Replacement of loanwords in Turkish

The replacing of loanwords in Turkish is part of a policy of Turkification of Atatürk. The Ottoman Turkish language had many loanwords from Arabic and Persian, but also European languages such as French, Greek, and Italian origin—which were officially replaced with their Turkish counterparts suggested by the Turkish Language Association (Turkish: Türk Dil Kurumu, TDK) as a part of the cultural reforms—in the broader framework of Atatürk's Reforms—following the foundation of the Republic of Turkey.

The TDK, established by Atatürk in 1932 to research the Turkish language, also sought to replace foreign loanwords (mainly Arabic) with their Turkish counterparts. The Association succeeded in removing several hundred Arabic words from the language. While most of the words introduced into the language in this process were newly derived from existing Turkish verbal roots, TDK also suggested using old Turkish words which had not been used in the language for centuries; like yanıt, birey, gözgü. Most of these words are used today widely while their predecessors are not used in daily language anymore. Some words were used before language reform too but they were used much less than the Persian ones. Some words were taken from rural areas but most of them had different meanings, like ürün. Mongolian also played an important role too, because Mongolian preserved the old Turkic borrowings, such as ulus and çağ.

There are generational differences in vocabulary preference. While those born before the 1940s tend to use the old Arabic-origin words (even the obsolete ones), younger generations commonly use the newer expressions. Some new words have not been widely adopted, in part because they failed to convey the intrinsic meanings of their old equivalents. Many new words have taken up somewhat different meanings, and cannot necessarily be used interchangeably with their old counterpart.

Connotations and implications of word choice

Historically, Arabic was the language of the mosque and Persian was the language of education and poetry. A deliberate usage of either (eschewing the usage of a "western" word) often implies a religious subtext or romanticism, respectively. Similarly, the use of European words may be favored to impart a perceived "modern" character. The use of "pure Turkic" words may be employed as an expression of nationalism or as a linguistic "simplification".

Word derivations

Most of the new Turkish words are derived from other words with thematic suffixes. For example:

bat- is the root of the verb batmak, which means "to sink" or "to set". The derived word batı means "west" or the cardinal direction in which the sun "sinks". Another example would be aylık, which means "salary" as well as monthly. This is derived from the word ay, which means "moon, month".

Here are some other examples of derivations:

  • gün means "day" → günce means "agenda", güncel means "current", gündem means "current events and news", güncellemek means "to update", günay means "date", güney means "south", güneş means "sun", günlük means "diary" or "daily", gündüz means "daytime" (opposite of night) or "morning",
  • kes- is the root of the verb "to cut" → kesi means "incision", kesici means "cutter", kesin means "accurate", kesinlikle means "definitely", kesinleşmek means "to become definite", kesinsizlik means "the state of indefinity", keskenmek means "to pretend to hit with a hand motion", kesmece is a saying that means "the agreement of cutting a fruit before buying it", keser means "adze", kesiklik means "sudden feeling of tiredness, lethargy", kesilmek means "to act like something", kesit means "cross section", keski means "chisel", keskin means "sharp", keskinlik means "acuity" and "sharpness", kesim means "segment", kesimlik means "animal (or tree) fit or ready to be slaughtered/cut", kesinti means "interruption", kesintili means "on and off", kesintisiz means "uninterrupted" and "seamless", kesme means "an object cut in the form of a geometrical shape", kestirme means "short-cut", kesik means "interrupted", kestirmek means "to forecast" and "to nap", kestirim means "guess", kesen means "a line that intersects a geometrical entity", kesenek means "deduction", kesişmek means "to intersect", kesişim means "intersection",
  • sap- is the root of the verb "to deviate" → sapık means "pervert", sapak means "turn" (as in roads, traffic),
  • duy- is the root of the verb "to hear", "to feel" → duyu means "sensory", duyarlı means "sensitive", duyarlılık means "sensitivity", duygu means "feeling", duyarga(ç) means "sensor", duyargan means "allergen", duyarca means "allergy", duyum means "hearsay", duyumsamazlık means "apathy",
  • yet- is the root of the verb "to suffice" → yeter means "sufficient", yetki means "authority", yetenek means "talent",
  • başka means "other" → başkalaşım means "metamorphosis",
  • tek means "single" → tekel means "monopoly", tekdüze means "monotonous",
  • ev means "home" → evlilik means "marriage", evcil means "domestic",
  • seç- is the root of the verb "to choose" → seçenek means "choice", seçkin means "elite", seçim means "election",
  • düş- is the root of the verb "to fall" → düşük means "miscarriage",
  • sür- is the root of the verb "to last", "to put forward" → süreğen means "chronic", sürüm means "version",
  • yaz- is the root of the verb "to write" → yazar means "writer", yazgı means "fate", yazılım means "software", yazanak means "report", yazıt means "inscription", yazman means "secretary", yazıcı means "printer", yazın means "literature", yazım means "orthography", yazışma means "correspondence", yazdırım means "dictation",
  • ver- is the root of the verb "to give" → veri means "data", vergi means "tax", verim means "efficiency",
  • öz means "self", "real" → özel means "special", özen means "attention", özgü means "peculiar", özgül means "specific", özge means "other", özne means "subject", özgün means "original", özgür means "free", özümleme means "assimilation", öznel means "subjective". The verb özle- (meaning "to miss", "to long for") is also derived from this word, and özlem is a noun that means "longing".

Some of the Turkish words are also compound words, such as:

  • Başvuru means "application". It is derived from baş (meaning "head") and vuru (meaning "hitting"), so the literal English translation of this compound word would be "head-hitting"
  • Ayak means "foot", and kap means "container", and the compound word ayakkabı means foot-container, "shoe".
  • Ana means "main", and yasa means "law", and the compound word anayasa means "constitution".
  • Öz means "self", and veri means "giving", and the compound word özveri means "altruism, self-sacrifice".
  • Büyük means "big", and elçi means "messenger", and the compound word büyükelçi means "ambassador".
  • Kesim means "cutting", ev means "house", and kesimevi means "slaughterhouse".

For more information, see the related article: Turkish vocabulary.

Lists of replaced loanwords

Loanwords of Arabic origin

The list gives the Ottoman Turkish word, the modern spelling of the word in Turkish (as suggested by TDK), the modern Turkish equivalent, and its meaning in English. Arabs also used the following words as loanwords for their language.

* Old words that are still used in modern Turkish together with their new Turkish counterparts.
** New words that are not as frequently used as the old words.

Ottoman Turkish word and its transliteration Modern spelling of the Ottoman Turkish word Modern Turkish equivalent Meaning in English Remarks
عفو ايتمك afv etmek*affetmek bağışlamakto forgive From the Persian bağışla– "to spare."[1]
اخلاق ahlak*ahlak törecustoms, ethics From the Old Turkic noun töre "customary law."[1]
عائله aile*aile ocak**family From the Old Turkic noun ocak "hearth."[1]
عقبه akabeakabe geçitpassage From the root geç– "to pass."[1]
عقد akd*, مقاوله mukaveleakit, mukavele sözleşme, anlaşma, bağıtcontract From the Old Turkic söz "word."[1]
عقل akl, akıl*akıl us**wisdom From the Old Turkic noun us "intelligence."[1]
علاقه alaka*alaka(lı) ilgi(li)relevant, related to From the Old Turkic root il– "to tie loosely" and "to touch."[1]
علامت alametalamet önsezipremonition From the adjective ön "front."[1]
عمه ammeamme sargıbandage From the root sar– "to wrap."[1]
عامل amilamil etkenfactor From the root et– "to do."[1]
عملیه ameliyeameliye işlemoperation, process From the root işle– "to work."[1]
عامه ammeamme kamupublic, community From the Middle Persian adjective "kamu" "all."[1]
عمودی amudiamudi dikeyperpendicular; the Arabic survives in the expression amuda kalkmak. From the root dik– "to plant."[1]
عنعنه a'naneanane gelenek, görenektradition Created by İsmet İnönü in 1947, from the root gel– "to come."[1]
عنعنوی a'naneviananevi gelenekselcustomary Created by İsmet İnönü in 1947, from the root gel– "to come."[1]
عسكر asker*asker **, çeri**soldier The Turkish words are used in specific contexts such as subay, "army officer" and yeniçeri "janissary").
عصر asr*asır yüzyılcentury A compound formed by yüz "one hundred" and yıl "year." The replacement does not preserve the distinction between "century" and "hundred years." The distinction is sometimes important: Speaking in 2020, "yedi asır kadar önce" (some seven centuries ago), has a margin of error of some 60 or 70 years and may refer to 1260–1380, whereas "yedi yüzyıl kadar önce" refers to 1320.
بارز bariz*bariz kesin, belliobvious, accurate From the root kes– "to cut."[1]
بسیط basit*basit kolayeasy, simple From the noun kol "arm."[1]
بعضی bazı*bazı kimisome (pronoun)
بیاض beyaz*beyaz akwhite The Arabic word and the Turkish word are used in somewhat different contexts: "beyaz" translates as "fair" or "(white) clean"
جامعه cami'a*camia toplulukcommunity From the adjective toplu "collective."[1]
جبراً cebrencebren zorlaforcefully From the adjective zor– "difficult."[1]
جلسه celsecelse oturum(law) hearing, session From the root otur– "to sit."[1]
جماعت cema'at*cemaat kurultaysociety From the Mongolian kurilta "assembly of the nobles."[1]
جمعیت cem'iyet*cemiyet toplumsociety From the adjective toplu "collective."[1]
جنوب cenubcenup güneysouth From the old Turkic Gün "sun" or "day," conserved in some Anatolian dialects to mean "sunny place."[1]
جراحت cerahatcerahat irinpus
جریان cereyan*cereyan akımflow From the root ak– "to flow."[1]
جواب cevab*cevap yanıtanswer From the Old Turkic noun yanut.[1]
جهاز cihaz*cihaz aygıtapparatus
جواری civarı*civarı dolaylarıapproximately, around
جمله cümle*cümle tümce**sentence From the noun tüm "all, entire."[1]
دفعه def'a*, کره kere*defa, kere keztimes (repetition) Both defa and kere are still in popular use.
دفینه define*define gömü**treasure From the root göm– "to bury."
دلیل delil*delil kanıtevidence
دور devr*devir çağera Borrowed from Mongolian, which itself is from Old Turkic çak.[1]
دوره devre*devre dönemsemester From the root dön– "to turn."[1]
ابعاد eb'adebat boyutdimension, size From the noun boy "length"
ابدی ebedi*ebedî sonsuzforever The Turkish word literally means "without-end."
جد ceddcet ataancestry The Turkish word literally means "father."
اجل ecel*ecel ölüm(predestined time of) death From the root öl– "to die."
اجنبی ecnebiecnebi el, yadstranger, foreigner
ادبیات edebiyat*edebiyat yazın**literature From the root yaz– "to write."
اهمیت ehemmiyetehemmiyet önemimportance
البسه elbise*elbise giysicloth From the root giy– "to wear."
امر emir*emir buyrukorder, command From the Old Turkic noun buyruk.[1]
امنیت emniyet*emniyet güvenliksecurity From the noun güven "trust."
اثر eser*eser yapıtproduction (music, film) From the root yap– "to make."[1]
اسیر esir*esir tutsakhostage From the root tut– "to hold."[1]
اطراف etraf*etraf ortalıksurroundings, surrounding area From the adjective orta "middle."[1]
اوراق evrak*evrak belgepaper document In Arabic, evrāk is the plural of vārāk; in modern Turkish, evrak is used as often a singular, although it should be used as a plural of varak.
أول evvel*evvel öncebefore Using the adjective ön "front" as a prefix.
فعال fa'al*faal etkinactive From the root et– "to do."
فائض faiz*faiz ürem**, getiriinterest (monetary) From the root ür– "to produce."
فقیر fakir*fakir yoksulpoor From the root yok– "to not exist."
فرض farz*farz varsayımassumption From the root varsay– "to suppose."[1]
فائده faide*fayda yararbenefit, utility
فن fenn*, علم ilm*fen, ilim bilimscience From the root bil– "to know."
فیضان feyezanfeyezan taşkınflood From the root taş– "to overflow."[1]
فرقه fırka*fırka toplulukgroup From the adjective toplu "collective."[1]
فرقت fırkatfırkat ayrılıkdisparity From the Old Turkic root ayr– "to separate."[1]
فكر fikr, fikir*fikir görüşopinion From the root gör– "to see."
فعل fi'il*fiil eylemverb From the root ey– "to do."
غرب garbgarp batıwest From the root bat– "to sink."
غیر gayrgayri olmayan, başka, dışınon-, other
غذا gıda*, gızagıda besinfood
حادثه hadise*hadise olayevent, happening, fact, occurrence From the root ol-, meaning "to be", "to become".[1]
حافظه hafıza*hafıza bellekmemory The new word is commonly used in electronics, like computer memory, i.e. önbellek for cache
خفیف hafif*hafif yeğni**light (in weight) The Turkish word is rarely used.
حفریات hafriyathafriyat kazıexcavation From the root kaz-, meaning "to dig".[1]
حق hakk*hak payportion
حقیقت hakikat*hakikat gerçekreality
حاكم hakim*hâkim yargıçjudge
حال hal, وضعیت vaz'iyet*hâl, vaziyet durumsituation From the root dur– "to halt."[1]
خلیطه halitahalita alaşımalloy
حامل hamile*hamile gebepregnant
خراب harab*harap yıkıkruin From the root yık– "to destroy."[1]
حرارت harârethararet ısı, sıcaklıkheat, temperature The old word can be used in both meanings in Turkish language.
حركت hareket*hareket devinim**movement, motion
حرف harf*harf ses, imce**letter From the Old Turkic noun ses– "to voice."[1]
حسرة hasra*hasret özlemlonging
حساس hassas*hassas duyarlısensitive From the root duy– "to feel."[1]
حشره haşere*haşere böcekinsect
خطا hatâ*, قصور kusûr*hata, kusur yanlışmistake
حطب hatbhatab odunwood
ﺧﻄﻮﺍﺕ hatavathatavat adımlarsteps
خاطره hatıra*hatıra anımemoir From the root an– "to call to mind."[1]
حیات hayat*, عمر ömr*hayat, ömür yaşam, dirim**life From the root yaşa– "to live."
حیثیت haysiyethaysiyet saygınlıkrespectability From the root say– "to count."[1]
هضم hazm*hazım sindirimdigestion
هدیه hediye*hediye armağangift
هيئت hey'et*heyet kurulboard (company) From the root kur– "to set up."[1]
حدت hiddet*hiddet kızgınlık, öfkeanger
حكایه hikaye*hikâye öyküstory Neologism coined by Nurullah Ataç.[1]
خلاف hilâfhilaf karşıtcontrary From the noun karşı "opposite."
حس hiss*his duygufeeling From the root duy– "to feel."
خواجه hoca*hoca öğretmenteacher From the root öğret-, meaning "to teach".
حدود huduthudut sınırborder. Sınır is a Greek borrowing.[1]
حقوق hukuk*hukuk tüze**(judiciary) law From the Old Turkic root tuz– "to command."[1]
خلاصه hulasahulasa özetsummary
خصوص husus*husus konusubject Coined in 1935 from the root kon– "to be placed."[1]
حضور huzur*huzur dirlik**comfort
حجره hücre*hücre göze**cell
هجوم hücum*hücum saldırıattack From the root saldır– "to attack."[1]
حرمت hürmet*hürmet saygırespect From the root say– "to count."[1]
ارثیت ırsiyetırsiyet kalıtımheredity From the root kal– "to remain."[1]
اصرار ısrar*ısrar üstelemeinsisting From the adjective üst "above."
اصطلاح ıstılahıstılah terimterm Borrowed from Persian.[1]
اجتماع içtimaiçtima kavuşumnew moon (astronomy)
اجتماعی ictimaiiçtimai toplumsalcommunal From the adjective toplu "collective."[1]
اداره idare*idare yönetimadministration From the root yönet– "to give direction ."[1]
ادرار idrar*idrar sidikurine The original meaning of the Arabic word is "the action of yielding milk". The Turkish word is derived from an old Turkic verb siymek, meaning "to urinate".
افاده ifade*ifade anlatımnarration From the root anlat– "to explain."
افتخار iftihâr*iftihar övünmepride From the root öv– "to praise."
احتراس ihtirasihtiras tutkupassion From the root tut– "to hold."
احتوا ihtivaihtiva etmek içermekto comprise From the adjective "inside."
احتياج ihtiyac*ihtiyaç gereksinme, gereksinimneed iħtiyāj is an Arabic verbal-noun form of iħtāj, meaning "need"
اختيار ihtiyar*ihtiyar yaşlıold (age) From the noun yaş "age."
احتياط ihtiyatihtiyat yedekbackup, spare
احتياطلی ihtiyatlı*ihtiyatlı uyanıkwide-awake From the root uyan– "to arouse."
اقتباس iktibasiktibas alıntıcopying (in literature; referencing) From the root al– "to take"
الهه ilaheilahe tanrıçagoddess Tanrı (God) + –ça of Serbo-Croatian Serbo-Croat supplied the feminine suffix, –ça, which Turkish lacked.
علاوه 'ilave*ilave ekaddition
الهام ilham*ilham esininspiration
عمار 'imar*imar bayındırlık**construction, development
امكان imkân*imkân olanakopportunity, possibility From the root ol– "to exist."[1]
املا imlâ*imla yazımorthography From the root yaz– "to write."[1]
امتداد imtidadimtidad uzayspace From the root uza– "to extend."[1]
امتحان imtihânimtihan sınav, yazılıexamination From the Tatar root sına– "to test."
امتياز imtiyâz*imtiyaz ayrıcalıkprivilege From the adjective ayrı "separate."
انحسار inhisârinhisar tekelmonopoly Ömer Asım Aksoy coined from tekel "single hand."[1]
انطباع intibaintiba izlenimimpression
انتخاب intihabintihab seçimelection From the root seç– "to choose."
انتحال intihalintihal aşırmaplagiarism From the root aşır– "to steal."
ابتدائی ibtidâ‘îiptidai ilkelprimary; primitive From the word ilk "first."
ارتفاع irtifâʻ*irtifa yükseklikaltitude The old word is only used in aviation, as in "the altitude of the plane".
ارثی irsî*ırsi kalıtsal, kalıtımsalhereditary From the root kal– "to remain."
اسم ism*isim adname
اسكان iskan*iskân konutabode From the root kon– "to settle."[1]
استخدام istihdam*istihdam dağıtımdistribution From the root dağıt– "to distribute."[1]
استحصال istihsalistihsal üretimproduction From the root üret– "to produce."[1]
استقامت istikamet*istikamet yöndirection
استقلال istiklal*istiklal bağımsızlıkindependence, freedom From the noun bağ "tie, bond, impediment."[1]
استراحت istirâhat*istirahat dinlenmerest From the root dinlen– "to rest."
استثمار istismar*istismar sömürgecolony From the root sömür– "to exploit."[1]
استثقال istiskalistiskal aşağılamaabasement
استثنا istisna*istisna aykırıexception
اشارت işaret*işaret göstergeindicator From the root göster– "to show."[1]
اشتغال iştigaliştigal uğraş, uğraşıoccupation
اشتراك iştirak*iştirak ortaklıkassociation
اتمام itmam*itmam tamamlamacompletion From the adjective tam "complete, full."
ایضاح izah*izah açıklamaclarification From the root aç– "to open."
ازدواج izdivacizdivaç evlilikmarriage From the noun ev "house."
قابلیت kâbiliyet*kabiliyet yetenek, yetitalent, ability From the root yet– "to reach."[1]
قادر kader*kader yazgıfate From the root yaz– "to write."[1]
قفه kafa*kafa başhead
كافی kafikâfi yeterenough From the root yet– "to be enough."[1]
قاعده ka'idekaide tabanfloor
كائنات ka'inat*kâinat evrenuniverse
قلب kalb*kalp yürekheart
قانون kanan*kanun yasalaw Borrowed from Mongolian.[1]
قانون اساسى kanunuesasikanunuesasi anayasaconstitution (law) Literally "mother law."
قافیه kâfiye*kafiye uyakrhyme From the root uy– "to comply, fit."
كانون اول kanan-ı evvel aralıkDecember "Aralık" was adopted during the drafting of the 1945 Constitution because it occurred in the text. With the new name for December it became the subject of jokes on the theme that the transition from December to January—Aralıktan Ocağa—now meant passing through the gap into the fire.[1]
كانون ثانی kanan-ı sânî ocakJanuary "Ocak," the new name for January preserves the meaning of kânun "hearth."[1]
كلمه kelime*kelime sözcük, sözword Invented by Melih Cevdet Anday in 1958.[1]
قرمزی kırmızı*kırmızı al**, kızılred The Arabic and the Turkish words are used in somewhat different contexts. kızıl is mostly used for red hair.
قسم kısm*kısım bölümpart From the root böl– "to divide."
كتاب kitab*kitap betik**book From the Old Turkic root biti– "to write". Some say it is a loanword from Chinese word , meaning "brush"[1] but it lacks evidence
كفر küfr*küfür sövme**curse From the root söv– "to swear, curse."[1]
قوت kuvvet*kuvvet güç, erkpower, force In physics, the old word is used for "force" and the new word is used for "power".
كلیت külliyetkülliyet tümwhole
كره küre*küre yuvar**sphere
لطیفه latifelatife şakajoke The new word is also of Arabic origin (from the word şaḳā (شقاء)), meaning "pity, being unfortunate"
لسان lisan*lisan dillanguage dil means both tongue in the physical sense and language, while "lisan" only means tongue in the language sense.
لغات lügatlügat sözlükdictionary
لزوملو lüzumlu*lüzumlu gereklinecessary
ﻣﻌﺎﺭﻒ ma'arifmaarif eğitimeducation
معاش ma'aş*maaş aylıksalary From the noun ay "moon, month"
معبد ma'bed*mabet tapınaktemple From the root tap– "to worship."
مادی maddi*maddi özdeksel**material, materialistic The Turkish word is exclusively used in the context of philosophy.
مفصل mafsalmafsal eklemligament The old word is used for "hinge" (non-anatomical).
مغدور mağdur*mağdur kıygın**wronged, injured The new word is almost never used.
مغلوبیت mağlubiyat*mağlubiyet yenilgidefeat From the root yen– "to defeat."
محلى mahallimahalli yöreselregional
محفوظ mahfuzmahfuz saklıhidden From the root sakla– "to hide."
مخلوق mahlukmahluk yaratıkcreature From the root yarat– "to create."
محصول mahsul*mahsul ürünproduct The new word actually meant "weed".
مخصوص mahsûs*mahsus özgüpeculiar
مقصد maksad*, غایه gaye*, هدف hedef*maksat, gaye, hedef amaç, erekgoal
معقول ma'kul*makul uygun, elverişlireasonable From the root uy– "to comply."
معنه ma'na*mana anlammeaning From the root anla– "to comprehend."
معنوی manevî*manevî tinsel**moral, spiritual The Turkish word is exclusively used in the context of philosophy.
مانع mani'mani engelobstacle
مصرف masraf*masraf gider, harcamacost From the root git– "to go, leave."
مطبعه matba'a*matbaa basım eviprinting From the root bas– "to press."
معذرت mazeret*mazeret gerekçecorollary From the root gerek– "to need."
مبدأ mebde'mebde başlangıçbeginning
مجاز mecaz, استعاره isti'aremecaz iğretileme, eğretilememetaphor Arabic word almost only used in literature.
مجبور mecbur*mecbur zorunluobligation, obligatory Both the new and the old words can be used as either a noun or an adjective.
مجهول mechul*meçhul bilinmeyenunknown From the root bil– "to know."
مدنی medeni*medeni uygarcivil Borrowed from Uyghur.
مدنیت medeniyet*medeniyet uygarlıkcivilization From the name of the Uyghur Uygur, who established an advanced civilization in Eastern Turkestan in the tenth to twelfth centuries.[1]
مفهوم mefhummefhum kavramconcept From the root kavra– "to grasp, understand."
مکروه mekrıhmekruh iğrençdisgusting
مملكت memleket*memleket ülkecountry The old word is used for "one's native region"
ﻣﻨﺸﺄ menşe'menşe kökroot
مراسم merasimmerasim törenceremony
مساحه mesahamesaha yüzölçümarea, measure of From the root ölç– "to measure."
مرثیه mersiyemersiye ağıtelegy
مسافه mesafe*mesafe uzaklıkdistance From the root uza– "to extend."[1]
مثانه mesane*mesane sidik kesesiurinary bladder
مثلا mesela*mesela örneğinfor example
مسعود mes'ud*mesut mutlu, sevinçlihappy Arabic word almost never used alone in daily speech, mostly used together with the new word in the saying "mutlu mesut".
مسؤولیت mes'uliyetmesuliyet sorumlulukresponsibility
مشهور meşhur*meşhur ünlüfamous From the noun ün "fame."
مشروبات meşrubat*meşrubat içecekbeverage From the root iç– "to drink."
موقع mevki' مكان mekan*mevki, mekân yer, konumlocation From the root kon– "to settle."[1]
موضع mevzi'mevzi bölgelocation From the root böl– "to divide."
میدان meydan*, ساحه sahameydan, saha alan**open area, plaza While the new word is used mainly in mathematics (as in the "area" of a triangle), it is seldom used with the same meaning of the old words except in compound words like havaalanı (airport), not hava meydanı (older version).
میل meylmeyil eğim, eğiliminclination From the root eğil– "to incline."
مزار mezar*mezar gömüt**cemetery From the root göm– "to bury."
منطقه mıntıkamıntıka bölgeregion From the root böl– "to divide."
ملت millet*millet ulusulus From the Mongolian noun uluş "confederation of people."[1]
مراث miras*miras kalıt**inheritance From the root kal– "to remain."[1]
مسافر misafir*misafir konukguest From the root kon– "to settle."[1]
مثال misal*misal örnekexample
مسكين miskin*miskin uyuşuk, mıymıntılazy From the root uyuş– "to numb."
معامله mu'amele*muamele davranıştreatment, behavior From the root davran– "to behave."
معما mu'ammamuamma bilmecepuzzle, trivia From the root bil– "to know."
معاصر mu'asırmuasır çağdaş, güncelcontemporary
معاون mu'avin*muavin yardımcıhelper
معجزه mu'cize*mucize tansık**miracle The new word is almost never used.
مغدی mugaddimugaddi besleyicinourisher
مغالطه mugalatamugalata yanıltmacadeceptive statement From the root yanılt– "to mislead."
مغنی، مغنیه muganni, muganniyemuganni, muganniye şarkıcısinger
مغایرت mugayeretmugayeret aykırılıkirregularity
مغایر mugayirmugayir aykırıirregular The old word has only remained as a legal term meaning "adverse".
مخابره muhaberemuhabere iletişim, iletişmecommunication From the root ilet– "to transmit."
مهاجرت muhaceretmuhaceret göçemigration From the root göç– "to move."
مهاجم muhacimmuhacim saldıran, saldırıcıattacker, offender From the root saldır– "to attack."
مهاجر muhacirmuhacir göçmenimmigrant From the root göç– "to move."
محدب muhaddebmuhaddep dış bükeyconvex From the root bük– "to bend."
محافظه muhafaza*muhafaza korumaconservation From the root koru– "to protect."
محافظ muhafızmuhafız koruyucuprotector From the root koru– "to protect."
محاكمه muhakeme*muhakeme yargılama, uslamlamajudgment, argumentation
محقق muhakkak*muhakkak kesin(likle)certain(ly)
محقق muhakkikmuhakkik soruşturmacıinvestigator From the root sor– "to ask."
محال muhalmuhal olanaksızimpossible From the root ol– "to exist."
مخالفت muhalefet*muhalefet karşıtlıkopposition From the adjective karşı "opposite."[1]
مخمن muhammenmuhammen oranlanan, ön görülenpre-determined
مخمس muhammesmuhammes beşgenpentagon From the noun beş "five."
محاربه muharebe, حرب harbmuharebe, harp savaşwar
محارب muharibmuharip savaşçıwarrior
محرر muharrermuharrer yazılı, yazılmışwritten From the root yaz– "to write."[1]
محرك muharrikmuharrik kışkırtıcı, ayartıcıprovoker From the root kışkırt– "to provoke."
محاصره muhasaramuhasara kuşatmasiege From the root kuşat– "to encircle."[1]
محاسبه muhasebe*muhasebe saymanlık**accounting, bookkeeping From the root say– "to count."[1]
محاسبجی muhasebeci*muhasebeci sayman**accountant, bookkeeper From the root say– "to count."[1]
محتمل muhtemel*muhtemel olasıpossible From the root ol– "to happen."
محتویات muhteviyatmuhteviyat içindekileringredients From the adjective "inside."
مقدس mukaddesmukaddes kutsalsacred
منتظم muntazammuntazam düzgün, düzenlitidy From the root düz– "to align."[1]
مربع murabba'murabba karesquare A loanword from the French carré.
معتدل mu'tedilmutedil ılım(lı)moderate(ly)
موفقیت muvaffakıyyetmuvaffakiyet başarısuccess From the root başar– "to succeed (in)."
مبالغه mübalagamübalağa abartıexaggeration From the root abart– "to exaggerate."
مجادله mücadele*mücadele çaba, uğraşendeavor
مجرد mücerritmücerrit soyutabstract From the root soy– "to strip."[1]
مدافعه müdafa'amüdafaa korumasustain, protect, defend From the root koru– "to protect."
مداخله müdahale*müdahale karışmaintervention From the root karış– "to interfere, meddle with."
ملازم mülazımmülazım teğmenlieutenant From the Old Turkic teğ– "to touch," which Turkish retains as değ–.[1]
مدت müddet*müddet süreduration From the root sür– "to last."
مدركه müdrikemüdrike entelektintellect (in psychology) A loanword from the French intellect
مؤدب mü'eddebmüeddep usluwell behaved, demure From the noun us "intelligence."
مؤلفات mü'elleffatmüellefat (yazılı) yapıt(written) piece From the root yap– "to make."
مؤلف، محرر mü'ellif, muharrirmüellif, muharrir yazarwriter From the root yaz– "to write."
مؤمن mü'emmenmüemmen sağlanmışsecured From the adjective sağ "alive."
مؤنث mü'ennesmüennes dişilfeminine
مؤسسه mü'essesemüessese kurumfoundation From the root kur– "to set up." Kurum is recorded in Tarama Sözlüğü (1963-77) as occurring in two dictionaries from the fourteenth and eighteenth century.[1]
مؤثر mü'essirmüessir dokunaklıtouching From the root dokun– "to touch."
مؤسس mü'essismüessis kurucufounder From the root kur– "to set up."[1]
مفكره müfekkiremüfekkire düşünce gücüthought capacity From the root düşün– "to think."
مفرد müfredmüfret tekilsingular From the adjective tek "single."
مفلس müflismüflis batkınone that's gone bankrupt From the root bat– "to sink."
مهم mühim*mühim önemliimportant From the noun önem "importance."
مؤمن mü'minmümin inanan, inançlıbeliever From the root inan– "to believe."
مناسبت münasebet*münasebet ilişkirelation From the Old Turkic root il– "to tie loosely" and "to touch."[1]
منتخب müntehibmüntehip seçmenvoter From the root seç– "to choose."
مراجعت müraca'atmüracaat başvuruapplication From the root başvur– "to apply."
مركب mürekkebmürekkep birleşmiş, birleşikink From the root birleş– "to unite."
مرتب mürrettibmürettip dizgicitype setter From the root diz– "to align."[1]
مسابقه müsabakamüsabaka karşılaşmamatch, competition From the adjective karşı "opposite."[1]
مسامحه müsamahamüsamaha hoşgörütolerance From the root gör– "to see."
مساوی müsavimüsavi eşitequal From the noun "pair."
مسدس müseddesmüseddes altıgenhexagon From the noun altı "six."
مستهجن müstehcen*müstehcen uygunsuzinappropriate, obscene From the root uy– "to comply."[1]
مستملكه müstemlekemüstemleke sömürgecolony (exploitee) From the root sömür– "to exploit."[1]
مسوده müsveddemüsvedde taslakdraft
مشابه، مماثل muşabbih, mümassilmüşabih, mümasil benzersimilar From the root benze– "to resemble."
مشابهت müşabehetmüşabehet benzerliksimilarity From the root benze– "to resemble."
مشخص müşahhasmüşahhas somutconcrete (in concept, the opposite of abstract)
مشكل müşkülmüşkül çetin**difficult
مشرك müşrikmüşrik çoktanrıcıpolytheist
مشتق müştakmüştak türevderivative Borrowed from Kazakh, where verbs end not in –mek/–mak, but in –v.[1]
مشتكی müştekimüşteki yakınan, sızlananone who complains, whiner
مشتملات müştemilatmüştemilat eklentiattachment, appendage From the root ekle– "to add."
مشترك müşterekmüşterek ortakpartner From the noun orta "middle."[1]
مشتری müşteri*müşteri alıcı, alımcıcustomer From the root al– "to buy."[1]
مطالعه mütala'amütalâa düşüncethought From the root düşün– "to think."
متارکه mütarekemütareke antlaşmaarmistice From the noun ant "oath."[1]
متعدد müte'addidmüteaddit birçoka lot, many
متعفن müte'affinmüteaffin kokuşukmalodorous From the root kok– "to smell."
متعهد müte'ahhid*müteahhit üstenci**contractor
متعاقب müte'akibmüteakip sonra, ardındanafter, thereafter From the adjective arka "behind."
متعاليه müte'aliyemütealiye deneyüstücülüktranscendentalism
متعلق müteallikmüteallik ilişkin, ilgilirelated (to) From the Old Turkic root il– "to tie loosely" and "to touch."[1]
متعمم müte'ammimmüteammim yaygınlaşmış, genelleşmişsomething that has widespread From the root yay– "to radiate."[1]
متعارفه müte'arifemütearife belit**axiom
متبقی mütebakimütebaki kalanremaining From the root kal– "to remain."
متبدل mütebeddilmütebeddil değişen, kararsızone that changes, undecided From the root değiş– "to change."
متبسم mütebessimmütebessim gülümseyen, güleçone that smiles From the root gül– "to laugh."
متجانس mütecanismütecanis bağdaşıkhomogenous
متجاوز mutecavizmütecaviz saldırganattacker From the root saldır– "to attack."
متدين mutedeyyinmütedeyyin dindarreligious Borrowed from Persian, where it means "owner of religion."
متأثر müte'essirmüteessir üzüntülüsad (person) From the root üz– "to aggrieve."
متفكر mütefekkirmütefekkir düşünürthinker, intellectual From the root düşün– "to think."
متفرق müteferrikmüteferrik dağınıkuntidy From the root dağıt– "to distribute."
متحمل mütehammilmütehammil dayanıklıdurable
متحرك müteharrikmüteharrik devingen, oynarmobile
محترم muhterem*muhterem saygıdeğerhonorable
متخصص mütehassısmütehassıs uzmanexpert From the Old Turkic noun uz "skilled craftsman" and the intensive suffix "–man" in şişman "fat" and kocaman "huge."[1]
متشبث muteşşebbismüteşebbis girişimcientrepreneur From the root gir– "to enter."
متواضع mütevazı' *mütevazı alçakgönüllühumble
متوفی müteveffamüteveffa ölü, ölmüşdead From the root öl– "to die."
متفق müttefik*müttefik bağlaşık**ally From the root bağla– "to tie."[1]
مزایده müzayedemüzayede açık arttırmaauction
مزمن müzminmüzmin süreğenchronic From the root sür– "to last."
نادر nadir*, اندر ender*nadir, ender seyrekrare(ly)
نغمه nağmenağme ezgimelody
ناقص nakıs*nakıs eksiminus
نصیحت nasihat*nasihat öğütadvice, counsel
نظیر nazırnazır bakanminister
نفس nefes*nefes solukbreath
نفرة nefratnefrat dokuhate
نسیج nesicnesiç dokutissue
نسل nesl*nesil kuşakgeneration
نتیجه netice*netice sonuçresult From the combination of old Turkic nouns son "end" and "latter."[1]
نزیف nezifnezif kanamahemorrhage From the noun kan "blood"
نصف nısfnısıf yarı(m)half From the root yar– "to split."[1]
نهایت nihayet*nihayet son(unda)final(ly)
نكاح nikah*nikâh düğünwedding In modern Turkish, nikâh is generally used for the wedding ceremony, while düğün is used for the wedding reception or party.
نسبت nisbet*nispet oranratio From the Old Turkic noun oran for "measure," "proportion" or "moderation."[1]
نطق nutk*nutuk söylevspeech Borrowed from Kazakh, where verbs end not in –mek/–mak, but in –v.[1]
رفاه refah*refah gönençprosperity
رغماً ragmen*rağmen karşındespite, in spite of From the adjective karşı "opposite."[1]
رئیس re'isreis başkanpresident
رأی re'yrey oyvote
رجعت ric'at*ricat çekilmeretreat From the root çek– "to pull."[1]
روح ruh*ruh tin**spirit The Turkish word is almost never used, except in the context of philosophy.
رطوبت rutubet*rutubet yaşlık, ıslaklıkmoisture From the adjective yaş "dank."
رؤيا rü'ya*rüya düşdream
سادهّ sade, سائد sa'aid*sade yalınplain The Turkish word is rarely used.
صفحة safha*safha evre, aşamastage, phase
صفرا safra*safra ödbile
ساحل sahil*sahil kıyıcoast
صاحب sahib*sahip iye**owner The Turkish word is seldom used; however, it is commonly used in the context of grammar when describing the possessive suffix (iyelik eki)
سطح sathsatıh yüzeysurface From the noun yüz "face."
سیاره seyyareseyyare araba, taşıtcar Araba is the outdated expression for "car" in Arabic. The current word in Arabic for car is seyyara but in Turkish seyyar, means "transportable" or given to travel.
سبب sebeb*sebep nedenreason
سفارت safaratsefaret büyükelçilikembassy
سلامت selametselamet esenlikhealth, soundness
سما semasema göksky
سنه sene*sene yılyear
صحت sıhhatsıhhat sağlıkhealth From the adjective sağ "alive."
سحر sihr*sihir büyümagic
صحبت sohbet*sohbet söyleşichat From the root söyle– "to say."
سؤال su'alsual soruquestion From the root sor– "to ask."
صلح sulhsulh barışpeace
صنع suni'suni yapayartificial From the root yap– "to make."[1]
سكوت sükutsükût sessizliksilence From the noun ses "voice."
شاهد şâhid*şahit tanıkwitness From the root tanı– "to recognize."
شاعر şa'ir*şair ozanpoet
شعير şe'irşeir arpabarley
شرق şarkşark doğueast From the root doğ– "to be born."[1]
شرط şart*şart koşulcondition Coined in 1947 by Nurullah Ataç.[1]
شمال şimalşimal kuzeynorth From the noun kuz "side of a mountain out of reach of the sun." Kuzey was also used in some Anatolian dialects, meaning sunless place.[1]
شعاع şu'a'şua ışınray, gleam
تعلق taalluktaalluk ilinticonnection, relation From the Old Turkic root il– "to tie loosely" and "to touch."[1]
طبقه tabaka*tabaka katmanlayer From the noun kat "floor."
طبيعت tabi'at*tabiat doğanature From the root doğ– "to be born."
طبیعی tabi'i*tabii doğalnatural From the root doğ– "to be born."
تعبير، افاده ta'bîr, ifade*tabir, ifade deyiş**narration
تابعیت tabiiyettabiiyet uyruknationality The word "milliyet" is more commonly used.
تحلیل tahlil*tahlil inceleme(laboratory) test (as in medicine)
تخمین tahmin*tahmin kestirim**guess, prediction From the root kes– "to cut."
تعقیب taʻkib*takip izlem**follow-up From the root izle– "to watch."
طلب ṭaleb*talep istekrequest, demand, wish From the root iste– "to demand, request."
طلبه ṭalebetalebe öğrencistudent (plural of طالب ṭâlib, "seeker" [of knowledge]) From the Old Turkic root igid– "to feed."[1]
تعمیم tâmîmtâmîm genelgecircular, notice From the adjective genel "general."
تعمير taʻmîr*, تعديلات taʻdîlât*tamir, tadilat onarımrepair, renovation From the root onar– "to repair."
طرف taraf*taraf yanside
ترصدات tarassuttarassut gözetlemeobservation
تاريخ tarih*tarih günay**date (in time) The Arabic word tarih also means "history". The Turkish word günay (literally meaning "day-month") is rarely used.
تسلط tasalluttasallut sarkıntılık(sexual) harassment From the root sark– "to dangle from."
تصور tasavvurtasavvur canlandırma, tasarıimagine
تصدیق tasdiktasdik onayapprove
تصحيح tashîhtashih düzeltmecorrection From the adjective düz "even, flat."
تصویر tasvir*tasvir betimlemedescription
طیاره tayyaretayyare uçakairplane From the root uç– "to fly."
توصيه tavsiye*tavsiye salıkadvice
تعادل te'adülteadül denklikequivalence From the adjective denk "equal."
تعامل te'amülteamül tepkime, davranışreaction, behavior From the root davran– "to behave."
تبسم tebessümtebessüm gülümsemesmile From the root gül– "to laugh."
تبدیل tebdiltebdil değişiklikchange From the root değiş– "to change."
تبريك tebrîk*tebrik kutlamacongratulate From the root kutla– "to celebrate."
تجلى tecellitecelli belirmeemerge, appear
تجسم tecessümtecessüm görünmeappearance, manifestation From the root gör– "to see."
تجربه tecrübe*tecrübe deneyimexperience From the root dene– "to attempt."[1]
تجهیزات techizat*teçhizat donanımequipment
تداوی tedavi*tedavi sağaltım**therapy
تدبیر tedbîr*tedbir önlemprecaution From the root önle– "to prevent."
تدریسات tedrіsattedrisat öğretimteaching
تأثر te'essürteessür üzüntüagony From the root üz– "to aggrieve."
تكامل tekamültekâmül evrim, başkalaşımmaturation, metamorphosis, evolution
تقاعد tekaʻüdtekaüt emeklilikretirement
تكفل tekeffültekeffül yükümlenmestanding surety
تكلیف teklif*teklif öneriproposal From the root öner– "to propose."
تكرار tekrar*tekrar yineagain
تلاش telaş*telaş tasa, kaygıworry
تمییز temyiz*temyiz yargıtayCourt of Cassation (in modern Turkey) Borrowed from Chagatai.
تناسب tenasübtenasüp uyumcongruity From the root uy– "to conform."
تنبيه tenbih*tembih uyarıwarning From the root uyar– "to warn."
ترقی teraḳḳіterakki ilerlemeprogress
ترجمه tercüme*tercüme çeviritranslation
تردد terreddüd*tereddüt duraksamahesitancy From the root dur– "to halt, stop."
ترتیب tertib*tertip düzenorder, tidiness From the root düz– "to align."
تأثیر tesirtesir etkieffect From the root et– "to do."
تسلی teselli*teselli avunmaconsole From the root avun– "to console oneself."
تشخیص teşhis*teşhis tanıdiagnosis From the root tanı– "to recognize."[1]
تشكیلات teşkilat*teşkilat örgütorganization From the noun örgü "plait."[1]
تشكیل teşkilteşkil etmek oluşturmakto constitute
تشرین أول teşrin-i evvel ekimOctober From the root ek– "to harvest."
تشرین ثانی teşrin-i sani kasımNovember
تشویق teşvik*teşvik özendirme, kışkırtma(providing) incentive, provocation
تدقیق tedkit*tetkit araştırmaresearch
تولد tevellüdtevellüt doğumbirth From the root doğ– "to be born."
تذكار tezkartezkâr anılmaya değerworth-mentioning From the root an– "to call to mind."[1]
تجارت ticaret*ticaret alımsatımbusiness
عنصر unsur*unsur öğeconstituent, element
عنوان unvan*unvan, ünvan san(professional) title
اسلوب üslub*üslup biçem**style
وعد va'd*vaat sözpromise (noun)
واقعه vak'a*vaka olayevent From the root ol– "to happen."
وقور vakurvakur ağır başlıdignified The Turkish expression literally means "heavy headed".
وصف vasf*vasıf nitelikfeature, quality
واسطه vasıtavasıta araçvehicle
وسيع vasi'vâsi enginvast
وطن vatan*vatan yurthomeland
وظیفه vazife*vazife görevtask, mission
و ve*ve ileand From the Old Turkic root il– "to tie loosely" and "to touch."[1]
وهم vehmvehim kuruntuapprehension, fancy
ولایت vilayet*vilayet ilprovince
تفسیر tefsirtefsir yoruminterpretation, analysis, comment
ضبط zabıt*zabıt tutanakminute of proceeding, trial From the root tut– "to hold."[1]
ضمیر zamir*zamir adıl**pronoun From the noun ad "noun."
زاویه zaviyezaviye açıangle From the root aç– "to open."
ذی‌قیمت zі-kıymet)zikıymet değerlivaluable The word zikıymet is very rarely used but the word "kıymetli" (also meaning valuable) is used commonly.

Loanwords of French origin

French words started to infiltrate the Turkish language during Franco-Ottoman alliance, when administrative reforms (Tanzimat) started taking place in the Ottoman Empire. The extent of French influence was such that the number of French loanwords was close to 5,000.

Most of the French loanwords are still widely used in Turkish today.

* Words that are still used in modern Turkish together with their new Turkish counterparts.

Loanword Turkish equivalent Meaning in English Original French spelling
ajanda *andaç (replaced with gündem)agendaagenda
aksesuar *süsaccessory (decorative)accessoire
aktif *etkinactiveactif
alternatif *seçenekalternative (noun)alternatif
analiz *çözümlemeanalysisanalyse
asansör ? lift ascenseur
asimilasyon, anabolizma *özümlemeassimilation, anabolismassimilation, anabolisme
astronomi *gökbilimastronomyastronomie
avantaj *üstünlükadvantageavantage
detay *ayrıntıdetaildétail
direkt *doğrudandirectlydirect
dikte *yazdırımdictationdictée
doküman *belgedocumentdocument
domestik *evcildomesticdomestique
egzersiz *alıştırmaexerciseexercice
endemik *salgınendemicendémique
enerji *erkeenergyénergie
enflamasyon *yangıinflammationinflammation
enformatikbilişiminformation technologyinformatique
enteresan *ilginçinterestingintéressant
eritrositalyuvarred blood cellérythrocyte
eksper *bilirkişiexpertexpert
faks *belgeç, belgegeçerfaxfax
faktör *etkenfactorfacteur
fenomen *olguphenomenonphénomène
filoloji *dilbilimphilologyphilologie
filtre *süzgeçfilterfiltre
fizyoloji *işlevbilimphysiologyphysiologie
fonksiyon *işlevfunctionfonction
fotokopi *tıpkıbasımphotocopyphotocopie
garanti *güvenceinsurance, assurancegarantie
global *küreselglobalglobal
gramerdil bilgisigrammargrammaire
grup *öbekgroupgroupe
halüsinasyon *sanrıhallucinationhallucination
histolojidoku bilimihistologyhistologie
homojen *bağdaşıkhomogenoushomogène
hoplamak*zıplamakJumpOup La
illüzyon *yanılsamaillusionillusion
istatistik *sayımlamastatisticsstatistiques
izolasyon *yalıtımisolationisolation
kalite *nitelikqualityqualité
kampüs *yerleşkecampuscampus
kapasite *sığa, kapsamcapacitycapacité
karakter *kişilik character, personalitycaractère
kategori *ulamcategorycatégorie
kompleks *karmaşıkcomplexcomplexe
konsantrasyon *derişimconcentrationconcentration
konsolidasyon *süreletmeconsolidation (economics)consolidation
kontrol *denetimcontrolcontrôle
kramp *kasınç(muscle) crampcrampe
kriter *ölçütcriteriacritères
kronik *süreğenchronic(ally)chronique
kuaför *güzellik salonu/berberbeauty/hair salon, barbercoiffeur
külot * don underpants culotte
kürdan * ? tooth pick cure-dent
lenf *ak kanlymphlymphe
liste *dizelgelistliste
lökositakyuvarwhite blood cellleucocyte
medya *basın-yayınmediamédia
mekanizma *düzenekmechanismmécanisme
meridyen *boylamlongitudeméridien
mesaj, posta *iletimessagemessage
metamorfoz *başkalaşımmetamorphosismétamorphose
metot *yöntemmethodméthode
monoton *tekdüzemonotonousmonotone
mobilya *döşenekfurnituremobilier
moral *özgüçmoralmorale
mutasyon *değişinimmutationmutation
normal *olağannormalnormal
objektif *nesnelobjectiveobjectif
organizasyon *düzenlemeorganizationorganisation
orijinal *özgünoriginaloriginal
otorite *yetkeauthorityautorité
paradoks *çelişkiparadoxparadoxe
paralel *enlemlatitudeparallèle
parazit *asalakparasiteparasite
pasif *edilgenpassivepassif
performans *başarımperformanceperformance
plaj *kumsalbeachplage
plato *yaylaplateauplateau
popüler, favori *gözdepopular, favoritepopulaire, favori
prensip *ilkeprincipalprincipe
problem *sorunproblemproblème
program *izlenceprogramprogramme
proje *tasarıprojectprojet
prosedür *işlem, işleyişprocedureprocédure
radyoaktif *ışın etkinradioactiveradioactif
randıman *verimefficiencyrendement
rapor *yazanakreportrapport
restoran *aşevirestaurantrestaurant
sekunder, sekonderikincilsecondarysecondaire
sekreter *yazmansecretarysecrétaire
sembol *simgesymbolsymbole
semptom *belirtisymptomsymptôme
sendrom *belirgesyndromesyndrome
sentez *bireşimsynthesissynthèse
sistem *dizgesystemsystème
simülasyon *öğrencesimulationsimulation
standart *ölçünstandardstandard
statik *durukstaticstatique
statü *durumstatusstatut
subjektif *öznelsubjectivesubjectif
teori *kuramtheorythéorie
tretuvarkaldırımpavement / sidewalktrottoir
tümör *urtumortumeur
versiyon *sürümversionversion
viraj *dönemeçturn (as in traffic)virage
ultrason *yansılanım (the act of echoing)ultrasoundultrason

Loanwords of Persian origin

The list gives the Ottoman Turkish word, the modern spelling of the word in Turkish (as suggested by TDK), the modern Turkish equivalent, and its meaning in English.

Most of the original Persian words are still widely used in modern Turkish. In fact, there are over 1,500 Persian words in Turkish. However, for many of the Persian words (unlike Arabic words), there is no TDK-prescribed equivalent. TDK did not put as much effort into replacing Persian words as it did for Arabic words, largely because the Persian words were better assimilated into the language. Arabic language and culture is general perceived by Turks to be more "foreign" than Persian language and culture, which had a native presence in Anatolia since the time of the Achaemenids, and was patronised for millennia afterwards by other dynasties with a presence in Anatolia such as the Sasanians, Seleucids, Seljuks, Sultanate of Rum, and lastly, the Ottomans, amongst others.

* New words that are not as frequently used as the old words.

Ottoman Turkish word and its transliteration Modern spelling of the Ottoman Turkish word Modern Turkish equivalent Meaning in English Remarks
آموزندە amuzende*amuzende okutmanlector
بدبين bedbin*bedbin bitkiplant From the root bit– "to grow."[1]
برابر beraber*beraber birliktetogether
بوسه buse*buse öpücükkiss
جنگ cenk*cenk savaşwar
چاره çare*çare çözümsolution
چهره çehre*çehre yüzface
چنبر çember*çember yuvarlakcircle
چشيت çeşit*çeşit türkind, variety
چهار یک çeyrek*çeyrek dörtte birquarter Both the Persian and the Turkish expressions literally mean one in four.
درد dert*dert ağrıpain
دمار demar*demar ölümdeath From the root öl– "to die."
دیگر diğer*diğer öbür, ötekiother
دشمن düşman*düşman yağıenemy
دوز düz*düz yatayhorizontal
انديشه endişe*endişe kaygıworry
فروخت füruht*füruht satışsale From the root sat– "to sell."[1]
گوشت gûşt*guşt etmeat
گزيده güzide*güzide seçkinélite
خسته hasta*hasta sayrıpatient, sick The original Persian word actually means tired
همیشه hemîşe*hemîşe her zamanalways
هنوز henüz*henüz dahayet
قورناز kurnaz*kurnaz açıkgözlücunning
مهتاب mehtap*mehtap ay ışığımoonlight
محافظه كار* muhafazakar*muhafazakar tutucuconservative From the root tut– "to hold."
موشكيل-پسند müşkülpesent*müşkülpesent titizfussy
نان عزيز nân-ı aziz*nân-ı aziz ekmekbread
نيكبين nikbin*nikbin iyimseroptimist
پاپوش pabuç*pabuç ayakkabıshoe Both the Persian and the Turkish words literally mean foot cover.
پ۪يشْدَارْ pişdar*pişdar öncüvanguard
سرخوش sarhoş*sarhoş esrikdrunk
ساخته* sahte*sahte düzmecefake From the root düz– "to align."[1]
سر ser*ser başhead
سربست serbest*serbest erkinfree, footloose
سرسری serseri*serseri başıboşrascal
سياه siyah*siyah karablack
بهار sonbahar*sonbahar güzfall (season)
سطور sütur*sütur binekride From the root bin– "to ride."
شخص şahıs*şahıs bireyindividual From the root biregü [< bir+egü "from someone."[1]
شایان şayan*şayan değerlivaluable
شهر şehir*şehir kentcity The word kent is of Sogdian origin.
تازه taze*taze yeninew
تنبل tembel*tembel haylazlazy
ویران viran*viran yıkıkruin
اميد ümit*ümit umuthope
یاور yaver*yaver yardımcıhelper
يَكْنَسَقْ yeknesak*yeknesak tekdüzemonotonous
یکپاره yekpare*yekpare bütünwhole
زهر zehir*zehir ağıpoison, toxin
زنگین zengin*zengin varlıklırich
زور zor*zor çetindifficult

Loanwords of other origin

* Words that are still used in modern Turkish together with their new Turkish counterparts.

Loanword Turkish equivalent Meaning in English Origin language Original spelling Remarks
angarya *yüklentidrudgery, forced laborGreekαγγαρεία (angareia)The Turkish word is still unused.
endoskopi *iç görüm ("inside seeing")endoscopyGreek (via English)The Turkish word is less common.
fetüs *dölütfetusLatinfetus, foetusThe Turkish word is used occasionally.
genetik *kalıtım (bilimi) ("the science of heredity")geneticsGermanGenetikBoth the loanword and the Turkish word are used.
hegemonya *boyundurukhegemonyGreekηγεμονία (igemonia)The Turkish word is more commonly used.
İnternet *Genel AğInternetEnglishThe Turkish word is still unused.
konsonantünsüzconsonantGerman[2]KonsonantThe loanword is now unused.
kundura *ayakkabıshoeItalianconduraThe Turkish word is more commonly used.
otoban *otoyolhighwayGermanAutobahnBoth the loanword and the Turkish word are used.
vokal *ünlüvowelGerman[3]VokalThe loanword is now unused.
pezevenk *dümbükpimpArmenianբոզավագ (bozavag)The Turkish word is less common.

See also


  1. Lewis, Geoffrey (2000). Turkish Grammar (Second ed.). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-870036-9.
  2. TDK Online Dictionary - konsonant Archived 2007-08-22 at the Wayback Machine
  3. TDK Online Dictionary - vokal Archived 2007-08-22 at the Wayback Machine


  • Yazım Kılavuzu, the official spelling guide of the Turkish language on TDK website
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