Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana

The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana (Estonian: Maarjamaa Risti teenetemärk, also the Order of the Cross of St. Mary's Land) was instituted by the President of Estonia, Lennart Meri, on 16 May 1995 to honour the independence of the Estonian state.[1] (The Latin name Terra Mariana, meaning the "Land of Mary", is a poetic synonym for Estonia, and designated the area which includes what is now Estonia in medieval times.)

Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana
The Collar of the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana
Typesix class order
Awarded forTo honour the independence of the Estonian state. The President of the Republic bestows the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana to foreigners who have rendered special services to the Republic of Estonia.
Presented byPresident of Estonia
Established16 May 1995

1st Class

2nd Class

3rd Class

4th Class

5th Class
Ribbon bars of the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana
Next (higher)Order of the National Coat of Arms
Next (lower)Order of the White Star

The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana is bestowed upon the President of the Republic. Presidents of the Republic who have ceased to hold office keep the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana. The Collar of the Order was used de facto as the badge of office of the President of the Republic, since Soviet authorities took the original presidential collar, that of the Order of the National Coat of Arms, out of Estonia after the Soviet occupation of Estonia in 1940; it remains as of 2023 in the Kremlin in Moscow. A new collar of that order was made in 2008.[2]

The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana is also given as a decoration of the highest class to foreigners who have rendered special services to the Republic of Estonia. As such it is the highest and most distinguished order granted by Estonia to non-Estonian citizens.


The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana comprises six classes:

  • One special class – The Collar of the Cross of Terra Mariana;
  • Five basic classes – 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th class.

The crosses and shields of all the classes of the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana have the same design and are of the same size.

The blue colour tone of the moiré ribands belonging to the decorations of all the classes of the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana is determined according to the international PANTONE colour-table as 300 C.

Notable recipients

Recipients of the Collar

The recipients are :[3]

Estonia Estonian presidents

Foreign heads of state

CountryRecipientDate of
Decision :
number & date
Awarded by President Lennart Meri ( 6 October 1992 – 8 October 2001 ) [4]
 FinlandPres. Martti Ahtisaari 16.05.19951547
 SwedenKing Carl XVI Gustaf 11.09.199511608
 MexicoPres. Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León 27.10.199522624
 DenmarkQueen Margrethe II 28.11.199523640
 Czech RepublicPres. Václav Havel 24.02.199737725 (30.05.1996)
 LatviaPres. Guntis Ulmanis 23.10.1996396
 HungaryPres. Árpád Göncz 13.05.199749134
 SloveniaPres. Milan Kučan 16.05.199750134
 ItalyPres. Oscar Luigi Scalfaro[5] 22.05.199751144
 TurkeyPres. Süleyman Demirel 20.05.199752144
 LithuaniaPres. Algirdas Brazauskas 20.08.199755177
 PolandPres. Aleksander Kwaśniewski 28.04.199872320
 IcelandPres. Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson 08.06.199873351
 NorwayKing Harald V 31.08.199875397
 GreecePres. Konstantinos Stephanopoulos 24.05.199999586
 LithuaniaPres. Valdas Adamkus 24.09.1999102632
 LatviaPres. Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga 02.05.2000121780
 FinlandPres. Tarja Halonen 16.05.2000123788
 GermanyPres. Johannes Rau 07.11.2000131914
 HungaryPresident Ferenc Mádl 12.12.2000177944
 MaltaPresident Guido de Marco 02.05.20012331049
 IrelandPresident Mary McAleese 24.05.20012411057
 FrancePresident Jacques Chirac 23.07.20012431124
Awarded by President Arnold Rüütel ( 8 October 2001 – 9 October 2006 )
 TurkeyPresident Ahmet Necdet Sezer 18.04.2002377141
 LuxembourgHenri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg 05.05.2003416332
 PortugalPresident Jorge Sampaio 12.05.2003417408 ( 08.05.2003 )
 BulgariaPresident Georgi Parvanov 11.06.2003435414
 RomaniaPresident Ion Iliescu 23.10.2003446451 [6]
 CyprusPresident Tassos Papadopoulos 08.01.2004449451
 ItalyPresident Carlo Azeglio Ciampi 20.04.2004498581
 SlovakiaPresident Ivan Gašparovič 12.10.2005599896
 HungaryPresident László Sólyom 27.03.2006688994
Awarded by President Toomas Hendrik Ilves ( 9 October 2006 – 10 October 2016 )
 United KingdomQueen Elizabeth II 19.10.20066932
 GeorgiaPresident Mikheil Saakashvili 07.05.2007739148
 JapanEmperor Akihito 24.05.2007740150
 SpainKing Juan Carlos I 09.07.2007741168
 PortugalPresident Aníbal Cavaco Silva 24.09.2008783269
 NetherlandsQueen (now Princess) Beatrix 14.05.2008824280
 BelgiumKing Albert II 10.06.2008837290
 LatviaPresident Valdis Zatlers 07.04.2009872460
 RomaniaPresident Traian Băsescu 12.04.2011968881
 KazakhstanPresident Nursultan Nazarbayev 20.04.2011970885
 MaltaPresident George Abela 31.05.201298898
 LatviaPresident Andris Bērziņš 05.06.2012100199
 LithuaniaPresident Dalia Grybauskaitė 27.05.20131045266
 GermanyPresident Joachim Gauck 03.07.20131087305
 FinlandPresident Sauli Niinistö 09.05.20141150429
 SlovakiaPresident Andrej Kiska 19.10.20151233682
Awarded by President Kersti Kaljulaid ( 10 October 2016 – 11 October 2021)
 NetherlandsKing Willem-Alexander 12.06.20181283265
 ItalyPresident Sergio Mattarella 04.07.20181298294
 LatviaPresident Raimonds Vējonis 10.04.20191324440
 PortugalPresident Marcelo Nuno Duarte Rebelo de Sousa 15.04.20191339442
 SloveniaPresident Borut Pahor 02.09.20191344473
 AustriaPresident Alexander Van der Bellen 21.05.20211368744
 RomaniaPresident Klaus Iohannis 15.06.20211370755
Awarded by President Alar Karis ( 11 October 2021- )
 LatviaPresident Egils Levits 19.04.20231400300

Recipients of the First Class

The recipients are :[7]

Former foreign heads of state and government

These decorations are awarded for targeted reasons :

CountryRecipientDate of
Decision :
number & date
Awarded by President Lennart Meri (6 October 1992 – 8 October 2001)
 United StatesFormer President Gerald Rudolph Ford 07.01.199729683 (16.02.1996 )
 SwedenCarl Bildt, politician, Former Prime Minister (1991–94) 25.07.199636725 (30.05.1996)
 GermanyFormer President Roman Herzog (1994–99) 20.03.2001104730 (08.02.2000)
Awarded by President Arnold Rüütel (8 October 2001 – 9 October 2006)
 FinlandMauno Henrik Koivisto, former president (1982–1994) 20.11.200127130 ( 16.11.2001)
 FinlandEsko Tapani Aho, Former Prime Minister, for supporting quest of independence 23.02.2003381332 (03.02.2003)
 IrelandGarret FitzGerald, former Prime Minister 22.05.2003383332 (03.02.2003)
 DenmarkPoul Holmskov Schlüter, Former Prime Minister (1982-1993), for supporting quest of independence 24.02.2003387332 (03.02.2003)
 United StatesGeorge Herbert Walker Bush, for supporting quest to independence 15.09.2005524775 (02.02.2005)
 GermanyRichard von Weizsäcker, former president (1984–94), for supporting quest to independence 09.06.2005529775 (02.02.2005)
 United StatesBill Clinton, former president (1993–2001), for supporting adhesion to NATO  ?634976 (06.02.2006 )
 GermanyHelmut Kohl, Former Chancellor (1982–98), for supporting quest to independence 03.04.2006635976 (06.02.2006)
 PolandLech Wałęsa, former president (1990–95), for supporting quest to independence 23.02.2006636976 (06.02.2006)
Awarded by President Toomas Hendrik Ilves ( 9 October 2006 – 10 October 2016 )
 United StatesGeorge Walker Bush, former President  ?97348 (01.02.2012)
Awarded by President Kersti Kaljulaid ( 10 October 2016 – 11 October 2021 )

Consorts of foreign heads of state and royalties

CountryRecipientDate of
Decision :
number & date
Awarded by President Lennart Meri ( 6 October 1992 – 8 October 2001 )
 FinlandEeva Ahtisaari, née Hyvärinen, President Martti Ahtisaari's wife 16.05.19952547 ( 16.05.1995 )
 SwedenQueen Silvia of Sweden 11.09.199512608 ( 08.09.1995 )
 SwedenVictoria, Crown Princess of Sweden 11.09.199513608 ( 08.09.1995 )
 SwedenPrince Bertil, Duke of Halland 11.09.199514608 ( 08.09.1995 )
 SwedenPrincess Lilian, Duchess of Halland 11.09.199515608 ( 08.09.1995 )
 DenmarkHenrik, Prince Consort of Denmark 28.11.199525640 ( 20.11.1995 )
 DenmarkFrederick, Crown Prince of Denmark 28.11.199524640 ( 20.11.1995 )
 NorwayQueen Sonja of Norway 31.08.199876397 ( 24.08.1998 )
 LatviaImants Freibergs, President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga's husband 02.05.2000122780 ( 27.04.2000 )
 FinlandPentti Arajärvi, President Tarja Halonen's husband 16.05.2000124788 ( 04.05.2000 )
 GermanyChristina Rau, President Johannes Rau's wife 07.11.2000132914 ( 02.11.2000 )
 HungaryDalma Mádl, President Ferenc Mádl's wife 12.12.2000178944 ( 01.12.2000 )
 MaltaViolet de Marco, President Guido de Marco's wife 02.05.20012341049 ( 24.04.2001 )
 IrelandMartin McAleese, President Mary McAleese's husband 24.05.20012421057 ( 15.05.2001 )
Awarded by President Arnold Rüütel (8 October 2001 – 9 October 2006)
 FinlandTaimi Tellervo Koivisto, President Mauno Henrik Koivisto's wife 20.11.200127230 ( 16.11.2001 )
 PolandJolanta Kwaśniewska, President Aleksander Kwaśniewski's wife : 18.03.2002337121 ( 13.03.2002 )
 NorwayHaakon, Crown Prince of Norway 10.04.2002356137 ( 02.04.2002 )
 NorwayMette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway 10.04.2002357137 ( 02.04.2002 )
 PortugalMaria José Rodrigues Ritta, President Jorge Sampaio's wife : 12.05.2003418408 ( 08.05.2003 )
 BulgariaZorka Petrova Parvanova, President Georgi Parvanov's wife : 11.06.2003436414 ( 30.05.2003 )
Awarded by President Toomas Hendrik Ilves (9 October 2006 – 10 October 2016)
 SpainSofia of Spain 09.07.2007742168 ( 05.07.2007 )
 SpainFelipe, Prince of Asturias 09.07.2007743168 ( 05.07.2007 )
 SpainLetizia, Princess of Asturias 09.07.2007744168 ( 05.07.2007 )
 BelgiumQueen Paola of Belgium 10.06.2008838290 ( 05.06.2008 )
 LatviaLilita Zatlere, President Valdis Zatlers's wife : 07.04.2009873460 ( 02.04.2009 )
 SwedenPrince Daniel, Duke of Västergötland 18.01.2011906807 ( 12.01.2011 )
 SwedenPrince Carl Philip, Duke of Värmland 18.01.2011907807 ( 12.01.2011 )
 RomaniaMaria Băsescu, President Traian Băsescu's wife 12.04.2011969881 ( 06.04.2011 )
 MaltaMargaret Abela, President George Abela's wife 31.05.201298998 ( 29.05.2012 )
 LatviaDace Seisuma, President Andris Bērziņš's wife 05.06.2012100299 ( 31.05.2012 )
 GermanyDaniela Schadt, President Joachim Gauck's partner 09.07.20131088305 ( 03.07.2013 )
Awarded by President Kersti Kaljulaid ( 10 October 2016 – 11 October 2021 )

High Personalities

CountryRecipientDate of
Decision :
number & date
Awarded by President Lennart Meri ( 6 October 1992 – 8 October 2001 )
 European UnionOtto von Habsburg, Member of European Parliament 11.10.199630683 ( 16.02.1996 )
 European UnionMr Jacques Delors, former chairman of the European Commission 23.03.199978495 ( 02.02.1999 )
 TurkeyBartholomew I Archbishop and Patriarch of Constantinople-New Rome 27.10.2000130444 ( 09.10.2000 )
Awarded by President Arnold Rüütel (8 October 2001 – 9 October 2006)
 RussiaAlexy II of Moscow, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia 29.09.2003439444 ( 18.09.2003 )
 SpainJuan Antonio Samaranch 29.11.2003448464 ( 20.11.2003 )
 European UnionJohn Kjær, Head of the Delegation of the European Union (2000–04) 23.11.2004523717 ( 12.11.2004 )
 European UnionPatrick Cox, Former President of European Parliament, for supporting adhesion to European Union 03.11.2006526775 ( 02.02.2005 )
 European UnionChristopher Patten, Former Member of the European Commission, for supporting adhesion to European Union 27.10.2005527775 ( 02.02.2005 )
 European UnionGünter Verheugen, Former Member of the European Commission, for supporting adhesion to European Union 02.05.2005528775 ( 02.02.2005 )
Awarded by President Toomas Hendrik Ilves ( 9 October 2006 – 10 October 2016 )
 European UnionJosé Manuel Durão Barroso, President of the European Commission 23.02.2009855423 ( 04.02.2009 )
 NATOJakob Gijsbert de Hoop Scheffer 09.07.2009886520 ( 06.07.2009 )
 European UnionHans-Gert Pöttering ( Germany), President of the European Parliament 23.02.20131036224 ( 06.02.2013 )
 United StatesVinton Gray Cerf, Computer scientist 28.04.20141103368 ( 05.02.2014 )
Awarded by President Kersti Kaljulaid ( 10 October 2016 – 11 October 2021)

Recipients of the Fourth Class

Recipients of the Fifth Class

See also

  • Category:Recipients of the Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana


  1. The Order of the Cross of Terra Mariana. President of the Republic of Estonia, Estonian State Decorations. Retrieved 2011-01-22
  2. "President.ee". www.president.ee. Archived from the original on 25 March 2022. Retrieved 22 May 2022.
  3. "Bearers of decorations: Maarjamaa Risti ketiklassi teenetemärk". president.ee. Retrieved 2 October 2013.
  4. "Bearers of decorations: Maarjamaa Risti ketiklassi teenetemärk". president.ee. Retrieved 2 October 2013.
  5. "Bearers of decorations: Maarjamaa Risti ketiklassi teenetemärk". president.ee. Retrieved 2 October 2013.
  6. "Bearers of decorations: Maarjamaa Risti ketiklassi teenetemärk". president.ee. Retrieved 2 October 2013.
  7. Estonian Presidency, Recipients First Class (Maarjamaa Risti I klassi teenetemärk). Retrieved 03 October 2013
  8. Listing for Robert Fripp (2008)
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