Sage (color)

Sage is a grey-green resembling that of dried sage leaves. As a quaternary color, it is an equal mix of the tertiary colors citron and slate. The hex RGB color value of the Sage swatch at right is BCB88A.[2][3] For decades, some military flight jackets were made in sage green color.

Sage as a quaternary color


  1. RGB approximations of RYB tertiary colors, using cubic interpolation."RYB RGB conversion". Archived from the original on 2013-06-28. Retrieved 2012-12-29. The colors displayed here are substantially paler than the true colors a mixture of paints would produce.
  2. William J. Miskella, 1928, Practical Color Simplified: A Handbook on Lacquering, Enameling, Coloring And Painting, pp
  3. John Lemos, 1920, "Color Charts for the School Room", in School Arts, vol. 19, pp 580–584

See also

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