points are accrued from tournaments throughout the current season, the points from the corresponding tournaments from two seasons earlier are dropped. The rankings are used to set the official tournament seedings at various points throughout the season; even though the rankings are officially updated after every tournament carrying ranking status not all the rankings are used as seedings, and only the rankings officially used as seedings are documented below. The total points accumulated by the cut-off dates for the revised seedings are based on all the points up to that date in the 2016/2017 season, all of the points from the 2015/2016 season, and the points from the 2014/2015 season that have not yet been dropped.

Preceded by
2016/2017 Succeeded by

Seeding revisions


Cut-off point Date After 2014/2015 points dropped
1 1 August 2016 World Open Wuxi Classic, Australian Goldfields Open
AT (1), ET (1)
2 29 August 2016 Paul Hunter Classic ET (2)
3 26 September 2016 Shanghai Masters Shanghai Masters
4 31 October 2016 International Championship International Championship
AT (2), ET (3)
5 5 December 2016 UK Championship UK Championship
ET (4)
6 19 December 2016 Scottish Open ET (5)
7 6 February 2017 German Masters German Masters
AT (3)
8 6 March 2017 Gibraltar Open Welsh Open, Indian Open
ET (6)
9 3 April 2017 China Open China Open
PTC (Finals)
Total 2 May 2017 World Championship World Championship

Ranking points

No.  Ch 
[n 1]
Player[5] Season[6][n 2] Tournament[7] Season Cut-off point[n 3] Total[17]
14/15 15/16 RM IO WOO PHC SM EUM ENO IC NIO UK SCO GM WGP WEO SSO GO PC CO WC 16/17 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1Steady England Mark Selby 0 438875 525650018750350001312525001250001700003750500035009001500085000375000 859550 6597336751506906508279429949429949429320259354259434251298425
2Rise4 Scotland John Higgins 0 260975 22501250080008250100001750060002250030000150050000525100008000160000 302025 401308400725408725440892456809484892483892421500423000563000
3Steady England Judd Trump 0 192250 45006500800056250300003000050002000015007500300009000125000125000 345750 411166401166409166516499446499463166456333488500598000538000
4Rise5 China Ding Junhui 0 215425 65008500035006500001000075000525300001250075000 295525 311425311425376925443925444925444925442425448450465950510950
5Rise9 England Barry Hawkins 0 104525 60006500800045002000003000050006000750010000010000500172510000075000 290725 214525213525221525238025270025271025276025386750380250395250
6Rise6 Hong Kong Marco Fu 0 153475 52530004000026252500700025003500070000300020000250050000037500 240150 244333243750243750238375253958323375325125336625376125393625
7Fall2 Australia Neil Robertson 0 204000 375002100001312535001200006000300012500250030001500025000 154125 361499359582359582380624365291371291365958358125363125358125
8Fall4 England Shaun Murphy 0 180475 13500125000262525001750003500025001500125002500800018750100001250025000 176875 456308455308447308442100444267446767419100454350457350357350
9Fall7 England Stuart Bingham 0 89675 22506000650052519500131220000300005000015000500070000010000800025000 224087 581509582034516534545846518929517012527845597262588762313762
10Fall3 Northern Ireland Mark Allen 0 218200 17258000450035000100001500060003000750035000172525000 89450 382700363592336592279592294592300592299425309650302650307650
11Rise6 China Liang Wenbo 0 126100 65009006000450070000120002500500010000200002500500010000400025000 179400 180601179584179584265084267667277667261000278500289500305500
12Rise20 England Ali Carter 0 93050 225009000090012000262535001200010000250026250750035003000065000 209525 213300214200226200244325254325256825283075289075322575302575
13Rise3 England Kyren Wilson 0 175400 2500065005250035002000006000150050000002100037500 126525 226399226924225174225091241508246925248425246425264425301925
14Fall4 England Ronnie O'Sullivan 0 86000 8000262503500120006000750001000030007500250015000650037500 212750 296250294333302333326583257583267583262250269750291250298750
15Fall2 Wales Mark Williams 0 82725 112503000800000600040001000022500600030005000050030003500012000 129250 251008251008243008222808242975247975245975210975199975211975
16Fall1 England Martin Gould 0 140425 10506000006000035004000500015000750000650016000 70550 197142196559194559185059187059187059197892200975194975210975
17Rise11 Scotland Anthony McGill 0 44350 450050000125005256000825025004000350050002500075002500320005251000040000 155800 193600193125197375204125192625195125192625229650230150200150
18Rise5 Wales Ryan Day 0 85725 525200080005251200013126000400001000025007500400002500045001000000 111362 152832153357157357159586166003167503166670209587209087197087
19Rise3 England David Gilbert 0 113100 2250012500525800026253500400035001500003750500004000900400012000 81550 166850166792174792177917186417185417186667192650188650194650
20Rise16 England Mark King 0 56150 52520004000525300002500400070000025003750125002500100052510000400012000 135325 10004299984102984106967175050176550175533187975188475191475
21Fall13 England Ricky Walden 0 117025 200065009000450010000120003500100003500375050000500172565000 70375 316308312208312208211591213091216008219758191400187400187400
22Fall11 England Joe Perry 0 79250 525400005250001750035001000035001500125000090040008000 102450 294608295133295133302716306633306800294133292700193700181700
23Rise6 England Michael Holt 0 81950 1875006500900120002625017500250050002500375050000500525650012000 96550 144783145683149683168808172725174225175475181500175500178500
24Fall6 Scotland Stephen Maguire 0 56750 0900040001950002500700001500035003000500025005251250037500 121525 181167179250190750196250176250158917145250143275140775178275
25New entry England Anthony Hamilton 0 0 030000525001000070002000006000600005000350040009001500008000 142925 300035253525205254052546525106525119925134925142925
26Fall7 Wales Michael White 0 58700 040001725120000250040001000050002500300075003500500900800012000 77125 174533175258175258159258170675173175174925133825129825135825
27Rise3 Belgium Luca Brecel 0 77025 5254000002625040003500225000001000900016000 55050 129299128299125799129091151091150508150508126075122075132075
28Fall1 England Ben Woollaston 0 72250 008000060002625600000100002500375000900650012000 58275 137599137599141849146474146891148808150708118025124525130525
29Fall9 Scotland Alan McManus 0 97950 08000900002500025005000000040008000 30900 155367152934140934138517146017146017144767135850132850128850
30Fall6 Scotland Graeme Dott 0 68200 105020006500026250700005000250003500500400025000 59675 152933151933139933144558129558131475130875125375122875127875
31Rise12 England Tom Ford 0 57450 52506500900004500600070002500007500500000525016000 65050 815589055890558108058107558107558112558115500115500122500
32Rise22 China Zhou Yuelong 0 37375 105020006500000250012000350015000005000100000900650016000 80950 71925719257152578425959259592594425108325108325118325
33Rise5 Wales Dominic Dale 0 48225 06000045002000262507000600010000600030005000350010000012000 68625 87725916428564291684106684110767113767121350110850116850
34Fall9 England Matthew Selt 0 72100 30008000600002500400000015000090040008000 37900 155883155300155300155300142300132300131100125500114000110000
35Fall14 England Robert Milkins 0 50950 06000060000000100001000015002000050052540000 58525 149283147366153366122783113783123783125283133975121475109475
36Fall1 Wales Jamie Jones 0 43900 1050300003000600013124000022500030005000250001725012000 65087 88283902839378395095117012115095116845116987108987108987
37Fall11 England Mark Davis 0 44750 52530004000300008250250002500500010000150060000172565008000 62500 134374136791136791136608123108128108127108123750111250107250
38Fall4 England Jimmy Robertson 0 48900 225020006500030001312040002500100000035001000525400016000 56587 107233106650103650101545110045109462105962104487101487105487
39Rise12 China Xiao Guodong 0 21750 4500300065005252000600040000500035000016000400025000 80025 699346854270542675426954272042672758177585775101775
40Fall9 England Peter Ebdon 0 56675 090004000013120035000250030002500900016000 42712 126842126842126842109654103571104154102987998878938799387
41Rise8 England Rory McLeod 0 49300 10503000052520001312000500000250000800025000 48387 68183687086895870270662706568765687646877268797687
42Fall9 Thailand Thepchaiya Un-Nooh 0 63175 002100045000000003000350050000 32500 12262412654112404112084111984111925811725810567510167595675
43Fall6 England Mike Dunn 0 58375 020004000000400005000350002500052565008000 36025 91958909588845887458888759237592375924009240094400
44Rise16 England David Grace 0 54350 02000400030002625350040000000040000016000 39125 61516645166451674058734757347573475774757747593475
45Fall5 Republic of Ireland Fergal O'Brien 0 34175 105004000525200013123500400035001000025000350020000400016000 57887 80725793336933370562821458406281562840628506292062
46Rise18 England Stuart Carrington 0 25375 1050200040005258000035004000002500300010000500400016000 59075 55592561176161768534666176911770867764508045084450
47Rise16 China Yu Delu 0 22550 0040000026250025001000020000150050000400012000 61625 49900499004990049525590257902578675801758117584175
48Fall7 England Mark Joyce 0 45325 020000525200013120700005000250015000500080008000 38337 71441713837338377495789128141281662766628166283662
49Rise7 England Andrew Higginson 0 31275 52530004000900300045002500400025005000015000500080008000 47925 66300672006420071617742007320074700752008020079200
50Fall2 China Tian Pengfei 0 51500 105000000040000001500250050052580008000 26075 75466721337038372883723007230071550675757557577575
51Fall5 England Sam Baird 0 39775 52530000172500012000350050000025000008000 36250 72132732747152470941788587785876608740257402576025
52Fall2 Norway Kurt Maflin 0 24450 0080009006000131207000600050002500010000052540000 51237 757007660080850855799357994162941621046878768775687
53Rise2 England Robbie Williams 0 35925 03000400017252000004000350050000150060000008000 38725 68174693166956668649735667298373233786507865074650
54Fall15 England Jack Lisowski 0 45400 1050200009003000131200600000150002000300008000 28762 77699780167501675745727457216273662786627216274162
55Fall11 Wales Matthew Stevens 0 25825 22503000400052530001312070000150002500150000065000 46587 78824787668176686495919129441295912889129241272412
56New entry China Yan Bingtao 0 0 225000172550026256000700060001000007500500060000525016000 71125 22503975447520100361003610043600551255512571125
57Fall15 England Gary Wilson 0 19475 525600040005250131204000600002500150000525650016000 49387 86199861418614190870968709878798837873625886268862
58Fall6 China Li Hang 0 30625 1050009002000025007000003500002000650012000 37450 70058703756637563275632756677564075585756507568075
59Rise30 Iran Hossein Vafaei 0 13625 0001000002500600050002100012000 52000 13625136251362513625236252612526125326255362565625
60Rise1 England Oliver Lines 0 22975 060004000001312040000150003500000008000 41812 56725567255672553037674546995468704667876278764787
61Rise4 England Alfie Burden 0 30100 02000400000825004000000001000300040008000 34250 36100361003610048350483504835048350523505635064350
62Rise25 Wales Daniel Wells 0 14300 020008000200013122500700005000350000100090080008000 49212 24300243002630037112421124561245612475125551263512
63Rise20 England Chris Wakelin 0 21700 52500525200001000040002500500035000250050052508000 39575 22225227502475038750462504975049750532755327561275
64Rise18 Thailand Noppon Saengkham 0 23500 52500002500005000350015000500525650016000 36550 24025240252402526525315253502536525375504405060050
65New entry Scotland Scott Donaldson 0 0 0005256000450025000600050002500020000500040008000 59525 0525652513525245252702527025475255152559525
66Fall4 England Ian Burns 0 33950 10500400000131225004000003500035000040000 23862 54783547835303348645486455156250312538125781257812
67Rise13 Scotland Ross Muir 0 24150 0000500025004000050000150035002000040008000 31000 24150241502465031150361503615037650431504715055150
68Fall21 England Rod Lawler 0 20725 0040009002000131225004000050000000012000 31712 76724726247287468103577705677055520504374643752437
69Fall10 Finland Robin Hull 0 20000 02000400002625040003500500035003750350050000 32375 54066540665366660291657916870872458723756437552375
70Fall25 Thailand Dechawat Poomjaeng 0 38225 52520000525200000000000008000 13050 79232764247592472141625586255862358572754927551275
71Fall18 Northern Ireland Joe Swail 0 28025 525300005250131235000003500001000008000 21362 68633691586315855387534705597055970533875038749387
72Fall1 England Nigel Bond 0 18775 01350000300000000000500450008000 29500 32275322753527535275352753527535275402754027548275
73Fall16 Republic of Ireland Ken Doherty 0 28650 225000000400025000000200008000 18750 63233632335723361233541505415052900514004840047400
74Rise3 England Martin O'Donnell 0 26875 10502000002000000000052565008000 20075 29925299253192531925319253192531925324503895046950
75Rise20 Scotland Rhys Clark 0 9825 0005255004500600000500025000050090040008000 32425 9825103501085021350263502885028850302503425042250
76Rise2 England Jamie Cope 0 25100 525040000500000250000025000040000 14025 29625296253012530125326253262532625351253912539125
77New entry England John Astley 0 0 450060000900002500700025000030002500500172508000 39125 10500114001140020900234002340026400311253112539125
78New entry China Zhang Anda 0 0 0800030000250003500150002500000040000 38500 800080001100013500320003450034500345003850038500
79Rise13 Thailand Akani Songsermsawad 0 0 09000050002500400035000250030000500012000 37500 90009000950016000195002200025000255002550037500
80New entry England Liam Highfield 0 0 0200001725035000150002500150001000008000 35225 2000372537257225222252472526225272252722535225
81New entry Wales Lee Walker 0 0 52504000900500025004000250000060000900012000 33825 45255425592512425149251492514925218252182533825
82New entry China Mei Xiwen 0 0 90080001312250000100003500060000000 32212 0900890012712227122621226212322123221232212
83Rise30 Scotland Eden Sharav 0 2700 02000050000400025000002500100052565008000 27525 4700470052009200117001170011700157252222530225
84Fall26 Scotland Jamie Burnett 0 24025 02000 2000 58108581085810840608406084060840608380253502526025
85New entry England Hammad Miah 0 0 00400003000131200050000000525012000 25837 4000400070008312133121331213312138371383725837
86Rise25 England Allan Taylor 0 3500 5252000400005001312002500001500250050090040000 20237 10025100251052511837143371433715837197372373723737
87New entry China Zhao Xintong 0 0 10502000052520001312250040000500003750050090000 23537 30503575557513387183871838722137235372353723537
88New entry Thailand James Wattana [n 4] 0 0 2000400050002500120000000250000 23500 60006000650021000210002100021000235002350023500
89Rise1 England Sean O'Sullivan 0 13250 1050000500000006000025000000 10050 14300143001480014800148002080020800233002330023300
90New entry Cyprus Michael Georgiou 0 0 525300009005001312002500100002500002000000 23237 3525442549256237187372123721237232372323723237
91Rise8 England Paul Davison 0 7750 00003000000050000025000040000 14500 775077501075010750157501575015750182502225022250
92New entry England Mitchell Mann 0 0 02000000000250010000350003500052500 22025 2000200020002000145001800018000220252202522025
93Rise4 England Sanderson Lam 0 8700 0005250000350000000172565000 12250 8700922592259225127251272512725144502095020950
94Rise27 England Jimmy White 0 500 200003000000025000350030000100052540000 19525 250055005500550080001150014500160252002520025
95Rise3 China Zhang Yong 0 8000 52520004000050000000030000100052500 11550 14525145251502515025150251502518025195501955019550
96New entry Wales Jak Jones 0 0 1050001312600070000015000200000 18862 10501050105015362153621536216862188621886218862
97New entry England Sam Craigie 0 0 525065000131202500500001500010005250 18862 7025702570258337158371583717337188621886218862
98Rise20 Wales Duane Jones 0 775 03000400050013122500025000250000052500 16837 77757775827512087145871708717087176121761217612
99New entry India Aditya Mehta 0 0 00007000250002500150000040000 17500 000700095001200013500135001750017500
100Rise1 England Sydney Wilson 0 6750 00000000002500000008000 10500 67506750675067506750925092509250925017250
101New entry Wales Ian Preece 0 0 003000350000250000008000 17000 00300065006500900090009000900017000
102New entry China Fang Xiongman 0 0 525200000000025001500050052508000 15550 25252525252525252525502565257550755015550
103New entry China Wang Yuchen 0 0 004000004000050000025000000 15500 4000400040008000130001300013000155001550015500
104Fall12 Isle of Man Darryl Hill 0 11550 0000000000025001000000 3500 11550115501155011550115501155011550150501505015050
105Rise11 Scotland Fraser Patrick 0 2050 5250000350003500000050052540000 12550 2575257525756075957595759575106001460014600
106Rise4 England James Cahill 0 3700 525040009000025000000150001000000 10425 82259125912511625116251162513125141251412514125
107New entry England Craig Steadman 0 0 00052550002500025000015006000052500 14050 052510253525602560257525140501405014050
108New entry Malta Alex Borg 0 0 0000000025000250015002500040000 13000 000025005000650090001300013000
109New entry Malaysia Thor Chuan Leong 0 0 0065000200000000002500090000 11900 6500650085008500850085008500119001190011900
110Rise2 Wales Gareth Allen 0 2775 5250002000000002500000040000 9025 330033005300530053007800780078001180011800
111Rise15 Brazil Igor Figueiredo 0 0 002500150060000172500 11725 0000025004000117251172511725
112Fall10 Pakistan Hamza Akbar 0 6600 0050000025000050000 3500 6600660071007100960096009600101001010010100
113New entry England Adam Duffy 0 0 525005253000131200250000150000000 9362 525105040505362786278629362936293629362
114New entry England Elliot Slessor 0 0 020000525013122500000002500052500 9362 2000252525256337633763376337936293629362
115New entry Republic of Ireland Josh Boileau 0 0 000013120350000035000000 8312 0001312481248124812831283128312
116New entry Thailand Kritsanut Lertsattayathorn 0 0 2000035000250000000 8000 0020005500800080008000800080008000
117Fall8 England Michael Wild 0 4000 00000262500000000000 2625 4000400040006625662566256625662566256625
118New entry China Cao Yupeng 0 0 04000525000000000200000 6525 4000452545254525452545254525652565256525
119New entry England Christopher Keogan 0 0 525005250000000150025000000 5050 525105010501050105010502550505050505050
120New entry Thailand Boonyarit Keattikun 0 0 00000000015002500000 4000 0000001500400040004000
121New entry China Chen Zhe 0 0 0005000002500000050000 3500 00500500300030003000350035003500
122New entry England Jamie Curtis-Barrett 0 0 00500025000000500000 3500 00500500300030003000350035003500
123New entry Australia Kurt Dunham 0 0 0005250000250000000000 3025 0525525525302530253025302530253025
124Fall9 England Jason Weston 0 2100 0000000000000500000 500 2100210021002100210021002100260026002600
125New entry Wales David John 0 0 00001312000000050052500 2337 0001312131213121312233723372337
126New entry China Rouzi Maimaiti 0 0 0 0000000000
127Fall3 Brazil Itaro Santos 0 0 000000000000 0 0000000000
128Fall3 Egypt Hatem Yassen 0 0 00000000 0 0000000000
129New entry Republic of Ireland Leo Fernandez [n 5] 0 0 0 0000000000
  Player did not enter tournament.
  Player is still participating in tournament.


  1. "Ch" = Change since the beginning of the 2016/2017 season. See [4] for the player rankings at the start of the season.
  2. The 2014/2015 points only include the ranking points that count towards the next seedings update. All new players or players regaining a place on the tour started on 0 points.
  3. See [8] for the rankings at the first seedings cut-off point; see [9] for the second; see [10] for the third; see [11] for the fourth; see [12] for the fifth; see [13] for the sixth; see [14] for the seventh; see [15] for the eighth; see [16] for the ninth.
  4. James Wattana has an Invitational Tour Card to compete in events.[18]
  5. Leo Fernandez has been suspended from the World Snooker Tour for 15 months, starting from 27 May 2016.[19]


  1. "2016/2017 World Snooker Tour Calendar - With Seeding Cut Off Points Available" (PDF). World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 May 2016.
  2. "Indicative Prize Money Ranking Schedule 2016/2017 Season" (PDF). World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 June 2016.
  3. "2016/2017 Re-ranking Points List" (PDF). World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 June 2016.
  4. "World Rankings: After the 2016 Kaspersky Riga Masters" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 29 June 2016. Archived from the original (PDF) on 10 July 2016.
  5. "2016/17 Tour Players" (PDF). World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 June 2016.
  6. Ranking points accumulated in previous seasons:
  7. "Rankings: Rankings Archive – 2016/2017". World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. Archived from the original on 26 June 2018. Retrieved 26 June 2018.
  8. "World Rankings: After 2016 Hanteng Autos World Open" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 1 August 2016. Archived from the original (PDF) on 1 August 2016.
  9. "World Rankings: After the 2016 Paul Hunter Classic" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 31 August 2016. Archived from the original (PDF) on 31 August 2016.
  10. "World Rankings: After the 2016 Shanghai Masters" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 26 September 2016. Archived from the original (PDF) on 26 September 2016.
  11. "World Rankings: After the 2016 International Championship" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 30 September 2016. Archived from the original (PDF) on 31 October 2016.
  12. "World Rankings: After the 2016 Betway Uk Championship" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 4 December 2016. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 December 2016.
  13. "World Rankings: After the 2016 Coral Scottish Open" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 19 December 2016. Archived from the original (PDF) on 19 December 2016.
  14. "World Rankings: After the 2017 German Masters" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 6 February 2017. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 February 2017.
  15. "World Rankings: After the 2017 Gibraltar Open" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 6 March 2017. Archived from the original (PDF) on 6 March 2017.
  16. "World Rankings: After the 2017 Bank of Beijing Chinese Open" (PDF). World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 2 April 2017. Archived from the original (PDF) on 3 April 2017.
  17. "World Rankings: After the 2017 Betfred World Championship" (PDF). World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 2 May 2017. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 May 2017.
  18. "World Snooker Update". World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 30 April 2016. Archived from the original on 17 May 2016.
  19. "WPBSA Statement-Leo Fernandez". World Snooker. World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association. 6 July 2016. Archived from the original on 8 July 2016.
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