List of stars with proplyds

This is a list of stars with proplyds (ionized protoplanetary discs) and includes whether they have gaps or planets.

Lists of proplyds

List of proplyds with gaps

(list is very incomplete)

When planets are confirmed (if no planet before), please move to the List of extrasolar planets

Color Key
No known planet
StarGap distance
(in AU)
DiskPlanetPlanet distance
(in AU)
HD 100546Disk extends out to 17Diameter, 721 AU [1]HD 100546 b6.5
GM Aurigae0–300Disc is warped
Lynds 15510.1Binary system 45 AU apart
OTS 44Second smallest brown dwarf
TW Hydrae80440[2]

List of proplyds without gaps

(list is very incomplete)
Color Key
No known planet
NGC 1333 IRAS 4[3]
4U 0142+61This is a pulsar

List of extremes

This list contains the largest, smallest, oldest, youngest.

(list is very incomplete)
Least massive (confirmed mass)
Most massive (confirmed mass)
Lowest surface insolation
Highest surface insolation

List of firsts

This list contains firsts.

(list is very incomplete)
Record Star Date Notes
First protoplanetary disc around a pulsar discovered 4U 0142+61 2006
Brightest star with a protoplanetary disc Vega 2005 Not confirmed

See also


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