See This Movie

See This Movie is a 2004 comedy film written by David M. Rosenthal and Joseph Matthew Smith, and directed by Rosenthal. The film stars Seth Meyers and John Cho, and also features Jessica Paré, Jim Piddock, and Jessalyn Gilsig, with cameo appearances by Patton Oswalt, Miguel Arteta, and the film's executive producers Chris Weitz and Paul Weitz.

See This Movie
Directed byDavid Rosenthal
Written byDavid Rosenthal
Joseph M. Smith
Produced byJoseph M. Smith
StarringSeth Meyers
John Cho
Jessalyn Gilsig
Jessica Paré
Jim Piddock
CinematographyRichard Rutkowski
Edited byConor O'Neill
Music byDaniel Cage
Distributed bySlamdance on the Road
Allumination Home Entertainment
Release date
  • March 3, 2004 (2004-03-03) (Aspen US Comedy Arts Festival)
Running time
83 minutes
CountriesUnited States

The plot revolves around two inept filmmakers who con their way into the Montreal World Film Festival with a movie that does not exist.

The entire film was shot in only thirteen days, in Los Angeles and in Montreal during and with the cooperation of the actual 2003 Montreal World Film Festival. Festival organizers gave the filmmakers access to all festival events and locations, and even programmed a screening for the film-within-a-film during which festival-goers screened an assembly cut of the film, and got to "play" the audience in the screening scene as it was being shot.



  • Winner of the 2004 Malibu Film Festival Grand Jury Prize for Best Feature
  • Winner of the 2004 Malibu Film Festival Andy Dick Film Scholarship Award
  • Official Selection of the 2004 Sedona Film Festival
  • Official Selection of the 2004 U.S. Comedy Arts Festival

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