Public holidays in Vatican City

The following days are public holidays in Vatican City, as published each year by the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household.[1] These largely correspond to events in the liturgical year of the Catholic Church.

DateEnglish nameItalian nameRemarks
1 JanuarySolemnity of Mary, Mother of GodMaria Santissima Madre di Dio
6 JanuaryEpiphanyEpifania del Signore
11 FebruaryLateran Treaty DayAnniversario della istituzione dello Stato della Città del VaticanoCommemorates the 1929 signing of the Lateran Treaty, which established Vatican City as a sovereign state.
13 MarchAnniversary of the election of Pope FrancisAnniversario dell'Elezione del Santo PadreVaries with each reigning pope.

Marks the election of Pope Francis on March 13, 2013.

19 MarchSaint Joseph’s DaySan Giuseppe
Monday after EasterEaster MondayLunedì dell'AngeloMoveable feast, depending on Easter.
23 AprilSaint GeorgeOnomastico del Santo PadreVaries with each reigning pope.

Name day of Pope Francis (born Jorge Mario Bergoglio)

1 MaySaint Joseph the WorkerSan Giuseppe lavoratore
29 JuneSaints Peter and PaulSanti Pietro e Paolo
15 AugustAssumption DayAssunzione di Maria in Cielo
8 SeptemberNativity of MaryFesta della natività della Madonna
1 NovemberAll SaintsTutti i santi, Ognissanti
8 DecemberImmaculate ConceptionImmacolata Concezione
25 DecemberChristmas DayNatale
26 DecemberSaint Stephen's DaySanto Stefano

In addition, all Sundays of the year are public holidays as well.

By tradition, both the election anniversary and the name day for the civilian name of the reigning pope are public holidays.[2] The Solemnities of the Ascension of Christ and Corpus Christi have not been listed since 2009.[3]

See also


  1. "Bank and public holidays for Vatican City". Archived from the original on 2013-01-16. Retrieved 2013-01-29.
  2. "Vatican Annual Public Holidays Amended". Q++Studio - The Professional Source of World Public Holidays. April 7, 2013. Retrieved December 20, 2014.
  3. "Vatican 2013 Public Holidays announced".
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