Platino Award for Best Art Direction

The Platino Award for Best Art Direction (Spanish: Premio Platino a la mejor dirección de arte) is one of the Platino Awards, Ibero-America's film awards, presented by the Entidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales (EGEDA) and the Federación Iberoamericana de Productores Cinematográficos y Audiovisuales (FIPCA).

Platino Award
for Best Art Direction
Awarded forBest Art Direction
Presented byEntidad de Gestión de Derechos de los Productores Audiovisuales (EGEDA), Federación Iberoamericana de Productores Cinematográficos y Audiovisuales (FIPCA)
Currently held byMicaela Saiegh for Argentina, 1985 (2023)

The category was first awarded at the second edition of the awards in 2015 with Clara Notari being the first recipient of the award for her work in the Argentine film Wild Tales.

In the list below. the winner of the award for each year is shown first, followed by the other nominees.

Awards and nominations


Year English title Original title Recipient
Argentina Wild TalesRelatos salvajesClara Notari
Spain MarshlandLa isla mínimaPepe Domínguez
Cuba BehaviorConductaErick Glass
Uruguay Mr. KaplanGustavo Ramírez
Venezuela Bad HairPelo maloMatías Tikas
Colombia Embrace of the SerpentEl abrazo de la serpienteAngélica Perea
Guatemala IxcanulPilar Peredo
Argentina The ClanEl ClanSebastián Orgambide
Portugal Arabian Nights: Volume 2, The Desolate OneAs Mil e Uma Noites: Volume 2, O DesoladoBruno Duarte & Artur Pinheiro
Spain The BrideLa noviaJesús Bosqued Maté & Pilar Quintana
Spain A Monster CallsUn monstruo viene a verme Eugenio Caballero
Argentina Incident LightLa luz incidenteAilí Chen
Spain The Queen of SpainLa reina de EspañaJuan Pedro de Gaspar
Portugal Letters from WarCartas da GuerraNuno Mello
Spain The Death of Louis XIVLa muerte de Luis XIVSebastián Vogler
Argentina ZamaRenata Pinheiro
Chile A Fantastic WomanUna mujer fantásticaEstefanía Larraín
Spain GiantHandiaMikel Serrano
Spain Summer 1993Estiu 1993Mónica Bernuy
Argentina The SummitLa cordilleraSebastián Orgambide & Micaela Saeigh
Colombia Birds of PassagePájaros de VeranoAngélica Perea
Mexico RomaEugenio Caballero
Spain The Man Who Killed Don QuixoteEl hombre que mató a Don QuijoteBenjamín Fernández
Brazil The Great Mystical CircusO Grande Circo Místico Artur Pinheiro


Year English title Original title Recipient
Spain While at WarMientras dure la guerraJuan Pedro de Gaspar
Cuba InsumisasAlexis Álvarez
Spain The Endless TrenchLa trinchera infinitaPepe Domínguez
Mexico The Good GirlsLas niñas bienClaudio Ramírez Castelli
Colombia Forgotten We'll BeEl olvido que seremosDiego López
Spain CovenAkelarreMikel Serrano
Spain SchoolgirlsLas niñasMónica Bernuy
Guatemala La LloronaSebastián Muñoz
Spain Parallel MothersMadres paralelasAntxón Gómez
Colombia MemoriaAngélica Perea
Spain The Good BossEl buen patrónCésar Macarrón
Mexico Devil Between the LegsEl diablo entre las piernasSandra Flores & Alejandro García
Argentina Argentina, 1985Micaela Saiegh
Mexico Bardo, False Chronicle of a Handful of TruthsBardo, falsa crónica de unas cuantas verdadesEugenio Caballero
Chile 1976Francisca Correa
Spain Prison 77Modelo 77Pepe Domínguez del Olmo

See also


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