Members of the Queensland Legislative Assembly, 1956–1957

This is a list of members of the 34th Legislative Assembly of Queensland from 19 May 1956 to 3 August 1957, as elected at the 1956 state election held on 19 May 1956.[1]

The term was cut short by a split within the governing Labor Party—the Premier, Vince Gair, and all but one of his ministers were expelled from the Party on 24 April 1957. He and 25 members of Parliament formed the Queensland Labor Party on 26 April, whilst the remaining Labor members became the main Opposition party and elected Jack Duggan as leader. Gair continued as Premier but could not obtain supply from the Parliament, so an election was called.

Name Party Electorate Term in office
Bunny AdairALP/QLPCook1953–1969
Tom AikensNQLPMundingburra1944–1977
Bill BaxterLaborNorman1953–1966
Joh Bjelke-PetersenCountryBarambah1947–1987
Mick BrosnanALP/QLPFortitude Valley1950–1957
Dick BrownLaborBuranda1947–1957
Jim BurrowsLaborPort Curtis1947–1963
Peter ByrneLaborMourilyan1950–1969
Gordon ChalkLiberalLockyer1947–1976
Jim ClarkLaborFitzroy1935–1960
Arthur CoburnIndependentBurdekin1950–1969
Hon Harold CollinsALP/QLPTablelands1935–1957
Viv CooperALP/QLPKeppel1952–1957
Horace DaviesLaborMaryborough1953–1971
Ned DavisLaborBarcoo1943–1961
Hon George Devries[2]ALP/QLPGregory1941–1957
Alex DewarLiberalChermside1950–1969
Hon Les DiplockALP/QLPCondamine1953–1972
Felix DittmerLaborMount Gravatt1950–1957
Alfred DohringALP/QLPRoma1953–1957
Jim DonaldLaborBremer1946–1969
John DufficyLaborWarrego1951–1969
Hon Jack DugganLaborToowoomba1935–1957, 1958–1969
Leonard Eastment[1]LaborIthaca1952–1956
Charles EnglishALP/QLPMulgrave1953–1957
Ernie EvansCountryMirani1947–1965
Alan FletcherCountryCunningham1953–1974
Hon Tom FoleyALP/Independent/QLPBelyando1919–1960
Hon Frank FordeLaborFlinders1917–1922, 1955–1957
Hon Vince GairALP/QLPSouth Brisbane1932–1960
Mick GardnerALP/Independent/QLPRockhampton1956–1960
Bob GardnerALP/QLPBulimba1950–1957
Eric GavenCountrySouthport1950–1966
Fred GrahamLaborMackay1943–1969
Bill GunnLaborWynnum1944–1966
Jim HadleyALP/QLPNundah1956–1957
Pat Hanlon[1]LaborIthaca1956–1974
James HeadingCountryMarodian1947–1960
John HerbertLiberalSherwood1956–1978
Nev HewittCountryMackenzie1956–1980
Thomas HileyLiberalCoorparoo1944–1966
Hon Paul HiltonALP/QLPCarnarvon1935–1963
Cecil JessonLaborHinchinbrook1935–1960
Hon Arthur JonesALP/QLPCharters Towers1929–1932, 1939–1960
Vince JonesCountryCallide1950–1971
Greg KehoeALP/QLPNash1953–1957
George KeyattaLaborTownsville1939–1960
Eric LloydLaborKedron1951–1972
David LowCountryCooroora1947–1974
Hon Colin McCathieALP/QLPHaughton1950–1960
Otto MadsenCountryWarwick1947–1963
Hon Johnno MannLaborBrisbane1936–1969
Ivor MarsdenLaborIpswich1949–1966
Hon Bill MooreALP/QLPMerthyr1940–1957
Hon Tom MooresALP/QLPKurilpa1949–1957
Kenneth MorrisLiberalMount Coot-tha1944–1963
Alf MullerCountryFassifern1935–1969
Alan MunroLiberalToowong1950–1966
David NicholsonCountryMurrumba1950–1972
Frank NicklinCountryLandsborough1932–1968
Dr Winston NobleLiberalYeronga1950–1964
Jack PizzeyCountryIsis1950–1968
Tom PlunkettCountryDarlington1929–1957
Hon Bill PowerALP/QLPBaroona1935–1960
Tom RaseyALP/QLPWindsor1950–1957
Lloyd RobertsCountryWhitsunday1950–1961
Herbert RobinsonALP/QLPSandgate1953–1957
Alexander SkinnerALP/QLPSomerset1953–1957
Norm SmithALP/QLPCarpentaria1941–1960
Jim SparkesCountryAubigny1932–1935, 1941–1960
Harold TaylorLiberalClayfield1947–1963
John TaylorLaborBalonne1944–1957
Bert TurnerLaborKelvin Grove1941–1957
Watty WallaceLaborCairns1956–1964
Hon Ted WalshALP/QLPBundaberg1935–1947, 1950–1969
Les WoodLaborNorth Toowoomba1946–1947, 1950–1958
1 On 29 July 1956, the Labor member for Ithaca, Leonard Eastment, died. Labor candidate Pat Hanlon won the resulting by-election on 8 December 1956.
2 On 13 July 1957, three weeks before the 1957 state election, George Devries, the QLP (formerly ALP) member for Gregory, died. The election was therefore postponed in Gregory, and Country candidate Wally Rae won a special by-election called for 5 October 1957.

See also


  • Waterson, D.B. Biographical register of the Queensland Parliament, 1930-1980 Canberra: ANU Press (1982)
  • Hughes, Colin A.; Graham, B. D. (1976). Voting for the Queensland Legislative Assembly, 1890-1964. Canberra: Australian National University. ISBN 0-7081-0301-4.
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