List of schools in Cambodia
Following is a list of non-tertiary schools in the Asian country of Cambodia. Tertiary schools are included in List of universities in Cambodia.
Norodom Sihanouk
- Samdech Euv High School - schools named after Norodom Sihanouk or Norodom Sihanu Varaman.
Schools by province
Banteay Meanchey
- Prey Chan Nippon Foundation School in district O Chrov
- Ta En Nippon Foundation School in district Mongkul Borei
- Dang Run Nippon Foundation School in district Mongkul Borei
- Fumiko Oshima School in district Serei Saôphôn
- Khi Lek Nippon Foundation School in district Mongkul Borei
- Khy Lek KDDI School in district Mongkul Borei
- Kimiko Morisaki School No. One in district Serei Saôphôn
- Kimiko Morisaki School No. Two in district O Chrov
- Kork Romiet Nippon Foundation School in district Thmar Pourk
- O Sngourt Nippon Foundation School in district Moungkul Borei
- Phoum Kor Nippon Foundation School in district O Chrov
- Prey Kub Nippon Foundation School in district O Chrov
- Snourl Treit Nippon Foundation School in district O Chrov
- Tokunori Morisaki School No. One in district Serei Saôphôn
- Tokunori Morisaki School No. Two in district Mongkul Borei
- Yeang Dan Kum Nippon Foundation School in district O Chrov
- Angkor Ban Nippon Foundation School in district Sampouv Loun
- Arbor School of Hope in district Phnom Prek
- Beng Tret Nippon Foundation School in district Sampov Loun
- Boeung Ktum Nippon Foundation School in district Ratanak Mondol
- Brian Murphy School in district Sampouv Loun
- Cham Ro A Nippon Foundation School in district Mong Russei
- Chork Toch Nippon Foundation School in district Mong Russei
- Chroy Sdao Nippon Foundation School in district Thmat Kol
- Clark Hamagami School in district Koh Kralor
- Clumsy Hans School in district Thmar Kaul
- Daun Bar Nippon Foundation School in district Kas Kra Lar
- Emperor’s New Clothes School in district Sampov Lun
- Friends Without Borders School in district Battambang
- Hong Teuk Nippon Foundation School in district Phnom Prek
- Kan Tourth Nippon Foundation School in district Kas Kra Lar
- Kbal Thnal Nippon Foundation School in district Sangker
- Kilolek Bourn Nippon Foundation School in district Mong Russei
- Kok Pon Nippon Foundation School in district Kas Kra Lar
- Kompong Chamlong Nippon Foundation School in district Kamrieng
- Komprang Nippon Foundation School in district Kamrieng
- Kon Ka Ek Nippon Foundation School in district Mong Russei
- Masanori Sugihara School in district Rôtâanak Môndûl
- Mithapheap Nippon Foundation School in district Kras Krolar
- O Ampil Nippon Foundation School in district Malay
- O Cham Long Nippon Foundation School in district Kamrieng
- O Chrey Nippon Foundation School in district Kamrieng
- O Krieth Nippon Foundation School in district Mong Russei
- O Lahong Nippon Foundation School in district Phnom Prek
- O Trav Chu Nippon Foundation School in district Sampouv Loun
- Licnoln-Sudbury Memorial School in district Thmar Kaul
- Phakdei Nippon Foundation School in district Ba Nan
- Phnom Rey Nippon Foundation School in district Samlot
- Phnom Touch Nippon Foundation School in district Phnom Prek
- Phoum Kor Nippon Foundation School in district Mong Russei
- Prek Am Nippon Foundation School in district Mong Russei
- Sam Seb Nippon Foundation School in district Kamrieng
- Samlot Nippon Foundation School in district Samlot
- Santhipeap Nippon Foundation School in district Samlot
- So O Choam School in district Samlot
- Sralao Tong Nippon Foundation School in district Kamrieng
- Sre Reach Nippon Foundation School in district Samlot
- Svay Bopharam Nippon Foundation School in district Mong Russei
- Svay Sar Nippon Foundation School in district Sangker
- Ta Krey Nippon Foundation School in district Kamrieng
- Ta Sanh Nippon Foundation School in district Samlot
- Tasda Nippon Foundation School in district Sampouv Loun
- Thmor Baing Don Tret Nippon Foundation School in district Samlot
- Tinderbox School in district Kamrieng
- Wild Swans School in district Sampov Lun
- Kdol Doun Teav secondary school in district Kdol Doun Teav
Kampong Cham
- Aalborg School 2009 in district Chamkar Leu
- Aalborg School in district Thboung Khmum
- Ang Duong Academy in district Koh Sotin
- Aquas School 2 in district Dember
- Athlete’s Foot School in district Krauch Chhmar
- Black Hawk School in district Memot
- Boerne School of Hope in district Krauch Chhmar
- Cambridge School in district Cheung Prey
- Chey Mongkul Nippon Foundation School in district Srey Santhor
- Cincinnati Friendship School in district Stung Trang
- Cocanour-Gaudette Family and Friends School in district Punhear Krek
- Friendship School 1 in district Damber
- Friendship School 2 in district Dember
- Gene and Nora Hahn School in district Steung Trang
- Grace Church School in Cambodia in district Srey Santhor
- Green Family School 2 in district Tbaung Khmum
- Guy Leech School in district Krauch Chhmar
- Hiroko Okuma School in district Cheung Prey
- Karl Mendel School 2 in district Batheay
- Katsuko Miyagi School in district Batheay
- Kininn and Ayzas School of Hope in district Kang Meas
- Kork Srok Nippon Foundation School in district Dambe
- Kumomo Tree One School in district Batheay
- Kumomo Tree Two School in district Batheay
- Meyers Family Friendship School in district Kampong Siem
- Milton School in district Mean
- Nakry School in district Stung Trang
- Nayoro Keiryo School in district Prey Chhor
- Nightingale-Bamford School In Cambodia in district Kampong Siem
- O Svay Nippon Foundation School in district Kang Meas
- Oconomowoc Sister School of Cambodia in district Prey Chhor
- Poly Prep Mitapeap School in district Srey Santhor
- Prek Koy School in district Kang Meas
- Ralph Raphelson School in district Chamkar Leu
- Region Rejser School No. 2 in district Chheung Prey
- Robert Kiminecz School No. 1 in district Prey Chhor
- Rosenfeld Family School in district Prey Chhor
- Sakura School in district Chamkar Leu
- Sharing Foundation School in district Batheay
- Shrenzel School in district O Raing Euv
- Sunnyside School in district Prey Chor
- Takao Onoda School in district Chhoeung Prey
- Tokatsu Espoir School in district Kampong Siem
- Toranoko School in district Cheung Prey
- Toshio Nakamura School in district Batheay
- Valerie Quirk School of Hope in district Korng Meas
- Wright Family School in district Thboung Khmum
- Kome Hyappyo (100 Sacks of Rice) School in district Batheay
- Maki School in district Chhoeung Prey
- Sozaburo and Yasuko Inoue School in district Prey Chhor
- Yamamoto and Fujimori School in district Prey Chhor
Kampong Chhnang
- Aquas School 3 in district Rolea B'ier
- Cambodia Hope School in district Boribo
- JCVA School in district Tek Phos
- Kunja School in district Kampong Leng
- Margaret & Derek Jerram School in district Boribo
- Sasaki Family School in district Boribo
- Sharon A. Enright School of Hope in district Kampong Chhnang
- Stand for Change School in district Kampong Tralach
- Trapeang Kdar School in district Kampong Tralach
Kampong Speu
- Ratanak Grady Grossman School in district Oral
- Averbach/Popkin Family School in district Barset
- Clay Alexander Carson School in district Samrong Torng
- Curtis School in district Samrong Torng
- Dahlia Sam School in district Oral
- Develo Techno School in district Phnom Srouch
- Dicheycol School in district Odong
- Duke Gandin Memorial School in district Korng Pisei
- FCC School of Peace in district Odong
- Friendship School 3 in district Phnom Srouch
- Friendship School 4 in district Phnom Srouch
- Friendship School 5 in district Korng Pisei
- Gilbert M. Cogan Memorial School in district Korng Pisei
- Hardy and McRae Families School in district Phnom Srouch
- Harold and Elizabeth M. Spector School in district Korng Pisei
- Heart To Heart School in district Phnom Sruoch
- Lux et Lex School in district Oral
- Noble Path School in district O Dong
- Paul and Deborah Kavanaugh Free Academy in district Odong
- Peace School in district Samrong Torng
- Robert Miller and James Zebrowski Memorial School in district Samrong Torng
- Salam National School of Cambodia in district Baset
- Selva Luna Escuela in district Phnom Sruoch
- Shamballa Family School in district Ba Set
- Sophia Noelle Carson School in district Phnom Sruoch
- Sweet Life School in district Tporng
- Tokyo Inspired School in district Odong
- Ulla Tullberg School in district Phnom Sruoch
- Village of English School in district Basedth
- Coconut School
Kampong Thom
- Anne M. Resnik School in district Steung Sen
- Aquas Corporation School 4 in district Baray
- Beatrice & Ralph Lau School in district Staung
- Bradley Peterson Memorial Primary School in district Santuk
- Christine and Bill School in district San Tuk
- David and Deborah Roberts School in district Kampong Svay
- Each Other School in district Stung Sen
- Hayashida Sakunoshin Memorial School in district Prasat Balling
- Joan Shapiro Learning Center in district Kampong Thom
- Kirin School in district Prasat Balling
- Kirkland-Kompong Thom Academy in district Staung
- Kozak Ohana School in district Kampong Svay
- Michael Denny and Ed Schmauss School in district Baray
- Michèle Wade Memorial School in district Kampong Svay
- Naohiro Nishiya School in district Sandann
- Neil Richards School in district Baray
- Noguchi Family School in district Baray
- O Tnaot Nippon Foundation School in district Sandan
- Pramath Dey Nippon Foundation School in district Steung Sen
- School of Hope in district Stung Sen
- Schools-One Song in district Baray
- seas Friends School of Baray in district Baray
- Sralao Torng Nippon Foundation School in district Baray
- Sre Chang Nippon Foundation School in district Sandan
- Taing Krasao Nippon Foundation School in district Sandan
- Van and Sam Khong School in district Baray
- Vielmontgomery School in district Baray
- Yokogawa Rokumaru-kai School in district Prasat Balang
- Athlete’s Foot School in district Chhouk
- Chres School of Grace in district Kampong Trach
- Doris Dillon School in district Banteay Meas
- Edamura- Komoro Hawaii School in district Kampong Trach
- Edison School in district Banteay Meas
- Freshfields School in district Banteay Meas
- Irene Pearson Bleha School in district Angkor Chey
- Kampong Trach School in district Kampong Trach
- Kuniko Koyama School in district Chhouk
- Louise M. Scarola School in district Chhouk
- Nowlen Family School Two in district Kampot
- Phnom Touch KDDI School in district Dang Tong
- Soma School in district Banteay Meas
- Steve & Mary Enterkin School in district Kampong Trach
- Sunrise School in district Banteay Meas
- Texas Peak School in district Chhouk
- Tokyo 2007 Marathon School in district Banteay Meas
- World Mate School Number Five in district Kampot
- ACIS School in district Takhmao
- Aloha School in district Koh Thom
- An Dóchas School in district Kandal Steung
- Bel Canto School in district Kandal Steung
- Bob and Bernice School in district Khsach Kandal
- Chiaki Higono School in district Kandal Steung
- David Hughes School in district Kandal Steung
- Douglas & Vivienne Kenrick School in district Khsach Kandal
- Firefly School in district Lovea Em
- Grijalva Family & Friends School in district Kandal Steung
- Hiroko Shinno School in district Ksach Kandal
- ht Future Kids Home (complex) in district Kien Svay
- Jewish Helping Hands School In Memory of Barry R. Soffin in district Lovea Em
- Karl Mendel School in district Kien Svay
- Koh Khel Middle School – A Global Playground School in district Sa-ang
- Koh Knol Aloha School in district Kandal Steung
- Lotus School in district Khsach Kandal
- Nightingale School in district Ang Snuol
- Norodom Sihanouk School in district Kandal Steung
- Phnom Dei KEC School in district Ang Snuol
- President Barack Hussein Obama School in district Ang Snoul
- Prof. Raymond B. Cattell School in district Khsach Kandal
- Raymond T. Holton School in district Kandal Steung
- Richard Copaken School in district Angk Snuol
- Rideaid School in district Khsach Kandal
- Ridgewood Village School in district Khsach Kandal
- Sanlong KEC School in district Ksach Kandal
- Sayuri Watanabe School in district Kandal Stung
- Shinohara, Aono and SI East Ehime School in district Kandal Steung
- Shyam & Rajni Bajpai School in district Takhmao
- Willowbrook School in district Kandal Steung
- Zahn School in district Kien Svay
- Simon Harton Lewis School in district Damnak Chang-eur
- Son Sann School in district Damnak Chang-eur
Koh Kong
- Aoba School in district Sre Ambel
- Harris Family School in district Kompong Sela
- Humanity School For Young Cambodians in district Botumsakor
- Jack Bora Feeney School in district Kompong Sela
- John F. & Sautiavale Killian School in district Sre Ambel
- Kirivorn School in district Kompong Seila
- Masako Suiko School#2 in district Botom Sakor
- Mortgage Force School in district Kampong Seila
- Samdech Ta Nippon Foundation School in district Kampong Seila
- Sir Graham Balfour School in district Thmar Bang
- Ta Thorng Nippon Foundation School in district Sre Ambel
- Thnal Bombek Nippon Foundation School in district Kampong Seila
- Tokyo Katsushika-Higashi Rotary Club in district Sre Ambel
- Walter Kissinger Family School in district Sre Ambel
- Yukiko Ukai School in district Sre Ambel
Kompong Cham
- Kome Hyappyo (100 Sacks of Rice) School in district Batheay
- Maki School in district Chhoeung Prey
- Sozaburo and Yasuko Inoue School in district Prey Chhor
- Yamamoto and Fujimori School in district Prey Chhor
Kompong Chhnang
- Ann Morrison School in district Tek Phos
- Lvea School in district Kompong Leng
- World Mate School Number Three in district Kompong Leng
Kompong Speu
- George Mrus School in district Oral
- Lily School in district Samrong Torng
- Louise Zlatic Kielbik School in district Tpong
- O Tapong Nippon Foundation School in district Basit
- Pearl and Mary Flanders School in district O Ral
- Pothipreuk Nippon Foundation School in district Phnom Sruoch
- Roberts Family School in district O Ral
- Shinohara Manabu School in district Udong
- Tokyo-West Rotary Club School in district Phnom Srouch
- Violet Atkinson School in district O Ral
Kompong Thom
- David Nathan Meyerson School in district Stoung
- Diane Daniel School in district Stoung
- Graphis School in district Staung
- "With Love from Hokkaido” School in district Prasat Balling
- Kumiko Koyama School 2 in district Staung
- Kuniko Uchida-Kato School in district Stoung
- Miyazaki Honten School in district Stoung
- Srei Devata School in district Baray
- World Mate School Number Two in district Stoung
- Chroy Banteay Nippon Foundation School in district Prek Prasob
- Damrei Phong Nippon Foundation School in district Chhlong
- Dodge School in district Chhlaung
- Doun Meas Nippon Foundation School in district Snoul
- Ezer & Andy School in district Snuol
- Hans Christian Andersen School I in district Sambo
- Jeff Pahutski Memorial School in district Chhlaung
- John Burroughs Snuol School in district Snuol
- Kampong Sre Nippon Foundation School in district Chhlong
- Little Mermaid School in district Sambo
- O Tanoeng Nippon Foundation School in district Sambo
- Rokar Thom Nippon Foundation School in district Prek Prasob
- Sampong Nippon Foundation School in district Kratie
- Sandan II Nippon Foundation School in district Sam Bo
- Soroptimist International of Osaka-Chuo School in district Snuol
- Thnout Nippon Foundation School in district Kratie
- Prech School in district Pech Chenda
- Non No School in district Picheada
- Ascham School Community in district O Raing
- Ascham School in district Sen Monorom
- Cobbitty School in district Pech Chenda
- Elizabeth Rinehart Ohrstrom School in district Sen Monorom
- Hiroko Kato School in district Picheada
- Masako Suiko School in district Oreang
- O Te Nippon Foundation School in district Keo Seima
- Sre Chrey Nippon Foundation School in district Koh Nhek
- Sre Preah KEC school in district Keo Seima
- Suiryo School in district O Raing
- Bor Tangsuor Nippon Foundation School in district Pailin
- Bor Yakhar Nippon Foundation School in district Pailin
- Knights of Cambodia School in district Sala Krao
- Kon Phnom Nippon Foundation School in district Salakrao
- Overlake School in district Pailin
- Phnom Koy Nippon Foundation School in district Salakrao
- Rattanak Sophorn Nippon Foundation School in district Pailin
- Suon Ampov Leu Nippon Foundation School in district Pailin
Preah Sihanouk
- Peter Ehrenhaft School in district Krong Preah Sihanouk
- Samdech Euv KDDI School in district Krong Preah Sihanouk
Preah Vihear
- Duncan and Virginia Holthausen School in district Rovieng
- Bank Street School of Cambodia in district Rovieng
- Brad Washburn School in district Ro Vieng
- Brookline Samlahn School in district Sangkum Thmei
- Daniele Derossi School in district Choâm Ksant
- Dixon Learning Center in district Ro Vieng
- Dyer Family Friendship School in district Tbeng Meanchey
- Elaine and Nicholas Negroponte School in district Rôvieng
- Flavia Robinson School in district Choâm Ksant
- Gertrude M. Parker and Beatrice S. Leong School in district Kulen
- Guido A. & Elizabeth H. Binda Foundation School in district Choâm Ksant
- House of Joy and Happiness in district Rovieng
- Ian Tilden School in district Choam Ksan
- Jim and Eileen Wilson School in district Tbeng Meanchey
- Kampot Nippon Foundation School in district Rovieng
- Kate and Elizabeth Wiener School in district Kulen
- Kazuko Nishie School in district Tobia Meanchey
- Marjorie and Elwood Malos School in district Rovieng
- O Ta Lok Nippon Foundation School in district Rovieng
- Passport School in district Sangkum Thmei
- Phom O KEC School in district Rovieng
- Piero Derossi School in district Choâm Ksant
- Rom Chek Nippon Foundation School in district Rovieng
- Rom Chek Nippon Foundation School in district Rovieng
- Sre Thom Nippon Foundation School in district Rovieng
- St. Paul's School of Hope in district Sangkum Thmei
- Thkeng Nippon Foundation School in district Rovieng
- Tokyo Shintoshin Rotary Club School in district Rôvieng
- Wakako Hironaka School in district Rôvieng
- Yokkaichi School in district Rovieng
- Yutaka Araki School in district Tbeng Meanchey
- Bellingham Community School in district Rovieng
Prey Veng
- Alvash and Betsy Dearth School in district Kampong Trabek
- Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Family School in district Peam Ror
- Bernie Krisher School in district Peam Chor
- Brighter Tomorrow School in district Pearaing
- Cambodia Portledge School in district Kanhchreach
- Diana and Al Kaff School in district Peam Chor
- Florida Gulf Coast University Lower Secondary School in district Kamchay Mear
- FordHarrison School in district Preah Sdach
- Friends of Judith Wolf School in district Pearaing
- Ida M. Holtsinger School in district Sithor Kandal
- JABS Family School in district Kampong Trabek
- Jaimie Sheth and Chi Tran School in district Kamchay Mear
- Janna Roeters (2000-08-25) School in district Pearaing
- John Coats School in district Me Sang
- John's School in district Peam Chor
- Ka Hale Kula Ānuenue School in district Kampong Leav
- Kazue and Hiroshi Sasaki School in district Preah Sdach
- Khut Chhorn Memorial School in district Bar Phnom
- Kristof School in district Peam Ror
- Lee Rudlin School in district Preah Sdach
- Lilies of Hope School in district Por Rieng
- Mary Helen Smith School in district Peam Ro
- Morris and Shirley Weinstein School in district Bar Phnom
- Paul Singh School in district Peam Chor
- POE School in district Kampong Leav
- Prey Kanlaong Village School in district Kampong Leav
- QA School in district Preah Sdach
- Richard Teo School in district Sithor Kandal
- Rieko Yano School in district Kompong Trabek
- Ronald Winston School in district Pearaing
- Santori School in district Sithor Kandal
- SOIS School of Hope in district Kamchay Mear
- Spean School in district Kampong Trabek
- Teruko Saito School in district Ba Phnum
- Uncle Mark Lutz School in district Prey Veng
- World Mate School Number Ten in district Pearaing
- World Mate School Number One in district Peam Ro
- Youthevong School in district Sithor Kandal
- Alexander Brest School in district Bakan
- Anlong Kray Nippon Foundation School in district Bakan
- Credit Suisse-First Boston School in district Bakan
- CREDO School in district Bakan
- Ryan F. Waldron School in district Phnom Kravanh
- Janie’s School in district Bakan
- Kdey Krav Nippon Foundation School in district Sampouv Meas
- Koh Rumdori Nippon Foundation School in district Kra Kot
- Lefkowitz Family School in district Bakan
- Prey Kub Nippon Foundation School in district Phnom Kravanh
- Prey Roung Nippon Foundation School in district Bakan
- Prey Svay Nippon Foundation School in district Bakan
- Princess and the Pea School in district Kandieng
- Ro Bas Raing Nippon Foundation School in district Bakan
- Sam Rong Nippon Foundation School in district Phnom Kravang
- Serey School in district Krakor
- Talo Nippon Foundation School in district Bakan
- 100 Friends School in district O Ya Dav
- Adler Family School in district Lumphat
- Caramanico School in district Koun Mom
- Develo School No. One in district Andoung Meas
- Develo School No. Two in district Koan Mom
- Ezra Vogel School in district Banlung
- Gloria and Henry Jarecki Special Skills School in district O Chum
- Hqs. Building/Library in district O Chum
- Mustafa Saeed Rahman School in district O Chum
- Jack and Helen King School in district Koun Mom
- Josef and Maria Baumann School in district Koun Mom
- Kamata Family School in district Kaun Mom
- Keizo School in district Bar Keo
- Mary Huston Schuyler School in district Bar Keo
- Miki Group Cattleya School in district Lumphat
- Morris and Phyllis Gold School in district O Chum
- Mr. and Mrs. Sak Nhep School in district Lum Phat
- Nicholas and Zachary Poor School in district Koan Mom
- Nicholas Palevsky School in district Koan Mom
- Patrick and Jackie Donnelly School in district Bo Keov
- Preap Sar (Dove) School in district O Chum
- Rainbow School in district Lumphat
- Ruth G. Kimball School in district O Chum
- Sapporo Acasia Lions Club School in district Koan Mom
- Sean McDonald School in district O’Ya daov
- Sophie A. Krasowski School in district O Ya Dav
- Star Fire Flower Foundation School in district Voeunsai
- Wendy Stedman Banbury School in district Voeun Sai
- Alkire Family School in district O Chum
- Honolulu-Pusan-Shimbashi-Taipei Rotary Clubs School in district Ban Lung
- World Mate School Number Eight in district Kon Mom
- World Mate School Number Seven in district Bo Keo
Siem Reap
- Aeon Bougainvillea School in district Sotr Nikum
- Aeon Delonix School in district Sotr Nikum
- Aeon Jackfruit School in district Pourk
- Aeon Jasminum School in district Chi Kreng
- Aeon Lime School in district Chi Kreng
- Aeon Lychee School in district Chi Kreng
- Aeon Mango School in district Pourk
- Aeon Orange School in district Chi Kreng
- Aeon Papaya School in district Chi Kreng
- Aeon Rain Tree School in district Sotr Nikum
- Andrea School in district Saut Nikum
- ASIJ School in district Svay Leu
- Bob and Ruth Shapiro School in district Prasat Bakong
- Brigitte and Michael Rennie School in district Kralanh
- Butterfly Effect School in district Srey Snom
- Chippewa School in district Angkor Chum
- Chop KDDI School in district Siem Reap
- Engelstoft Family and Friends School in district Soutr Nikom
- Engelstoft Family School in district Pouk
- Hikari School in district Kralanh
- International School of Siem Reap in Siem Reap
- Royal American International School in Siem Reap
- Keishi Hasegawa School in district Chikreng
- Kimino Yume Mezaseba Kanau School in district Varin
- Meyers Family School in district Chikreng
- Mirai Step School in district Srey Snom
- Miss Kayoko Higuchi School in district Saut Nikum
- Monique Brousseau School in district Chikreng
- Nozomi School in district Saut
- Oneness-Family School in district Banteay Srey
- PEPY Ride School in district Kralanh
- PPSEAWA Hawaii Cambodia School in district Sotr Nikom
- Princess 1 School in district Saut Nikum
- Princess 1 School in district Saut Nikum
- Princess 2 School in district Banteay Srey
- Pulliam-Ar-Lao-Shuford (P.A.L.S) School in district Kralanh
- R.S. Rosenfeld School in district Banteay Srey
- Region Rejser School 3 in district Kralanh
- Reiko and Seiichi Kanise School in district Angkor Chum
- Rev. Kenneth Shull School in district Pouk
- Sage Insights School in district Pouk
- Scrum School in district Angkor Chum
- Seng Kheang School in district Siem Reap
- Stefan Ellis School in district Siem Reap
- Tatsuo Maruyama School in district Cheykreng
- Vineyard School in district Siem Reap
- Wartell/Salomon School in district Chikreng
- World Mate School Number Nine in district Srey Snam
- Bangkok Airways School in district Prey Noup
- Dorothy and Saul Katz School in district Prey Nob
- Kome Hyappyo (100 Sacks of Rice) School No. Two in district Prey Nob
- Morota and Sato School in district Prey Noup
- Nowlen Family School One in district Prey Nob
- Puerto Rico School in district Prey Noup
- Region Rejser School No. 1 in district Prey Noup
- Rotary Centennial School No. 1 in district Prey Noup
- Rotary Centennial School No. 2 in district Prey Noup
- Seattle-Sihanoukville Friendship School in district Prey Nob
- Taiko Iwase School in district Khan Prey Nup
Stung Treng
- Stung Treng School in district Stung Treng
- Calean Maria School in district Siem Book
- Elizabeth A. Ross School in district Stung Treng
- Fred White Memorial School in district Sesan
- IROHA School in district Thala Barivat
- Lyhou School in district Thala Barivat
- O Meah School in district Siem Book
- PEPY Friends School in district Siem Bouk
- Siem Bok Nippon Foundation School in district Siem Bok
- Thelma F. Raffensperger School in district Sesan
Svay Rieng
- Akiko Okayama School in district Kampong
- Chhleu Teal KDDI School in district Svay Chrom
- Eugene Katz School in district Svay Theab
- Hun Sen Prasot School in district Svay Teab
- Svay Rieng School in district Svay Rieng
- Hawaii Ohana School in district Svay Chrom
- JC Hosken School of Peace in district Rumduol
- Kikkoman School in district Svay Chrom
- Osamu and Noriko Sugita School in district Romeas Hek
- Other Guys School in district Romeas Heik
- Rachel Trout and Emma Tate School in district Romeas Heik
- Sophy Joy Berry and Mark Sopha Berry School in district Romdoul
- Yoon Soon Jung School in district Chantrear
Name | Location |
Aileen Brandt School | Bati District |
Rita Hochhauser School | Bati District |
Snyder Family School | Bati District |
Yeam Khao KDDI School | Bati District |
Wahrenbrock Family School | Kaoh Andaet District |
Green Family School | Kiri Vong District |
Michael and Gail Yanney School | Kiri Vong District |
Because of Christ Academy]] | Prey Kabbas District |
Bernie Krisher School 2 | Prey Kabbas District |
Blue Jay School | Samraŏng District |
Frances Fong Wong School | Tram Kak District |
Marais Family School | Tram Kak District |
Moeung Char Nippon Foundation School | Tram Kak District |
Therese The Little Flower School | Tram Kak District |
Tith Mom School | Tram Kak District |
Vasaskolan School | Tram Kak District |
Aquas School | Treang District |
Hazel Abell Stone School | Treang District |
Prey Pdao Nippon Foundation School | Treang District |
Sok An Prey Sandek High School | Treang District |
Tye Family School | Treang District |
Uddar Meanchey
- O Koki Kandal School in district Anlong Veng
- Alex and Lily Talarico School in district Samrong
- Charles B. Wang – Computer Associates School No. One in district Samrong
- Charles B. Wang – Computer Associates School No. Two in district Samrong
- Chhe Teal Chrum Nippon Foundation School in district Anlong Veng
- Ta Dav Nippon Foundation School in district Anlong Veng
- Trabek Nippon Foundation School in district Samrong
- World Mate School Number Four in district Samrong
- World Mate School Number Six in district Anlong Veng
See also
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