Progressive International

Progressive International is an international organization uniting and mobilizing progressive left-wing activists and organizations.[1]

Progressive International
Founded30 November 2018
Political positionLeft-wing
Colors    red and black
SloganInternationalism or Extinction
PurposeTo unite, organize, and mobilize progressive forces around the world.
Region servedWorldwide


It was launched after the Democracy in Europe Movement (DiEM25) and The Sanders Institute announced an open call for progressive forces to form a unified front.[2][3] Formally founded and launched on 11 May 2020, the International claims to counter what it calls the resurgence of authoritarian nationalism worldwide as well as the rise of disaster capitalism.[4]


In October 2020, Progressive International said that it was "particularly concerned about the integrity of the presidential elections in Bolivia" and sent an observer group made up of Members of Parliament from around Europe to observe the election.[5]

Lewica Razem left Progressive International in March 2022 due what Razem claimed was "the absence of declaration recognising Ukraine’s sovereignty and an absolute condemnation of Russian imperialism".[6] The Ukrainian Commons journal also resigned from Progressive International.[7]

Belmarsh Tribunal

On 2 October 2020, Progressive International launched the Belmarsh Tribunal, a group of legal experts and Julian Assange supporters who held hearings into allegations that the charges against Assange were an "ongoing attack on press freedom".[8] The tribunal was modelled after the 1966 Russell-Sartre Tribunal, which investigated American involvement in the Vietnam War.

12020The Belmarsh Tribunal (2020)
22021LondonThe Belmarsh Tribunal: Free Julian Assange (2021)
32022New York CityThe Belmarsh Tribunal (2022)
42023Washington, D.C.[8]The Belmarsh Tribunal D.C. (2023)

Member parties

Sourced from:[10]

CountryParty/OrganizationAbbreviationNational LegislaturesGovernmentNotes
 AfghanistanSolidarity Party of AfghanistanSPA
0 / 102
0 / 249
In exileAfter the Fall of Kabul on August 15, 2021, the Taliban took de facto control of Afghanistan and banned all other political opposition parties and groups.
 AlbaniaLëvizja Bashkë (Movement Together)LB
0 / 140
Extra-parliamentary opposition
 Argentina Trabajadores Unidos por la Tierra Rural agricultural organization
 Bangladesh National Garment Workers’ Federation NGWF Trade union federation of garment workers in Bangladesh
 Bolivia Wiphalas por el Mundo (Wiphalas Across the World) Wiphala organization
 Brazil Central Única dos Trabalhadores CUT Main national trade union center in Brazil
Federação Única dos Petroleiros (Federation of Petroleum Workers) FUP Petrol workers union
 Canada Common Frontiers Multi-sectorial national working group
 ChileSocial Convergence (Convergencia Social)CS
0 / 50
10 / 155
In governmentAffiliated with the Broad Front and Apruebo Dignidad in the National Congress of Chile.
 Colombia People's Congress (Colombia) Social and political movement based in Colombia
 Costa Rica Broad Front (Frente Amplio) FA
6 / 57
In opposition
 Dominican Republic Instituto de Desarrollo de la Economía Asociativa IDEAC Non-profit organization
 France ReAct Labor NGO
 Greece European Realistic Disobedience Front MeRA25
0 / 300
Extra-parliamentary opposition
 Guatemala Semilla (political party) Semilla
23 / 160
Guatemalan Trade Union, Indigenous and Farmer Movement MSICG Trade union center
 Honduras Liberty and Refoundation Libre
50 / 128
In government Affiliated with the Savior Party of Honduras and the Christian Democratic Party of Honduras in the National Congress.
 India Andhra Pradesh Vyvasaya Vruthidarula Union APVVU Union federation of rural informal workers
Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (Association for the Empowerment of Labourers and Farmers) Non-profit organization focused on right to information and employment
National Alliance of People's Movements NAPM Alliance of progressive social movements in India
 Indonesia Aksi Ekologi & Emansipasi Rakyat AEER Environmentalist collective of Indonesian researchers and activists
 Italy Officine Civiche Social justice organization based in Ciampino, Italy
 Kenya Mathare Social Justice Centre Community organization in Mathare, Nairobi
 Malaysia Imagined Malaysia Non-profit history organization
 Mexico Collective Movement for the Arts and Culture of Mexico MOCCAM Collective of arts and culture workers
 NamibiaLandless People's MovementLPM
6 / 42
4 / 104
In oppositionIn government in the regions of ǁKaras and Hardap.
Namibian Domestic and Allied Workers Union NDAWU Domestic workers' union
 NigeriaAfrican Action CongressAAC
0 / 109
0 / 360
0 / 36
Extra-parliamentary oppositionMembership is part of the Coalition for Revolution (CORE).
BAOBAB for Women’s Human Rights BAOBAB Women's rights NGO
 Pakistan Haqooq-e-Khalq Movement HKM Progressive pro-democracy movement
Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee PKRC Network of peasant organisations in Pakistan, member of La Via Campesina
Women Democratic Front WDF Socialist-feminist organization
 Poland Akcja Socjalistyczna (Socialist Action)
 RussiaLeft BlocLB
0 / 170
0 / 450
Extra-parliamentary opposition
 Senegal Centre for Research and Action on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights CRADESC Think-tank and advocacy framework in Francophone West Africa and the Sahel
 SerbiaGreen–Left Front (Zeleno–levi front)ZLF
5 / 250
10 / 120
In oppositionDirect successor of Do not let Belgrade drown
 SloveniaThe Left (Levica)Levica
5 / 90
In coalitionAffiliated with Freedom Movement and Social Democrats.
 SpainCatalunya en ComúCatComú
1 / 265
4 / 350
In coalitionAffiliated with Unidas Podemos in the Cortes Generales.
Boza Sur Migrant rights organization
Fridays For Future Salamanca Environmental activist organization
 Sudan Sudanese Professionals Association SPA Association of Sudanese trade unions
0 / 140
Extra-parliamentary opposition
 TurkeySocialist Refoundation PartySYKP
0 / 600
Extra-parliamentary oppositionAffiliated with the Peoples' Democratic Congress.
 Uganda Akina Mama wa Afrika AMwA Pan-African feminist organization
 Ukraine The All-Ukraine Independent Trade Union (Zakhyst Pratsi) AUITU Cross-sector Ukrainian labour union
 United Kingdom App Drivers & Couriers Union ADCU Trade union for drivers and couriers
Autonomous Design Group ADG Anti-capitalist art collective
Common Wealth Progressive think tank
Independent Workers Union of Great Britain IWGB Trade union representing mainly migrant workers and gig workers
Migrants Organise Migrant and refugee organization
The Peace and Justice Project British political charity
The World Transformed Left-wing political festival
 United States Arab Resource & Organizing Center AROC Arab organization in the San Francisco Bay Area
Brandworkers Non-profit organization of food factory workers in New York and New Jersey
Democratic Socialists of America DSA Socialist organization of the USA
CODEPINK Anti-war organization
KC Tenants Tenants' association in Kansas City
Sunrise Movement Climate change organization
 Zimbabwe Zimbabwe People’s Land Rights Movement ZPLRM Civic platform focused on the rights of marginalised communities to land based resources
 European UnionDemocracy in Europe Movement 2025DiEM25
0 / 705
18 / 9,874
1 / 2,714
Extra-parliamentary opposition
Europe Commons Network Activist organization
International Crash Course Economics platform collective
Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO International non-governmental institution with associative status at UNESCO
Palestinian Youth Movement PYM Trans-national organization of Palestinians in Palestine and in exile
Post Growth Institute PGI International post growth organization
Progressive Doctors International community of medical professionals

Former members

 Armenia Left Resistance Coalition of grassroots movements in Armenia[11]
Sev Bibar Armenian online magazine[12]
 Australia Arena Australian publishing cooperative[13]
 Brasil Brasil Wire Brazilian media organization[12]
De Olho Nos Ruralistas Brazilian agribusiness watchdog publication[13]
Outras Palavras (Other Words) Brazilian electronic newspaper[13]
 Chile El Ciudadano Chilean print and digital publication[11]
 Colombia Colombia Informa Colombian media organization[11]
 Czechia A2larm Online daily opinion outlet based in Prague[13]
 Egypt Mada Masr Egyptian media organization[13]
 France Mediapart Progressive newspaper[12]
 Hong Kong Lausan Collective Hong Kong media collective[13]
 Hungary Mérce Hungarian left-wing news portal[13]
 India Feminism In India FII Feminist digital media publication[13]
Junputh Hindi news website[13]
The Wire News and opinion website based in New Delhi[12]
 Indonesia IndoPROGRESS Indonesian media collective[13]
 Italy Internazionale (magazine) Italian independent magazine[12]
 Kenya The Elephant Kenyan debate journal[12]
 Lebanon Bidayat Cultural quarterly based in Beirut[12]
 Mexico Revista Común Media project based in Mexico[12]
 Philippines Bulatlat [11]
 Poland Krytyka Polityczna [12]
Lewica RazemLeft Progressive International in March 2022 due to "the absence of declaration recognising Ukraine’s sovereignty and an absolute condemnation of Russian imperialism"[11][6]
 Spain CTXT [11]
 Taiwan New Bloom Taiwanese online magazine[12]
 Thailand Din Deng Thai media collective[13]
 Ukraine Commons [11][7]
 United Kingdom Declassified UK Investigative journalism organization[13]
Novara Media [12]
openDemocracy [12]
 United States Al-Shabaka
Dissent [12]
The Gravel Institute [13]
Jacobin [12]
Mondoweiss [12]
The Nation [12]
Qiao Collective Chinese diaspora media collective[12]
The Real News Network TRNN [13]
ZCommunications [12]
 Venezuela Venezuelanalysis [13]
Africa Africa Is a Country Left wing and pan-African online publication[12]
Asia Jamhoor Left wing media organization focused on South Asia[13]
Himal Southasian News magazine focused on South Asia[13]
Europe Collective Action in Tech European tech workers association[13]
Commons Network Activist media network in Europe[11]
Latin America Alborada Progressive media outlet[13]
Diálogo Energético Latin American civil society organization[14]
Nueva Sociedad Latin American social science journal[13]
Middle East Jadaliyya [13]
International ROAR Magazine International left-wing magazine[12]


  1. Wegel, David (1 December 2018). "Bernie Sanders turns focus to the White House and the world". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2 December 2018.
  2. Adler, David; Varoufakis, Yanis (1 December 2018). "We shouldn't rush to save the liberal order. We should remake it". The Guardian. Retrieved 2 December 2018.
  3. "An Open Call to All Progressive Forces". Progressive International. 30 November 2018. Archived from the original on 2 December 2018. Retrieved 2 December 2018.
  4. "Announcing the Progressive International". openDemocracy. Retrieved 14 May 2020.
  5. "Progressive International election observer mission lands in Bolivia". Progressive International. 14 October 2020. Retrieved 17 October 2020.
  6. "Razem leaves Progressive International and DiEM25" (in Polish). 1 March 2022. Retrieved 1 March 2022.
  7. "On Ukraine-Syria solidarity and the 'anti-imperialism of idiots'". 25 May 2022. Retrieved 28 March 2023.
  8. McGreal, Chris (20 January 2023). "Biden accused of hypocrisy as he seeks extradition of Julian Assange". The Guardian. Retrieved 14 February 2023.
  9. "The Belmarsh Tribunal - Sydney". Progressive International. 10 February 2023. Retrieved 14 February 2023.
  10. "Members". Progressive International. Retrieved 17 May 2023.
  11. "Members | Progressive International". 28 October 2020. Archived from the original on 28 October 2020. Retrieved 17 May 2023.
  12. "Members | Progressive International". 27 June 2020. Archived from the original on 27 June 2020. Retrieved 17 May 2023.
  13. "Members | Progressive International". 5 November 2021. Archived from the original on 5 November 2021. Retrieved 17 May 2023.
  14. "Members | Progressive International". 3 March 2021. Archived from the original on 3 March 2021. Retrieved 17 May 2023.
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