Meanings of minor planet names: 29001–30000
As minor planet discoveries are confirmed, they are given a permanent number by the IAU's Minor Planet Center (MPC), and the discoverers can then submit names for them, following the IAU's naming conventions. The list below concerns those minor planets in the specified number-range that have received names, and explains the meanings of those names.
Official naming citations of newly named small Solar System bodies are approved and published in a bulletin by IAU's Working Group for Small Bodies Nomenclature (WGSBN).[1] Before May 2021, citations were published in MPC's Minor Planet Circulars for many decades.[2] Recent citations can also be found on the JPL Small-Body Database (SBDB).[3] Until his death in 2016, German astronomer Lutz D. Schmadel compiled these citations into the Dictionary of Minor Planet Names (DMP) and regularly updated the collection.[4][5]
Based on Paul Herget's The Names of the Minor Planets,[6] Schmadel also researched the unclear origin of numerous asteroids, most of which had been named prior to World War II. This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain: SBDB New namings may only be added to this list below after official publication as the preannouncement of names is condemned.[7] The WGSBN publishes a comprehensive guideline for the naming rules of non-cometary small Solar System bodies.[8]
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
29053 Muskau | 4466 T-2 | Park von Muskau, astride the Neisse River between Poland and Germany | JPL · 29053 |
29080 Astrocourier | 1978 RK | The Eurasian Astronomical Society (EAAS), which was founded in 1990. It comprises professional astronomers from the former Soviet republics, Europe, Israel and the United States. | JPL · 29080 |
29081 Krymradio | 1978 SC5 | The "Crimean radio", on the occasion of the 80th anniversary. It broadcasts in seven languages. The naming also honors its tireless employees, high-quality experts, winners of international prizes and competitions of journalistic skill | JPL · 29081 |
29085 Sethanne | 1979 SD | Sethanne Howard (born 1944), American astronomer, chief of the U.S. Nautical Almanac Office 2000–2003 [9] | JPL · 29085 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
29122 Vasadze | 1982 YR1 | Tariel Vasadze (born 1947), Ukrainian automotive inventor | JPL · 29122 |
29125 Kyivphysfak | 1984 YL1 | "Kyiv physics faculty" of the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University | JPL · 29125 |
29132 Bradpitt | 1987 BP1 | Brad Pitt (born 1963), American actor | JPL · 29132 |
29133 Vargas | 1987 KH5 | Norman ("Norm") L. Vargas (born 1972), American amateur astronomer who assisted in organizing the photographic glass plate archive of the 1.2-m Schmidt Oschin Telescope at Palomar Observatory | JPL · 29133 |
29137 Alanboss | 1987 UY1 | Alan Boss, American astrophysicist | JPL · 29137 |
29146 McHone | 1988 FN | John F. McHone (born 1944), American geologist, oceanographer and planetary scientist | JPL · 29146 |
29148 Palzer | 1988 JE | Wolfgang Palzer, German astronomer | JPL · 29148 |
29157 Higashinihon | 1989 ET1 | "Higashi Nihon" (East Japan) was struck by one of the most destructive earthquakes in history on 2011 Mar. 11. The whole nation has risen to the task of reconstruction with the spirit of "Ganbarou" ("do your best and don't give up"). | JPL · 29157 |
29160 São Paulo | 1989 SP1 | São Paulo is a city located in south-eastern Brazil. It was founded as a small village in 1554 by Jesuits, and became the capital of the province in 1681. Prior to arrival of the Portuguese, the area was occupied by the Tupi people. | IAU · 29160 |
29185 Reich | 1990 TG8 | Ludwig Reich (born 1940), Austrian professor of mathematics at the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (University of Graz), editor of several international mathematical journals, and a member of the Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Austrian Academy of Sciences) | JPL · 29185 |
29186 Lake Tekapo | 1990 UD2 | Lake Tekapo, located near the Southern Alps on New Zealand's South Island, is known for its breath-taking scenery. It is home to Canterbury University's Mt John Observatory and is a major centre for astro-tourism | JPL · 29186 |
29187 Lemonnier | 1990 US3 | Charles-Pierre Lemonnier (1675–1757), French astronomer | JPL · 29187 |
29189 Udinsk | 1990 UY3 | Udinsk (Ulan-Ude), capital of the Buryat Republic of Siberia | JPL · 29189 |
29193 Dolphyn | 1990 WD1 | Willem Dolphyn (1935–2016), a Flemish painter and illustrator, and the son of realistic painter and portrait artist Victor Dolphyn † | JPL · 29193 |
29196 Dius | 1990 YY | Dius was the brother of Hektor and Paris, sons of Priamus, the king of Troy during the Trojan War. | JPL · 29196 |
29197 Gleim | 1991 AQ2 | Johann Wilhelm Ludwig Gleim (1719–1803), German poet, nicknamed "Father Gleim" for his patronage | JPL · 29197 |
29198 Weathers | 1991 DW | Del Weathers (1951–2003), American engineering and design team leader for Space Station Freedom | JPL · 29198 |
29199 Himeji | 1991 FZ | Himeji Castle is the symbol of the city and both Japan's national treasure and a World Heritage site. It was also the hometown of Hideo Hirose, former director of Tokyo Astronomical Observatory | JPL · 29199 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
29203 Schnitger | 1991 GS10 | Arp Schnitger (1648–1719), German organ builder | JPL · 29203 |
29204 Ladegast | 1991 GB11 | Friedrich Ladegast (1818–1905), German organ builder | JPL · 29204 |
29208 Halorentz | 1991 RT2 | Hendrik Lorentz (1853–1928), Dutch physicist and Nobelist | JPL · 29208 |
29210 Robertbrown | 1991 RB12 | Robert Brown (1773–1858) was a Scottish botanist who made important contributions to botany largely through his pioneering use of the microscope. In 1827, while examining grains of pollen from the plant Clarka Pulchella in water under a microscope, he discovered Brownian motion. | JPL · 29210 |
29212 Zeeman | 1991 RA41 | Pieter Zeeman (1865–1943), Dutch physicist and Nobelist ‡ | JPL · 29212 |
29214 Apitzsch | 1991 TL6 | Rolf Apitzsch (born 1943) is a German amateur astronomer and discoverer of minor planets at his Wildberg observatory. | JPL · 29214 |
29220 Xavierbaptista | 1992 BC2 | Francisco Xavier Baptista (1730–1797) was a Portuguese composer from Lisbon where he was the first organist at the Cathedral of St. Mary. He wrote many harpsichord sonatas, toccatas and minuets that can also be played easily on the organ. | JPL · 29220 |
29227 Wegener | 1992 DY13 | Alfred Wegener (1880–1930), German geophysicist, and creator of the theory of continental drift | JPL · 29227 |
29244 Van Damme | 1992 OV1 | Jozef Van Damme (1912–), Dutch teacher and literary historian | JPL · 29244 |
29246 Clausius | 1992 RV | Rudolf Clausius (1822–1888), German physicist and mathematician | JPL · 29246 |
29249 Hiraizumi | 1992 SN12 | Hiraizumi, a Japanese town in Iwate prefecture, which reached the height of its prosperity during the twelfth century as the home of the Fujiwara family in Oshu province. The Golden Hall (Konjikido) of Chusonji and the ruins of Motsuji temple are reminiscent of its glory | JPL · 29249 |
29250 Helmutmoritz | 1992 SO17 | Helmut Moritz (born 1933) is the most prominent Austrian professor of physical geodesy, a member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and of many other international academies and societies. Moritz published more than 200 important papers and books on the gravitational field and the rotation of the earth | JPL · 29250 |
29252 Konjikido | 1993 BY2 | Konjikido, the Golden Hall of Chusonji Temple in Iwate prefecture, was built in 1124 by Fujiwara Kiyohira. It is typical Heian period Amida hall architecture and covered with gold throughout. The coffins of the three successive heads of the Northern Fujiwara family who ruled the region are stored under the altars | JPL · 29252 |
29292 Conniewalker | 1993 KZ1 | Connie Walker (born 1957), American astronomer | JPL · 29292 |
29298 Cruls | 1993 SA14 | Luis Cruls (1848–1908), a Belgian-born Brazilian astronomer and geodesist. | JPL · 29298 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
29307 Torbernbergman | 1993 TB39 | Swedish chemist and mineralogist Torbern Olof Bergman (1735–1784) developed a mineral classification scheme based on chemical characteristics and appearance. His Dissertation on Elective Attractions (1775) contains the largest chemical affinity table ever published | JPL · 29307 |
29311 Lesire | 1994 BQ3 | Though suffering severely from hardness of hearing from an early age and moving from one school to another, Louise Lesire (born 1990) managed by extreme perseverance and help from her parents and teachers to finish high school successfully. She plans now to proceed with kinesitherapy in Ghent | JPL · 29311 |
29314 Eurydamas | 1994 CR18 | Eurydamas, a Trojan priest and an interpreter of dreams | JPL · 29314 |
29328 Hanshintigers | 1994 TU14 | Hanshin Tigers, Japanese baseball club | JPL · 29328 |
29329 Knobelsdorff | 1994 TN16 | Georg Wenzeslaus von Knobelsdorff, German painter and architect | JPL · 29329 |
29337 Hakurojo | 1995 AE1 | Himeji Castle, in Hyogo prefecture, is Japan's National Treasure, also known as Hakurojo or White Heron Castle, because of its beauty and likeness to a white heron. This symbol of Himeji City was registered as a World Cultural Heritage site, the first in Japan, in Dec. 1993 | JPL · 29337 |
29345 Ivandanilov | 1995 DS1 | Ivan Vasil'evich Danilov (1952–1998), Russian bell-ringer | JPL · 29345 |
29346 Mariadina | 1995 DB13 | Maria Dina Mannozzi, Italian midwife in Montelupo | JPL · 29346 |
29347 Natta | 1995 EU | Giulio Natta (1903–1979), an Italian academic chemist and winner of the Nobel prize for chemistry in 1963. | JPL · 29347 |
29348 Criswick | 1995 FD | John Criswick (born 1963), Canadian astronomy benefactor † | MPC · 29348 |
29353 Manu | 1995 OG | Manuela Vedovelli (born 1969), an Italian astronomer and friend of Andrea Boattini who co-discovered this minor planet. | MPC · 29353 |
29355 Siratakayama | 1995 QX3 | Siratakayama volcano, Yamagata prefecture, Japan | JPL · 29355 |
29356 Giovarduino | 1995 SY29 | Giovanni Arduino (1714–1795) was an Italian geologist, often described as the "Father of Italian Geology". | JPL · 29356 |
29361 Botticelli | 1996 CY | Sandro Botticelli (1445–1510), Italian painter | JPL · 29361 |
29362 Azumakofuzi | 1996 CY2 | Azumakofuzi, a 1707-meter mountain located in the Bandai-Asahi National Park, in the eastern part of the Azuma mountain range. | JPL · 29362 |
29363 Ghigabartolini | 1996 CW8 | Ludovica "Ghiga" Bartolini (born 2016) is the granddaughter of Italian amateur astronomer Maura Tombelli, who co-discovered this minor planet. | IAU · 29363 |
29373 Hamanowa | 1996 GP2 | Hiromi Hamanowa (born 1953), a Japanese amateur astronomer | JPL · 29373 |
29374 Kazumitsu | 1996 GZ2 | Kazumitsu Date (1927–1953) became a science teacher of a junior high school in 1948, and taught astronomy not only to his pupils but also to other teachers. In 1951 he went on to Tokyo University with the hopes of becoming a professional astronomer. | JPL · 29374 |
29391 Knight | 1996 MB | Kent Knight (1920–1994) was a founding member and former president of the Fort Bend Astronomy Club in Texas. | MPC · 29391 |
29394 Hirokohamanowa | 1996 NR5 | Hiroko Hamanowa (born 1960), a Japanese amateur astronomer. | JPL · 29394 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
29401 Asterix | 1996 TE | Astérix is a famous comic strip character by French artists Albert Uderzo and René Goscinny. | MPC · 29401 |
29402 Obelix | 1996 TT9 | Obélix is a famous comic strip character by French artists Albert Uderzo and René Goscinny. | MPC · 29402 |
29404 Hikarusato | 1996 TS14 | Hikaru Sato (born 1951) is a Japanese amateur astronomer, observer of minor-planet occultations, and secretary general of the Fukushima Astronomical Society. | JPL · 29404 |
29419 Mládková | 1997 AD18 | Meda Mládková (born 1919), a Czech art historian and benefactor. | JPL · 29419 |
29420 Ikuo | 1997 AT18 | Ikuo Sato, the discoverer's brother | JPL · 29420 |
29427 Oswaldthomas | 1997 EJ11 | Oswald Thomas (1882–1963) was an Austrian astronomer and popularizer of astronomy, who founded the Astronomical Bureau and Astronomical Society in Vienna | MPC · 29427 |
29428 Ettoremajorana | 1997 FM1 | Ettore Majorana, Italian theoretical physicist. | JPL · 29428 |
29430 Mimiyen | 1997 GG22 | Mimi Yen (born 1994) is a finalist in the 2012 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high-school seniors, for her animal-sciences project. | JPL · 29430 |
29431 Shijimi | 1997 GA26 | Shijimi is a popular clam in Japan. The name was proposed by children who attended the Fureai Space Festival 2002, held in Matsue on Space Day in Japan. | JPL · 29431 |
29432 Williamscott | 1997 GP34 | William Scott mentored a finalist in the 2012 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high-school seniors. | JPL · 29432 |
29435 Mordell | 1997 JB8 | Louis Joel Mordell, American-British mathematician | JPL · 29435 |
29437 Marchais | 1997 LG1 | Denis Marchais, French amateur astronomer | JPL · 29437 |
29438 Zhengjia | 1997 MV | The Zhengjia museums are located in Guangzhou, southern China. Dedicated to science education, the museums started educational astronomy programs with the National Astronomical Observatories operated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. | IAU · 29438 |
29439 Maxfabiani | 1997 MQ1 | Maximilian Fabiani (1865–1962), commonly known as Max Fabiani, was a central European architect and urban planner of mixed Italian-Austrian ancestry. He designed remarkable buildings in Vienna, Ljubljana, Trieste and Gorizia. | JPL · 29439 |
29443 Remocorti | 1997 NM10 | Remo Corti, Italian amateur astronomer and telescope maker | JPL · 29443 |
29446 Gouguenheim | 1997 PX | Lucienne Gouguenheim (born 1935) is a French radio astronomer at Meudon Observatory, who taught at Orsay University from 1962 to 2005. Observing the 21-cm line of galaxies, she helped reconcile the then-divergent values of the Hubble constant. She is a founding member of the Comité de Liaison Enseignants et Astronomes | JPL · 29446 |
29447 Jerzyneyman | 1997 PY2 | Jerzy Neyman, Poland-born American mathematician | JPL · 29447 |
29448 Pappos | 1997 QJ | Pappos of Alexandria, Greek mathematician | JPL · 29448 |
29449 Taharbenjelloun | 1997 QR2 | Tahar Ben Jelloun (born 1944) is a Moroccan writer, poet and essayist, who writes exclusively in French. | JPL · 29449 |
29450 Tomohiroohno | 1997 QZ2 | Tomohiro Ohno (born 1983) is the sub-director of Hoshinomura Observatory in Fukushima prefecture in Japan. With his father, the director of the Hoshinomura Observatory, he observes the universe and contributes to the popularization of astronomy by frequent NHK television and radio appearances | JPL · 29450 |
29456 Evakrchová | 1997 SN2 | Eva Krchová, Slovak amateur astronomer | JPL · 29456 |
29457 Marcopolo | 1997 SO4 | Marco Polo, Venetian explorer | JPL · 29457 |
29458 Pearson | 1997 SJ11 | Karl Pearson, British mathematician | JPL · 29458 |
29463 Benjaminpeirce | 1997 TB | Benjamin Peirce, American mathematician | JPL · 29463 |
29464 Leonmiš | 1997 TY9 | Leon Miš, Czech amateur astronomer † | MPC · 29464 |
29467 Shandongdaxue | 1997 TS26 | Shandong University, China | JPL · 29467 |
29470 Higgs | 1997 UC7 | Peter Higgs, Scottish physicist. | JPL · 29470 |
29471 Spejbl | 1997 UT7 | Spejbl, a marionette, father of Hurvínek † | MPC · 29471 |
29472 Hurvínek | 1997 UV7 | Hurvínek, a mischievous marionette, son of Spejbl † | MPC · 29472 |
29473 Krejčí | 1997 UE8 | František Krejčí, founder of the popular observatory in Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic † | MPC · 29473 |
29476 Kvíčala | 1997 UX14 | Jan Kvíčala, Czech lawyer and amateur astronomer † | MPC · 29476 |
29477 Zdíkšíma | 1997 UE15 | Zdislav Šíma, Czech astronomer † ‡ | MPC · 29477 |
29483 Boeker | 1997 VD5 | Karolin Kleemann-Boeker (born 1966) and Andreas Boeker (1964–2011), longtime German amateur astronomers, interested in astrometry and astrophotography, and cofounders of Turtle Star Observatory. Boeker was also experienced in building observatories and constructing telescope mounts | JPL · 29483 |
29484 Honzaveselý | 1997 VJ6 | Jan Veselý, Czech cyclist † | MPC · 29484 |
29490 Myslbek | 1997 WX | Josef Václav Myslbek, Czech sculptor † | MPC · 29490 |
29491 Pfaff | 1997 WB1 | Jean-Marie Pfaff, Belgian football player † | MPC · 29491 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
29508 Bottinelli | 1997 XR8 | Lucette Bottinelli (1937–2015) was a French radio astronomer from Meudon Observatory, who taught at Orsay University from 1962 to 2005. | JPL · 29508 |
29514 Karatsu | 1997 YV6 | Karatsu, a city in Saga Prefecture on the island of Kyushu, Japan. | JPL · 29514 |
29528 Kaplinski | 1998 AN8 | Jaan Kaplinski (1941–2021) was an Estonian writer, philosopher, and culture critic. He published numerous collections of poems, prose and essays. He was also an amateur astronomer and wrote a popular astronomy book | JPL · 29528 |
29547 Yurimazzanti | 1998 BA34 | Yuri Mazzanti (born 1999) has been an observer since he was young. He has been an active member of the Gruppo Astrofili Montelupo for the last 10 years, and has been involved in both research and outreach. . | JPL · 29547 |
29552 Chern | 1998 CS2 | Shiing-shen Chern, Chinese-American mathematician and educator | JPL · 29552 |
29555 MACEK | 1998 DP | MACEK, Czech micro-accelerometer satellite instrument | MPC · 29555 |
29561 Iatteri | 1998 DU10 | Giampiero Iatteri, Italian amateur astronomer | JPL · 29561 |
29562 Danmacdonald | 1998 DM14 | Daniel R. MacDonald, American astrophysicist | JPL · 29562 |
29565 Glenngould | 1998 FD | Glenn Gould, Canadian pianist † | MPC · 29565 |
29568 Gobbi-Belcredi | 1998 FG16 | Gerolamo Gobbi-Belcredi (1820–1899) was a student at the astronomical observatory of Modena during 1841–1848. He observed comets and minor planets and calculated their orbits. He became professor of physics at the University of Genoa and Parma and later professor of geodesy at the University of Pavia | JPL · 29568 |
29575 Gundlapalli | 1998 FM51 | Prithvi Gundlapalli (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his chemistry project. | JPL · 29575 |
29585 Johnhale | 1998 FD64 | John Edward Hale (born 1995) was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental management team project. | JPL · 29585 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
29605 Joshuacolwell | 1998 QF54 | Joshua Colwell (born 1964) is a Pegasus Professor of Physics at the University of Central Florida (Orlando, Florida) whose studies include the structure and dynamics of Saturn's rings, the behavior of materials in microgravity, and the electrostatic charging of lunar and asteroid regoliths. | IAU · 29605 |
29607 Jakehecla | 1998 QZ97 | Jake Jordan Hecla (born 1994) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics and astronomy team project. | JPL · 29607 |
29609 Claudiahuang | 1998 RY54 | Claudia Huang (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her chemistry project. | JPL · 29609 |
29610 Iyengar | 1998 RO60 | Vinay Sridhar Iyengar (born 1996) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his mathematical sciences project. | JPL · 29610 |
29612 Cindyjiang | 1998 RR77 | Cindy Y. Jiang (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental sciences project. | JPL · 29612 |
29613 Charlespicard | 1998 SB2 | Charles Émile Picard, French mathematician and educator | JPL · 29613 |
29614 Sheller | 1998 SR35 | William Sheller (born 1949) is a French composer, singer and pianist. He studied classical music but after listening to the Beatles decided he would play rock and roll. He has since found great success in France and has composed and interpreted progressive rock as well as symphonic rock | JPL · 29614 |
29618 Jinandrew | 1998 SL124 | Andrew Cheng Jin (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his medicine and health sciences project. | JPL · 29618 |
29619 Kapurubandage | 1998 SO134 | Kapurubandage Dinesh Anuruddha Chithrananda Kapuge Pubudu (born 1994) was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. | JPL · 29619 |
29620 Gurbanikaur | 1998 SM140 | Gurbani Kaur (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her materials and bioengineering project. | JPL · 29620 |
29624 Sugiyama | 1998 TA | Tomiei Sugiyama (born 1949), a Japanese-American baseball team supervisor | JPL · 29624 |
29628 Fedorets | 1998 TX30 | Grigori Fedorets (born 1986) is a postdoctoral researcher at the Queen's University Belfast (Northern Ireland) whose contributions include asteroid orbit computation in the Gaia mission and simulations of minimoon discoverability with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. | IAU · 29628 |
29631 Ryankenny | 1998 UV35 | Ryan M. Kenny (born 1996) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his plant sciences team project. | JPL · 29631 |
29633 Weatherwax | 1998 VH2 | Craig (born 1947) and Leigh (born 1947) Weatherwax have helped the astronomy community in southern California for more than 40 years. They are good friends of the discoverer and this naming is on the occasion of their retirement. | JPL · 29633 |
29634 Sabrinaaksil | 1998 VB3 | Sabrina Aksil (born 1985) is the wife of French amateur astronomer Luderic Maury (see #8184) and the daughter-in-law of Alain Maury, who is a discoverer of minor planets and comets (see #3780). She works as a human resources manager in a high tech company. | IAU · 29634 |
29638 Eeshakhare | 1998 VX19 | Eesha Khare (born 1995) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her chemistry project. She also received the Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award. | JPL · 29638 |
29641 Kaikloepfer | 1998 VA26 | Kai Thorin Kloepfer (born 1997) was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. | JPL · 29641 |
29642 Archiekong | 1998 VY27 | Archie Chakming Kong (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental management team project. | JPL · 29642 |
29643 Plücker | 1998 VR31 | Julius Plücker, German mathematician and physicist | JPL · 29643 |
29645 Kutsenok | 1998 VX37 | Ekaterina Kutsenok (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her chemistry team project. | JPL · 29645 |
29646 Polya | 1998 WJ | George Pólya, Hungarian-born American mathematician † | MPC · 29646 |
29647 Poncelet | 1998 WY | Jean-Victor Poncelet, French mathematician and engineer | JPL · 29647 |
29650 Toldy | 1998 WR6 | Mikulás Toldy (1926–1996) and Viera Toldy (1926–1995), Slovak obstetrician and pediatrician, respectively | JPL · 29650 |
29654 Michaellaue | 1998 WW9 | Michael Laue (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his chemistry project. | JPL · 29654 |
29655 Yarimlee | 1998 WH10 | Yarim Lee (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her biochemistry project. | JPL · 29655 |
29656 Leejoseph | 1998 WA12 | Joseph Patrick Lee (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics and astronomy project. | JPL · 29656 |
29657 Andreali | 1998 WD12 | Andrea Shao-yin Li (born 1996) was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her biochemistry project. | JPL · 29657 |
29658 Henrylin | 1998 WR17 | Henry Wanjune Lin (born 1995) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics and astronomy project. | JPL · 29658 |
29659 Zeyuliu | 1998 WY17 | Zeyu Liu (born 1995) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. | JPL · 29659 |
29660 Jessmacalpine | 1998 WE20 | Jessie Leanne Preston MacAlpine (born 1995) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences project. | JPL · 29660 |
29663 Evanmackay | 1998 WH23 | Evan Cliff MacKay (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his animal sciences project. | JPL · 29663 |
29668 Ipf | 1998 XO | The Ipf is a treeless mountain near the Ries impact crater in Baden-Württemberg, southern Germany. | JPL · 29668 |
29672 Salvo | 1998 XG9 | Maria Elena Salvo, Italian astronomer † | MPC · 29672 |
29674 Raušal | 1998 XO12 | Karel Raušal, Czech lawyer and amateur astronomer † | MPC · 29674 |
29681 Saramanshad | 1998 XT47 | Sara Manshad (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her behavioral and social sciences project. | JPL · 29681 |
29685 Soibamansoor | 1998 XG53 | Soiba K. Mansoor (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences project. | JPL · 29685 |
29686 Raymondmaung | 1998 XO53 | Raymond Aung Maung (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics and astronomy team project. | JPL · 29686 |
29687 Mohdreza | 1998 XL78 | Nurul MohdReza (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her microbiology project. | JPL · 29687 |
29690 Nistala | 1998 XL78 | Akhil Nistala (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his mathematical sciences project. | JPL · 29690 |
29696 Distasio | 1998 YN | Penny Distasio (born 1955) is an amateur astronomer and author. She ran the OPTAS astronomy club for 15 years and is now a content writer for many web sites related to astronomy. | JPL · 29696 |
29700 Salmon | 1998 YU5 | George Salmon, Irish mathematician and theologian | JPL · 29700 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
29701 Peggyhaas | 1998 YT6 | Peggy Haas (née Beryl Godfrey; 1912–1997) was an assistant to American astronomer William Henry Pickering in Jamaica. There she met and later married Walter Haas who in 1947, started the Association of Lunar and Planetary Observers (ALPO). She was indispensable to the ALPO in work on the Journal, as librarian from 1966 to 1985. | JPL · 29701 |
29705 Cialucy | 1998 YP10 | Lucia Boattini (born 1958), elder sister of Andrea Boattini † | MPC · 29705 |
29706 Simonetta | 1998 YS11 | Simonetta Boattini (born 1972), younger sister of Andrea Boattini † | MPC · 29706 |
29725 Mikewest | 1999 AC25 | Michael West (born 1954) has served amateur astronomers for more than 30 years with his expertise, advice, encouragement and unwavering commitment to the astronomical community. | JPL · 29725 |
29736 Fichtelberg | 1999 BE7 | Fichtelberg, the highest mountain on the Saxon side of the Erzgebirge, Germany | JPL · 29736 |
29737 Norihiro | 1999 BG7 | Norihiro Nakamura, Japanese baseball player | JPL · 29737 |
29738 Ivobudil | 1999 BT8 | Ivo Budil (born 1933), a Czech science popularizer | MPC · 29738 |
29745 Mareknovak | 1999 BM20 | Marek Novak (born 1994) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. | JPL · 29745 |
29747 Acorlando | 1999 BJ25 | Abigail Claire Orlando (born 1994) was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her behavioral and social sciences project. | JPL · 29747 |
29750 Chleborad | 1999 CA3 | Cary W. Chleborad (born 1970) is an American amateur astronomer, developer of precision telescope and observatory control software, and former president of the Sacramento Valley Astronomical Society. | JPL · 29750 |
29753 Silvo | 1999 CY4 | Silvo Sposetti, son of Swiss discoverer Stefano Sposetti | MPC · 29753 |
29760 Milevsko | 1999 CM10 | Milevsko, a small South Bohemian town founded in the 12th century at the crossroad of two trade routes. | JPL · 29760 |
29761 Lorenzo | 1999 CJ16 | Lorenzo Bartolini (born 2011) is the elder son of the second discoverer and the grandson of the first discoverer, Sandro Bartolini and Maura Tombelli, respectively. | JPL · 29761 |
29762 Panasiewicz | 1999 CK17 | Kinga Panasiewicz (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences project. | JPL · 29762 |
29764 Panneerselvam | 1999 CC23 | Sugirtha Panneerselvam (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental management project. | JPL · 29764 |
29765 Miparedes | 1999 CG23 | Miguel Ignacio Paredes (born 1994) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his behavioral and social sciences project. | JPL · 29765 |
29770 Timmpiper | 1999 CT28 | Timm Piper (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics and astronomy project. | JPL · 29770 |
29772 Portocarrero | 1999 CH31 | Isaac Christopher Portocarrero-Mora (born 1994) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering project. | JPL · 29772 |
29773 Samuelpritt | 1999 CH34 | Samuel Wye Pritt (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his biochemistry project. | JPL · 29773 |
29776 Radzhabov | 1999 CV45 | Maxim Ruslanovich Radzhabov (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his chemistry team project. JPL | MPC · 29776 |
29783 Sanjanarane | 1999 CU50 | Sanjana Jagdish Rane (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental sciences project. | JPL · 29783 |
29787 Timrenier | 1999 CR57 | Timothy James Fossum Renier (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his behavioral and social sciences project. | JPL · 29787 |
29788 Rachelrossi | 1999 CG60 | Rachel Louise Rossi (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her environmental management project. | JPL · 29788 |
29799 Trinirussell | 1999 CZ81 | Trinity Russell (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her animal sciences project. | JPL · 29799 |
29800 Valeriesarge | 1999 CM84 | Valerie Youngmi Sarge (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her energy and transportation project. | JPL · 29800 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
29802 Rikhavshah | 1999 CD86 | Rikhav Shah (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental sciences project. | JPL · 29802 |
29803 Michaelshao | 1999 CQ87 | Michael Shao (born 1997) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his animal sciences project. | JPL · 29803 |
29804 Idansharon | 1999 CH90 | Idan Hadar Sharon (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his electrical and mechanical engineering team project. | JPL · 29804 |
29805 Bradleysloop | 1999 CK91 | Bradley Derek Sloop (born 1994) was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy and transportation project. | JPL · 29805 |
29806 Eviesobczak | 1999 CQ98 | Evie Sobczak (born 1996) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her energy and transportation project. | JPL · 29806 |
29808 Youssoliman | 1999 CK100 | Yousuf Mounir Soliman (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computer science project. | JPL · 29808 |
29812 Aaronsolomon | 1999 CS110 | Aaron Chu Solomon (born 1994) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental management project. | JPL · 29812 |
29818 Aryosorayya | 1999 CM117 | Aryo Sorayya (born 1994) was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his medicine and health sciences project. | JPL · 29818 |
29824 Kalmančok | 1999 DU3 | Dušan Kalmančok, Slovak astronomer | JPL · 29824 |
29825 Dunyazade | 1999 DB4 | Dunyazade, the sister of the master story-teller of the 1001 Arabian Nights. | JPL · 29825 |
29829 Engels | 1999 EK3 | Friedrich Engels (1820–1895), a famous philosopher and the main thinker of dialectical materialism. | JPL · 29829 |
29832 Steinwehr | 1999 EA12 | Dre Erik Howard Steinwehr (born 1995) was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his plant sciences project. | JPL · 29832 |
29834 Mariacallas | 1999 FE1 | Maria Callas (1923–1977; Sophia Cecelia Kalos) was a Greek soprano. She was, and remains, the iconic diva, the one to which the others are compared. | JPL · 29834 |
29837 Savage | 1999 FP5 | Leonard Jimmie Savage (1917–1971), American statistician | JPL · 29837 |
29839 Russhoward | 1999 FA9 | Russell A. Howard (born 1941) is an astrophysicist at the US Naval Research Laboratory. A pioneer in solar physics, he has led several space-based coronagraph experiments enabling ground-breaking studies of solar outflows and returning data that yielded the discovery of nearly 4 000 near-Sun comets. | IAU · 29839 |
29845 Wykrota | 1999 FE21 | Zininha and Henrique Wykrota, Brazilian amateur astronomers, founders of the Observatório Wykrota (a.k.a. Observatório Astronômico da Serra da Piedade) and of the CEAMIG (Centro de Estudos Astronomicos de Minas Gerais) | JPL · 29845 |
29850 Tanakagyou | 1999 FQ25 | Gyou Tanaka (born 1997) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his earth science project. | JPL · 29850 |
29852 Niralithakor | 1999 FD26 | Nirali Kunjan Thakor (born 1998) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her mathematical sciences team project. | JPL · 29852 |
29858 Tlomak | 1999 FC31 | Dominique Helen Tlomak (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences project. | JPL · 29858 |
29862 Savannahjoy | 1999 FF37 | Savannah Joy Tobin (born 1994) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her biochemistry project. | JPL · 29862 |
29869 Chiarabarbara | 1999 GC1 | Chiara and Barbara D'Abramo, sisters of the Italian co-discoverer Germano D'Abramo | JPL · 29869 |
29874 Rogerculver | 1999 GV9 | Roger B. Culver (born 1940), a U.S. astronomer. | JPL · 29874 |
29880 Andytran | 1999 GQ28 | Andy Tran (born 1995) was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his medicine and health sciences project. | JPL · 29880 |
29881 Tschopp | 1999 GO29 | Fabian David Tschopp (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his computer science project. | JPL · 29881 |
29886 Randytung | 1999 GQ31 | Randy Tung (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental management team project. | JPL · 29886 |
29897 Kossen | 1999 GM61 | H. Rose Kossen (born 1935, née Hoitenga) is a retired teacher, formerly of Watson Groen Christian School. She taught high school literature, challenging students to think deeply about the world around them. | IAU · 29897 |
Named minor planet | Provisional | This minor planet was named for... | Ref · Catalog |
29905 Kunitaka | 1999 HQ11 | Kunitaka Sato (born 1948) has been a member of the Yamagata Astronomical Society since 1989. | JPL · 29905 |
29910 Segre | 1999 JV8 | Corrado Segre, Italian professor of geometry | JPL · 29910 |
29950 Uppili | 1999 JA86 | Harsha Sudarsan Uppili (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials and bioengineering project. | JPL · 29950 |
29952 Varghese | 1999 JL86 | Nathaniel G. Varghese (born 1997) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his materials and bioengineering project. | JPL · 29952 |
29959 Senevelling | 1999 JJ92 | Seneca Jackson Velling (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his physics and astronomy team project. | JPL · 29959 |
29969 Amyvitha | 1999 JX109 | Amy Jaclyn Vitha (born 1996) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her plant sciences team project. | JPL · 29969 |
29972 Chriswan | 1999 KO11 | Christopher Wan (born 1996) was awarded first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental sciences project. | JPL · 29972 |
29978 Arthurwang | 1999 NN13 | Arthur Wang (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his environmental management team project. | JPL · 29978 |
29979 Wastyk | 1999 RN83 | Hannah Constance Wastyk (born 1995) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her cellular and molecular biology project. | JPL · 29979 |
29980 Dougsimons | 1999 SV6 | Douglas Anthony Simons, American astronomer | JPL · 29980 |
29982 Sarahwu | 1999 TT31 | Junyi (Sarah) Wu (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her medicine and health sciences project. | JPL · 29982 |
29983 Amyxu | 1999 VS61 | Amy Xu (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her microbiology project. | JPL · 29983 |
29984 Zefferer | 1999 VC79 | David Josef Zefferer (born 1992) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy and transportation team project. | JPL · 29984 |
29986 Shunsuke | 1999 XW37 | Shunsuke Nakamura, Japanese football (soccer) player | JPL · 29986 |
29987 Lazhang | 1999 XO49 | Lawrence Zhang (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his cellular and molecular biology project. | JPL · 29987 |
29988 Davidezilli | 1999 XR99 | Davide Zilli (born 1993) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his energy and transportation team project. | JPL · 29988 |
29991 Dazimmerman | 2000 AC38 | David Masao Zimmerman (born 1994) was awarded best of category and first place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for his microbiology project. | JPL · 29991 |
29992 Yasminezubi | 2000 AY39 | Yasmine Sapphire Zubi (born 1996) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her cellular and molecular biology project. She attends the Satellite High School, Satellite Beach, Florida, U.S.A | JPL · 29992 |
29994 Zuoyu | 2000 AC61 | Zuo Yu (born 1995) was awarded second place in the 2013 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair for her electrical and mechanical engineering team project. | JPL · 29994 |
29995 Arshavsky | 2000 AO97 | Alec Vadim Arshavsky (born 1996) is a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search, a science competition for high school seniors, for his bioengineering project. | JPL · 29995 |
30000 Camenzind | 2000 AB138 | Kathy Camenzind (born 1996) is a finalist in the 2014 Intel Science Talent Search (STS), a science competition for high school seniors, for her physics project. | JPL · 30000 |
- "WGSBN Bulletin Archive". Working Group Small Body Nomenclature. 14 May 2021. Retrieved 16 May 2021.
- "MPC/MPO/MPS Archive". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
- "JPL – Solar System Dynamics: Discovery Circumstances". Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Retrieved 25 June 2019.
- Schmadel, Lutz D. (2003). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-540-00238-3. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
- Schmadel, Lutz D. (2006). Dictionary of Minor Planet Names – Addendum to Fifth Edition: 2003–2005. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-540-34360-8. Retrieved 27 July 2016.
- Herget, Paul (1968). The Names of the Minor Planets. Cincinnati, Ohio: Minor Planet Center, Cincinnati Observatory. OCLC 224288991.
- "Guide to Minor Body Astrometry – When can I name my discovery?". Minor Planet Center. Retrieved 20 July 2019.
- "Minor Planet Naming Guidelines (Rules and Guidelines for naming non-cometary small Solar-System bodies) – v1.0" (PDF). Working Group Small Body Nomenclature (PDF). 20 December 2021.
- "The USNO Asteroid Connection" (PDF). The USNO Transit. 1 (2). April–May 2009. Archived (PDF) from the original on September 5, 2014. Retrieved 2014-09-04.