Pekka Siitoin
Timo Pekka Olavi Siitoin (May 20, 1944 in Varkaus, Finland – December 8, 2003 in Vehmaa, Finland) was a Finnish occultist and neo-Nazi.

He was born in Varkaus, Finland. According to Siitoin, he was born to a German military officer and Finnish-Russian woman, but he was adopted after his birth.[1] In his youth he studied at the Theatre Academy of Finland and was a disciple of Finland's best known clairvoyant, Aino Kassinen. In the 1970s he became a neo-Nazi and founded several organizations. He saw himself as the leader of the Finnish Nazi movement but got at most a few dozen supporters. Siitoin also wrote books and pamphlets about politics and occultism.
In 1977 Siitoin was convicted of inciting the arson of the printing house Kursiivi which printed the Communist newspaper Tiedonantaja and founding an organization forbidden in the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty.[2] He was sentenced to five years and seven months in prison. Siitoin had earlier been fined, while convicted of cruelty to animals and vandalism against the Turku Synagogue. On November 4, 1977, the Finnish Ministry of the Interior closed down four of the organizations he had founded, as neo-Fascist and forbidden by the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty.
In 1996, Siitoin ran for the city council of his town of Naantali and came within few votes of being elected, being the sixth most popular candidate.[3][4] Siitoin died of cancer in Vehmaa, Finland.[5] He was buried in Hakapelto Cemetery in Naantali.[6]
A documentary film called Sieg Heil Suomi has been made about the Neo-Nazi activities led by Siitoin and Väinö Kuisma.
- Mäkilä, Ville (1 September 2018). "Suomessa on lakkautettu järjestöjä viimeksi 1970-luvulla – muistatko vielä surullisen kuuluisan Naantalin uusnatsin?". Turkulainen (in Finnish). Retrieved 23 February 2021.
- "Pekka Siitoin Was the New Face of Neo-Fascism in Finland [in Finnish]". Finnish Broadcasting Company. 4 May 2015. Archived from the original on 6 May 2015. Retrieved 24 July 2017.
- Turun Sanomat 26.7.1996.
- Uusnatsi vei pommin kirjapainoon ja sytytti talon palamaan Lauttasaaressa 1977 – Taustalta paljastui äärioikeistolainen saatananpalvoja, joka oli aikansa omituisimpia hahmoja, Helsingin Sanomat
- "The Leader of Finnish Neo-Nazis Pekka Siitoin Dead [in Finnish]". Ilta-Sanomat. 13 December 2003. Archived from the original on 24 July 2017. Retrieved 24 July 2017.
- VLS - Eri syistä tunnettuja henkilöitä
- Musta Magia I, Turun hengentieteellinen seura, 1974 (Black Magic I) ISBN 951-99046-7-0
- Musta Magia II, Turun hengentieteellinen seura, 1975 (Black Magic II) ISBN 951-9360-00-X
- Työväenluokan tulevaisuus, Turun hengentieteellinen seura, 1975 (Future of the Working Class) ISBN 951-95271-3-3
- Paholaisen Katekismus, Kansallis-mytologinen yhdistys, 1977 (Devil's Catechism) ISBN 951-9360-17-4
- Laillinen laittomuus Suomessa, Kansallis-mytologinen yhdistys, 1979 (Legal Illegality in Finland) ISBN 951-9360-23-9
- Rotu-oppi, Kansallis-mytologinen yhdistys, 1983 (The Race Doctrine) ISBN 951-9360-28-X
- Demokratia vaiko Fasismi?, Kansallis-mytologinen yhdistys, 1984 (Democracy or Fascism) ISBN 951-9360-03-4
Source: Iiro Nordling; Long Shadow of Finland's Fuehrer: Life and legacy of the notorious Finnish occult neo-Nazi Pekka Siitoin. Amazon 2021. ISBN 979-8546175634
External links

English ebook on the subject: Pekka Siitoin; Cold War product, Satanist Neo-Nazi Fuehrer of Finland